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A. Pre Planning
1. North Carolina Science Essential Standards:

7.P.1 Understand motion, the effects of forces on motion and the
graphical representations of motion.
7.P.2 Understand forms of energy, energy transfer and transformation
and conservation in mechanical systems.
2. Goal: Students will design and build a catapult to launch marshmallows or some
other light weight item various distances and accuracy.

3. Evaluation: Students will have successfully designed and made a catapult.

4. Resources and Materials: Per group or individual

plastic spoons
rubber bands
duct tape
craft sticks
brass fasteners
mini marshmallows
toilet paper or paper towel tubes
cardboard base (chipboard, shoebox, tissue box, cereal box, milk
carton, etc.)
target (trash bin, for example)
meter stick (optional for Dig Deeper activity at bottom of page)

5. Key Terms:
Kinetic energy: energy an object has due to its motion
Potential energy: energy an object has in its resting position; stored energy
that transforms to kinetic energy
Lever: a rigid bar resting on a pivot, used to help move a heavy or firmly
fixed load with one end when pressure is applied to the other
Inclined plane: tilted surface

B. Implementation:
1. Tell students that today, we will be building a catapult. Shows students the picture
provided below. Tell students they are free to build this one or they can create their

C. Going further:
1. Once students have completed the first task, they can start seeing how far and
accurate they can get the objects to fly. They can also start launching heavier
items. See if they can create one that can accurately launch multiple

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