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Saturday October 29, 2011

Dear Students:
You have been assigned a task. Your task is to design a trip for 1 person to Orlando, FL.
Your group will consist of 3 people (a Transportation Specialist, a Concierge, and a Tour Guide).
The Transportation Specialist will be responsible for selecting the form of transportation.
The Concierge will be responsible for selecting the hotel and restaurants you will be using.
The Tour Guide will be responsible for selecting what attractions you will be going to.
You will use this packet to record your brainstorming ideas, make your calculations and complete the filled-out worksheets
which will be handed out to the class during your presentation. Books will be provided and the websites you may use will be
on my website ( If there are other websites you think are helpful ensure they are credible sites to be
used before you use them. You will need to cite your sources for all information used in the project/presentation.
Yes, after you have gathered all your information from each person in your group, you will all become Travel Agents.
Your new role will be to develop a presentation to show the class what you have worked so hard on.
You will create a multimedia presentation which can include a PowerPoint, poster boards, video clips, or any other vis-
ual aids which add to your presentation.
You will be graded based on the rubrics provided at the end of this packet.
The Catch: You will only be given $3,000
$400 For Transportation / $1,500 For Hotel / $500 For Food / $600 For Attractions
Anything else you feel you want in your trip needs to be paid out of your full amount of money given ($3,000); so you
will need to make some sacrifices (i.e. you may have to get a cheaper hotel if you want a rental car or if you want to
go to more places). Those sacrifices need to be agreed on by the whole group since money will come out of someone in
your groups budget.
A special prize will be given for the group that creates the best trip (Will be voted on by the class!)

Good Luck and I Look Forward To Seeing You Soon,
Mr. Walter Elias Disney
Airlines Bus Companies Train Companies Hotels Restaurants Attractions

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Airline Name

Length of Flight

Total Miles Traveled

Going There
Departure Time

Going There
Arrival Time

Coming Back
Departure Time

Coming Back
Arrival Time

Cost of Trip

Additional Cost for Baggage?
Yes or No
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Bus Company Name

Length of Trip

Total Miles Traveled

Going There
Departure Time

Going There
Arrival Time

Coming Back
Departure Time

Coming Back
Arrival Time

Cost of Trip

Additional Cost for Baggage?
Yes or No
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Train Company Name

Length of Trip

Total Miles Traveled

Going There
Departure Time

Going There
Arrival Time

Coming Back
Departure Time

Coming Back
Arrival Time

Cost of Trip

Additional Cost for Baggage?
Yes or No
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Type of Car

Length of Drive (Hrs./Min.)

Total Miles Traveled

Going There
Departure Time

Going There
Arrival Time

Coming Back
Departure Time

Coming Back
Arrival Time

Gallons of Gas Needed For
the Trip

Cost of Trip
Gas: _____________________________
Food: ____________________________
Hotel: ____________________________
Gas: _____________________________
Food: ____________________________
Hotel: ____________________________
Gas: _____________________________
Food: ____________________________
Hotel: ____________________________
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Hotel/Motel Name

# of Nights
6 Days 6 Days 6 Days
Check In Date

Check Out Date

Type of Room

Restaurant On Site?
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
Free Shuttle Service?
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
Free Breakfast?
Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No
Total Cost of Stay

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Attraction Cost For Attraction
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
To From
Date of Trip
Category Total Cost
Complete Trip Cost
Category Company
Food See Next Page
Attractions See Next Page
Departure Date
Departure Time

Layover? Yes / No
If LayoverWhere?
Return Date
Return Time

Layover? Yes / No
If LayoverWhere?
Day 1Breakfast
Day 1Lunch
Day 1Dinner
Day 2Breakfast
Day 2Lunch
Day 2Dinner
Day 3Breakfast
Day 3Lunch
Day 3Dinner
Day 4Breakfast
Day 4Lunch
Day 4Dinner
Day 5Breakfast
Day 5Lunch
Day 5Dinner
Day 6Breakfast
Day 6Lunch
Day 6Dinner
Day 7Breakfast
Day 7Lunch
Day 7Dinner
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
1 2 3 4 Total Points Given
Selected no effective key-
words to use in the brain-
storming chart.
Selected some keywords
that were not effective in
the brainstorming chart.
Selected mostly effective
keywords to use in the
brainstorming chart.
Brainstormed keywords,
categories and related
terms that were effective
in researching the topic.
_____ / 4
Extracted irrelevant infor-
Extracted a lot of informa-
tion which was not relevant.
Extracted mostly relevant
Extracted relevant infor-
_____ / 4
Selection of
Identified no appropriate
sources in any format
(books. Electronic sources,
Identified a few appropri-
ate sources but made little
attempt to balance format
types (books. Electronic
sources, etc.).
Identified mostly appropri-
ate sources in a variety of
formats (books. Electronic
sources, etc.).
Identified highly appropri-
ate sources in a variety of
formats (i.e. books, elec-
tronic sources, etc.).
_____ / 4
Completion Of All
None of the worksheets
filled in.
Less than 50% of the work-
sheets filled in.
More than 50% of the
worksheets filled in, but
not complete.
Completely filled in work-
_____ / 4
Citing Sources
Created citations which
were incomplete or inaccu-
rate, and provided no way
to check the validity of the
information gathered.
Cited most sources of in-
formation improperly and
provided little or no sup-
porting documentation to
check accuracy.
Cited most sources of in-
formation in proper format
and documented sources to
enable accuracy checking.
Cited all sources of infor-
mation accurately to dem-
onstrate the credibility and
authority of the informa-
tion presented.
_____ / 4
Ethics Of
Failed to use information
Failed to use information
ethically some of the time.
Used information ethically
most of the time.
Used information ethically
all of the time.
_____ / 4
_____ / 24
_____% _____
1 2 3 4 Total Points Given
Audience cannot under-
stand presentation because
there is no sequence of
Audience has difficulty
following presentation be-
cause group jumps around.
Group presents information
in logical sequence which
audience can follow.
Group presents information
in logical, interesting se-
quence which audience can
_____ / 4
Subject Knowledge
Group does not have grasp
of information; group can-
not answer questions about
Group is uncomfortable
with information and is able
to answer only rudimentary
Group is at ease with ex-
pected answers to all ques-
tions, but fails to elabo-
Group demonstrates full
knowledge (more than re-
quired) by answering all
class questions with expla-
nations and elaboration.
_____ / 4
Group uses unnecessary
graphics of no graphics.
Groups occasionally uses
graphics that rarely sup-
port text and presentation.
Groups graphics relate to
text and presentation.
Groups graphics explain
and reinforce screen text
and presentation.
_____ / 4
Groups presentation has
four or more spelling er-
rors and/or grammatical
Presentation has three mis-
spellings and/or grammati-
cal errors.
Presentation has no more
than two misspellings and/
or grammatical errors.
Presentation has no mis-
spellings or grammatical
_____ / 4
Eye Contact
Group reads all of presen-
tation with no eye contact.
Group occasionally uses eye
contact, by still reads most
of presentation.
Group maintains eye con-
tact most of the time but
frequently returns to their
Group maintains eye con-
tact with audience, seldom
returns to their notes.
_____ / 4
Group mumbles, incorrectly
pronounces terms, and
speaks too quietly for stu-
dents in the back of the
class to hear.
Groups voice is low. Group
incorrectly pronounces
terms. Audience members
have difficulty hearing
Groups voice is clear.
Group pronounces most
words correctly. Most audi-
ence members can hear
Group uses a clear voice
and correct, precise pro-
nunciation of terms so that
all audience members can
hear presentation.
_____ / 4
_____ / 24
_____% _____

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