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6/18/14 2:26 PM Neutro Guideline for HSCT - Heinke, Pamela S

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Pl 8arb & Clen,
Pere ls Lhe guldellne for neuLro/lmmuno PSC1 paLlenLs. l Look ouL all of Lhe Solld 1umor sLuff (l Lhlnk).
uo you wanL Lo meeL aL 7 am on May 12Lh Lo flnallze?
8arb - 1he plvoL area ls whaL Lhey call Lhe new Lu Lrlage area (Lhe Lu LducaLor puL lL ln LhaL way so l Lhlnk lL's
ok!) and l don'L know Lrln SLohner's LlLle? l'm assumlng she ls Lhe educaLor over ln C and a nurse. buL have
no ldea.
Clen- l don'L know ur. SmlLh's LlLles elLher. uo you guys mlnd checklng LhaL l added Lhem correcLy?
l sLlll have Lo look up and make sure LhaL Lhere ls a ollcy and rocedure for Lhe referenced relaLed pollcles so
wlll have Lo do LhaL on Sunday when l work.
1hanks agaln for your help,
Pamela Heinke RN, BSN, OCN
Permanent Charge Nurse
Bone Marrow Transplant & Oncology Units
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