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6/18/14 2:33 PM Re: Email to Kathleen - Heinke, Pamela S

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8arb- Pere ls whaL l'm Lhlnklng. 1houghLs?
1o Whom lL May Concern,
My name ls amela Pelnke and l am a 8n worklng on my credenLlallng pro[ecL Lo a 8n Level lll. l
am worklng closely wlLh 8arb Wenger and Clen eLerson on maklng separaLe guldellnes for our
PSC1 paLlenLs for neuLropenla. l would llke Lo submlL Lhls guldellne for revlew Lo Lhe
subcommlLLee. We are flnallzlng Lhls over Lhe nexL few weeks and wlll be ready Lo submlL for
revlew on May 21, 2014 lf posslble.
1hanks for your conslderaLlon,
amela Pelnke 8n, 8Sn, CCn
ermanenL Charge nurse
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6/18/14 2:33 PM Re: Email to Kathleen - Heinke, Pamela S
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8one Marrow 1ransplanL & Cncology unlLs

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