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Check one: X Origin! U"#$% In&%'$ig$i(n Wn$%#
Date/Time: June 17, 2014 Release Prepared By: S. Crumley
Distriuted: X !es "# / Distriuted y:
Type #$ %n&ident: In#((r Mri)*n +r(, H(*'%
Date and Time #$ %n&ident: June 1', 2014
(#&ati#n: 205 Doak Street, Thomasville
On June 17, 2014, the Special Operations Division of the Thomasville Police Department
assiste !" #orth $arolina %lcohol &a' (nforcement Division an )omelan Securit"
*nvesti+ations e,ecute a search 'arrant at 205 Doak Street, Thomasville-
Officers foun an ela!orate, inoor +ro' la! 'hich 'as proucin+ a lar+e amount of mari.uana-
Police sei/e cocaine, heroin an over five pouns of mari.uana from the location !ein+
searche- Officers estimate the value of the 0ari.uana to !e in e,cess of 110,000
The resient of the house, Daniel #athan )alker 'as char+e 'ith the follo'in+ criminal
Possession of Heroin
Possession of Cocaine
Possession of Marijuana
Manufacture Marijuana
Possession with intent to manufacture, sell and deliver marij uana
Maintai n a dwelling to keep control led substances
Possession of drug paraphernali a
)alker 'as place in the Davison $ount" Jail uner a 1100,000 secure !on, 'ith a penin+
court ate in Thomasville-
This investi+ation stemme from complaints of ille+al activit" occurrin+ at the location from
citi/ens of the communit"-
Thomasville Police Department $hief Jeff *nsle" sai this 'as a team effort 'ith cooperation
involvin+ multiple a+encies an it 'as al'a"s a +reat !enefit to the communit" to +et a ma.or
ru+ ealer off our streets-
P(!i-% D%"r$.%n$ C(n$-$/'0
"ame: )endell *m#s P+#ne
"ame: P+#ne
Cri.%'$(""%r'1 $ 423454221 "6' -'7 r%,r#' 8(r in8(r.$i(n $7$ !%#' $( rr%'$'1 '%i9*r%'1 (r $7% '(!*$i(n'
$( '%ri(*' *n'(!&%# -ri.%': C!!%r' n(n6.(*' n# r%-%i&% r%,r#' *" $( ;11000.
Daniel "at+an /al0er
D1B: 4/22/77

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