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What Is life worth?

Jacob Self
Jillian Morrin
Planned Parenthood has received $542 million from
tax payers in 2011 performing 333,964 abortions.
Abortion is wrong because of:
Religious beliefs
Law reform
Women and children of all ages are kidnapped and
forced to work as sex slaves.
They are raped and assaulted by their pimp and
forced to make money for them.
Forced to abort?
As more sex slaves get raped, the more likely they
are to get pregnant.
These pregnancies are then terminated by being
forced to abort.
Pimps will not release the pregnant girls, they will
beat the womens stomachs and kill their unborn

Legalized abortion
Abortion should be legal for
Rape victims
Health for the mother

Rape victims
Rape victims who get pregnant from the rape feel
obligated to terminate the pregnancy for the sake of
themselves and the baby.
They feel like they have no way to provide for the
child and they have no way to live with the fact that
this baby was made from a rapist.
Health of mother
They abort because of their mental and physical
Miscarriage and abortion
Possibility of not having kids

Mental health
Women abort because they were forced to
They have to live with knowing that they murdered
They would not want to get rid of their child

Abortion is not the only way to prevent you from
caring for a child
Adoption allows you to get rid of the baby after
he/shes been born
Adoption allows you to give your baby a better life
than what you could provide for them


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