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Ive been running into Haitians quite a bit this year, 2008.

First, in February I met Elie, who is a young

Haitian-Amerian woman !2",2#$. %he grew u& in 'ew (ersey an) now lives in Fre)eri*sburg an) is a
+rien) o+ one o+ my best +rien)s, ,an)y -ithell. .hih *in) o+ ma*es her my +rien) as well. /hen a
ou&le o+ wee*s later, I met Abema, who is a +ellow 012 stu)ent. He has a thi* Haitian aent. He
stutters, but he is ool. /hen in -arh while in 'orthern 0irginia, I met Alie (ose&h, who ha) 3ust ome
into our 'orth %&ring+iel) ongregation a+ter having move) +rom 4eorgia. %he is a very attrative woman
in her late "0s or early #0s. %hes *in) o+ tall, hair )ye) brown. %he has a beauti+ul voie as well, along
with a beauti+ul aent. /hen I ran into (ohn 5ierre on Fri)ay, %e&tember 67, who is a seurity guar) at
.ahovia. -aybe, sometime soon I might get &itures o+ these &eo&le.8ut +or now I will 3ust &ut u&
&itures o+ ran)om Haitians. Ive met a number o+ Haitians in &ast years as well. /here is one girl name)
/aneesha ,outier, who I atten)e) elementary, mi))le, an) high shool with. I remember her )a) as well.
9uring my s&ring brea* in 2006, as we were oming ba* +rom a tri& to 8ethel an) 5atterson, we sto&&e)
at a big mall in 'ew (ersey in a 19 store I ran into a guy who saw me with a 8ob -arley 19. He sai) that
8ob -arley was A+rian! whih I )ont quite get why he sai) that$, I 3ust stare) at him +or a ou&le o+
seon)s, an) then he sai) something something about Haiti. I as*e) where he was +rom, an) he sai) Haiti.
/he year be+ore in the summer o+ 2000, while visiting 'ew :or* with my brother, we went an) got our
hairuts at a Haitian barbersho&. (anuary 2060; I reently +oun) out that a guy name) 1hris <no=, who I
atten)e) >
gra)e with, is o+ Haitian ba*groun). I +oun) him on +aeboo*.
Beautiful Haitian woman
Haitian girls standing here just posing I guess

Haitian woman that lives in the 2.%. .

Woman in Gonaives, waiting to receive aid distribution. (July 6, 2009)
Migrant workers sitting outside their communal residences. A lot of hard physical labor and dirty
work they have to perform, but hey, someone has to do it.

oliceman doing his duty of protecting the citi!ens and keeping order. "an be a formidable job at
times. But, again, someone has to do it. And they are glad to do it.

Mother and daughter
Young mother with her child.

Waitress at Haitian restaurant in South Beach, Miami,

Woman at pool hall

El)erly gentleman
Beautiful-looking family. This is one of the results that came up when typed in !Haitian". #ow, either they li$e
in the %.S. or &urope, or they are li$ing really well in Haiti.
Another beauti+ul +amily.
Another +amily
Women co$er their noses from smell of after-effects of earth'uake.
Haitian woman $oting in early ())*.

This is the actual Haitian president right here. Mr. +ene ,re$al.
-anuary ().)/ Haiti has 0een hit 0y a de$astating 1.)
magnitude earth'uake. The 0iggest that has e$er hit it in
()) years. 2,))) people were killed. Happily, Haiti has
recei$ed so much aid and help from countries around the
world. ,eople are still 0eing found that had 0een trapped
under 0uildings. 3 lot of food and material aid is 0eing
transferred around.
Wow, this is 'uite different. 4ellphone charging.
Tent camps where people are staying.
Haitians lining up at money transfer store to collect financial help from family a0road.
Man(only see his hand at right side of picture) flirting with a young woman
3id workers waiting at airport to go 0ack to their homes.

5f course, not to mention, Wyclef -ean6 3n incredi0le artist and musician, that was mostly raised in the %.S. He
was gonna run for president of Haiti 0ut it didn7t pan out.
.yle+ (ean

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