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I. Objectives/Key Messages:
To strengthen and expand the reach of community theaters in the
To document and te the story of Teatro Kabataan
To inspire others to set up community theaters
To support the gro!th of artistic and technica taents in the
To document the !or" of TK as an inspiration and too for heping
other individuas and groups to set up community theaters
II. #udience
$utura offices of oca governments
Patrons of arts and cuture
%xisting community theater groups
Individuas and groups interested in setting up a community theater
III. &ocumentary Outine
#. 'or"ing tite: T%#T(O K#)#T##*+ T%#T(O KOM,*I&#&
). -ubtite: The story of Teatro Kabataan: Inspiring community
$. $hapters: ./0 1istory of community theater in the Phiippines
.20 The Teatro Kabataan story .in three parts: TK
$abrini+ T3/+ and TK Maoos0
.40 -etting up
.a0 5orming a theater company
.b0 $hoosing and preparing the venue
.c0 $ommunity reations and support
.60 Producing a pay
.a0 #rtistic .pay!right+ director+ assistant director+
.b0 Technica .staging0
.c0 Management .financia+ community reations0
.70 #nnexes
.a0 Pays
.b0 Technica designs .ights+ sounds+ stage+
costume+ props0
.c0 &irector notes
.d0 #cting principes
.e0 Ma"e8up
I9. 'or" pan
#. &ocumentary team / roes .Pubisher/Producer+ %ditor+ (esearcher+
%ditor+ Production #ssistant+ :raphic &esigner0
). Timeine
./0 5unding/financia commitment
.20 %ditoria deveopment
.40 ;ayout
.60 Pubication
.70 &issemination .incuding Pubicity0

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