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End Of Year Project

Journey in science class

During the school year weve learned lots of
things. We learned scale of the universe,
Newtons laws of motion, and we learned
about how sound works. I also learned about
how the laws our universe obeys and how to
observe, analyze, and understand our physical
world. This means like how the world is seen
through the world of science.
Scale of the universe
This specific assignment was to shrink the
planets as of it was on my paper. In this
picture displayed these were kind of my
calculations. Mine were probably off by a little
Newtons Laws of Motion
There are three laws of motion.
The first law is an object at rest stays at rest, and an
object in motion stays in motion.
-In the same speed or direction-
Unless acted on by an unbalanced force.
The second law is F=M*A
Which means: Acceleration is used when a force acts
on a mass. The greater the mass of the object being
accelerated ,the greater the amount of force needed
to accelerate the object.
The third law is is for every action there is an
equal opposite reaction.
Which means: For every force there is a equal force in
size, but opposite in direction. That says that
whenever an object pushes another object it gets
pushed back in the opposite direction equally hard.

Sound is a wave that results from the vibration of particles in a
Everyone learned different mini topics about sound. Such as loss of
hearing as you age, how our voice works, and what is the cause of
losing your voice.
Losing hearing as you age: This happens because it is caused by
presbycusis. Tiny hair cells inside your inner ear help you hear. They
pick up sound waves and change them into signals that the brain
interpret sound. Hearing loss occurs when the tiny hair cells are
damaged or die.
Voice works: Our voice works because of our vocal cords. They
stretch to make vibrations. And in order to make SOUND you need
the vibration particles.
Losing your voice: Is caused by the vibrator. This means that they
vibrator is strained.

This concludes this project!!!

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