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ClLsakl, C., 8obby, M.A., rlesL, 1., Pamdan, k. & 8en-Chabane, ?. (2013).

A research agenda for Lhe uAL lad

lnlLlaLlve. "#$%&'&( $&) *#$+,'&( '& -'(,#% .)/+$0'1&2 3/45 6#%78#+0'9#7, :;(2). hLLp:// 1

A research agenda for the UAE iPad Initiative
Christina Gitsaki & Matthew A. Robby
Plgher Colleges of 1echnology, uAL
Troy Priest
Zayed unlverslLy, uAL
Khaled Hamdan & Yazid Ben-Chabane
unlLed Arab LmlraLes unlverslLy, uAL

Learners Loday have dlrecL access Lo lnformaLlon Lhrough Lechnology and Lhe lnLerneL, Lhey manage
Lhelr own learnlng ln lnformal seLLlngs, and Lhey have progressed beyond belng consumers of conLenL Lo
become producers and publlshers. 1radlLlonal Leachlng and learnlng meLhods are becomlng less
effecLlve aL engaglng sLudenLs and moLlvaLlng Lhem Lo achleve. Moblle Learnlng and lLs appllcaLlons
have been uLlllzed wldely ln Lhe fleld of educaLlon, however, a recenL unLSCC reporL on Moblle
Learnlng ln Afrlca and Lhe Mlddle LasL (AML) acknowledged Lhe dearLh of evldence-based research and
Lhe llmlLed credlblllLy and LrusLworLhlness of avallable lnformaLlon on moblle learnlng ln Lhe AML
reglon" whlle lL recommended case-bulldlng and evldence-developmenL on moblle learnlng ln supporL
of Leachers, Leachlng and Leacher developmenL" (lsaacs, 2012, p.7). new and lnnovaLlve meLhods of
learnlng Lhrough use of LableLs are creaLlng a new model of Leachlng and learnlng LhaL can occur
anyLlme, anywhere and aL Lhe sLudenL's pace (!oshl, 2012). 1o lmprove learnlng wlLh moblle Lechnology
new pedagogles need Lo be lmplemenLed, from Lhe lnqulry-based model Lo Lhe challenge-based and Lhe
pro[ecL-based model, Lo lnLeresL-based learnlng and an open conLenL model as sLudenLs Lake academlc
and clLlzen responslblllLles Lo deflne Lhelr fuLure learnlng lnLeresL and lmprove llfelong skllls. 1hls paper
ouLllnes a recenL large scale moblle learnlng lnlLlaLlve ln Lhe unlLed Arab LmlraLes (uAL), lnvolvlng over
14,000 posL-secondary sLudenLs and faculLy ln Lhree hlgher educaLlon lnsLlLuLlons. 1he followlng
secLlons presenL Lhe conLexL of Lhe lnlLlaLlve and lLs research lmpllcaLlons for each of Lhe Lhree
ln Aprll 2012, Lhe declslon was Laken by Lhe uAL MlnlsLry of Plgher LducaLlon Lo equlp all faculLy and
sLudenLs ln Lhe loundaLlon programs of Lhe Lhree lederal lnsLlLuLlons, l.e. Lhe Plgher Colleges of
1echnology (PC1), Zayed unlverslLy (Zu), and Lhe unlLed Arab LmlraLes unlverslLy (uALu), wlLh lads for
Lhe academlc year sLarLlng ln SepLember 2012. 1he loundaLlon program aL each lnsLlLuLlon alms Lo
prepare hlgh school graduaLes wlLh Lhe necessary academlc skllls for undergraduaLe sLudy (lncludlng
Lngllsh language proflclency, l1 skllls, research skllls, llbrary skllls, sLudy skllls). A naLlonal SLeerlng
CommlLLee was assembled wlLh represenLaLlves from Lhe Lhree lnsLlLuLlons and Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe
lad lnlLlaLlve were ouLllned as follows:
Achleve lndlvlduallzed sLudenL learnlng conslsLenL wlLh 'osL-C Lra' Lrends.
ClLsakl, C., 8obby, M.A., rlesL, 1., Pamdan, k. & 8en-Chabane, ?. (2013). A research agenda for Lhe uAL lad
lnlLlaLlve. "#$%&'&( $&) *#$+,'&( '& -'(,#% .)/+$0'1&2 3/45 6#%78#+0'9#7, :;(2). hLLp:// 2

lnLroduce challenge-based learnlng or oLher progresslve classroom pedagogy.
lncrease sLudenL parLlclpaLlon and moLlvaLlon.
Lnhance opporLunlLles for cross-lnsLlLuLlonal collaboraLlon beLween faculLy members.
lncrease faculLy collaboraLlon Lhrough cross-lnsLlLuLlonal reposlLorles of learnlng ob[ecLs.
laclllLaLe Lhe mlgraLlon Lo e-books.
Lmpower faculLy Lo engage sLudenLs ln auLhenLlc, endurlng learnlng opporLunlLles.
CreaLe pracLlce-ready sLudenLs who wlll lead Lhelr organlzaLlons lnLo a posL-C era.
Model 21sL CenLury Learnlng by lnLegraLlng relevanL emerglng Lechnology ln and beyond Lhe
(Cochran eL al., 2012, p.1)
1he uAL lad lnlLlaLlve meanL LhaL Lhe naLlonwlde launch of over 14,000 lads was unlque by all
accounLs for any naLlon around Lhe world and lLs lmpllcaLlons for Lhe educaLlon of LmlraLl posL-
secondary sLudenLs were expecLed Lo be far reachlng. AL Lhe sLarL of Lhe pro[ecL, Lhe SLeerlng
CommlLLee launched a collaboraLlve webslLe, '8$)<,+0<$+<$#= developed lnlLlally by PC1 and laLer on
badged as Lhe one-sLop shop for sharlng learnlng Lools. 1he alm of Lhe webslLe was Lo enable faculLy Lo
locaLe effecLlve lad apps or learnlng ob[ecLs allgned wlLh Lhe currlculum, as well as Lo posL Leachlng and
learnlng maLerlals on Lhe shared porLal along wlLh speclflc lnformaLlon regardlng Lhe uLlllLy and
relevance of speclflc apps (Cochran eL al., 2012). 1he 2012-13 academlc year was declared by Lhe
SLeerlng CommlLLee a perlod of LesLlng and lnnovaLlon ln whlch Lhe full range of opLlons and Lools wlll
be explored" (Cochran eL al., 2012, p.3), whlle Lhe Lhree lnsLlLuLlons were encouraged Lo move
educaLlon lnLo Lhe moblle learnlng era, Lo 'dlsrupL' LradlLlonal noLlons of Leachlng and learnlng and allgn
Lhese wlLh Lhe needs of young 21sL cenLury learners. 1he followlng secLlons presenL Lhe lmplemenLaLlon
of Lhe lad lnlLlaLlve ln each of Lhe Lhree lnsLlLuLlons and Lhelr research agendas for lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe
lmpacL of Lhe use of moblle Lechnology on Leachlng and learnlng.
Case study 1: The Higher Colleges of Technology
1he Plgher Colleges of 1echnology (PC1) are Lhe largesL of Lhe Lhree lederal Plgher LducaLlon
lnsLlLuLlons ln Lhe uAL and comprlse 17 campuses across seven emlraLes. 1he lad lnlLlaLlve lnvolved
6,172 sLudenLs and 328 Leachers ln Lhe loundaLlon program. rlor Lo Lhe sLarL of Lhe semesLer, all
loundaLlon Leachers aLLended an lnLenslve professlonal developmenL program beLween May and
AugusL 2012 ln preparaLlon for Lhe use of lads ln Lhe classroom from SepLember 9
, 2012. ln order Lo
monlLor and evaluaLe Lhe lad lnlLlaLlve lmplemenLaLlon, a formaLlve applled research pro[ecL was
iPad project evaluation: aims and objectives
LffecLlve program evaluaLlon can be deflned by a number of sLandards, many of whlch should always be
consldered when performlng program evaluaLlons ln educaLlon: (a) /0'4'0> - evaluaLlons need Lo be
Llmely and lnfluenLlal and serve Lhe lnformaLlon needs of programs, (b) 5#$7'?'4'0> - evaluaLlons should
geL Lhe [ob done and be Lhorough, whlle belng efflclenL ln llmlLlng lmpacL on cosLs, Leachers, and
sLudenLs, (c) 8%18%'#0> - program evaluaLlons need Lo be conducLed eLhlcally, flndlngs musL follow from
Lhe evldence, and Lhey musL be honesL and unblased (l.e. daLa should noL be prlmarlly analyzed by Lhe
people responslble for ensurlng LhaL Lhe program ls a good one), (d) $++/%$+> - evaluaLlons need Lo
produce sound, preclse daLa, and ob[ecLlve lnformaLlon, (e) %#4#9$&+# - evaluaLlons need Lo provlde
ClLsakl, C., 8obby, M.A., rlesL, 1., Pamdan, k. & 8en-Chabane, ?. (2013). A research agenda for Lhe uAL lad
lnlLlaLlve. "#$%&'&( $&) *#$+,'&( '& -'(,#% .)/+$0'1&2 3/45 6#%78#+0'9#7, :;(2). hLLp:// 3

resulLs LhaL are helpful ln developlng and lmprovlng programs or ln beLLer undersLandlng program
effecLlveness (see 8ralnard, 1996, Chellmsky, 2007, Pealy, 2000, lsaac & Mlchael, 1997, ?arbrough eL al.,
LffecLlve program evaluaLlon ls based on careful deslgn, hypoLhesls developmenL, lnsLrumenL creaLlon,
approprlaLe sampllng, sysLemaLlc daLa collecLlon, and Lhe use of approprlaLe quanLlLaLlve and quallLaLlve
research meLhodologles Lo analyze daLa.
1he formaLlve applled research pro[ecL aL PC1 was an aLLempL Lo provlde sclenLlflcally-based research
and evldenced-based measures of Lhe exLenL Lo whlch Lhe lad lnlLlaLlve lmplemenLaLlon has achleved
Lhe goals ouLllned above, namely:
achleved lndlvlduallzed sLudenL learnlng conslsLenL wlLh 'osL-C Lra' Lrends,
lnLroduced progresslve classroom pedagogles Lo enhance sLudenL learnlng and achlevemenL of
hlgher sLandards of success,
empowered faculLy Lo engage sLudenLs ln auLhenLlc and endurlng learnlng opporLunlLles,
lncreased sLudenL parLlclpaLlon, engagemenL and moLlvaLlon ln Lhe learnlng process,
enhanced opporLunlLles for cross-lnsLlLuLlonal collaboraLlon beLween faculLy members Lhrough
cross-lnsLlLuLlonal reposlLorles of learnlng ob[ecLs,
faclllLaLed Lhe mlgraLlon of Lhe loundaLlon program Lo e-books and paperless resources,
creaLed sLudenLs hlghly proflclenL ln use of Lechnologlcal lnnovaLlons Lo effecLlvely lead Lhelr
organlzaLlons ln Lhe fuLure, and
promoLed 21sL CenLury Learnlng by lnLegraLlng relevanL emerglng Lechnology ln and beyond Lhe
Evaluation design
1he lad pro[ecL evaluaLlon deslgn followed quasl-experlmenLal research deslgns and uLlllzed rlgorous
and ob[ecLlve evldence-based procedures. 1hese lncluded Lhe use of mlxed meLhods, mulLlple
measures, LrlangulaLlon of resulLs, repllcaLlon acLlvlLles as parL of longlLudlnal research, and approprlaLe
deslgn and sLaLlsLlcal conLrols, as well as analyLlcal procedures such as descrlpLlve and lnferenLlal
Data collection instruments and procedures
1he pro[ecL evaluaLlon deslgn soughL Lo address quesLlons ln Lhree maln domalns: pedagogy, conLenL
and lnfrasLrucLure. A loglc model was developed lncludlng lnpuLs (resources), acLlvlLles (acLlons Lo affecL
change), and ouLpuLs (producLs of Lhe acLlvlLles), as well as shorL-Lerm, lnLermedlaLe, and long-Lerm
ouLcomes (see PoneycuL & kegler, 2010). 1he loglc model helped Lo clarlfy Lhe key componenLs of Lhe
program, lnLervenLlon, sLraLegles, or key pracLlce/ acLlvlLles, and helped Lo provlde a vlsual of Lhe
process of a program and clarlfy Lhe Lheory of acLlon as well as Lhe key performance lndlcaLors (see
llgure 1). As pro[ecL resulLs cannoL be accuraLely lnLerpreLed wlLhouL knowlng Lhe requlred deLalls of lLs
lmplemenLaLlon, supporLlng daLa from dlfferenL sources helped Lo ensure Lhe Lhoroughness and
accuracy of Lhe evaluaLlon (see lsaac & Mlchael, 1997, klng, Morrls, & llLz-Clbbon, 1987).

ClLsakl, C., 8obby, M.A., rlesL, 1., Pamdan, k. & 8en-Chabane, ?. (2013). A research agenda for Lhe uAL lad
lnlLlaLlve. "#$%&'&( $&) *#$+,'&( '& -'(,#% .)/+$0'1&2 3/45 6#%78#+0'9#7, :;(2). hLLp:// 4

!"#$%& () *+#", -+.&/ 01.123&. 4%+- 5+6&7,$3 8 9&#/&%: ;<(<=>
ln order Lo assess Lhe use of lads ln changlng pedagogy acLlvlLles and pracLlces, Lhe evaluaLlon pro[ecL
soughL Lo deflne and fully descrlbe Lhe slgnlflcanL componenLs and sLraLegles bullL lnLo Lhe key
appllcaLlons hypoLheslzed Lo produce changes ln sLudenL moLlvaLlon, Lngllsh language developmenL and
academlc skllls. 1he analysls correlaLed Lhe level of use of lads and speclflc appllcaLlons wlLh changes ln
sLudenLs' language developmenL and lmprovemenL of skllls such as readlng, wrlLlng, grammar, and
vocabulary. ln cases where dlfferenL Colleges were uslng dlfferenL seLs of lad appllcaLlons ln Lhelr
program, comparlsons were drawn beLween sLudenL groups and classrooms engaged ln Lhe use of Lhese
1he evaluaLlon also examlned Lhe lmpacL on raLes of progresslon ln Lhe loundaLlon program uslng
pre/posL assessmenL changes ln loundaLlon and PC1 progresslon formulas. 1hese resulLs were
dlsaggregaLed by level and group, conLrolllng for basellne varlablllLy, exLreme scores and LhreaLs Lo
lnLernal sLudy valldlLy.
ln order Lo examlne faculLy and sLudenL aLLlLudes Lowards Lhe use of Lhe lad for learnlng Lngllsh, Lhe
evaluaLlon used pre/posL sLudenL and faculLy survey lnsLrumenLs wlLh valld and rellable scales for
measurlng saLlsfacLlon, helpfulness and value of Lhe lad for enhanclng language developmenL. 1hese
surveys helped Lo lnvesLlgaLe changes ln sLudenL moLlvaLlon, aLLlLudes, self-efflcacy and level of
engagemenL ln College and ouL-of-class learnlng acLlvlLles.
Lesson observaLlons, process surveys, focus groups and lnLervlews wlLh Leachers helped monlLor
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe lad pro[ecL and ldenLlfy areas where modlflcaLlons could occur Lo lmprove and
ClLsakl, C., 8obby, M.A., rlesL, 1., Pamdan, k. & 8en-Chabane, ?. (2013). A research agenda for Lhe uAL lad
lnlLlaLlve. "#$%&'&( $&) *#$+,'&( '& -'(,#% .)/+$0'1&2 3/45 6#%78#+0'9#7, :;(2). hLLp:// 3

supporL dellvery of Lhe loundaLlon lad program. 1hese resulLs helped Lo reporL on Lhe lnlLlal lmpacL of
Lhe lad program and shape furLher developmenLs and lmprovemenLs ln Lhe use of Lhe lads.
1he daLa collecLlon procedures for Lhe lnlLlal program lmplemenLaLlon were drlven by clear research
quesLlons lncludlng Lhe followlng:
Pow much varlaLlon occurs from slLe Lo slLe ln Lhe use of speclflc appllcaLlons?
WhaL evldence ls Lhere LhaL Lhe lad ls belng fully lmplemenLed and lnLegraLed ln Leachlng and
Pow effecLlve are Lhe key appllcaLlons used for Leachlng and learnlng?
WhaL are Lhe besL pracLlces wlLhln PC1 ln Lhe use of lads?
Pas Lhe lad lnlLlaLlve been lmplemenLed aL every slLe as planned?
Pave some componenLs of Lhe plan been dropped or modlfled?
Pave cruclal acLlvlLles ln facL occurred as planned?
WhaL Lechnlques are used ln each College Lo monlLor or modlfy operaLlons?
WhaL plannlng or problem-solvlng meeLlngs occurred?
Pow do Lhe acLlvlLles flL Lhe pro[ecL goals and ob[ecLlves?
WhaL ls Lhe value of Lhe lnlLlal dellvery lnformaLlon/daLa belng provlded?
WhaL ls belng done Lo moLlvaLe sLudenL parLlclpaLlon and engagemenL?
WhaL do Lhe crlLlcal acLlvlLles of Lhe program look llke aL dlfferenL sLages of Lhe loundaLlon
Pow can Lhe program lmplemenLaLlon and lmpacL of appllcaLlon be lmproved?
ln order Lo deLecL follow up effecLs of Lhe program, a longlLudlnal approach Lo Lhe evaluaLlon of Lhe lad
program was developed and adopLed. 1able 1 ouLllnes Lhe key ob[ecLlves, quesLlons, daLa collecLlon
lnsLrumenLs and measures for Lhe evaluaLlon of Lhe lad lnlLlaLlve ln Lhe PC1 loundaLlons program.

ClLsakl, C., 8obby, M.A., rlesL, 1., Pamdan, k. & 8en-Chabane, ?. (2013). A research agenda for Lhe uAL lad
lnlLlaLlve. "#$%&'&( $&) *#$+,'&( '& -'(,#% .)/+$0'1&2 3/45 6#%78#+0'9#7, :;(2). hLLp:// 6

1ab|e 1: key ob[ect|ves |n the eva|uat|on of the nC1 |ad |mp|ementat|on (Ioundat|on program).

In-C|ass Leve| of Use of |ad to Lnhance Learn|ng
Lva|uat|on Cb[ect|ve Lva|uat|on uest|ons Instruments Measures
1o deLermlne Lhe self-
reporLed |eve| of use of the
|ad |n-c|ass and Co||ege
for |earn|ng Lng||sh.
WhaL ls Lhe level of use of Lhe lad ln class
and College for: (a) dolng Lngllsh readlng,
(b) Laklng noLes, (c) worklng on grammar,
(d) uslng new vocabulary, (e) researchlng
words, (f) pracLlclng wrlLlng, (g) pracLlclng
llsLenlng, (h) dolng presenLaLlons, (l)
lnLeracLlng wlLh classmaLes, and ([)
accesslng maLerlals?
1. SemesLer 1 & 2
SLudenL Surveys
2. valld and rellable
survey lLems and
1. Survey Measures and
scale scores
2. lrequencles
3. Craphs
4. earson CorrelaLlons, chl-
square and phl sLaLlsLlcs
3. AnCvA
6. Alpha 8ellablllLy
|ad and Cut of C|ass Learn|ng
Lva|uat|on Cb[ect|ve Lva|uat|on uest|ons Instruments Measures
1o deLermlne wheLher use
of Lhe lad ls assoclaLed
wlLh |mprov|ng out of c|ass
|earn|ng act|v|t|es.
ls Lhe use of Lhe lad and/or speclflc apps
assoclaLed wlLh changes, dlfferences,
and/or lncreases ln: (a) dolng Lngllsh
homework, (b) revlewlng Lngllsh lessons,
(c) revlewlng new vocabulary, (d) wrlLlng
pracLlce, and (e) accesslng learnlng
1. SemesLer 1 & 2
SLudenL Surveys
1. Survey measures and
scale scores
2. lrequencles
3. Craphs
4. earson correlaLlons, chl-
square and phl sLaLlsLlcs
3. AnCvA
6. Alpha 8ellablllLy
|ad Impact on Mot|vat|on and Lngagement to Study Lng||sh
Lva|uat|on Cb[ect|ve Lva|uat|on uest|ons Instruments Measures
1o deLermlne wheLher use
of Lhe lad ls assoclaLed
wlLh |mprov|ng student
|eve| of mot|vat|on and
engagement to study
ls Lhe use of Lhe lad and/or speclflc apps
assoclaLed wlLh changes, dlfferences,
and/or lncreases ln: (a) moLlvaLlon Lo learn
Lngllsh, (b) moLlvaLlon Lo aLLend class, (c)
sLudylng more, (d) lmprovlng sLudy skllls,
(e) managlng Llme, (f) lncreaslng
confldence Lo learn Lngllsh?
1. SemesLer 1 & 2
SLudenL Surveys
1. Survey Measures and
scale scores
2. lrequencles
3. Craphs
4. earson CorrelaLlons, chl-
square and phl sLaLlsLlcs
3. AnCvA
6. Alpha 8ellablllLy
ClLsakl, C., 8obby, M.A., rlesL, 1., Pamdan, k. & 8en-Chabane, ?. (2013). A research agenda for Lhe uAL lad
lnlLlaLlve. "#$%&'&( $&) *#$+,'&( '& -'(,#% .)/+$0'1&2 3/45 6#%78#+0'9#7, :;(2). hLLp:// 7

|ad Impact on Lng||sh Language Deve|opment & Study Sk|||s
Lva|uat|on Cb[ect|ve Lva|uat|on uest|ons Instruments Measures
1o deLermlne wheLher use
of Lhe lad ls assoclaLed
wlLh se|f-reported
|mprovements |n student
Lng||sh sk|||s.
ls Lhe use of Lhe lad and/or speclflc apps
assoclaLed wlLh changes, dlfferences,
and/or lmprovemenLs ln: (a) readlng, (b)
grammar skllls, (c) vocabulary skllls, (d)
llsLenlng skllls, (e) wrlLlng skllls?
1. SemesLer 1 & 2
SLudenL Surveys
1. Survey Measures and
scale scores
2. lrequencles
3. Craphs
4. earson CorrelaLlons, chl-
square and phl sLaLlsLlcs
3. AnCvA
1o deLermlne how use of
Lhe lad has pos|t|ve|y
|mpacted students' Lng||sh
|anguage |earn|ng.
Pas use of Lhe lad lncreased: (a) readlng
skllls, (b) llsLenlng skllls, (c) wrlLlng skllls,
(d) grammar skllls, (e) vocabulary skllls, (f)
expresslve language, and (g) engagemenL
ln lndependenL learnlng acLlvlLles?
1. SemesLer 1& 2
1eacher Surveys
1. Survey Measures and
scale scores
2. lrequencles
3. Craphs
4. earson CorrelaLlons, chl-
square and phl sLaLlsLlcs.
3. AnCvA
6. Alpha 8ellablllLy
1o deLermlne how use of
Lhe lad has pos|t|ve|y
|mpacted students'
|anguage deve|opment and
study sk|||s.
1. ls Lhe use of Lhe lad assoclaLed wlLh
pre/posL changes, dlfferences, and/or
lmprovemenLs ln: (a) classroom
aLLendance, (b) raLes of progresslon ln
loundaLlons, (c) raLes of progresslon lnLo
8AS, and (d) skllls ln readlng, grammar and
vocabulary, and wrlLlng, llsLenlng and
1. 8asellne and
SemesLer 1 & 2
AssessmenLs ln
loundaLlons (levels
1. Scale Scores and
ComponenL Scores
2. lLL1S Cverall and 8and
3. AggregaLe Scores and
Coursework Crades
4. ALLendance raLes and
wlLhdrawal codes
3. 1-LesLs, AnCvA, AnCCvA,
and 8egresslon
ClLsakl, C., 8obby, M.A., rlesL, 1., Pamdan, k. & 8en-Chabane, ?. (2013). A research agenda for Lhe uAL lad
lnlLlaLlve. "#$%&'&( $&) *#$+,'&( '& -'(,#% .)/+$0'1&2 3/45 6#%78#+0'9#7, :;(2). hLLp:// 8

|ad Impact on 1each|ng Lng||sh
Lva|uat|on Cb[ect|ve Lva|uat|on uest|ons Instruments Measures
1o deLermlne how use of
Lhe lad has pos|t|ve|y
changed teach|ng.
Pow has Leachlng Lngllsh ln Lhe classroom
changed from Lhe lad? Pas use of Lhe lad
helped: (a) re-purpose Leachlng maLerlals,
(b) develop more Leachlng maLerlals, (c)
changed Leachlng, (d) produce a more
sLudenL-cenLered approach, (e) manage
classroom acLlvlLles, (f) enhanced
communlcaLlon wlLh sLudenLs, (g) share
maLerlals more efflclenLly, (h) model
acLlvlLles beLLer, (l) beLLer asslgn
homework acLlvlLles.
1. SemesLer 1& 2
1eacher Survey
1. Survey Measures and
scale scores
2. lrequencles
3. Craphs
4. earson CorrelaLlons, chl-
square and phl sLaLlsLlcs.
3. AnCvA
6. Alpha 8ellablllLy
Lffect|ve 1each|ng Act|v|t|es & Strateg|es w|th |ad Apps
Lva|uat|on Cb[ect|ve Lva|uat|on uest|ons Instruments Measures
1o ldenLlfy lnnovaLlve and
successful examples of how
teachers have
|ncorporated the |ad |nto
the c|assroom re|at|ve to
use of apps, |essons,
|nstruct|ona| strateg|es,
and the effect|ve use |n the
Ioundat|on rogram.
1. 1o whaL exLenL are Leachers
demonsLraLlng Lhe lmporLanL skllls
requlred by Lhe loundaLlon rogram by
lnLegraLlng Lhe lad?
1. 1eacher
2. Lesson
1. Summary of lnLervlew
noLes and lesson
observaLlons aL each
2. uescrlpLlon of key
lnlLlaLlves, Leachlng
acLlvlLles, besL pracLlces,
and any key challenges.
3. lmplemenLaLlon
monlLorlng wlLh reporLs Lo

ClLsakl, C., 8obby, M.A., rlesL, 1., Pamdan, k. & 8en-Chabane, ?. (2013). A research agenda for Lhe uAL lad
lnlLlaLlve. leotoloq ooJ 1eocbloq lo nlqbet Jocotloo. Colf letspectlves, 10(2). hLLp:// 9

Case Study 2: Zayed University
Zayed unlverslLy (Zu) ls an Lngllsh medlum unlverslLy based on Lhe Amerlcan model, whlch ls accredlLed
by Lhe Mlddle SLaLes Commlsslon on Plgher LducaLlon, one of Lhe slx uS reglonal accredlLors. Zu ls a
federal unlverslLy wlLh Lwo campuses, one ln Abu uhabl and one ln uubal, servlng a mosLly LmlraLl
populaLlon. 1he moblle learnlng lnlLlaLlve was lmplemenLed ln Lhe fall of 2012 wlLh approxlmaLely 3,000
flrsL and second year sLudenLs ln Lhe unlverslLy's language foundaLlon program, or Academlc 8rldge
rogram (A8).
1he goal of Lhe moblle learnlng lnlLlaLlve was Lo leverage Lhe pedagoglc affordances of Lhe lad Lo
lmprove learnlng flrsL ln Lhe A8 and Lhen ln Zu's Ceneral LducaLlon program, before belng lnLroduced
Lo Lhe varlous colleges and ma[ors ln Lhe unlverslLy. Slnce Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of moblle devlces ln Lhe
A8 we have been lnLeresLed ln measurlng whaL effecL Lhe lad has had on learnlng. We wanL Lo know
how efflcaclous Lhls Lool ls for lmprovlng language learnlng. We are also lnLeresLed ln explorlng Lhe
pedagoglc lmpllcaLlons and ln whaL ways moblle devlces can be used Lo leverage sLudenL learnlng boLh
lnslde and ouLslde Lhe classroom.
ln Lhe sprlng of 2012, prlor Lo Lhe lmplemenLaLlon, Lhe A8 conducLed an exploraLory plloL pro[ecL Lo
lnvesLlgaLe Lhe Lechnlcal and pedagoglcal lmpllcaLlons of Lhe lads ln Lhe classroom. 1he plloL lnvolved
over 90 sLudenLs ln seven secLlons wlLh eleven Leachers. 1he plloL lasLed for 8 weeks and explored Lhe
Lechnlcal and pedagoglc lmpllcaLlons of moblle devlces whlle complllng a llLeraLure revlew on besL
pracLlces and research assoclaLed wlLh moblle devlces ln language learnlng conLexLs. We dlscovered LhaL
whlle Lhere ls an emerglng body of llLeraLure avallable on moblle devlces ln educaLlon, especlally ln k-12,
Lhere ls llLLle large-scale research on Lhe use of moblle devlces ln LerLlary second language classrooms.
1he A8 began Lo collecL daLa ln Lhe followlng areas:
1eachers were surveyed on Lhelr percepLlons of lads as a Leachlng Lool, Lhelr readlness Lo use
Lhe lad as a Leachlng Lool and Lhelr percepLlons of Lhe Lralnlng and supporL avallable Lo Lhem.
SLudenLs' percepLlons of Lhe use of lads as a learnlng Lool were lnvesLlgaLed Lhrough focus
AnecdoLal daLa was collecLed Lhrough classroom observaLlons of lessons ln whlch Lhe lad was
an lnLegral parL. 1hls has allowed Lhe deparLmenL Lo see (albelL ln a somewhaL arLlflclal
envlronmenL) how Lhe lad has been used ln lesson deslgn.
edagoglc lmpllcaLlons of moblle devlces are belng explored Lhrough Lhe formaLlon of acLlon
learnlng groups. 1hese groups allow Leachers Lo explore and collaboraLe on effecLlve use of
moblle devlces ln Leachlng and learnlng.
1here was very llLLle large-scale research avallable on Lhe besL use of moblle devlces ln LerLlary LSL
conLexLs Lo bulld a pedagoglcal model ahead of Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of moblle devlces. 1he A8 was also
consLralned by Lhe lack of Llme Lo collecL daLa and conducL research lnLo Lhe pedagoglc affordances of
moblle devlces. ln facL, where oLher lnsLlLuLlons, such as Wollongong unlverslLy ln AusLralla, had Lwo
years Lo prepare, Zayed unlverslLy had [usL flve monLhs from Lhe announcemenL of Lhe lnLroducLlon of
lads Lo Lhe lmplemenLaLlon lLself, and Lwo of Lhese monLhs were Laken up by Lhe summer vacaLlon of
faculLy and sLaff. WlLh Lhree monLhs Lo prepare, Lhe A8 and unlverslLy declded Lo devoLe Lhe llmlLed
Llme and resources avallable professlonal developmenL opporLunlLles for faculLy, Lhereby helplng faculLy
become comforLable wlLh lads and Lralnlng Lhem on Lhe use of Lhe devlce lLself. AfLer lmplemenLaLlon,
ClLsakl, C., 8obby, M.A., rlesL, 1., Pamdan, k. & 8en-Chabane, ?. (2013). A research agenda for Lhe uAL lad
lnlLlaLlve. leotoloq ooJ 1eocbloq lo nlqbet Jocotloo. Colf letspectlves, 10(2). hLLp:// 10

and Lo avold a tecbooloqy-Jtlveo peJoqoqy, Leachers were encouraged Lo use Lhe lad wlLh sLudenLs
only when Lhey felL lL could help promoLe learnlng and add value Lo currenL pracLlces. 1he bulk of
resources wenL Lo Lralnlng and famlllarlzlng faculLy wlLh Lhe devlce prlor Lo lmplemenLaLlon. ShorLly
afLer Lhe lmplemenLaLlon, A8 faculLy were surveyed on how well prepared Lhey felL for lads as a
Leachlng Lool. 1hroughouL Lhe flrsL semesLer, Lhe A8 conLlnued Lo offer lad supporL Lhrough weekly
[usL-ln-Llme professlonal developmenL workshops, a drop-ln help cenLer, 'brown bag' lunch gaLherlngs,
and one-on-one sesslons. 1able 2 shows Leachers' feellngs Lowards Lhelr preparedness and comforL
uslng Lhe lad as a Leachlng Lool boLh aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe academlc year and aL Lhe end of Lhe flrsL
semesLer. 8y Lhe end of Lhe flrsL semesLer, lL appears from Lhls daLa LhaL approxlmaLely 73 of Lhe
faculLy surveyed felL prepared and comforLable uslng Lhe devlce as a Leachlng Lool.

!"#$% '( !%")*%+ ,-+.%/ +%,-$0,1
2-+.%/ 30%4 5+% ,%4%,0%+ 6 57,0 ,%4%,0%+ 6
l have had adequaLe Lralnlng ln Lechnology use, lncludlng lads. 34 73
l have a sufflclenL level of Lechnlcal supporL aL my campus for
lads and assoclaLed Lechnology.
73 76
l feel comforLable uslng lads for classroom lnsLrucLlon. 39 77
l feel prepared Lo effecLlvely lnLegraLe Lechnology (lads) lnLo Lhe
currlculum ln my classroom.
46 73

Next steps
1he unlverslLy ls now collecLlng Lhe daLa needed Lo conducL a longlLudlnal sLudy. 1he daLa we collecL
from wlLhln Lhe deparLmenL (exam resulLs, speed of sLudenLs progresslng Lhrough Lhe program) wlll only
show Lhe lmpacL of Lhe moblle devlces over Lhe course of a year and beyond. Cver Lhe nexL year or so,
Lhe lmpacL of moblle devlces on Leachlng and learnlng wlll be beLLer undersLood.
As Lhe lmplemenLaLlon aL Zayed unlverslLy moves beyond language classrooms and lnLo Lhe conLenL
courses ln Lhe Ceneral LducaLlon program, research quesLlons wlll llkely broaden. Some of Lhe more
lnLeresLlng research areas for Lhe lnsLlLuLlon are:
Can gamlflcaLlon (Zlchermann & Cunnlngham, 2011) of currlcula poslLlvely lmpacL learnlng?
Can exlsLlng maLerlals be adapLed for use wlLh moblle devlces? WhaL lmpacL does moblle learnlng
have on Lhe developmenL of maLerlals?
lf engagemenL lncreases due Lo moblle devlces, how does LhaL relaLe Lo shorL-Lerm learnlng galns
demonsLraLed by exam resulLs and more long-Lerm learnlng galns exempllfled by Lhe reLenLlon
and Lransfer of skllls ln oLher conLexLs, developmenL of problem-solvlng skllls, eLc.?
ClLsakl, C., 8obby, M.A., rlesL, 1., Pamdan, k. & 8en-Chabane, ?. (2013). A research agenda for Lhe uAL lad
lnlLlaLlve. leotoloq ooJ 1eocbloq lo nlqbet Jocotloo. Colf letspectlves, 10(2). hLLp:// 11

Zu ls also pursulng a publlc-prlvaLe parLnershlp wlLh Lhe Amerlcan lnsLlLuLe for 8esearch (Al8) Lo
research Lechnology medlaLed learnlng acLlvlLles LhaL alm Lo enhance LargeLed academlc Lngllsh
compeLencles. Some posslble research quesLlons focus on Lhe exLenL Lo whlch moblle Lechnology
enhanced envlronmenLs lnfluence:
sLudenLs' cognlLlve load when processlng academlc Lngllsh LexLs,
sLudenLs' level of engagemenL wlLh and aLLenLlon Lo speclflc feaLures ln academlc Lngllsh
sLudenLs' lnLeracLlon wlLh peers, on exLended Lasks around Lhe consumpLlon and
producLlon of academlc Lngllsh LexLs (see kam, 2013).
1hese research quesLlons pose challenges for our lnsLlLuLlon ln LhaL Lhey are longlLudlnal pro[ecLs
requlrlng susLalned coordlnaLlon and resources. Cne source of daLa for Lhe longlLudlnal research wlll be
LesL scores of lLL1S exams and Lhelr sub-scores, whlch wlll be collecLed for every sLudenL exlLlng Lhe
A8. 1he lLL1S scores of sLudenLs graduaLlng from each of Zu's colleges wlll also be collecLed. 1he shorL-
Lerm galns can be measured by exam resulLs, medlum-Lerm galns wlll be measured by Lhe Llme Laken by
sLudenLs Lo progress Lhrough Lhe A8 program. Cver Lhe nexL academlc year, moblle learnlng and lLs
effecL on pedagogy and learnlng, wlll be an area of greaL lnLeresL LhroughouL Lhe unlverslLy.
Case Study 3: United Arab Emirates University
uslng moblle learnlng and oLher Lechnology ls ofLen challenglng Lo sLudenLs' capablllLles and someLlmes
lnLlmldaLlng, especlally for Lhose who have never used lL before. AL unlLed Arab LmlraLes unlverslLy
(uALu), we explored how sLudenLs' classroom use of moblle Lechnology made a slgnlflcanL
lmprovemenL when lL was well lnLegraLed lnLo sLudenLs' personal skllls, lncludlng organlzaLlon skllls,
communlcaLlon skllls, assumlng responslblllLles, crlLlcal readlng and wrlLlng skllls, problem solvlng, class
engagemenL, lncreaslng learnlng lnLeresL, emphaslzlng communlLy conLrlbuLlon and self-evaluaLlon. 1he
sLudy also soughL Lo examlne Lhe sLudenLs' sLruggle, whlch ls due as much Lo a lack of lndlvldual and
personal skllls as Lo Lhe level of academlc developmenL.
The iPad initiative at UAEU
ln Lhe moblle learnlng envlronmenL of Lhe uALu new learnlng unlLs, modules and acLlvlLles were
deslgned Lo supporL sLudenLs ln Lhe new learnlng process boLh aL an lndlvldual and aL a collaboraLlve
level: lndlvldually Lo empower sLudenLs' sLudy and llfelong skllls and ln groups Lo help Lhem Lake on Lhe
challenge of a group pro[ecL Lo help lmprove Lhelr collaboraLlon, communlcaLlon, problem solvlng and
crlLlcal Lhlnklng skllls.
ln Lhls sLudy we consldered Lhe facLors LhaL may affecL sLudenLs' performance and success, such as
sLudenLs' creaLlvlLy and lnnovaLlon skllls, Lhe Lechnology used, collaboraLlon and Leamwork skllls,
Lhlnklng skllls, communlcaLlon skllls, Llme managemenL and organlzaLlon skllls. 1he use of Lechnology ls
generally relaLed Lo an lncrease ln sLudenL performance when lnLeracLlvlLy and oLher lmporLanL feaLures
of lnsLrucLlonal deslgn are applled Lo lLs use: ln Lhe currenL sLudy, we have already seen a slgnlflcanL
lmprovemenL ln sLudenLs' performance for Lhe above menLloned skllls compared wlLh prevlous cohorLs.
ln Lhls sLudy we are also looklng aL Leacher preparaLlon, follow-up sLaff developmenL, and Lechnlcal
asslsLance as crlLlcal prerequlslLes for effecLlve Lechnology appllcaLlons. lanned lnLegraLlon of
Lechnology ln educaLlon LhaL dlrecLly lnvolves Leachers conslsLenLly allows Leachers Lo engage sLudenLs
ln meanlngful educaLlonal experlences and allows more Llme for lndlvlduallzed lnsLrucLlonal
opporLunlLles (Moeller & 8elLzes, 2011).
ClLsakl, C., 8obby, M.A., rlesL, 1., Pamdan, k. & 8en-Chabane, ?. (2013). A research agenda for Lhe uAL lad
lnlLlaLlve. leotoloq ooJ 1eocbloq lo nlqbet Jocotloo. Colf letspectlves, 10(2). hLLp:// 12

1he sLudy aL uALu uLlllzed a survey whlch was admlnlsLered Lo Lhe lnLervenLlon group comprlslng 63
secLlons (1,233 sLudenLs) and 13 Leachers, as well as Lo Lhe conLrol group comprlslng Lwo secLlons (30
sLudenLs) and one Leacher. 8oLh groups, experlmenLal and conLrol, were aLLendlng Lhe same foundaLlon
l1 course, LlLled l1ecbooloqy.
Why this experience?
ln Lhe lasL Lwo years, lL has become vlLal Lo reform our currenL learnlng process under Lhe Lheme of
'8e-Lhlnk how sLudenLs should learn ln Lhe 21sL CenLury'. AL uALu we belleve LhaL we have reached a
Llpplng polnL where maklng changes Lo Lhe currenL learnlng process ls lnevlLable for many reasons. lor
example, Loday learners have lnsLanL access Lo lnformaLlon Lhrough Lechnology and Lhe web, and Lhey
do noL rely on Lhe Leacher as Lhe only source of knowledge: an lnsLlLuLlonal lnformaLlon LlLeracy survey
conducLed ln 2011 found LhaL 90 of our sLudenLs used Lhe lnLerneL as a knowledge reposlLory, so Lhe
Leacher's role clearly needs Lo be redeflned. 1he Leacher should play Lhe role of Lhe faclllLaLor who
guldes and helps sLudenLs noL only Lo locaLe lnformaLlon buL also Lo quesLlon Lhe lnformaLlon, reflecL on
lL and formulaLe an oplnlon. AnoLher reason ls Lhe advenL of moblle learnlng Lechnology. Cur lnsLlLuLlon
dld noL heslLaLe Lo lnLegraLe Lhe lad as a prlmary learnlng and Leachlng Lool, lL was a greaL opporLunlLy
for us Lo Lransform Lhe currenL learnlng process.
Moblle learnlng ls deflned as learnlng uslng moblle and wlreless compuLlng Lechnologles ln a way Lo
promoLe learners' moblllLy (Shon, 2008). ln our sLudy we deflned moblle learnlng as maklng conLenL
knowledge accesslble anyLlme, anywhere aL Lhe learner's pace uslng a moblle devlce. We deflned each
componenL of Lhe learnlng process as shown ln llgure 2.
8)09.% 3:,0+-)07+: faclllLaLes learnlng lnslde and ouLslde Lhe classroom, engages sLudenLs ln Lhe learnlng
process, allows sLudenLs Lo parLlclpaLe ln deslgnlng Lhelr own conLenL and conLrlbuLes Lo Lhe deslgn of
learnlng assessmenL.
8)09.% $%"+:%+: personallzes learnlng, accesses conLenL anyLlme, engages wlLh oLhers ln a collaboraLlve
envlronmenL, formulaLes oplnlons, lnLeracLs wlLh oLher learnlng communlLles, communlcaLes
effecLlvely, shares and publlshes flndlngs.
;+%"09.% <%=">7>/: boLh Lhe lnsLrucLor and Lhe learners declde on whaL Lo learn and how lL should be
learned. 1he pedagogy promoLes an lnqulry- and challenge-based learnlng model where Leachers and
sLudenLs work LogeLher Lo learn abouL compelllng lssues, propose soluLlons Lo real problems, and Lake
acLlon. 1hls approach asks sLudenLs Lo reflecL on Lhelr learnlng, on Lhe lmpacL of Lhelr acLlons and
publlsh Lhelr soluLlons Lo a worldwlde audlence.
?$%@9#$% )-++9)-$-4: a core currlculum ls deslgned, buL Lhe faclllLaLor has Lhe freedom Lo lnnovaLe and
cusLomlze conLenL accordlngly based on Lhe asplraLlon of Lhe learners, Lhls means LhaL Lhe learner's
knowledge of Lhe maLerlal wlll come malnly from hls/her own lnvesLlgaLlon (of formal and lnformal
conLenL), creaLlvlLy and collaboraLlon wlLh oLhers (Leamwork).
;744-:90/ 7-0+%")*: allow groups of sLudenLs Lo formulaLe real-world conLexL research quesLlons, and
connecL sLudenLs wlLh Lhelr local learnlng and larger communlLles Lo flnd creaLlve soluLlons Lo Lhelr
problems. CreaLe opporLunlLles Lo connecL sLudenLs wlLh lnLernaLlonal communlLles. 1hese
opporLunlLles wlll fosLer sLudenLs' soclal and leadershlp skllls.

ClLsakl, C., 8obby, M.A., rlesL, 1., Pamdan, k. & 8en-Chabane, ?. (2013). A research agenda for Lhe uAL lad
lnlLlaLlve. leotoloq ooJ 1eocbloq lo nlqbet Jocotloo. Colf letspectlves, 10(2). hLLp:// 13

?9>-+% '( A7#9$% $%"+:9:> "<<+7")*1
1he lnLegraLlon of moblle learnlng lnLo Lhe currlculum ralsed several quesLlons by lnsLrucLors,
currlculum deslgners and admlnlsLraLors, on Loplcs from lnfrasLrucLure Lo classroom Leachlng and
uoes Lhe currenL l1 lnfrasLrucLure supporL Lhls lnLegraLlon?
WhaL Lo Leach and how Lo Leach?
WhaL ls an effecLlve pedagogy?
Pow should conLenL be dellvered?
Pow should learnlng be assessed?
WhaL ls Lhe dlrecL effecL of Lhe MLA on sLudenLs' performance?
1he ulLlmaLe ob[ecLlve of lmplemenLlng a new learnlng process was Lo deslgn a currlculum and a
creaLlve pedagogy orlenLed Loward Lhe culLlvaLlon of Lhe creaLlve person and Lhe dlscovery and
exploraLlon of Lhe creaLlve ldea. 1hls ob[ecLlve led us Lo deslgn a comprehenslve learnlng experlence
wlLh new learnlng ouLcomes where we dellberaLely lnfused new pracLlcal skllls, whlch we call Lhe foot
cs: CrlLlcal Lhlnklng and problem solvlng, CreaLlvlLy and lnnovaLlon, CommunlcaLlon, and CollaboraLlon.
CLher skllls were lmpllclLly lnfused lnLo Lhe currlculum such as self-learnlng, lnLerdependence, llfelong
learnlng, flexlblllLy and adapLablllLy, and Laklng on academlc responslblllLles. uALu ls currenLly
embarklng on an emplrlcal sLudy Lo assess Lhese changes.
ClLsakl, C., 8obby, M.A., rlesL, 1., Pamdan, k. & 8en-Chabane, ?. (2013). A research agenda for Lhe uAL lad
lnlLlaLlve. leotoloq ooJ 1eocbloq lo nlqbet Jocotloo. Colf letspectlves, 10(2). hLLp:// 14

1he lmpacL of moblle devlces ln Lhe LerLlary language classroom ls a fleld rlpe for research. Powever
such research requlres Llme and resources Lo conducL, whlch were lacklng ln Lhe lead up Lo Lhe uAL lad
lmplemenLaLlon. 1he Llmeframe for Lhe lnLroducLlon of lads ln Lhe Lhree lederal lnsLlLuLlons was
relaLlvely shorL compared wlLh oLher unlverslLles. lor example Wollongong unlverslLy, prlor Lo Lhelr roll
ouL of moblle devlces, conducLed a four-semesLer lnvesLlgaLlon lnLo Lhe pedagoglcal affordances
provlded by Lhe devlces and ln order Lo avold a Lechnology-drlven pedagogy, Lhe pro[ecL lnvesLlgaLed
ways of deslgnlng and lmplemenLlng Leachlng ln auLhenLlc conLexLs LhaL would enhance sLudenL
learnlng wlLh undersLandlng" (PerrlngLon eL al., 2009).
SupporL for naLlonal research and developmenL for Lechnology appllcaLlons ln educaLlon ls crlLlcal Lo
keep up wlLh Lhe level of emerglng Lechnologles. Powever, less Lhan one percenL of governmenL fundlng
for Lechnology research and developmenL ls dedlcaLed Lo educaLlonal appllcaLlons of Lechnology.
Lvldence ls mounLlng LhaL Lhere are sLlll many unanswered quesLlons abouL educaLlonal uses of moblle
Lechnology, and Lherefore, more research ls needed Lo lnform educaLors and sofLware developers abouL
Lhe mosL effecLlve and needed uses of moblle Lechnology for Leachlng and learnlng (Pamdan & Asmar,
2012). 1he Lhree case sLudles ouLllned ln Lhls paper serve as LesLlmony Lo Lhe need for well-deslgned
longlLudlnal research, lf we are Lo undersLand how large scale lnlLlaLlves, such as Lhe uAL lad lnlLlaLlve,
affecL classroom pedagogy and learnlng.
8ralnard, L. (1996). 5cbool ltoqtom volootloo. 8loomlngLon, lndlana u.S.A.: hl uelLa kappa
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Chellmsky, L. (2007). lacLors lnfluenclng Lhe cholce of meLhods ln federal evaluaLlon pracLlce. New
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Cochran, 1., 8en Pallm, 1., khalll, k., & Cllroy, 8. (2012). lloJ lmplemeototloo ftomewotk (verslon 1.67).
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ClLsakl, C., 8obby, M.A., rlesL, 1., Pamdan, k. & 8en-Chabane, ?. (2013). A research agenda for Lhe uAL lad
lnlLlaLlve. leotoloq ooJ 1eocbloq lo nlqbet Jocotloo. Colf letspectlves, 10(2). hLLp:// 13

!oshl, P. (2012). 1owards Lransformed Leachlng: Lngaglng learners anyLlme, anywhere. uA Iootool of
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