Sheet: 1: Creative Thinking Contributes To Both Decision-Making and Problem Solving by Enabling

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Sheet: 1

1. Self-awareness includes recognition of ones self, of ones character, of ones

strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes. Developing self-awareness can help
one to identify the feeling of stress or being under pressure. It is also often a
prerequisite to effective counication and interpersonal relations, as well as
developing epathy for others. !elf-awareness should be encouraged in the light
of reali"ing self-worth#estee and confidence.
$. Critical thinking is an ability to analy"e inforation and e%periences in an
ob&ective anner. 'ritical thinking can contribute to health by helping one to
recogni"e and assess the factors that influence attitudes and behaviour, such as
values, peer pressure, and the edia.
(. Problem solving enables a person to deal constructively with probles in his#her
life. )robles left unresolved can cause ental stress and give rise to physical
Creative thinking contributes to both decision-aking and proble solving by enabling
us to e%plore the available alternatives

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