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Freelander 1 v6.

Measuring the solenoid and sensor resistances in my 2001 Freelander 1 v6

Jatco auto gearbox. Suggested resistance below taken rom the internet!
Method 1! Sensor resistance limits "connector #02$%&
'in 1 ( 2 ) *urbine s+eed sensor ",1% to 62- ohms&
'in % ( $ ) .ntermediate s+eed sensor ",1% to 62- ohms&
'in , ( 6 ) /ehicle s+eed sensor ",1% to 62- ohms&
'in - ( 0 ) Fluid tem+erature sensor See *able 1elow
Method 1! Solenoid resistance limits "connector #02$%&
'in 10 is the common or all solenoid measurements.
'in 2 ( 10 ) Shit solenoid valve 3 "1$ to 10 ohms&
'in 10 ( 10 ) Shit solenoid valve 1 "1$ to 10 ohms&
'in 11 ( 10 ) Shit solenoid valve # "1$ to 10 ohms&
'in 12 ( 10 ) 4ow clutch timing solenoid valve "1$ to 10 ohms&
'in 1% ( 10 ) 2($ brake timing solenoid valve "1$ to 10 ohms&
'in 1$ ( 10 ) 5eduction timing solenoid valve "1$ to 10 ohms&
'in 1, ( 10 ) 4ine +ressure duty solenoid valve "2.6 to %.2 ohms&
'in 16 ( 10 ) 2($ brake duty solenoid valve "2.6 to %.2 ohms&
'in 1- ( 10 ) 4ock(u+ solenoid valve "12 to 1%.2 ohms&
Method 2! Sensor resistance limits "connector #02%2&
'in , ( 20 ) /ehicle s+eed sensor ",1% to 62- ohms&
'in 21 ( 20 ) .ntermediate s+eed sensor ",1% to 62- ohms&
'in 2$ ( 20 ) *urbine s+eed sensor ",1% to 62- ohms&
'in %2 ( 20 ) Fluid tem+erature sensor See *able 1elow
Method 2! Solenoid resistance limits "connector #02%2&
'in 1- is the common or all solenoid measurements.
'in % ( 1- ) 2($ brake duty solenoid valve "2.6 to %.2 ohms&
'in $ ( 1- ) 2($ brake timing solenoid valve "1$ to 10 ohms&
'in 10 ( 1- ) 5eduction timing solenoid valve "1$ to 10 ohms&
'in 1$ ( 1- ) Shit solenoid valve 1 "1$ to 10 ohms&
'in 1, ( 1- ) Shit solenoid valve 3 "1$ to 10 ohms&
'in 16 ( 1- ) 4ock(u+ solenoid valve "12 to 1%.2 ohms&
'in 1- ( 10 ) 4ine +ressure duty solenoid valve "2.6 to %.2 ohms&
'in ,2 ( 1- ) Shit solenoid valve # "1$ to 10 ohms&
'in ,% ( 1- ) 4ow clutch timing solenoid valve "1$ to 10 ohms&
Fluid tem+erature sensor resistance values! "connector #02$% and #02%2&
($0 degrees # ) ,$200 ohms
(20 degrees # ) 16-00 ohms
00 degrees # ) 6020 ohms
20 degrees # ) 2,00 ohms
$0 degrees # ) 1160 ohms
60 degrees # ) ,20 ohms
00 degrees # ) %%0 ohms
100 degrees # ) 120 ohms
1$0 degrees # ) 00 ohms

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