Nandha Engineering College-Erode 52: (Autonomous)

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R 13 Register No:


B.E/B.e!" # Intern$% Assessment E&$min$tion '/' # (e) 2*'+
,emester: 2
'-C,'*' ,o%/ing $n0 C .rogr$mming
(Common to 1e!"$ni!$% $n0 Ci/i%)
1$&. 1$r2s: 5* imes: '.-* Hrs
.$rt # A (Ans3er $%% t"e 4uestions) 55 2 6 '* 1$r2s
1. Define computer.
2. What are the basic operations of a computer?
3. Differentiate hardware and software.
4. Write the binary equivalent of hexadecimal number !"?
#. What are the basic functions of an $%?
.$rt- B (Ans3er A%% 7uestions) '586 8 1$r2s
2&'9 6 -2 1$r2s
&. a. i. . 'ist the various applications of computer. (4)
ii. *xplain the characteristics of a computer in detail. (4)
b. i. Write short notes on system mana,ement pro,ram. (4)
ii. *xplain about any two software development tools. (4)
. a. i. !riefly explain about the ,eneration of computers. (&)
ii. Write short notes on memory unit. (4)
iii. Write briefly about standard application software. (&)
b. i. !riefly write about feasibility analysis in %D'-.

ii. .llustrate the basic or,ani/ation of a computer with a neat dia,ram. (&)
iii. Write short note about the followin,0 (&)
a. 1tility pro,rams
b. Device drivers
c. Web browser
2.a. i. -onvert the followin, numbers into its decimal equivalent (&)
1. (11113311.113)
2. ((433.")
3. (31.2&)
ii. Write short notes about input unit. (4)
iii. -onvert the followin,5 (&)
1. (&32.12)
2. (-"3.#)
b. i. 'ist some of the terminolo,ies used in .nternet. (4)
ii. 6i,hli,ht the formattin, features of 7% Word. (&)
iii. What is testin,? 'ist out the types of testin,. Differentiate verification and
validation. (&)
8+*84+*D !9 488+$:*D !9

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