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Galgotias College of Engg. & Technology, Gr.

Session 2011-12 (Odd semester)
Telemetry Lab (EIC-752)
Branc!Semester "ate o# E$am-
%oll &o'- (a$ (ar)s-10
&ame o# te St*dent+ "*ration+ 10 min*tes
1' &on electrical telemetry systems are-
2' ,LCC stand #or
-' I%I. stand #or
/' Tree mode o# ,LL are-
5' &ames o# modem 0rotocol 1
2' 3at is di0ole
7' 3at is te need o# micro4a5e antenna
6' 3at is 3"(
7' "8S stand #or
10' 3at is #re9*ency telemetry
Signature of Internal Examiner Signature of External Examiner
Galgotias College of Engg. & Technology, Gr. Noida
Session 20!2 "#dd semester$
Telemetry %a& "EIC!'(2$
Branc!Semester "ate o# E$am-
%oll &o'- (a$ (ar)s-10
&ame o# te St*dent+ "*ration+ 10 min*tes
1' In SSB%C system te carrier is
a) com0letely s*00ressed
b) &ot s*00ressed
c) ,artially s*00ressed
2' :or mod*lation inde$ m;1< i# te carrier and one sideband are com0letely
s*00ressed< ten te amo*nt o# 0o4er transmitted is =i5en by<
a) 12'22>
b) 6-'-->
c) 50>
-' Te SSBSC is *sed #or te #ollo4in= a00lication
a' %adio broadcastin=
b' ,oint to 0oint mobile comm*nication
c' Tele=ra0y and tele0ony
d' T? transmission
/' Te balanced mod*lators can be *sed as mi$er' T%@E!:8LSE'
5' Te carrier #re9*ency in 8( isAA''
2' Te total 0o4er transmitted in 8( is te s*m o# AAAA and AAAA''
7' Te de0t o# mod*lation is =i5en byAAAAAAAAA
6' Te carrier #re9*ency is *s*ally AAAA''tan te mod*latin= #re9*ency'
7' "e#ine mod*lation inde$ o# an 8( 4a5e'
10' Calc*late te ma$im*m bit rate #or a cannel a5in= band4idt -100 BC and S!&
ratio 10 db'
Signature of Internal Examiner Signature of External Examiner
Galgotias College of Engg. & Technology, Gr. Noida
Session 20!2 "#dd semester$
Telemetry %a& "EIC!'(2$
1' &on electrical telemetry systems are-
2' ,LCC stand #or
-' I%I. stand #or
/' Tree mode o# ,LL are-
5' &ames o# modem 0rotocol 1
2' Te total 0o4er transmitted in 8( is te s*m o# AAAA and AAAA''
7' Te de0t o# mod*lation is =i5en byAAAAAAAAA
6' Te carrier #re9*ency is *s*ally AAAA''tan te mod*latin= #re9*ency'
7' "e#ine mod*lation inde$ o# an 8( 4a5e'
10' Calc*late te ma$im*m bit rate #or a cannel a5in= band4idt -100 BC and
S!& ratio 10 db'
Signature of Internal Examiner Signature of External Examiner

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