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Syed Taimur B10-13

Nazish Shahzadi B10-11

Aitizaz Ahmad B10-31

Arsalan Rahim B10-47

Growth & Progress
Board Of Directors
Investor Specific
Different Sectors In Stock Exchange
I. Individual Member
II. Corporate Membership
Fees For Listing
I. Initial Listing Fees
II. Annual Listing Fees
Top 15 Companies of Karachi Stock Exchange
KSE Play a Key Role in Pakistan Economy

The Karachi Stock Exchange or
KSE is stock exchange located in
Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
Founded in 1947, it is Pakistan's
largest and oldest stock
exchange, with many Pakistani
as well as overseas listings. Its
current premises are situated
on Stock Exchange Road, in the
heart of Karachi's Business
The Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) was established on 18th
September, 1947
Converted and registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee on
10th March,1949

Initially,90 members were enrolled

Only 5 companies were listed with a paid up capital of Rs. 37

2001, it had grown to 1,770 points

Best Performing Stock Exchange in the Entire World in 2002

KSE-100 index touched the highest ever benchmark of 14,814
points onDecember 26,2007, a day before the assassination of
former Prime Minister Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto

Badly Affected From Global Financial Crisis of 2008-2009

In the tenure of PML-N Stock exchange performane was
Extremely Better from the Rest of Govts In pakistan history

Growth and Progress

Listed companies 653, securities listed on
the exchange 692: ordinary share653,
Preference shares 14 and debt securities
(TFC's) 25.

Listed capital Rs.750,477.55 million (US$
9,499.72 million).

Market capitalization Rs.1,858,698.90
million (US$ 23,527.83 million).

Average daily turnover 146.55 million
shares with average daily trade value
Rs.14,228.35 million (US$ 180.11

Membership strength at 200.

Corporate Members are 187 out of which
9 are public listed companies.

Active Members are 163.

Board of Directors
The KSE is run by a Board of Directors that
consists of 10 members including Managing
Director. Out of these, 5 Directors are elected
from amongst 200 members of the Exchange
and 4 non-member Directors are nominated and
appointed by SECP from amongst the
professionals belonging to various trades and
professions. The Chairman is elected by the
Board from amongst the non-member Directors
List of Board Of Directors
Mr. Muneer
Mr. Nadeem
Naqvi (Managing
Mr. Abdul
Majeed Adam
Mr. Kamal Afsar
Mr. Shazad G.
Dada (Director)
Mr. Abid Ali
Habib (Director)
Mr. Muhammad
Yasin Lakhani
Mr. Abdul Qadir
Mr. Asif Qadir
Mr. Mohammed
Sohail (Director)
Syed Muhammad
Shabbar Zaidi
The following plans and tax incentives
are available to both investors and
listed companies.
Foreign Investor - specific:

The foreign investors are freely allowed
to operate in the capital market
without any retention period.
There are no restrictions on the extent
of foreign ownership stake and also no
limit for holding the shares for trading
Funds invested in the capital market
are freely transferable along with
dividend income.
Foreign investors are treated at par
with local investors in tax treatment.

Local Investor specific:
Dividend income is taxed as a
separate block of income in the
hands of individual shareholders
Any income derived from TFCs is
subject to income tax with effect
from income year 2001 2002.

Capital gains on sale of listed
securities are exempt from income
tax up to they year 2010. This
exemption is available since 1974.

The dividend is subject to
withholding tax at 10%

Different Sectors in KSE
All the Listed Companies are
Categorized In various Business
Sectors. There are Total 36
Sectors Listed in Karachi stock
exchange, out of these 32
sectors contribute to market
Capitalization(excluding Future
Contracts).Rest of 4 Sectors are
Allocated for Indexes and
Bonds Etc.
Criteria For Individual Membership
No person shall be eligible to be admitted as
Member, if:
He/she is less than 21 years of age;
He/she is not a citizen of Pakistan;
He/she has been adjudicated a Bankrupt; or
a Receiving Order in Bankruptcy has been
made against him/her, or he/she has proved
to be insolvent even though he/she has
obtained his/her final discharge
He/she has compounded with his/her
creditors, unless he/she has paid hundred
paisa's in the rupee
He/she has been convicted of an offence
involving fraud or cheating or dishonesty or
any other indictable criminal offence
The minimum qualification for an applicant
for the Membership shall be "Graduation"

Criteria For Corporate
1. The Corporate Body applicant for membership must
be a company or a statuary corporation or a body
have a minimum issued and paid-up capital of Rs.20
1. At least two Directors of the corporate membership in
cluding the Chief Executive must have a minimum
academic qualification of "Graduation
2. The membership application shall be accompanied by
an auditors certificate confirming that the company
maintains a net capital balance/net assets value of at
least Rs. 2,500,000/- (excluding the value of
membership card).
3. The Chief Executive and Nominee Director must have
at least 3 years stock market experience
4. In case the equity of the company is subscribed
by foreign participants; No Objection Certificates
from State Bank of Pakistan and Ministry of Finance;
isto be furnished.
Fees at the Start of Listing is
to one twentieth of one
percent of the total value of
Annual Fees for lisitng
Which Starts from 1st July
and ending on 30th June
next, pay a sum of Rs.
50,000/- (Rupees fifty
thousand only) as non-
refundable service charges.
Top 15 Companies of Karachi Stock
Number Company Name Weightage (%) Market Capitalization (PKR)
1 OGDCL 14.14 550,948,930,000
2 MCB 7.17 279,583,150,000
3 National Bank of Pakistan 5.43 211,726,900,000
4 Pakistan Petroleum 5.06 197,201,080,000
5 Standard Chartered Bank 4.41 171,704,800,000
6 PTCL 4.28 166,810,800,000
7 United Bank Limited 4.13 161,025,160,000
8 Jahangir Siddiqui & Company 2.66 103,600,000,000
9 Pakistan State Oil 2.08 81,034,440,000
10 Allied Bank Limited 2.01 78,371,670,000
11 Nestl Pakistan 1.93 75,280,250,000
12 Pakistan Oilfields 1.71 66,824,220,000
13 Fauji Fertilizer Company 1.68 65,607,390,000
14 ABN AMRO 1.63 63,666,370,000.
15 Engro Chemical 1.45 56,492,990,000
KSE Play a key Role in Pakistan
Pakistans largest tax payer and in the
fiscal year 2006- 2007 contributed
over Rs. 4 billion towards the
national exchequer.
Also in the 2012 by Paying More Tax
In entire Pakistan
Listed Companies contribute over
10% of total revenue collected by the
Government of Pakistan
KSE brokers on average pay more
than 50% of their profit before tax as
presumptive tax
Our investors pay 10% tax on
Karachi Stock Exchange is The Main Financial
Regulator and Serve as an Important Financial
intermediary in our Economy and through
Karachi Stock Exchange Different Investors are
Met with in the Country as well as in the entire
Discussion With Friends
Data is Collected by all Group Members
Syed Taimur
Content Writer , Leader of the Group & Helps in
Making presentation and Assignment
Nazish Shahzadi
Helps in Content Writing and Making Presentation
Atitizaz Ahmad
Financial Support and Helps in Making Assignment
Arsalan Rahim
Re-Arrangement of Assignment & Presentation


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