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Lecture : One

Understanding of Research

M Sultana Alam
Sem2, 2013/2014

What is research ?
Different ways of getting information
Different categories of
research(personal / professional)
Social science Research
Characteristic of Research
Objectives of Research
What make people do research

Generally, research means, finding out". For
example, if you want to buy a house, it is
important to find out the necessary information
such as the best buy that we can afford; the type
of house we want and mode of payment. We can
get the information by reading of housing
magazines, asking friends, meeting housing
developers and visiting new housing developing
Research is a logical and systematic search
for new and useful information on a particular
it is an investigation of nding solutions in
scientic and systematic way.
It is any form of disciplined inquiry that aims
to contribute to a body of knowledge or
It is also a systematic investigation towards
increasing the sum of knowledge.


The subject for whom the research is sought
is very personal in nature.
It is more confined to the individual rather
than others
The method with which the individual seeks
the information affects the individual in
particular and not others.
The method used by the individual to get the
information is only understood by him or her
and it may not understand by others.

Professional research is a systematic
inquires which is reported in a form which
allows the research method and the
outcomes to be accessible to others.

Professional research is usually an ongoing
process, based on accumulated
understandings and the development of

Professional is the formal, systematic
application of the scientific and discipline
inquires approach to the study of problems.

Professional research is carried out in a
broader and more public context.
Personal research is carried out own
Professional research is applicable to
many people. Personal research may not
applicable to others.
The outcome of professional research is
usually prepared in a report, which
needs to confirm to be accepted
standards. Personal research is not required
to prepare in a report.

Research is empirical
Research should be systematic
Research should be valid
Research should be reliable
Research originates with a question or a
Research requires a clear goal.
Research follows a specific plan of procedure.

The main objectives of the research are :
1. to discover new facts
2. to verify and test the important facts
3. to serve the society to solve the social
4. to analyze an event, process and
phenomena to indentify cause and effect
to get a research degree (Doctor of Philosophy
(Ph.D.)) along with its benets like better
employment, promotion, increment in salary,
to get a research degree and then to get a
teaching position in a college or university or
become a scientist in a research institution
to solve the unsolved and challenging problems
to get joy of doing some creative work
to get recognition
curiosity to nd out the unknown facts of an

It is the foundation of knowledge and
provide guidelines for solving problems.
It is important in industry and business for
higher gain and productivity and to
improve the quality of products.
It leads to the identication and
characterization of new materials, new
living things, new stars, etc
It helps to nd answers to social problems.
They explain social phenomena and seek
solution to social problems.

Research is important both in scientic
and nonscientic elds.
In our life new problems, events,
phenomena and processes occur every
Practically implementable solutions and
suggestions are required for tack- ling new
problems that arise.
Precisely, research assists us to
understand nature and natural

to make an inquiry and discover hidden facts
or truth relating human and social problem.
to develop new scientific rules , concepts and
theories which would vacillate reliable and
valued study of human behavior
to discover new facts or verify and test old

Social science is, in its broadest sense, the study
of society and the manner in which people
behave and influence the world around us.
It tells us about the world beyond our immediate
experience, and can help explain how our own
society works - from the causes of unemployment
or what helps economic growth, to how and why
people vote, or what makes people happy. It
provides vital information for governments and
policymakers, local authorities, non-governmental
organisations and others.

Social science research means, finding out
new and necessary information to solve the
problem faced by community.
People in the community face various
problems and questions in their daily life.
It helps to discover hidden facts or truths in
order to provide a solution problem facing a
It indentifies the solution and answers the
questions through the applications of the
scientific procedures.
Therefore, it is an investigation of nding
solutions in scientic and systematic way.

Social science covers a variety of disciplines,
ranging from Economics and Psychology to
Linguistics and Social Work, Women Study .

Social science research affects on peoples
lives and livelihood. It might have both
positive and negative impact.
The conduct of social science research
carries with it serious and heavy
Therefore, the researcher should be careful
when they do research.
The researcher should be guided by ethical
standards in the conduct of research.
The important ethics that should to follow by
the researcher are:
Honesty and Accuracy
Not doing harm
Privacy and Self Determination
Research should be designed, reviewed
and undertaken to ensure integrity and

Researcher must inform fully to respondents
about the purpose, methods and intended
possible uses of the research, what their
participation in the research entails and what
risks, if any, are involved.
The confidentiality of information supplied by
respondents must be respected.

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