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create procedure "_SYS_BIC".

"student07/ZHA407_DP_TNF" ( in IV_NUMBER INTEGER

, out ET_FLOP "_SYS_BIC"."student07/ZHA407_DP_TNF/tabletype/ET_FLOP" , out
ET_TOP "_SYS_BIC"."student07/ZHA407_DP_TNF/tabletype/ET_TOP" ) language
SQLSCRIPT sql security definer reads sql data as
/********* Begin Procedure Script ************/

et_flop = select top:iv_number/* use top clause to limit to iv_number
records */
b.company_name as company_name, sum(i.gross_amount) as
from snwd_so_i as i
inner join snwd_so as h on h.node_key = i.parent_key
inner join snwd_bpa as b on b.node_key = h.buyer_guid
group by company_name
order by gross_amount asc;

et_top = select top:iv_number/* use top clause to limit to iv_number
records */
b.company_name as company_name, sum(i.gross_amount) as
from snwd_so_i as i
inner join snwd_so as h on h.node_key = i.parent_key
inner join snwd_bpa as b on b.node_key = h.buyer_guid
group by company_name
order by gross_amount desc;
/********* End Procedure Script ************/

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