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1. An RS flip-flop will not change in state 0, 0

2. Year when Einstein first predicted the fact that there
should be two kinds of emissions, spontaneous and

3. The maximum output voltage swing of an op-amp? +VSAT TO VSAT
4. Every boiling point of a substance.. volume pressure 1 atmosphere
5. in NAND RS flip flop, to set the output, the input R=____,

6. How many inputs of summing amplifier 2 or more
7. 3X3 ROM
3 datawords of 3 bits

8. No. of interval in automatic welding 5 intervals
9. It is a fixed negative voltage regulators commonly used in
the industry.
79xx series

10. A meter sensitivity control in a test equipment would
probably be
a linear taper

11. Not a characteristic of CMOS chips
Ability to handle
extremely high power

12. Turret, fork, and hook terminals are examples of what type
of termination?
above the board

13. Converts AC to another AC level ac converter
14. Which impurity is added to produce a P-Type acceptor
15. Another term for Trivalent electrons Acceptors
16. The speed in which the processor can find a data Access time
17. A converter that changes ac-voltage to another ac-voltage

18. Register collector Accumulator
19. In a robotic system, it is the capability of the manipulation
to position the end-effector at a specific pre-determined
location is space upon getting instructions from the

20. A 741C op-amp contains active-load resistor
21. The function of the rheostat in ohmmeters is to compensate
Aging Batteries

22. In robotics, an actuator that exerts a pulling force and
functions similar to that of a human arm is:
Air Muscle

23. Many forms /different arrangement of crystal Allotropy
24. The ability of a material to exist in more than one lattice Allotropy
25. For high current and high voltage applications,
____________ transistors are commonly used.

26. current gain of common-base Alpha
27. consists of LED and Photo diodes An optoisolator
28. Oscilloscope can read/measure Analog voltage
29. Solid state device w/c only gives a 1 output if all inputs
are also 1
AND Gate

30. Robots or machine that resemble human android
31. A male humanoid is called android
32. Two ways to turn off an SCR are forced commutation and
anode current interuption

33. Most popular method of turning off an SCR- Anode interruption
34. Constructed the first complete system of formal logic aristotle
35. An interconnected set of links and powered joints
comprising a manipulator that supports or moves a wrist,
hand or end effector.

36. Reaction of Alternator Armature Reaction
37. An oscillator that uses a transformer in parallel with a
armstrong oscillator

38. Reverse voltage greater than 5V Avalanche Effect
39. Voltage higher than forward break-over voltage in reverse
bias condition
Avalanche effect

40. A traveled path in space, usually referred to as a linear
direction of travel in any of three dimensions.

41. Electrical connection common to all segments of an LCD Back plane
42. What type of filter is used to block the passage of current
for a narrow band of frequency while allowing current to
flow at all frequencies above or below this band?
band reject filter

43. The bandstop is only in narrow band Band Rejection Band
44. Two types of bolometer Barretter and Thermistor
45. Error in ohmmeter Battey aging
46. Chromium Crystal Formation
BCC (Body Centered

47. What is the SI unit of activity? becquerel
48. The highest voltage diode is the ___ diac. Bi-directional trigger
49. It is a kind of op-amp that uses LF571A BI-FET Op-amp
50. LM175A BIFET Transistor
51. Commonly used as control element in regulator BJT
52. Ground Fault Locator Blavier's Test
53. Carbon welding disadvantage Blow Holes
54. SCR is fired and conduction band Both PNP and NPN
55. The closed-loop system that uses BIBO algorithm is ___.
Bounded with bounded

56. A normal way to turn on a DIAC is by _____ voltage. break over
57. Use in switching large current Break-over devices
58. It is the positive anode voltage at which a SCR switches into
the conductive state with gate circuit open
Breakover Voltage

59. The resistance of a semiconductor is known as bulk resistance
60. Natural resistance of PN Junction Bulk Resistance
61. Used to clean relays Burnishing tools
62. Advantage of rheostat over potentiometer Can carry large current
63. Advantage of alkaline batteries Can operate in low temp
64. Disadvantage of CMOS cannot handle high power
65. Increases when all other capacitors are equal capacitance
66. What happens when a Capacitance has a negative
temperature coefficient, as temperature increases
capacitance decreases

67. The spacing between plates in a capacitor is made smaller
all other things being equal the
capacitance increases

68. Stores energy in electric field capacitor
69. Is the feedback element in an integrating op amp Capacitor
70. kind of resistor with color code bands
Carbon Composition

71. Types of resistor with no reactive element
Carbon composition

72. Visual representation of signals cathode ray oscilloscope
73. Transmission system of robots, constant gear ratio chain drives
74. Inductor used to impede flow of a pulsating DC Choke
75. Which of the following has no insertion error Clamp-meter
76. Most fidelity type of amplifier Class A
77. Most efficient type of amplifier Class C
78. Measure for pulse signal Class D
79. What provides a timing signaling in a digital equipment? clock
80. Edge timing on multiple clock inputs Clock Skew
81. Output to the common base configuration Collector
82. No of commutator segments that coil
83. Tapped capacitance colpitts
84. What type of bias is constant and improves thermal stability combination bias
85. What configuration has the lowest input impedance common collector
86. A circuit that can produce the greatest signal gain
(amplification factor)
common source circuit

87. The BJT or FET used as multivibrator is arranged in the ___
Common-emitter or

88. What is the most suitable motor for elevators?

89. Part of a dc generator that convert ac to dc voltage Commutator
90. What OP-AMP compares voltages? Comparator
91. 319 IC 14 pins Comparator
92. Function of rheostat
Compensate aging of

93. It determines the cut-off frequency of an inverting amplifier compensating capacitor
94. Imaging of positron emitter using multiple layer of silicon
Compton Camera

95. Protective materials applied to electronic assemblies to
prevent damage caused by corrosion,moisture, and stress
are called __.
conformal coatings

96. Characterizes a DC electromagnet constant polarity
97. The heart of the operation in a robotic system is the _____ controller
98. During welding sub-interval, no current flowing Cool Sub-interval
99. The electronic transfer from one stage to another is

100. Shell transformer is...because it has the
maximum__________ connection

101. The type of tube that is used to display signals in an
oscilloscope High power-wire wound resistor

102. Unit of radioactivity Curie
103. Unit of automatic work in robot Cycle
104. The common type of meter movement in a measuring
D Arsonval

105. other name for permanent magnet moving coil Darsonval
106. It is the current through the photodiode when it is
operated in photoconductive mode in the absence of light.
dark current

107. The current sensing mechanism in DC multimeters is
called ___.
D'Arsonval Movement

108. Disadvantage of mercury cell can damage environment
109. The progressive decay with time in the amplitude of
the free oscillation in a circuit

110. Input of the d-flip flop. data and clock
111. An advantage of a magnetic disk over a magnetic
tape in data retrieval and storage
Data storage and retrieval
is faster on disk

112. what is the most commonly used power source in
gmaw welding system

113. __ Welding, base penetration is deep DCSP
114. The selective absorption of electromagnetic waves
by a dielectric due to molecular dipoles. This is known as
debye effect

115. A relay can be used to___.
decrease current in a

116. The torque which is the result of voltages or currents
in instruments
Deflecting Torque

117. Boolean algebra is used primarily by __ to simplify
design engineers

118. In magnetic video tape the position of the track is___ Diagonal
119. Which of the following test equipment is most
accurate for measuring DC voltages
differential voltmeter

120. Ability to diffuse Diffusion Coefficient
121. Computer that handle discrete data digital computers
122. Single complexity sensors do not measure Distance
123. Frequency Synthesizer Divider
124. The amount of space between the dots on screen. dot pitch
125. when speed is doubled and flux remains constant,
emf is ______.

126. Keeping the power of an electric motor constant, if its
speed is halved, its torque is

127. Equivalent terminal of fet with respect to bjt collector,
base & emitter
Drain, gate and source

128. Junction of collector drift
129. What current flow in a semiconductor is due to the
applied electric field?

130. Most damage to printed circuit boards occur at which
of the following times?
during component

131. convert mechanical to electrical and vice versa dynamo
132. Advantage of Methanol over Hydrogen
Ease of Storage and

133. Disadvantage of CMOS?
Easily damage by

134. Advantage of Magnetic Disk over Magnetic Tape?
Easy storage and easy

135. Laminating of core eliminates/reduces eddy current
136. Is a cell has a positive plate consisting nickel
Edison cell

137. Nickel Iron Edison cell
138. SMAW produces what current? either AC / DC Current
139. Thermal coefficient of thermistor Either positive or negative
140. The joint that connects the upper arm and forearm on
a robot.

141. capacitor store electric charge in electric field
142. A backward-working electric motor, in which
mechanical rotation is converted to electricity, is best
described as an
Electric generator

143. Most Popular actuator Electric Motor
144. High temperature metals like columbium Electron Beam welding
145. It is required for the electron to stay in its orbits Electron Energy Level
146. Is the study of electronic devices Electronics engineering
147. A device used to measure electrostatic force is an electroscope
148. CRT (cathode Ray tube) uses what type of
Electrostatic deflections

149. element with 4 valence electron are called elemental semiconductor
150. A module which is difficult to repair because it is
completely imbedded in solid material is one which has been

151. Lenz law is a consequence of Law of conservation of

152. A semiconductor memory device that can be

153. IC type that is physically removed from a circuit to
have its memory cont

154. Output of feedback Error
155. Execute by ALU E-time
156. Which of the following alloys will melt directly to
liquid and have no plastic or semiliquid state?
eutectic alloy

157. ALU E time Execute
158. A chemical reaction wherein energy is released during
the process is a/an __________ reaction

159. Icon used for display Extension
160. first temperature scale to gain acceptance fahrenheit
161. An intermittent and non symmetrical ac like that
obtained from the secondary winding of an induction coil
Faradic current

162. Solid State device FET
163. Dc motor changes speed through Field strength
164. In most alternators, the output voltage is controlled
by adjusting the
field voltage

165. In a power supply what comes after rectifier filter
166. Smooth the output voltage or signal of a regulator filter
167. Most unstable bias
Fixed bias or base current

168. fast memory storage Flash drive
169. An emerging technology that provides non-volatile
memory chips.
flash memory

170. Heating the leads and lifting them up with tweezers is
the preferred method of removing which of the following
flat packs

171. Discharges gasses Fluorescent Lamp
172. Oscillator uses ______ to maintan or sustains its
Flywheel Effect

173. Being controlled at the potentials between anode in
an oscilloscope

174. robot part connecting elbow and wrist forearm
175. The memory area of programs with highest priority is

176. Which of the following is the oldest welding process Forge welding
177. bias to make LED have luminance forward bias
178. A lacing shuttle on which the cord can be wound fouling
keeps the cord from______
179. Oldest type of welding FOW (Forge Welding)
180. Referred to as the escaped valence electrons free electrons
181. Chemical reactions that release energy are called
exothermic reactions; ____ is an example of exothermic

182. Parameter that vary with AC but not with DC frequency
183. The Cray I supercomputer uses what semiconductor
Gallium Arsenide

184. An LED that emits green light GaP
185. Control grid tube corresponds to ____ of FET Gate
186. Original file Grandfather file
187. What is the minimum change in code Gray Code
188. Law that states... processing power of a computer is
proportional to the square of its cost
Groshs Law

189. Ability of robot for the safety of human guard
190. A device that is commonly used as an oscillator at
microwave frequencies
gunn diode

191. Microwave oscillation that occurs in a small block of
ntype gallium arsenide when a constant Dc voltage above a
critical value is applied to contracts on opposite face
Gunn effect

192. A female humanoid is called gynoid
193. Supervisory program,
Handles management
operating systems

194. Who discovered the magnetic effect? Hans Christian Oersted
195. In a computer system, the central processing unit is
part of _____

196. Tuned circuit with tapped coil Hartley
197. the advantage of ICs compared to discrete
Has higher attainable
switching speed

198. AC Bridge Hay Bridge
199. Measure resistance and inductance Hay bridge
200. in welding process interval, the process where there
is a welding current flow
heat-sub interval

201. An AC bridge which is used to measure mutual
Heaviside bridge

202. The common collector configuration has ______ High Input Resistance
203. Instrumentation amplifiers are used in __. high noise environment
204. we install thyrector device, to protect the drive from high voltage
205. Series Motors Highest torque
206. after weld interval hold interval
207. What is the minimum current in an SCR to keep it
holding current

208. carrier is transferred from atom to atom
Holes are opposite the
direction of electrons

209. Robot movement with a single leg and small foot Hopping
210. Algorithm used in robotics on dynamic walking for
one legged robot

211. The fastest unsaturated logic gate htl
212. Robot designed from the ability of human Humanoid
213. Low speed alternators are driven by hydraulic turbines
214. Used to drive low-speed alternators Hydraulic Turbines
215. Noise immunity of Op-amp is due to Hysteresis
216. Microwave Diode IMPATT Diode
217. Refers to the total opposition to current. IMPEDANCE
218. The Ultimate goal of electrode coating is ______. Improve Bead Quality
219. Wire wound resistor is used ______ In High Power DC circuits
220. Ferromagnetic core is placed in an inductor mainly to: Increase Inductance
221. With permeability tuning, moving the core further
into a solenoidal coil:
Increases the inductance

222. As power factor increases, active power also ___. Increases
223. Putting large size capacitor in power supply dc will
Increase the power
output voltage

224. Crystal lattice, used to ___ crystal orientation Indices
225. Examples of Trivalent Impurities are Boron, Gallium
and ________.

226. In a series ac-circuit, if the line frequency is more
than the resonant frequency, the circuits behaves as

227. Stores energy in magnetic field inductor
228. Monitor that capture high speed moving image Interlaced monitor
229. What converts DC to AC? inverter
230. Atom that has unbalanaced charges Ion
231. The toroid core is better than the solenoid because
It confines the magnetic

232. A disadvantage of mercury cell and batteries
it pollutes the

233. When the control unit gets an instruction it is called I-Time
234. When the power is applied briefly in controlled bursts,
the motor is said to

235. The phenomenon whereby current in a gas changes
as the result of irradiation by visible light is called
Joshi Effect

236. Node Form between component Junction
237. Connection between circuit elements Junction
238. Who coined the term robot? Karel Capek
239. What is the bridge used to measure low resistances Kelvin Bridge
240. Main program for operating systems Kernel
241. What is the preferred tool to use to strip of aluminum

242. To compensate eddy current loss Laminating the core
243. Parallel Lap winding
244. Fastest turn off time LASCR
245. The most complex to produce and difficult to repair
printed circuit boards are those made using which of the
following methods
layer build up

246. can be seen in an interruptible power supply lead acid batteries
247. States that the polarity of the induced voltage will
oppose the change in magnetic flux causing the induction
Lenz's Law

248. Regulator dissipate less energy therefore Less heat
249. Metal-film resistor has________ than wire-wound less reactance
250. A faulty transistor would be identified as what level of
level 0

251. Amplifiers that add or subtract a known voltage from
the input in order to compensate for DC offset voltages.
Level Shifters

252. ______ is peculiar to non-linear system Limit Cycle
253. A type of resistor, or combination of resistors, would
you use as the meter-sensitivity control in test instrument,
when continuous adjustment is desired
Linear taper
254. What determines the amount of slip in an induction

255. Used in Stereo CD Player
Logarithmic Taper

256. Another name for closed system loop
257. The starting torque a simple squirrel cage motor is

258. Advantage of a non-servo controlled robot Low Cost
259. What is an advantage of CCO over VFO? Low drift
260. The slip speed of an induction motor is 100% until
the rotor moves and then falls to a ____.
low value

261. uses active gases MAG
262. What is the common name for enamel insulated wire? MAGNET WIRE
263. Relay is a Magnetic Actuator
264. tracks are parallel to the edges Magnetic audio tape
265. inductor store energy in magnetic field
266. Generators produce changing ______ Magnetic Field
267. A place in a magnet where repulsion and attraction
take place
Magnetic field

268. Maximum magnetic line in a magnet Magnetic Pole
269. Another name for primary storage Main Storage
270. PN Junction Diode
Max Forward Voltage and

271. not a computer classification maxicomputer
272. Advantage of shell wound transformers Maximum Coupling
273. A four-arm ac bridge used to measure inductance
against a standard capacitance
Maxwell bridge

274. What is the process of determining the magnitude of
something in terms of a recognized standard?

275. Maxwell is used in measuring Medium Inductance
276. Plastic insulation is normally used for what levels of

277. Below temp of superconductivity nagiging
Meissner Effect

278. Reject magnetic field Meissner Effect
279. Strongly interacting boson that is a hadron with
integer spin

280. ______ resistor is less reactive than wire wound Metal Film
281. Used as the insulating material or dielectric in an
electric ion

282. Used as the dielectric material in high voltage

283. Electromagnetic induction Michael Faraday
284. Component containing IC micro circuit
285. Desktop and personal computers are also known as

286. AC welding cannot use ______ welding MIG (Metal Inert Gas)
287. Ac welding cannot be used MIG Welding
288. Equivalent voltage for voltage sources w/ series Millman's theorem
resistance parallel to each other
289. Actuator maintains its position as long as it can Momentary Position
290. An IC circuits is generally made of monolithic
291. A certain condition wherein a nucleon can be
stimulated to emit a very sharply defined beams of gamma

292. Cheapest, most rugged material for analog meter Moving iron galvanometer
293. Process involving two or more CPU Multiprocessing
294. The electron has an electric charge that is Negative
295. Op amps uses ________. Negative feedback
296. The force between a magnet and a piece of
ferromagnetic metal that has not been magnetized
never repulsive

297. Noise figure increase Noise Factor
298. Weak signal amplifier, most important factor Noise Figure
299. Output of 1 if all inputs are 0. NOR Gate
300. First graphic picture motion Not interlaced
301. What is the harmonic composition of square wave in
phase with the fundamental?
odd harmonic

302. Left side of the pinch off region Ohmic region
303. Non-servo basic feature
Only move on between
mechanical stoppers

304. Main advantage of serial adder
Only one full adder is

305. The first byte of machine language instruction is: Op-code
306. Bridges application program and computer hardware operating program
307. Photodiode and LED are combined in a single diode optoisolator
308. Output of 0 if all inputs are 0. OR Gate
309. A limitation of magnetic tape as a method of storing
Organized sequentially

310. Compensating capacitors prevents op amp oscillation
311. Measuring device that has attenuator at the input oscilloscope
312. ______ welding projection is the most hazardous Overhead
313. Flux is used in the soldering process because it acts
as a cleaning agent to remove____

314. A voltmeter should be connected in an electrical
circuit in ______ to the load?

315. Is the process making a material passive in
relation to another material prior to using the materials

316. Referring to the maximum weight of a robot can

317. Computers that allow hand-written input are ___. Pen-Based
318. Arsenic, Antimony, Bismuth Pentavalent
319. When the wave is out of phase the frequency is still
the same
Period remain the same

320. Equipment that's used in conjunction with robots for
a complete robot system
Peripheral Equipment

321. A substance with a high retentivity is best suited for
making a
permanent magnet

322. The increase in conductivity of an illuminated
semiconductor junction
Photoconductive effect

323. A light activated diode photodiode
324. Uses quartz crystal to determine frequency fuel cell Pierce Oscillator
325. Maximum reverse voltage of a diode before entering
the Zener region

326. Largest voltage applied without irreversible damage PIV
327. Wine glass design Plasma Arc
328. Used in glass welding Plasma Arc welding
329. Hole moves from Plus to Minus
330. Used in high voltage environment / applications Porcelain
331. In electrical power distribution, what insulator is
generally used?

332. Kind of capacitors extensively used in RF and
microwave and mostly manufactured by SMD
Porcelain Capacitor

333. charge of proton positive
334. The ability of a gyro to maintain a position in space
is referred to by what term?

335. What is the process used in cold welding? pressure
336. Another name for memory Primary storage
337. A node in which KCL is applicable. principal node
338. An instrument used to measure relative humidity. psychrometer
339. What does a power supply without a filter produce pulsating DC
340. Gas shielding base used in TIG welding Pure Argon
341. For the removal of imbedded TOs in which of the
following are free, which of the following methods is
push out gently

342. Instruments used to measure exceeding the mercury

343. Variation in no. of incident photon Quantum detector
344. Limiting the photons Quantum detectors
345. An adder which can add up two binary digits but will
not produce a carry.
quarter adder

346. The most stable type of oscillator circuit uses a quartz crystal
347. bridge used in high frequency Radio frequency bridge
348. A type of sawtooth waveform that slowly increase
and abrupt decrease
Ramp waveform

349. The scattering of low-energy electrons by atoms of
noble gases is called ___.
Ramsauer Effect

350. Decrease accidental triggering of SCS Rate Effect
351. Lead Acid Rate of change
352. What is the main purpose of laminating the field
poles and armature of a DC machines?
Reduce eddy current

353. Use to select Reference selector
354. The property of a material which opposes the
creation of magnetic flux

355. What is the first step in the repair of burned or
scorched boards
Removing all discolored

356. Which has the greatest effect on the figure of merit
on the circuit?

357. In AC circuit , power dissipation is due to ____? Resistance
358. Inductances in series are computed like resistances in series
359. Is one of the oldest of the electric welding processes
Resistance welding

360. A series - parallel resistive network...made from resistor
_______ that are all the same
361. Operation of photodiodes when not used as
photovoltaic cell
reverse biased

362. rotational movement in robots revolute
363. In robotics, a robotic joint that has one degree of
freedom and provides a single axis of rotation is called a
________ joint.

364. used for high frequency rf bridge
365. The frequency-measuring capability a digital
multimeter can be extended using which of the following
RF probe

366. The AC variations at the output of a power supply

367. computer that is fast because of fewer instructions RISC
368. Specializes in Robotics Roboticist
369. Designing, Building, Applying... Robotics
370. When electrical and electronic components are
soldered, what type of flux must be used?

371. Converts AC to DC and vice versa Rotary Converter
372. Internal attenuation factor Scale Factor
373. A bridge circuit which is used to detect unknown
electrical capacitance and dissipation
Schering Bridge

374. Comparator with hysteresis Schmitt trigger
375. What device acts like an NPN and PNP transistor
connected base to base and emitter to collector

376. Active device SCR
377. Commonly used thyristor SCR, TRIAC and DIAC
378. ______ mammogram for patients without breast

379. Sallen Key Filter Second-Order
380. What is another name for thermoelectric effect? seebeck effect
381. The amount of time it takes the arm track device seek time
382. The movement in acceleration transducers is called
Seismic Mass

383. What separates the positive and negative plates of

384. A function table is like a truth table for sequential circuits
385. Should not be belt connected Series Motor
386. A type of linear regulator used in applications
requiring efficient utilization of the primary power source.
series regulator

387. Computer that connects the users computer system
to the internet

388. Closed-Loop System to maintain its physical position Servo System
389. Invented Cray-1 super computer Seymour Cray
390. Operating environment Shell
391. The manipulator arm linkage joint that is attached to
the base

392. Robot part that "links" the arm to the rest of the

393. A regulator that maintains a constant output voltage
by controlling a current
Shunt Generator

394. Most efficient motor Shunt motor
395. Most commonly used in semiconductor? Silicon
396. Type of solder suited for applications in which high-
current and high-temperature are required

397. In Op-amp, when both inputs are connected together Single-ended mode
398. Maximum rate at which the amplifier output can
Slew Rate

399. 534 transistors in a single chip small scale
400. Arc welding process that welds metals produced by
heat from an electric arc that is maintained between the tip
of a consumed covered electrode and the surface of the
base metal in the joint being welded

401. Computer program /software for small business

402. Frictional welding Solid state
403. A gyro will resist all forces that attempt to change its spin axis direction
404. A technology in electronics where it exploits the spin
orientation of electrons

405. Prevents mixing of print orders in shared networks is spooling
406. Welding process---Ohmic Resistance---Pressure Spot welding
407. Output of Vose McCartney noise generator is squared pulse
408. A function table is like a truth table foe squential circuits
409. Winding used for heavy load Squirrel Cage Winding
410. 534 transistor SSI
411. Solar panels and batteries Stand alone
412. In automatic welding, it is the stage after the release
Standby Interval

413. The Law that governs the amount of radiation
emitted by a blackbody at a given temperature.
Stefan-Boltzman Law

414. A brushless, synchronous electric motor that can
divide a full rotation into a large number of steps.
stepper motor

415. Separate word processing from typing Store
416. Small inductance
stores slowly & releases

417. The magnetic flux around a straight current carrying
wire is
stronger near the wire.

418. The arrow in a MOSFET indicates a __. substrate
419. Foundation of MOSFET Substrate
420. A bundle of basic software design to work together. Suite
421. The management of an operating system is extended
by a
supervisor program

422. Stirring the lead during desoldering prevents which
of the following unwanted results?
sweat joints

423. Horizontal deflection in oscilloscope sweep
424. Dissipates less power and generates less heat switching regulators
425. Synchronizing Synchronizer
426. Machine Rotation Frequency Tachometer
427. Who designed microprocessor in 1969? Ted Hoff
428. Super computer speed is measured in a computer as
the ____

429. The trillion-floating point Tetraflop
430. Silicon and germanium shape of its crystal structure Tetrahedral
431. not used for biometry texture of skin
432. What does the arrow on a synchro schematic symbol
The angular position of
the rotor

433. What significant advantage, in someapplications, of a
toroidal coil over a solenoid is...
The magnetic flux in a
toroid is practically all
within the core

434. The difference between series and shunt regulators
is ___.
The type of sampling

435. Why do motors take large current during starting? there is still low back emf
436. What term defines the capacity of a soldering iron to
generate and maintain a satisfactory soldering temperature
while heat to the joint being soldered?giving up
thermal inertia

437. What ammeter that is mostly used in measuring
high-frequency currents?

438. Electrical circuit theorem that was first enunciated by
thevenin's theorem

439. frequency of crystal oscillator depends on thickness of the crystal
440. Vacuum evaporation and cathode sputtering are two
methods used to produce which of the following types of
thin film

441. The liberation or absorption when an electric
current flows from a warmer to a cooler part of a conductor
is called __
thomson effect

442. When a TO or a DIP is replaced on a printed circuit
board, what type of termination is normally used
through the board

443. ...180C tin:lead 63:37
444. solder used for 220 degrees and higher Tin-Lead 50:50
445. Coating the material to be soldered with a light coat
of solder

446. Purpose of rheostat in ohmmeter
To compensate battery

447. Purpose of Air Gap, To increase Reluctance
448. The purpose of installing thyrectors.
To protect the circuits
from high voltage surges

449. Which of the following types of synchro devices
provides a mechanical output?
torque receiver

450. magnetic video tape
tracks are diagonal with
the edges

451. ICs are composed of _________ transistors
452. A movement such that all axes remain parallel to
what they were.

453. Computer on a chip Transputer
454. No cathode element Triac
455. The time when the oscilloscope does not trigger trigger hold off
456. Aluminum, gallium, indium, boron.. Trivalent
457. What is least susceptible to noise? TTL
458. NAND base technology TTL
459. Common to oscillator, operates in negative reverse
breakdown region
Tunnel Diode

460. How many secondary windings are there in Linear
Variable Differential Transformer?
Two (2)

461. T- flipflops divide input frequency by Two
462. Class B amp most suitable for Hifi audio Two transistor in push-

463. What is the basic difference between a series
regulator and a shunt regulator?
type of sample current

464. Main diff. of series and shunt regulator Type of sampling
465. Which of the following components has a negative
resistance region

466. A series motor designed to operate on dc or ac universal motor
467. The portion of a jointed arm that is connected to the
upper arm

468. Robot connected to base Upper arm
469. Prewritten standard file-handling programs are called

470. To deposit highly substrate, which of the following
methods is used?
vacuum evaporation

471. A CMOS which substrate is wide and short in height VCMOS
472. Plug-in DIPs are susceptible to loosening because of
which of the following causes?

473. Opposition to flow viscocity
474. An operational amplifier circuit has its output tied
directly to the input terminal is a/an
voltage follower

475. Voltage equipment measure Voltage gain
476. OTA is a ________
voltage to current

477. Most commonly used combinational bias Voltage-Divider Bias
478. --- Voltage-to-current
479. A voltmeter, milliameter and ohmmeter when
combined is called

480. The maximum output voltage swing of an op-amp? -VSAT to +VSAT
481. Playback robots with continuous path control

482. Used in Power Measurement Wattmeter
483. Series winding Wave winding
484. after squeeze interval weld interval
485. Color emitted by black body Wien Law
486. The sound heard when a television is tuned to a non-
existent station
white noise

487. An AC electromagnet _________
will attract pure
unmagnetized iron

488. The preferred method for removing insulation from
most types of insulated wire is by using what tool
wire stripper

489. High power, high current Wire wound
490. Visual inspection of a completed repair is conducted
to evaluate which of the following aspects of the repair?
workmanship quality

491. Logic Gate even parity XNOR gate
492. It is a logic gate which is used as an odd parity
XOR Gate

493. What is the ideal output of an op amp with zero volts
on both inputs?

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