Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Mod Valve Corporation Free-To-Play Microsoft Windows OSX Linux Steam

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History of Dota2

Dota 2 is a 2013 multiplayer online battle arena video game and the stand-alone sequel to the Defense
of the Ancients (DotA) mod. Developed by Valve Corporation Dota 2 !as o""i#ially released on $uly %
2013 as a "ree-to-play title "or &i#roso"t 'indo!s #on#luding a beta testing phase that began in 2011.
() * and +inu, versions o" Dota 2 !ere released on $uly 1- 2013. .n most regions the game is
available e,#lusively through Valve/s #ontent-delivery plat"orm )team.
0a#h mat#h o" Dota 2 is independent and involves t!o "ive-player teams ea#h o" !hi#h o##upies a
stronghold at an end o" the map. +o#ated in ea#h stronghold is a building #alled the 12n#ient13 to !in
a team must destroy the enemy/s 2n#ient. 0a#h player #ontrols a 14ero1 #hara#ter and "o#uses on
leveling up #olle#ting gold a#quiring items and "ighting against the other team to a#hieve vi#tory.
Development o" Dota 2 began in 200% !hen DotA developer .#e5rog !as hired as lead designer. Dota
2 !as praised by video game #riti#s !ho lauded it "or its re!arding gameplay enhan#ed produ#tion
quality and "aith"ulness to its prede#essor. 4o!ever the game !as #riti#ised "or its steep learning #urve
and inhospitable #ommunity. Dota 2 has be#ome the most a#tively played game on )team !ith highest
daily pea6s at over 700000 #on#urrent players.89

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