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Incubating a Dream

Briefly, incubating a dream means to decide before hand what you would like to dream about
often in the form of a request for more information about something going on in your life. :)
The rocess is simle, all it requires is a little lanning, a little focus, and setting the intention
before you go to slee.
Choose your focus
This can be in the form of a question, or a single word. The key is clarity in what
you would like to know, in your mind
Write your focus down on a piece of paper or index card
There!s something to be said about utting your thoughts into words. "riting them
down gi#es urose and meaning it solidifies your focus
Get your journal or voice recorder ready by your bedside
"e often wake during the night. These times are the best times to actually record
your dreams, when half awake, half aslee. It may feel as if you couldn!t ossibly
forget the imortant details, but that!s only because at the time, you!re between
worlds. $ecord your dream immediately, and if ossible, kee the lights off.
%ening your eyes and taking in your en#ironment tends to bring you fully out of
the dream realm so a #oice recorder is e#en better&
Just before sleep, look at it, read it to yourself, and then put it under your pillow
This solidifies your intention
'ou may also want to add items to your note card such as
I request greater dream recall
I request greater communication with my dream teachers
%r anything else you may want to e(erience :)
Here's soe exaples of successful dreas !'ve incubated "#
I would like to know where to go from here, in regard to my business
)ow do I heal this* "hat am I missing*
I want to meet with my mother
+lease gi#e me a guidance dream about something I!m unaware I need guidance for
)ow can I resol#e things between myself and the friend I!m arguing with*
,reated for the -o.a/D, 0etahysics 0eetu and +lay 1rou& :) by Dawn of

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