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Company Profile
Head Office Mailing Address
Office #.3 First Floor Furqan Plaza Girls College Road
Muzaffarabad-13100 !zad "as#$ir Pa%istan
&el' ()*-+,**---,00.*
Fa/' ()*-+,**---,0.*
Moon Creations
Touching the Moon from Earth
P.O.4o/ **1 GPO
Muzaffarabad -13100
!zad "as#$ir
!n O5er5ie1
Moon Creations is providing dynamic way of software solutions, and
specializes in the development of high quality products and cost
effective IT solutions. We are a market and technology driven company.
Our core competence is software technology. We offer unmatched
service to our clients. Our team of professionals is dedicated to provide
information technology solutions adapted to global clients.
Moon Creations is your ideal partner for the development of IT
solutions. The mission of Moon Creations is to utilize cutting edge
technology to offer reliable and efficient business application solutions,
and consulting for the communications, corporate, financial and
securities industry.
We are very focused on our core competencies. We strive to be the best
at every thing we do. Our primary goal is to provide your company with
the software tools needed to address real world business issues and
opportunities. This focus has allowed us to become a true master of our
trade. !ince the systems and business requirements are constantly
changing due to technology and growth, we are committed to a
continuous research and development in order to provide significant
enhancements as a part of our standard package, to meet our clients
growing needs.
Moon Creations
Touching the Moon from Earth
Moon Creations !olutions integrate best"of"breed technologies with unique
deployment methods for ma#imum performance and scalability. With
e#pertise in turnkey solutions, comple# database systems and all leading
environments including $inu#, Moon Creations develops tools and platforms
for e"%usiness and data management, mining and analysis.
Moon Creations offers expertise and proen experience in a !ide range of soft!are"#ased$ data"
drien sol%tions. Offering innoation as !ell as excellent ret%rn on inestment$ Moon Creations
sol%tions incl%de&
&roviding highest scalability and most accurate and sophisticated personalization to %'% and %'(
environments through advanced e"%usiness and e"commerce solutions.
'%siness Intelligence
) leader in data warehousing solutions, Moon Creations custom"builds robust, large"scale systems for the
sophisticated warehousing, retrieval and analysis of mission"critical data.
*rom needs analysis to ongoing support, Moon Creations develops
end"to"end solutions for even the largest and most comple# system needs. Moon Creations also out
sources complete +I! services.
Application Integration
Moon Creations has e#perience in the development and management of enterprise legacy systems, on one
hand, and interfacing ma,or applications and communication protocols, on the other. Moon Creations
integrates vast amounts of disparate, unrefined data into reusable information assets.
Moon Creations enables customers to easily collect, validate, organize, administer and deliver information
assets to realize more value from their enterprise information, reducing costs and increasing profitability.
With broad e#pertise in this breakthrough programming language, Moon Creations offers a complete suite
of advanced $inu#"based solutions and services, including tools, integrated systems and a $inu# !upport
Moon Creations
Touching the Moon from Earth
Moon Creations diverse !ervices help companies enhance their performance
in today-s digital world, and include top"level consultation, remote ./0 and
comprehensive customer support. We &rovide a range of advanced data"driven
solutions, services and products for the digital age.
)rom e"'%siness$ e"commerce and #%siness intelligence$ Moon Creations ans!ers complex #%siness
needs for leading companies !orld!ide. Integrating *no!ledge !it+ t+e latest +i"tec+ innoation$
Moon Creations offers tools and ideas t+at excel !it+ o%tstanding ret%rn on inestment.
Moon Creations !olutions integrate best"of"breed technologies with unique deployment methods for
ma#imum performance and scalability. With e#pertise in turnkey solutions, comple# database systems and
all leading environments including $inu#, Moon Creations develops tools and platforms for e"%usiness
and data management, mining and analysis.
We can take the system you have now and design enhancements, upgrades, or even transform the system
entirely. We can develop innovative approaches while still preserving your investment in software. We can
access core competencies within Moon Creations to assist you regardless of where you are in your pro,ect
cycle1 planning, implementation, training, or even transitioning to a whole new system.
2ere are some of the ways our (onsulting !ervices can help you1
!ystem )nalysis / Integration
)pplication 0evelopment
Technical Training
(ustom !oftware 0evelopment
Workflow !ystems 0evelopment
Moon Creations
Touching the Moon from Earth
!rea of 7/2ertise'
Moon Creations !ervices team is a dedicated group of entrepreneurial
professionals who want to help you integrate our solutions into your
business as quickly and easily as possible
Windows application programming
Windows 34I design
Windows !ystem &rogramming
O$5 &rogramming
!etup &rograms for Windows applications
0atabase programming
3ame programming
6etwork programming
Web development, design, promotion
Web server applications
Web database applications
Moon Creations
Touching the Moon from Earth
8e5elo2$ent &ools'
+! 7isual !tudio +! !8$ !erver T(&9I&
:ava +!8$ !ockets
(9(;; +! )((5!! 2TT&
&2& O.)($5 &O&<
:ava !cript )ssembler !+T&
7% !cript )!& !6+&
Moon Creations
Touching the Moon from Earth
8e5elo2$ent Met#odolog9'
Moon Creations follows industry accepted procedures and processes to ensure highest quality output for
its customers. We have devised a =0>s ?0iscover, 0esign, 0evelop and 0eliver@ +ethodology based on
widely accepted !oftware 0evelopment $ife (ycle ?!0$(@.
%usiness requirements
!oftware requirements
4se case analysis
System architecture
)pplication design
S%#system design
Subsystem development
Unit testing
Integration testing
Alpha testing
Beta testing
Moon Creations
Touching the Moon from Earth
Moon Creations ensures that its customers get the very best from their
product development. The requirements of our customers are our top most
priority. Our customers come first and will receive ultimate worth and
value through proficiently managed facilities, and high quality products.
With the help of the clients, Moon Creations offers them with products
that satisfy their needs. We provide our clients most convenient access of
communication with in the software requirements and $et them to analyze
the product in the form of demos with the regular intervals of time.
Therefore all of our clients believe on our best services and take
advantages of it.
Moon Creations
Touching the Moon from Earth
Once 9ou #a5e decided::::..
Once you have decided Moon Creations for contract work, the ne#t steps are simple enough1
Step -' $et us know what kind of work you are interested in having us to do. We will then send you
samples of our previous work in this area
Step .' )fter you have e#amined our work, we will request to work on a short pilot pro,ect. This will
be a very reasonably priced short term pro,ect that will prove we are capable of satisfying your
programming needs. Our e#perience has shown this step to be instrumental in building the foundations
of a strong, professional and lasting business relationship.
Step /& 4pon completion of the pilot pro,ect, we will anticipate a formal pro,ect order. )s we become
familiar with the details of your pro,ect, we will request that you provide the 5"mail address of an
individual?s@ to whom our programmers may direct questions.
Step 0& We will submit a feasible completion deadline and price. ) payment schedule can then be
worked out on a per pro,ect basis. 3enerally, 'AB down is standard. The remaining payments will
coincide with completion by +OO6 (.5)TIO6! of prearranged milestones.
T+e more details$ t+e #etter1
Obviously, the more detailed the betterC Our programming staff is very competent and has a great deal
of e#pertise. Therefore we don>t require a great deal of background information. 2owever, we would
like a document which thoroughly describes the user interface, data structures, and platform
requirements, supported languages, sample screen images, etc. This is an iterative process and we are
always able to nail down what we need by a few rounds of meeting with the client.
2+at deliera#les do !e s%pply13
)s described in our profile, payments to us come at scheduled milestones as work is completed. We
will provide you with e#amples of the work completed to date for you to review. )t that time, we can
discuss changes which are required or modifications to the original design specs. Dou are welcome to
discuss this with us at any time during the pro,ect. On completion of the ,ob we will provide you with
full source, technical documentation and development notes from our programming staff. We e#pect to
receive acceptance or a detailed list of e#ceptions within seven days of submitting the completed work.
*inal payment should follow at that time. We guarantee that the product will work as per the agreed on
design specs.
'%g fixes and 1
We will fi# at no charge to you any bugs brought to our attention which deviate from the agreed on
design specs. %ugs which are due to omissions in the design specs will be fi#ed on a T / + basis. We
will be delighted to provide maintenance for all work we have done on a T / + basis.
To learn more about Moon Creations, please contact us.
Moon Creations
Office #.3 First Floor Furqan Plaza Girls College Road
Muzaffaraad!"3"##$ %zad &ashmir$ Pa'istan
Tel( )*+!,-++!..-##/+
Fa0( )*+!,-++!..-1/+''
Moon Creations
Touching the Moon from Earth
Moon Creations
Touching the Moon from Earth

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