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1. Why was the young seagull afraid to fly?

Do you think all young birds are afraid to

make their first flight, or are some birds more timid than others? Do you think a human
baby also finds it a challenge to take its first steps?
Answer: The young seagull was afraid of falling and hurting itself. Any animal or bird,
including humans is afraid to take first steps or first flight.
Actually this is not a simple act of flying or walking. This is about growing independent,
about taking a giant leap towards maturity. As the process of learning anything is difficult
so we are apprehensie while taking the proerbial first steps in life. !ou must hae
obsered a kid crying on his first day to school. As the kid is going to face the harsh
outside world, there will not be the protectie enironment of its parents. "o, consciously
or subconsciously the kid is haing fear about challenges which lie ahead.
#nce you will graduate from school and will enter the college, you will feel nerousness
and an$iety during initial days of college. %ut tackling that nerousness is worth it as it
will gie you enough confidence to enter the adult world.
&. 'The sight of the food maddened him.( What does this suggest? What compelled the
young seagull to finally fly?
Answer: This episode can be an important lesson to deelop self dependence. We
human beings get the protection of our near and dear ones almost through out our lies.
)en if somebody becomes adult his*her parents remain protectie about him*her. +t
sounds good but more often than not this possessie behaiour hampers our mental
,ad seagull-s parents continued to feed him, he won-t hae tried to fly. %ut the hunger
along with sight of tasty fish compelled him to fly and reach for the sky.
.. 'They were beckoning to him, calling shrilly.( Why did the seagull-s father and mother
threaten him and ca/ole him to fly?
Answer: !ou can compare the situation with the way your parents ca/ole and sometimes
pressuri0e you to focus on your study. )$cess of either loe or pressure will not do well
for you. !ou will be spoiled or you can become stubborn.
"o a mi$ of carrot and stick always gie the desired results. 1robably seagull-s parents
hae learnt this lesson through their e$perience. That is why they are following the carrot
and stick policy.
2. ,ae you eer had a similar e$perience, where your parents encouraged you to do
something that you were too scared to try?
Answer Tips: There can be ariety of e$amples, like learning to ride a bicycle, or getting
goose3bumps on a ferry wheel, or the apprehension while traeling alone for the first
!ou can try recalling how nerous you felt. What suggestions were gien to you and how
you oercame your fear to succeed in difficult acts which seem simple for you at present
All the youngster of the family had started flying e$cept one seagull. ,e was afraid of
flying because he thought that his wings would neer support him. ,is parents tried their
best to persuade him to fly but all in ain. )en there threats were not more than useless
attempt. At last he was left alone, hungry and unattended. ,is parents thought, that, one
day by the hands of hunger he will definitely /oin them.They stroe their leel best to
teach the young seagull to fly but in ain.
The young seagull was e$periencing a dismal situation as he had nothing to eat and he
could not seek food for himself. 4eanwhile, he saw his mother tearing and eating a fish.
,e begged his mother to bring some food while calling her mournfully. A"he wanted to
gie the young seagull an incentie to fly.
,e maid his maiden flight successfully.

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