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"Researching" with

Computers: The Strengths and

Weaknesses of PowerPoint
Presentations and Use of the

Without the Internet
Focus on topic
Consider audience
Read (sequential
process) from
Write the paper and
present to audience
With the Internet
Focus on topic
Consider audience
Read (scrolling and
process) from
Internet sources
Present paper
Internet Research involves:
Using search engines
Gathering research
Determining credibility of websites
Crediting sources (avoiding plagiarism)
Organizing research
Synthesizing information
Presenting that information
A PowerPoint Presentation is
similar to an essay or a speech
in that it must:
Grab the audience/reader
Focus on the topic
Present accurate information
Lead the audience/reader through
the presentation/essay/speech
Problems with PowerPoint
Research Presentations
Unclear focus
Not directed at an appropriate audience
Not organized
Does not demonstrate knowledge of the
Focuses on bells and whistles
Creates more questions that presenters are
not prepared to answer
Give students challenging collaborative
exercises so that they will become familiar with
use of the Internet for research and of
PowerPoint software.
Focus on the reading and research first.
Encourage organization of the research.
Perhaps have students prepare storyboards or
outlines before the start their PowerPoint
Give short deadlines for parts of the
research project (outline, rough draft,
works cited page, final draft).

Remind students that a PowerPoint
presentation is NOT research. It is the
presentation of what the student has learned
through research (i.e., it is the result of good
Presented by
Jeff Kurtzman
Michael Lowry
Don Obrecht
Pam Childers

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