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performance appraisal may be understood as te assessment of indi!idual"s
performance in a systematic #ay$ te performance bein% measured a%ainst factors
suc as &ob 'no#led%e$ (uality and (uantity output$ initiati!e$ leadersip abilities$
super!ision$ dependability$ co)operation$ &ud%ment$ !ersatility$ ealt and te li'e*
Assessment sould be confined to past performance alone* Potentials of te employee
for future performance must also be assessed*
Performance appraisal is a metod of e!aluatin% te bea!ior of employees in te
#or' spot$ normally includin% bot te (uantitati!e and (ualitati!e aspect of &ob
performance* Performances ere refer to te de%ree of accomplisment of te tas's
tat ma'e up an indi!idual"s &ob* It indicates o# #ell an indi!idual is fulfillin% te
&ob demands* Often te term is confused #it effort$ but performance is al#ays
measured in terms of result and not efforts*
A formal definition of performance appraisal is +it is te systematic e!aluation of te
indi!idual #it respect to is or er performance on te &ob and is or er potential
for de!elopment*,
Performance appraisal is te systematic description of an employee"s &ob rele!ant
stren%ts and #ea'nesses*
-e basic purpose is to find out o# #ell te employee is performin% te &ob and
establis a plan of impro!ement*
Appraisals are arran%ed periodically accordin% to a definite plan*
Performance appraisal is not &ob e!aluation* It refers to o# #ell someone is doin%
te assi%ned &ob* /ob e!aluation determines o# muc a &ob is #ort to te
or%ani0ation and tere for$ #at ran%e of pay sould be assi%ned to te &ob*
Performance appraisal is a continuous process in e!ery lar%e scale or%ani0ation*
Performance appraisal is planned$ de!eloped and implemented trou% a series of
23 Establis Performance Standards*
Appraisal systems re(uire performance standards$ #ic ser!e as bencmar's a%ainst
#ic performance is measured* In order to be useful$ standards sould relate to te
desired results of eac &ob* Appraisals must a!e a clear) cut criteria* Performance
standards must be bot to te appraiser and te appraise* -e performance standards
of %oals must be de!eloped after a torou% analysis of te &ob* Goals must be #ritten
do#n* -ey must be measurable #itin certain time and cost considerations*
83 Communicate te Standards*
Performance appraisal in!ol!es attract t#o parties9 te appraiser #o does te
appraisal and te appraise #ose performance is bein% e!aluated* 4ot are e:pected
to do certain tin%s* -e appraiser sould prepare &ob descriptions clearly$ elp
appraise set is %oals and tar%ets9 analysis results ob&ecti!ely9 offer coacin% and
%uidance to appraise #ene!er re(uired and re#ard %ood results* -e appraiser
sould be !ery clear about #at e is doin% and #y e is doin%* For tis purpose$ te
performance standards must be communicated to appraise and teir reactions are
noted initially* -ese standards must be re!ised or modified as and #en re(uired*
;3 Measure Actual Performance*
After te performance standards are set and accepted$ te ne:t step is to measure
actual performance* -is re(uires te use of dependable performance measures$ te
ratin%s used to e!aluate performance* Performance measures in order to be elpful
must be easy to use$ reliable and report on te critical bea!iors tat determine
performance* Generally$ mana%ers re%ardin% o# to measure actual performance use
four common sources of information1 personal obser!ation$ statistical reports$ oral
reports and #ritten reports*

<3 Compare Actual Performance #it Standards and 6iscuss te Appraisal*
Actual performance may be better tan e:pected and sometimes it may e!en %o off
te trac'* -e assessment of anoter person=s contribution and ability is not an easy
tas'* It as serious emotional o!ertones as it affects te self)esteem of te appraise*
Any appraisal as'ed on sub&ecti!e criteria is li'ely to be (uestioned by te appraisers
and lea!e im (uite de&ected and unappy #en te appraisal turns out to be ne%ati!e*
>3 -a'in% Correcti!e Action$ if Necessary*
Correcti!e action is of t#o types1 -e one$ #ic puts out te fires immediately and
te oter one$ #ic stri'es at e root of te problems permanently* Immediate action
sets tin%s ri%t and %et tin%s bac' or trac'$ #ereas te basic correcti!e action %ets
to te source of de!iations and seems to ad&ust te difference permanently* 4asic
correcti!e step see' to find out o# and #y performance de!iate*
Metods of Performance Appraisal
A3 -raditional Metods 43 Modern Metods
Confidential report 2* 5uman resource accountin%
Ran'in% 8* mana%ement by ob&ecti!e
Grapical ratin% scale ;* Assessment centre
Cec'lists <* 4ARS? 4ea!iorally
Forced distribution ancored ratin% scale 3
Critical incidents
Essay e!aluation
Group appraisals

-raditional metods1
Confidential report metod
It is mostly used in %o!ernment or%ani0ations* It is a descripti!e report %enerally
prepared at te end of te year$ by te employee"s immediate superior* -e report
i%li%ts te stren%ts$ #ea'nesses$ ma&or mista'es$ merits$ %ood #or' done etc* of
te subordinate* -e impression of te superior about te superior is merely recorded
ere* It does not offer any feedbac' to appraise* It is a narrati!e metod of
performance appraisal since te report is not made public and ence no freedom is
a!ailable$ te sub&ecti!e analysis of te superior is li'ely to be otly contested*
Ran'in% metod
-is is relati!ely easy metod of performance e!aluation* In it$ te ran'in% of an
employee in a #or' %roup is a%ainst tat of anoter employee* -e relati!e position of
eac employee is tested in terms of is or er numerical ran'$ for e:ample$ #en tere
are fi!e employees ?A$4$C$6$E3 to be compared$ ten A"s performance is compared
#it tat of 4"s and decision is arri!ed at as to #ose is te better or #orst* Ne:t$ 4 is
also compares #it all oters* Since A is already compared #it 4$ tis time 4 is to
be compared #it only C$ 6$ and E In tis e!aluation is as'ed to rate te employees
from i%est to lo#est on some o!erall criterion* It is easier to ran' te best and te
#orst employee$ it is !ery difficult to ran' te a!era%e employees*
Grapical ratin% scale
It is te oldest and te most commonly used metod of performance in tis$ a printed
form is used to e!aluate te performance of an employee* Four to t#el!e factors are
selected$ dependin% upon te cate%ory to #ic te employee belon%s* Some of tese
factors are (uantity of out put$ (uality of out put$ initiati!e$ inte%rity$ dependability
etc* tese factors and teir de%rees are mar'ed on a %rap paper pro!ided in te form*
-e rater as merely to cec' on te scale #ere e tin's te employee belon%s*
Cec'lists and #ei%ted cec'lists
-e cec'list is a simple ratin% tecni(ue in #ic te super!isor is %i!en a list of
statement or #orld and as' to cec' statement representin% te caracteristic and
performance of eac employee a cec'list represents a set of ob&ecti!e statement
about te employee and is bea!ior* A more recent !ariation of te cec'list is
#ei%ted list* .nder tis te !alue of eac (uestion may be #ei%ted more ea!ily
tan oters*
-e follo#in% are sample (uestions in te cec'list1
) Is te employee is really interested in te tas' assi%ned@ AesB No
) Is e respected of is collea%ues@ AesB No
) 6oes e follo# instructions properly@ AesB No
) 6oes e %i!e respect to is superiors@ AesB No
) 6oes e ma'e mista'es fre(uently@ AesB No
A ratin% score from te cec'list elps te mana%er in e!aluation of te performance
of te employee*
Forced distribution metod
It #as de!eloped to eliminate te bias and te preponderance of i% ratin%s tat
mi%t occur in some or%ani0ations* Its primary purpose is te correct tendency of te
rates to %i!e consistently i% and lo# ratin%s to all employees* -is metod ma'es
tose of se!eral sets of pair pases$ t#o of #ic are positi!e and t#o of tem are
ne%ati!e and te rates is as'ed to indicate #ic of te four prase is te most or least
descripti!e of a particular employee* Actually te statement items are %rounded in
suc a #ay tat te rater cannot #ic statement applies to te most effecti!e
employee* -e fa!orable (ualities earn a plus credit and te unfa!orable ones earn te
se!erest* In tis te o!erall ob&ecti!ity is increased in te employee"s performance
because te rater does not 'no# o# i% or lo# e is e!aluatin% te indi!idual$ as e
as no access to te storin% 'ey*
Critical incident metod
-e mana%er prepares test of statements of e!ery effecti!e and ineffecti!e
bea!ior of an employee* -ese critical incidents or e!ents represent te outstandin%
poor bea!ior of te employees* -e mana%er prepares records of te critical
incidents of te #or'er"s bea!ior* At te end of te ratin% period$ te recorded
critical incidents are used in te e!aluation of te #or'ers" performance*
Essay Appraisal
.nder tis metod te rater is as'ed to e:press te stron% as #ell as te #ea' points
of te employee"s bea!ior* -is tecni(ue is normally used #it a combination of
te %rapical ratin% scale because te rater an elaborately present te scale by
sustainin% an e:planation for is ratin%* In it$ te rater considers te follo#in% factors1
/ob 'no#led%e and potential of te employee*
Employees understandin% about te company"s pro%rammes$ policies$ ob&ecti!e$ etc*
-e employees %eneral plannin%$ or%ani0in% and controllin% ability*
-e employee"s relation #it te co)#or'ers and superiors*
-e attitude and perceptions of te #or'er$ in %eneral*
Group appraisal
In tis metod an employee is appraised by a %roup of appraisers* -is %roup consists
of te immediate super!isor of te employee$ oter super!isors #o a!e close
contact #it employee"s #or'$ mana%er or ead of department or consultant* -e
ead of department or mana%er may be te cairman of te %roup and te super!isor
may act as te coordinate for te %roup acti!ities* -e immediate super!isor enli%ten
oter members about te &ob caracteristics$ demand$ standards or performance etc*
ten te %roup appraise te performance of te employee$ compares te performance
#it te standards$ finds out te de!iation$ discusses te reasons$ terefore su%%ests
#ays for impro!ement of performance$ prepares an action plan$ studies te need for
can%e in te &ob analysis and standards and recommends can%es$ if necessary* -is
metod eliminates +personal bias, to a lar%e e:tent$ as performance is e!aluated by
multiple rates* 5o#e!er$ it is !ery time consumin% process*
43 Modern Metods1
5uman resource accountin%
5RA is a sopisticated #ay to measure in financial terms te effecti!eness of te
personal mana%er acti!ities and te use of people in an or%ani0ation* It is process of
accountin% people as an or%ani0ation resource* It tries to place a !alue on te
or%ani0ational uman resources as assets and not as e:penses* -is metod so#s te
in!estment te or%ani0ation ma'es in te people and o# te !alue of tese people
can%e o!er a time* -e ac(uisition of employee is compared #it te replacement
cost from time to time* In brief$ in tis metod te employees" performance is
e!aluated in terms of costs and contributions of employees*
Mana%ement by ob&ecti!es
It is te modern metod of e!aluatin% te performance of personnel* Mana%ers a!e
become increasin%ly a#are tat te traditional performance e!aluation systems are
caracteri0ed by facin% %oals* -e concept of M4O is actually te outcome te
pioneerin% #or' of 6ruc'er$ Mc%re%er and Odioine in mana%ement science* M4O
can be described as te process #ereby te superior and subordinate mana%er of an
or%ani0ation &ointly identify its common %oals$ eac indi!idual"s areas of operations$
responsibility in terms of results e:pected of im and use tese measures as a %uide
for operatin% te unit and assessin% te contributions of eac of its members* M4O
tus represents more tan an e!aluation process*
-e M4O can be described in four steps1
-e first step is to establis te %oals eac subordinate is to attain* -e %oals typically
refer to te desired outcome to be acie!ed* -e %oals can be ten used to e!aluate
te employee performance
-e second step in!ol!es settin% of te performance standard fro te subordinates in a
pre!iously arran%ed time period*
In te tird step$ te actual le!el of %oal attainment is compared #it te %oals a%reed
upon* -e e!aluator e:plores te reasons or te %oals tat #ere not met and te %oals
tat #ere e:ceeded* -is step elps to determine te trainin% needs* It also alerts te
superior of te conditions tat may affect but o!er #ic te subordinate as no
-e final step in!ol!es establisin% ne# %oals and$ possibly$ ne# strate%ies for %oals
tat pre!iously not attained* At tis point$ subordinate and superior in!ol!ement in te
%oal settin% may can%e* Subordinates #o successi!ely reac te establised %oals
may be allo#ed to participate more in te %oal settin% process te ne:t time* -e
process is repeated*
Assessment center
In tis approac indi!iduals from !arious departments are brou%t to%eter to
spend t#o or tree days #or'in% on an indi!idual or a %roup assi%nment similar to te
ones tey #ould be andlin% #en promoted* Obser!ers ran' te performance of eac
and e!ery participant in order to merit since assessment centers are basically meant
for e!aluatin% te potential of candidates to be considered for promotion$ trainin% on
de!elopment$ tey offer an e:cellent means for conductin% e!aluation process in an
ob&ecti!e #ay* All assesses %et an e(ual opportunity to so# teir talents and
capabilities based on merit*
4ea!iorally ancored ratin% scale
-is metod is also 'no#n as bea!ioral e:pectation scale* -is metod represent e
latest inno!ation in te performance appraisal* It is te combination of te ratin% scale
and critical incident tecni(ues of employee performance e!aluation* -e critical
incidents ser!e as te ancor statement on a scale and te ratin% form usually contains
si: to ei%t specifically defined performance dimensions*
-e appraisal may be any person #o as torou% 'no#led%e about te &ob contents$
contents to be appraised$ standards of contents and #o obser!es te employee=s by
performin% a &ob* -e appraisal sould be capable of determinin% #at is more
important and #at is relati!ely less important* 5e sould prepare reports and made
&ud%ments #itout bias* -ypical appraisals are super!isors$ peers* Subordinates$
employees temsel!es$ user of ser!ice and consultants* Performance Appraisal by all
tese parties is called ;CDE Performance Appraisal*
Super!isors include superiors of te employee$ oter superiors a!in% 'no#led%e
about te #or' of te employee and department ead or mana%er* General practice is
tat immediate superior appraises te performance$ #ic in turn is re!ie#ed by te
departmental eadB mana%ers* -is is because superiors are responsible free mana%in%
teir subordinates and tey a!e te opportunity to obser!e$ direct and control te
subordinate continuously* Moreo!er$ tey are accountable for te successful
performance of teir subordinates* Sometimes oter super!isors$ #o a!e close
contact #it employee #or' also appraise #it a !ie# to pro!ide additional
Peer appraisal may be reliable of te #or'%roup is stable o!er a reasonably lon%
period of time and performs tas's tat re(uire interaction*
In de!eloped countries$ te concept of can%e superiors rated by subordinates in bein%
used in most or%ani0ations* Suc a metod can be useful pro!ided te relationsips
bet#een superiors and subordinates art cordial* Subordinate=s ratin%s in suc cases can
be (uite useful in identifyin% competent superiors*
If indi!iduals understand te ob&ecti!es tey are e:pected to acie!e and te standards
by #ic tey are to be e!aluated$ tey are to a %reat e:tent in te best position to
appraise teir o#n performance* Also$ since employee de!elopment means self)
de!elopment$ employees #o appraise teir o#n performance may become i%ly
.sers of Ser!icesBCustomers
-e customers on users of ser!ices can$ better &ud%e employee performance in ser!ice
or%ani0ations relatin% to bea!iors$ promptness$ speed in doin% te &ob and accuracy*
E:ample$ students better &ud%e a teacer"s performance*
Sometimes consultants may be en%a%ed for appraisal #en employees or employers
do not trust te super!isory appraisal and mana%ement does not trust te self)appraisal
and te appraisal done by subordinates* In suc situation$ te consultants are trained
and tey obser!e te employee at #or' for sufficiently lon% periods for te purpose of
7en to appraise@
Informal appraisals are conducted #ene!er te super!isor or personnel mana%er feel
it necessary* 5o#e!er$ systematic appraisals are conducted on a re%ular basis9 say for
e:ample$ e!ery si: mont or annually*
-o create and maintain a satisfactory le!el of performance*
-o contribute to te employee %ro#t and de!elopment tou%t trainin%$ self and
mana%ement de!elopment pro%rammes*
-o elp te superior to a!e a proper understandin% about teir subordinates*
-o %uide te &ob can%es #it elp to continuous ran'in%*
-o facilitate fair and e(uitable compensation based on performance*
-o pro!ide information for ma'in% decision re%ardin% lay off$ retrencment etc*

It must be easily understandable1
If te system is too muc comple: or to time consumin%$ it may be ancored to te
%round by its o#n dead #ei%t of complicated forms #ic nobody but te e:perts
It musty as support of all line people #o administer it1
If te line people tin' tat tere role is not !ery important ten tey #ill not consider
te system seriously* Similarly$ if te people find tat te system is too teoretical$
too ambitious$ or tat as been foisted on tem by te i!ory)to#er staff consultants
#o a!e no compreension of te demand ten tey #ill recent it*
-e system sould be sufficiently %rounded in te re(uirement of te or%ani0ation1
It sould reflect te !alue system of te or%ani0ation* In fact functionin% as a
definition of performance$ it sould tell e employee #at set of acti!ities or #at
(ualities are considered desirable by te or%ani0ation* As suc it sould a!e lin'a%e
#it te &ob description*
-e system sould be bot !alid and reliable1
-e !alidity of te ratin%s is te de%ree to #ic tey are truly indicati!e of te
intrinsic merit of te employees* -e reliability of te ratin%s is te consistency #it
#ic te ratin%s are made$ eiter by different sectors$ one by one rater at different
times* 4ot !alidity and reliability result from ob&ecti!ity* -e appraisal system of
many or%ani0ations lac's tis ob&ecti!ity and bunces all employees into one or t#o
top ran's #itout ta'in% into account teir merits* -is raises outstandin%
performances but also raises doubts about te !alidity of te system*
-e system sould a!e built)in incenti!e1
-is means tat te re#ard sould follo# satisfactory performance* Many autors
o#e!er$ ad!ocate a%ainst te direct lin'a%e bet#een te appraisal and re#ards* In
teir opinion$ suc a connection trottles do#n#ard communication of performance
appraisal because superiors do not li'e bein% (uestioned by dis%runtled subordinates*
-e system sould be open and participati!e1
It sould in!ol!e employees in %oal)settin% process* -is elps in plannin%
performance better*
-e systems sould focus more on te de!elopment and %ro#t1
Of te employee tan on %eneratin% data for administrati!e decision ma'in% related to
promotions$ increments$ etc* te system must elp in identifyin% employee"s stren%ts
and #ea'nesses and indicate correcti!e actions* For e:ample it may re!eal tat %oals
need to be modified on9 tere is need for classification of duties or for additional
trainin% or &ob rotation or &ob enricment*
-e concept GGrie!ance" as been defined in se!eral #ays by different autorities
some of te definition are follo#s1
4eac defines a %rie!ance as +any dissatisfaction or feelin% of in&ustice in
connection #it one"s employment situation tat is brou%t to te notice of te
mana%ement,$ #ere as Flippo indicate te %rie!ance as +a type of discontent #ic
must al#ays be e:pressed A %rie!ance is usually more formal in caracter tan a
complaint* It can be !alid or ridiculous$ and must %ro# out of sometin% connected
#it company operations or policy* It must in!ol!e interpretation or application of te
pro!ision of te labour contract*,
/ucius defines a %rie!ance as +any discontent or dissatisfaction$ #eter e:posed
or not$ #eter !alid or not$ arisin% out of anytin% connected #it company #ic
an employee tin's$ belie!es or e!en feels to be unfair$ un&ust or ine(uitable*,
A %rie!ance is more tan li'ely a !iolation of an employee=s ri%ts on te &ob$ a
ri%t tat is usually$ but not al#ays defined by te contract* In seein% a %rie!ance in
tis #ay$ #e can understand better tat te best place to loo' for a #ay to defend te
member is in te lan%ua%e of te contract* So for all practical purposes$ e!ery union
officer must %o bac' to te contract first #en a member comes in #it a complaint or
a problem* -e contract pro!ides us #it te stron%est ammunition in resol!in% te
issue for our member* Is te contract te only means to resol!e member=s %rie!ances@
Of course not* 4ut it is probably te stron%est le% you a!e to stand on* Lastly$ tere
are many %rie!ances tat fall into a lar%e cate%ory #ic #e say are discipline)related*
-e union can callen%e certain rules or teir application* 7e may ar%ue tat a
member is bein% disciplined #itout H&ust causeH or e or se is sufferin% from
disparate treatment* -e t#o e:pressions are simply an arbitrator=s or la#yer=s #ay of
sayin% te member is bein% disciplined unfairly*
So te best ad!ice tat can be offered in andlin% a member=s problem is to
cec' te contract first* If tere is any reasonable #ay of dealin% #it te issue as a
contract !iolation$ you ou%t to use it* Aou and your local union are only limited by
te contract$ te s'ills of te %rie!ance representati!es$ and te po#er of te local
Grie!ance procedure is necessary for any or%ani0ation due to te follo#in% reason1
Most %rie!ances seriously disturb te employees* -is may affect teir moral$
producti!ity and teir #illin%ness to cooperate #it te or%ani0ation* If an e:plosi!e
situation de!elops$ tis can be promptly attended to if %rie!ance andlin% procedure is
already in e:istence*
It is not possible tat all te complaints of te employees #ould be settled by first)
time super!isors$ for tese super!isor may not a!e ad a proper trainin% for te
purpose$ and tey may lac' autority* Moreo!er$ tere may be personality conflicts
and oter cause as #ell*
It ser!es as a cec' on te arbitrary action of te mana%ement because super!isors
'no# tat employees are li'ely to see to it tat teir protest dose reac te i%er
It ser!es as an outlet for employees %ripes$ discontent and frustrations* It acts li'e a
pressure !alue on a steam boiler* -e employees are entitled to le%islati!e$ e:ecuti!e
and &udicial protection and tey %et tis protection from te %rie!ance redressal
procedure$ #ic also acts as a means of up#ard communication*
endorses te ACAS Code of Practice
for andlin% disciplinary and %rie!ance issues
summari0es te statutory procedures #ic came into force in October 8DD<
includes te CIP6 !ie#point*
A summary of issues #ic can be addressed trou% te 4asic Grie!ance
Procedure include$ but are not limited to$ te follo#in%1 All alle%ations of
discrimination9 alle%ations of non)compliance #it te Personnel Rules9 impro!ement
of systems$ practices or procedures9 safety9 ealt9 #or'in% conditions9 materials or
e(uipment9 super!isory practices or procedures considered improper or unfair9
disciplinary actions suc as suspensions of <D ours or less$ reprimands or memos of
concern9 or any oter matters sub&ect to te autority of te A6OA 6irector and for
#ic no oter metod of redress is pro!ided or proibited in te Personnel Rules*
An employee may not submit a %rie!ance callen%in% te follo#in% mana%ement
ri%ts$ but may submit a %rie!ance concernin% te manner of teir administration$
insofar as tese personally affect te employee1 -e a%ency=s ri%t to direct its
employees9 to ire$ promote$ transfer$ assi%n$ and retain employees9 and$ to maintain
efficiency of %o!ernment operations$ and to determine te metods$ means$ and
personnel by #ic tese operations are to be conducted*
An employee may submit a %rie!ance concernin% a specific performance factor ratin%
by utili0in% te EPAS Grie!ance Procedure* An employee may not submit a
%rie!ance concernin% te receipt of a performance decrease$ te non)receipt of a
performance increase or special performance a#ard$ te amount of any increase or
decrease$ or te use of any &ob)related supplemental ratin% factors to determine te
receipt or amount of an increase$ decrease$ or special performance a#ard* An
employee may submit a %rie!ance usin% te 4asic Grie!ance Procedure #itin 2D
days of receipt of a plannin% EPAS or #itin 2D days of failin% to recei!e$ after
#ritten re(uest$ a plannin% document*
N/01A223-.'43* M',,*(+
A summary of issues #ic cannot be addressed trou% eiter te 4asic or te
EPAS Grie!ance Procedure$ include$ but are not limited to$ te follo#in%1 Retirement
issues9 life insurance or ealt insurance issues9 suspension for more tan <D #or'in%
ours$ demotion$ or dismissal resultin% from disciplinary action9 any e:amination$
certification or appointment9 any classification action9 and any reduction in force
action and matters not sub&ect to te 6epartment of Administration control* Oter
a!enues e:ist to see' redress or remedy in!ol!in% tese actions*
Once a %rie!ance is referred to any step beyond te immediate super!isor$ it may
not be amended* If additional documentation is submitted by te %rie!ant after te
initiation of te %rie!ance$ te re!ie#in% official may remand te %rie!ance to te
appropriate pre!ious le!el for reconsideration* It is te employee=s responsibility to
pro!ide documentation to support te alle%ations raised in te %rie!ance*
C/06-5*0,-'3-,) '05 U+* /6 O66-.-'3 A%,7/(-,)
-e preparation$ submittal$ re!ie# and response to a %rie!ance are confidential*
Correspondence re%ardin% a %rie!ance sould be andled in a confidential manner$
and en!elopes containin% %rie!ance material sould be clearly labeled Hconfidential*H
No reference to te complaint sall be included in te employee=s official personnel
Copies of #ritten responses sent at eac step of te procedure are limited to
respondents at te precedin% steps$ te a%ency ead or te a%ency ead=s desi%nee
unless it is necessary to notify additional personnel because te response re(uires
anoter indi!idual to ta'e some action*
No person sall directly or indirectly use any official autority or influence in any
manner to discoura%e te use of tis procedure* Any person found %uilty may be
sub&ect to penalty under A6OA Personnel Rule R8)>)>D2*
At any step of te %rie!ance procedure after te mandatory pre)%rie!ance oral
discussion ?see belo#3$ %rie!ant may select one representati!e to pro!ide ad!ice
andBor spea' for te %rie!ant at any meetin%s determined necessary by mana%ement in
te course of te %rie!ance process* An A6OA employee #o ser!es as a
representati!e is re(uired to re(uest and obtain prior appro!al for annual or
compensatory lea!e for any time de!oted as a representati!e durin% re%ular #or'in%
ours* If a representati!e is cosen$ te representati!e sall be identified on te
%rie!ance form
G(/%2 G(-*8'0.*
Sould a %roup of employees file a %rie!ance$ all employees of te %roup are
re(uired to si%n te %rie!ance and to clearly desi%nate$ on te %rie!ance form$ one
member #o #ill act as te %roup=s contact person* -e contact person #ill act as a
spea'er for te %roup in any meetin%s determined necessary by mana%ement*
P(*2'(',-/0 T-&*
6urin% te entire formal %rie!ance process ?after te oral discussion at Step I3$
employees are allo#ed up to four ours #it pay to prepare te %rie!ance andBor
confer #it teir official representati!e on te %rie!ance* Employees cannot use state
e(uipment for tis process* Employees must re(uest and obtain prior super!isory
appro!al for time off$ #ic #ill be sub&ect to te operational needs of te unit* -e
time an employee de!otes to attendin% any meetin%s sceduled by mana%ement to
discuss te %rie!ance is considered #or' time and is not included in te four)our
limitation specified abo!e*
-e A6OA Personnel Rules re(uire tat te a%ency ead respond to a %rie!ant not
later tan <D #or'in% days after receipt of te %rie!ance at te first step* 7itin te
<D #or'in% days re(uirement$ te time at any step may be e:tended by te a%ency
ead #it concurrence of te %rie!ant* If at any step te response is not made #itin
te prescribed time and no e:tension as been a%reed upon$ te employee may submit
to te ne:t step*
M'05',/() O('3 D-+.%++-/0
In accordance #it Personnel Rule R8)>)ID8*A*2$ te employee is REF.IRE6 to
a!e an oral discussion #it te immediate super!isor prior to initiatin% a formal
%rie!ance* -e employee must clearly state to te super!isor te employee=s
intentions of filin% a formal %rie!ance$ te issues in!ol!ed$ and te re(uested
resolution* -e purpose of te meetin% is for bot parties to e:plore te issues and te
re(uested resolution* If te employee fails to ta'e tis step$ te %rie!ance 7ILL NO-
be accepted trou% te formal %rie!ance procedure* It is te employee=s
responsibility to remember tat te Step I %rie!ance must be submitted #itin 2D
#or'in% days after te occurrence of te action bein% %rie!ed$ and tat tese 2D days
are not e:tended by te date on #ic te oral discussion ta'es place*
-e employee may select a representati!e at any step after te oral discussion #it te
7en an employee #ants to submit a basic %rie!ance$ te employee must1 .se te
appropriate form9 state te problem and outline all of te specific facts$ circumstances
and issues in!ol!ed9 pro!ide all te appropriate documentation to support te
alle%ations9 state te specific resolution #ic is sou%t9 of a Personnel Rule !iolation
is alle%ed$ te specific rule alle%ed to a!e been !iolated must be stated as #ell as an
e:planation of o# te rule #as !iolated9 and$ te employee must si%n te %rie!ance
at eac step and state #y te response at te pre!ious le!el #as not satisfactory*
-e employee must also meet te mandatory oral discussion re(uirement prior to
submittin% te complaint and adere to te re(uired time limitation for submittin% a
S,*2 I
-e Step I respondin% autority is te employee=s immediate super!isor*
-e time limit for submittin% te %rie!ance is 2D #or'in% days from te date of te
action bein% %rie!ed* If a suspension is bein% %rie!ed$ te date of te action is
considered to be te first day of te suspension* -e date te action occurred is not
counted #en determinin%
6isciplinary and %rie!ance procedures pro!ide a clear and transparent frame#or'
to deal #it difficulties #ic may arise as part of teir #or'in% relationsip from
eiter te employer=s or employee=s perspecti!e*
-ey are necessary to ensure tat e!erybody is treated in te same #ay in similar
circumstances$ to ensure issues are dealt #it fairly and reasonably and tat tey are
compliant #it current le%islation*
6isciplinary procedures are needed1
So employees 'no# #at is e:pected of tem in terms of standards of performance or
conduct ?and te li'ely conse(uences of continued failure to meet tese standards3*
-o identify obstacles to indi!iduals acie!in% te re(uired standards ?e*%* trainin%
needs$ lac' of clarity of &ob re(uirements$ additional support needed3 and ta'e
appropriate action*
As an opportunity to a%ree suitable %oals and timescales for impro!ement in an
indi!idual=s performance or conduct*
As a point of reference for an employment tribunal sould someone ma'e a complaint
about te #ay tey a!e been dismissed
G(-*8'0.* 2(/.*5%(*+ '(* 0**5*5#
-o pro!ide indi!iduals #it a course of action sould tey a!e a complaint
?#ic tey are unable to resol!e trou% re%ular communication #it teir line
-o pro!ide points of contact and timescales to resol!e issues of concern*
T7* 3*<'3 2/+-,-/0
Most of te pro!isions %o!ernin% discipline and %rie!ances at #or' are to be found
in te Employment Act 8DD8 and te detailed re%ulations made to implement te
pro!isions of tat Act namely te Employment Act 8DD8 ?6ispute Resolution3
Re%ulations 8DD< ?SI8DD<BI>83*
Numerous oter pieces of le%islation cross refer to discipline and %rie!ance issues*
Some important e:amples include te1
Employment Ri%ts Act 2JJC as amended
Employment Ri%ts 6ispute Resolution Act 2JJK
Employment Relations Act 2JJJ*
-e statutory disciplinary$ dismissal and %rie!ance procedures
From 2 October 8DD<$ te Employment Act 8DD8 made it a le%al re(uirement for all
or%ani0ations to follo# minimum disciplinary$ dismissal and %rie!ance procedures in
certain circumstances* -ese statutory procedures amount to a minimum standard tat
must be follo#ed by all employers and employees*
T7* M'-0 F*',%(*+ O6 T7* P(/.*5%(*+ A(*#
-ree step statutory disciplinary$ dismissal and %rie!ance procedures #ic must
be follo#ed in most cases
failure to follo# te statutory procedures by te employer prior to dismissal #ill
render tat dismissal automatically unfair
employers #ill pay a potential increase in compensation of bet#een 2D)>DL if te
procedures are not follo#ed by te employer
an employee may be pre!ented from presentin% some types of claim in te
employment tribunal if tey a!e not follo#ed te %rie!ance procedure first
te procedures are non)contractual until furter notification by te 6epartment of
-rade and Industry unless an or%ani0ation cooses to incorporate te statutory
minimum into teir o#n contractual procedures*
T7*(* '(* ,=/ +*,+ /6 2(/.*5%(*+# standard$ and modified* It is en!isa%ed tat te
standard procedure #ill be used in all but te most e:ceptional circumstances* -ese
procedures apply in a #ide ran%e of circumstances #ic are not limited to issues
relatin% to te capability or conduct of te employee but$ for e:ample$ to dismissals
#ic occur on te e:piry of a fi:ed)term contract and in a smaller scale
-ere are some e:emptions to te statutory procedures$ for e:ample if one party
reasonably belie!es tere is a si%nificant treat$ arassment or it is not practical to %o
trou% te procedures for reasons beyond teir control$ or if tere are issues of
national security*
-e ACAS Code of Practice Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures
detailed %uidance for employers* CIP6 endorses tis Code*
CIP6 members can find out more on te le%al aspects of tis topic from our FAF on
in te Employment La# at 7or' area of our #ebsite*
-op of Form
G(-*8'0.* 2/3-.) '05 2('.,-.*
It is essential tat %rie!ances from employees are treated in te same fair manner*
Failure to address %rie!ances lea!es employees #it Gresidual an%er" and can lead to
%eneral unrest and disputes in te #or'place*
Employees must 'no# to #om tey can turn in te e!ent of a %rie!ance and te
support$ suc as counselin% or sources of ad!ice$ tat is a!ailable to tem* All line and
senior mana%ers must be familiar #it teir or%ani0ation"s %rie!ance procedure*
-ere are a number of additional factors to bear in mind #en dealin% #it %rie!ances
concernin% arassment* For furter details see our fact seet on
$'053-0< <(-*8'0.*+ -06/(&'33)
Indi!iduals sould be encoura%ed to discuss ordinary$ day)to)day issues informally
#it teir line mana%er* -is elps concerns to be eard and responded to as soon as
7ere tis as been unsuccessful$ or circumstances ma'e tis route inappropriate for
te indi!idual$ ten matters sould raised formally trou% te %rie!ance procedure*
$'053-0< <(-*8'0.*+ 6/(&'33)
Employees sould also be a#are of te formal route open to tem$ includin%1
te tree sta%es of te statutory procedure and any furter elements of te
or%ani0ation"s additional procedures
#it #om to raise te complaint and appropriate sources of support
timescales #itin #ic te or%ani0ation #ill see' to deal #it te complaint
details of te sta%es of te %rie!ance procedure e*%* o# a complaint may be raised
#it te ne:t le!el of mana%ement if a satisfactory resolution is not reaced*
An employee sould be %i!en te ri%t to be accompanied to %rie!ance earin%s by a
collea%ue or trade union representati!e as e:plained abo!e*
As in disciplinary matters$ record 'eepin% is important
Aour employer"s %rie!ance procedure may a!e more tan tree steps$ but it must
include te follo#in%*
1. :(-,,*0 +,',*&*0,
Aou must set out your %rie!ance in #ritin% ?often called a Gstep one letter"3* Aour
employer"s %rie!ance procedure sould say #o to send your letter to* If tat"s te
person causin% te problem$ or if tey"!e i%nored pre!ious complaints$ send it to te
5R department or to te person"s boss*
2. M**,-0<#
Aour %rie!ance sould be loo'ed into in a fair and unbiased #ay* Aour employer
sould in!ite you to a meetin% ?sometimes called a earin%3 to discuss te problem$
and you sould attend if you can* If tere is someone else in!ol!ed$ tey mi%t also be
tere ?but you sould tell your employer if you are uncomfortable #it tis3*-e
meetin% sould be at a con!enient time for you and anyone else in!ol!ed* If you tin'
you"!e not ad enou% time to prepare$ as' for more time* If your employer doesn"t
a%ree ?and tey don"t a!e to3$ you sould %o to te earin%$ but ma'e sure tat your
lac' of preparation time is noted* Gater your tou%ts before te meetin%* 6on"t be
afraid to #rite do#n #at it is you #ant to say* -ere is notin% #ron% #it readin%
tis out at te meetin%* It is up to your employer #at format te meetin% ta'es but
tey #ill normally %o trou% te issues tat a!e been raised and %i!e you te
opportunity to comment* -e main purpose of te meetin% sould be to try to
establis te facts and find a #ay to resol!e te problem* -e Ad!isory$ Conciliation
and Arbitration Ser!ice ?Aces3 a!e a code of practice #ic sets out o# your
employer sould carry out a %rie!ance procedure* If you as' your employer
beforeand$ you a!e a le%al ri%t to ta'e a Gcompanion" ?#o is a collea%ue or trade
union representati!e3 to te meetin% #it you* If no collea%ue is #illin% to accompany
you$ and you"re not a union member$ as' if you can brin% a family member or a
Citi0en"s Ad!ice 4ureau #or'er ?but your employer does not a!e to a%ree to tis3*
-e companion can present andBor sum up your case$ tal' on your bealf and confer
#it you durin% te earin%* -ey"re protected from unfair dismissal or oter
mistreatment for supportin% you* -e meetin% must be at a con!enient time for your
companion* Aou can as' for a postponement of up to fi!e days if necessary to %et
your cosen companion tere* Aou sould be %i!en notes of te meetin%$ and copies
of any information %i!en by oter people* .nless tey need to in!esti%ate furter$
your employer sould tell you reasonably (uic'ly #at"s been decided$ and about
your ri%t to appeal if you"re not satisfied* Aou mi%t be told of te outcome !erbally
at first but it #ill usually be confirmed in #ritin%*
3. A22*'3 &**,-0<#
If you"re not satisfied #it te decision$ or you tin' te procedure follo#ed #as
seriously fla#ed$ you a!e te ri%t to an appeal* -is is usually eard by a i%er
le!el of mana%ement* If tat isn"t possible$ your employer could as' an Aces
mediator or oter independent person to ear it* -e appeal earin% is similar to te
ori%inal meetin%$ and you a!e a ri%t to a companion$ as before* Aour employer
sould %i!e you enou% time to appeal* If tey don"t$ ma'e your appeal any#ay$ and
say tat you"ll pro!ide more information later* If you are considerin% ta'in% your
issue to an Employment -ribunal you may #ant to appeal e!en if it seems pointless$
because a tribunal a#ard could be reduced if you don"t* If you can"t sort out te
dispute$ you can %et elp trou% mediation$ conciliation or arbitration$ if your
employer a%rees to it*
6iscipline is re(uired for bot te or%ani0ation and te indi!idual* In te
or%ani0ation it is needed to re%ulate te bea!ior of people$ maintain peace and
cannel teir efforts to#ards or%ani0ational %oal* Sad to sate$ most people do not
e:ercise self discipline and tis fact ma'es e:ternal control necessary for brinin%
order #itin an or%ani0ation*
6iscipline is not a %lamorous term* It is !ie#ed #it fear and suspicion in
or%ani0ation* -e multiple e:planation ad!anced by different e:pert in te filed a!e
only added to te pre!ailin% confusion*
-raditionally$ discipline is interpreted as a sort of cec' or restraint on te freedom
of person* 6iscipline is used to te act of imposin% penalties for #ron% bea!ior* If
employees fail to obser!e rules$ tey are punised* +6iscipline is te force tat
prompts an indi!idual or a %roup to obser!e te rules$ re%ulations and procedures
#ic are deemed to be necessary to te attainment of an ob&ecti!e$,
Employees comply #it rules not out fear of punisment but out of an inerent
desire to cooperate and acie!e %oals* 7ere te or%ani0ational climate is mar'et by
t#o)#ay communication$ clear %oals$ effecti!e leadersip$ ade(uate compensation
employees need not be discipline in te traditional #ay* Positi!e discipline$ accordin%
to Sprie%el enables an employee$ +to a!e a %reater freedom in tat e en&oys a
%reater de%ree of self)e:pression in stri!in% to acie!e te ob&ecti!e$ #ic e
identifies as is o#n*,
P/-0, N*<',-8* D-+.-23-0* P/+-,-8* D-+.-23-0*
C/0.*2, It is aderence to establised
norms and re%ulation$ out of
fear of punisment*
It is te creation of a
conducti!e climate in an
or%ani0ation so tat employees
#illin%ly confirm to te
establised rules
C/063-., Employees do not percepti!e
te corporate %oals as tere
-ere is no conflict bet#een
indi!idual and or%ani0ational
S%2*(8-+-/0 Re(uire intense super!isory
control to pre!ent employees
from %oin% off te trac'*
Employees e:ercise self)
control to meet or%ani0ational
ob&ect i!ies*
4ea!ioral scientist !ie# discipline as a self) control to meet or%ani0ational
ob&ecti!es* Me%%inson clarified te term tus* +4y self) discipline e mans te
trainin% tat correct$ moulds and stren%tens* It refers to one"s efforts at self control to
certain needs and demands* -is form of discipline is raised on to psycolo%ical
principles* First$ punisment seldom produce te desired result* Often$ it produce
undesirable result* Second$ a self) respectin% person tends to be a better #or'er tan
one #o is not*,
-e concept o pro%ressi!e discipline states tat penalties must be appropriate to
te !iolation* If inappropriate bea!iour is minor in nature and as not pre!iously
occurred an oral may be sufficient* If te !iolation re(uires a #ritten #arnin%$ it must
be done accordin% to a procedure* After #ritten #arnin%s$ if te conduct of te
employees is still not alon% desired lines$ serious puniti!e steps could be initiated* In
case of ma&or !iolations suc as ittin% a super!isor may &ustify te termination of an
employee immdiately* In order to assist a mana%er to reco%ni0e te proper le!el of
disciplinary action$ some firms a!e formali0ed te procedure*
7itout te continual support of te subordinate$ no mana%er can %et tin%s done*
4ut disciplinary action a%ainst a delin(uent employee is painful and %enerates
resentment on is part*
Accordin% to te Red 5ot Sto!e rule disciplinary action sould a!e follo#in%
A? B%(0+ -&&*5-',*3)# If disciplinary action is to be ta'en$ it must occur
immediately so te indi!idual #ill understand te reason for it* 7it te passa%e of
time$ people a!e tendency to con!ince temsel!es tat tey are not fault*
B? 2(/8-5*+ ='(0-0<# It is !ery important to pro!ide ad!ance #arnin% tat
punisment #ill follo# unacceptable bea!iour* As you mo!e closer to ot sto!e you
are #arned by its eat tat #ill be burned*
C? B%(0+ -&2*(+/0'33)# 6isciplinary action sould be impersonal* -ere are no
fa!orites #en tis approac is follo#ed*
-e Industrial Employment Act #as passed in 2J<C #it a !ie# to impro!e te
industrial relation climate* -e Act re(uires tat all establisment must define te
ser!ice rules and prepare standin% order* -e term Standin% order refers to te rules
and re%ulation #ic %o!erns te condition of employment of #or'ers* -ey indicate
duties and responsibility on te part of bot te employer and te employees* -e
standin% order contains rules relatin% to classification of employees$ #or'in% ours$
olidays$ sift #or'in%$ attendance$ lea!e$ suspension$ stoppa%e of #or'$ redreassal of
tese terms and condition may lead to misconduct or indciplpine*

-ou% tere is no ri%id and specific procedure for ta'in% disciplinary action$ te
disciplinary procedure follo#ed in Indian industries usually consist of te follo#in%
a* I++%-0< ,7* 3*,,*( /6 .7'(<* : 7en a employee commits an act of misconduct
tat re(uired disciplinary action$ te employee concerned sould be issue a car%e
seet* Car%es of misconduct or indiscipline sould be clearly and precisely stated
in te car%e seet*
b* C/0+-5*(',-/0 /6 *923'0',-/0 1 On %ettin% te ans#er for te letter of car%e
ser!ed$ te e:planation furnised be consider and if it is a satisfactory$ no
disciplinary action need be ta'en* On te contrary #en te mana%ement is not
satisfied #it te employees e:planation tere is a need for ser!in% a so#)cause
c* S7/=1.'%+* 0/,-.* 1 So#)cause notice is issued by te mana%er #en e belie!es
tat tere is a sufficient prima facie e!idence of employees misconduct* En(uiry
sould also initiated by first ser!in% im a notice of en(uiry indicatin% clearly te
name of en(uirin% officer$ time$ date and place of en(uiry etc*
d* $/35-0< /6 ' 6%33 63*5<* *0A%-() 1 -ese must be in conformity #it te principle
of natural &ustice$ tat is te employee concerned must be %i!en an opportunity$ of
bein% eard* 7en te process of en(uiry is o!er an findin%s of te same are
record$ te en(uiry officer sould su%%est te nature of disciplinary action*

U+-0< ,7* 5-+.-23-0'() 2(/.*++
-ere are t#o main areas #ere te disciplinary system is used1
capabilityBperformance and conduct*
It is ine!itable tat at some sta%e all employers #ill encounter difficulties #it te
performance of teir employees in te #or'place ?tese can stem from difficulties on
te part of te or%ani0ation suc as insufficient trainin% and support$ or a lac' of
leadersip or inappropriate systems of #or'$ as #ell as te indi!idual #o is
stru%%lin% to fulfill teir responsibilities3* It is %ood practice and also more efficient
tat suc issues are addressed informally$ as and #en tey arise$ by mana%ers !ia
discussions #ic clarify =#at %ood performance loo's li'e=$ %oal settin%$ support
and timely positi!e feedbac' #ere appropriate* Only #en tese options a!e been
e:austed and #ere tere is no alternati!e sould mana%ers sould enter a more
formal disciplinary procedure*
Situations #ere an indi!idual is unable to do teir &ob because of ill)ealt also fall
into tis cate%ory* In tese instances an employee sould be dealt #it
sympatetically and offered support* 5o#e!er$ unacceptable le!els of absence could
still result in te employer ma'in% use of #arnin%s*

Employee misconduct could ran%e from continued lateness$ failure to follo# a
reasonable mana%ement instruction$ abuse of te or%ani0ation"s computer system or
Internet access$ bullyin% bea!iour or creatin% a ostile #or' en!ironment$ trou% to
teft$ fi%tin% and committin% criminal offences* -e more %ra!e offences may
constitute %ross misconduct* In all cases$ e!en %ross misconduct$ an employer sould
attempt to follo# te statutory procedures*
Sta%es of te process
If disciplinary action is to be ta'en$ it sould al#ays a!e tree main sta%es1
1B L*,,*(
2B M**,-0<
3B A22*'3.
-ere must al#ays be a full and fair in!esti%ation to determine te facts and to decide
if furter action is necessary*
All records sould be 'ept meticulously$ as tis #ill be !ital sould a case be
perused at an employment tribunal* Since te burden of proof is on te employer to
so# tat te dismissal is not unfair or unreasonable$ 'eepin% records is !ital* -ype of
records tat sould be 'ept by employers is minutes of meetin%s$ attendance$ notes of
telepone calls$ copies of correspondence etc*
$'05-0< 5-+.-23-0'() -0,*(8-*=+
All line mana%ers sould be trained and supported so tat tey are able to carry out
disciplinary meetin%s #it teir team* -e 5R department sould be able to assist
tem by pro!idin% a source of independent ad!ice on preparin% for and conductin%
te inter!ie#$ as #ell as sarin% 'no#led%e about similar cases in te or%ani0ation
and rele!ant le%islation*
-e 'ey points to consider are1
Ensure you a!e in!esti%ated all te facts in ad!ance ?includin% consultin% te
indi!idual=s personal file for rele!ant information3 and plan o# you #ill approac
te meetin%*
Ma'e sure te employee 'no#s from te letter in!itin% tem to te meetin% #y tey
a!e been as'ed to attend and tat tey a!e a ri%t to a!e a companion present*
Ma'e sure te indi!idual as reasonable notice$ ideally more tan <K ours9 so tat
tey a!e a cance to arran%e an appropriate representati!e if tey #is*
Ma'e sure anoter member of mana%ement can be tere to ta'e detailed notes and
C/05%., ,7* -0,*(8-*=.
Ne!er pre)&ud%e te outcome of te inter!ie# before earin% te employee=s
Start te inter!ie# by statin% te complaint to te employee and %i!in% appropriate
statements from people in!ol!ed*
Gi!e te employee ample opportunity to put for#ard teir side of te story and call
any supportin% #itnesses*
Aou can also call #itnesses$ but tey can only be in te room for te rele!ant part of
te inter!ie# ) not te duration*
Ma'e use of ad&ournments1 al#ays ta'e a brea' to consider and obtain any e:tra
information you need before reacin% your decision* Aou can also use if tin%s
become eated or people are upset durin% te inter!ie#*
6eli!er te decision ?and %i!e reasons$ ta'in% into account any miti%atin%
circumstances3$ confirm re!ie# periods and ensure you %i!e details of o# to appeal*
Confirm te decision in #ritin%*
It is important tat e!eryone in!ol!ed in disciplinary action understand te
importance of follo#in% te correct procedure$ as e!en if te case a%ainst an
employee seems pro!en$ tey can still be deemed to a!e been treated unfairly if te
correct procedures are not follo#ed*
An indi!idual is entitled to be accompanied by a #or' collea%ue or trade union
official at formal disciplinary and %rie!ance inter!ie#s$ and to select a companion of
teir coice* It #ould be %ood practice for an employer also to offer tis at any purely
in!esti%atory meetin%*
N/ '.,-/0
After te meetin%$ te employer may decide tat no action is necessary* For
e:ample$ if an employee #as unclear about #at #as e:pected from tem and tey
a%ree to try to resol!e te issue !ia additional support or counselin%*

Alternati!ely$ te employer may decide to %i!e te employee a #arnin%* An
or%ani0ation"s policy sould outline e:actly #at #arnin%s #ill be %i!en$ but te
follo#in% are li'ely1
R*./(5*5 /('3 ='(0-0<
F-(+, =(-,,*0 ='(0-0<
F-0'3 =(-,,*0 ='(0-0<.
Clearly tese sta%es represent an increase in seriousness* 7it te e:ception of
e:treme e:amples of misconduct$ it #ould be inappropriate to =s'ip sta%es= in te
process* .ltimately$ failure to reac te or%ani0ation"s standards may result in
Any #arnin% sould also specify a re!ie# period durin% #ic te indi!idual recei!es
appropriate support and teir performance can be monitored*
6isciplinary #arnin%s sould normally a!e a specified =life= after #ic tey are
disre%arded #en considerin% any subse(uent #arnin%s* -ypical timescales for te
types of #arnin% are1
(*./(5*5 /('3 ='(0-0< 1 6 &/0,7+
6-(+, =(-,,*0 ='(0-0< 1 1 )*'(
6-0'3 =(-,,*0 ='(0-0< 1 2 )*'(+*
7ere misconduct as been !ery serious$ it may be appropriate for te #arnin% to
continue to be re%arded indefinitely*
Recruitment means to estimate te a!ailable !acancies and to ma'e suitable
arran%ements for teir selection and appointment* Recruitment refers to +6isco!erin%
potential applicants for actual or anticipated or%ani0ational !acancies* Recruitment is
a process +-o disco!er te source of manpo#er to meet te re(uirements of staffin%$
to employ effecti!e measures for attractin% potential manpo#er in ade(uate number,*
Recruitment is te process of identifyin% te sources for prospecti!e candidates and to
stimulate tem to apply for te &ob* It"s lin'in% acti!ity brin%in% to%eter tose #it
&obs and tose see'in% &obs* It locates te source of manpo#er to meet te
re(uirements and &ob specifications* In recruitment process a!ailable !acancies are
%i!en #ide publicity and suitable candidates are encoura%ed to submit application so
as to a!e a pool of eli%ible candidates for scientific selection*
In recruitment$ information is collected from interested candidates* For tese different
sources of recruitment suc as ne#spaper ad!ertisement$ employment e:can%e$
internal promotions$ etc* are used* In te recruitment$ a pool of eli%ible and interested
candidates is created for te selection of most suitable candidate* Recruitment
represents te first contact tat a company ma'es #it potential employees*
Recruitment is a positi!e function in #ic publicity is %i!en to te &obs a!ailable in
te or%ani0ation and interested candidates ?(ualified &ob applicants3 are encoura%ed to
submit applications for te purpose of selection*
Accordin% to Ed#in Flippo$ +Recruitment is te process of searcin% for prospecti!e
employees and stimulatin% tem to apply for &obs in te or%ani0ation*
-e ob&ecti!es of recruitment are as follo#s1
?i3 -o attract people #it multi)dimensional s'ills and e:periences tat suit
te present and future or%ani0ational strate%ies$
?ii3 -o induct outsider #it a ne# perspecti!e to lead te company$
?iii3 -o infuse fres blood at all le!els of te or%ani0ation$
?i!3 -o de!elop an or%ani0ational culture tat attracts competent people to te
?!3 -o searc or ead untBead pouc people #ose s'ills fit te company"s
?!i3 -o searc for talents %lobally and not &ust #itin te company*
Recruitment as tree ma&or purposes1
23 to increase te pool of &ob applicants #it minimum cost*
83 -o meet te or%ani0ation"s le%al and social obli%ations re%ardin% te
demo%rapic composition of its #or'force*
;3 -o elp increase te success rte of te selection process by reducin% te
percenta%e of applicants #o are eiter poorly (ualified or a!e te #ron%
-e need for recruitment may be due to te follo#in% reasonsBsituations1
?a3 Macancies due to promotions$ transfers$ retirement$ termination$ permanent
disability$ deat and labour turno!er*
?b3 Creation of ne# !acancies due to %ro#t$ e:pansion and di!ersification of
business acti!ities of an enterprise* In addition$ ne# !acancies are possible due
to &ob respecification*
-e sources of recruitment may be %rouped into1
I0,*(0'3 +/%(.*+
E9,*(0'3 +/%(.*+
INTERNAL SOURCES# As te term implies internal source of recruitment is for
tose #o are currently members or te or%ani0ation* 7ene!er any !acancy arises$
somebody from #itin te or%ani0ation may be loo'ed into$ follo#in% are te internal
sources of recruitment*
1! P(/&/,-/0+# 1 In order to moti!ate te e:istin% employees$ mana%ement
follo#s te policy of internal promotions* Promotion means siftin% of an
employee to a i%er position carryin% i%er responsibilities$ facilities$ status
and salaries* Marious positions in te or%ani0ation are usually filled up by
promotions of e:istin% employees on te basis of merit or seniority or a
combination of bot*
2! T('0+6*(+# ) -ransfer refers to a can%e in &ob assi%nment* It may in!ol!e a
promotion or demotion$ or no can%e in terms of responsibility or status* A
transfer may be eiter temporary or permanent$ dependin% te necessity of
fillin% &obs* E*%* transfer from ead office to branc office*
3! R*,-(*&*0,+# 1 At times$ mana%ement may not find suitable candidate in place
of te one #o ad retired$ after meritorious ser!ice* .nder tis circumstances
mana%ement may decide to call retired mana%er #it ne# e:tension*
4! R*.'33+# 1 7en mana%ement faces a problem$ #ic can be sol!ed only by a
mana%er #o as proceeded on lon% lea!e$ it may be decided to recall tat
person* After te problem is sol!ed$ is lea!e may be e:tended*
5! F/(&*( *&23/)**+# 1 Indi!iduals #o left for some oter &ob$ mi%t be
#illin% to come bac' for i%er #a%es incenti!es* An ad!anta%e #it tese
sources is tat te performance of te personBemployee is already 'no#n*
As te term implies te e:ternal source of recruitment is of potential #or'ers #o are
not currently member of te or%ani0ation* It usually includes ne# entrants to te
labour force te unemployed and people employed in te oter or%ani0ation see'in%
te can%e* Company mana%ements a!e to use eternal sources for te recruitment of
super!isory staff and mana%ers as and #en necessary* -is may be #it a !ie# to
introducin% te Gne# blood" in te or%ani0ation* E:ternal recruitment is one #ay of
brin%in% into te or%ani0ation tat as ne# s'ills or abilities and different #ay of
approacin% &ob tas'* Follo#in% are te most common e:ternal source of mana%erial
1! N*=+2'2*( A58*(,-+*&*0,#1 Ne#spaper ad!ertisements are o!er#elmin%ly
popular source of recruitment* A messa%e containin% %eneral information
about te &ob and te or%ani0ation is placed in !arious ne#spapers* Ne#spaper
ad!ertisin% typically %enerates a lar%e applicant flo#* -ou% costly$ it
pro!ides #ide coice as it attracts a lar%e number of suitable candidates from
all o!er te country* -e best e:ample for ne#spaper ad!ertisement is te
-imes of India"s Asscent supplement #ic comes on e!ery 7ednesday and
contains bot domestic as #ell as international &obs*
2! C'&2%+ R*.(%-,&*0,# 1 Colle%e Campuses are anoter !ery popular
recruitment source* -e %ro#t of Mana%ement institutes$ IIts and Re%ional
En%ineerin% Colle%es as pro!ided a popular source of recruitment* Pri!ate
sector is able to attract many aspirants* It is an e:cellent source of recruitin%
mana%ement trainees* -e promisin% students %et &ob security immediately
after securin% de%rees due to suc campus inter!ie#sBrecruitment*
3) R*.(%-,&*0, ,7(/%<7 -0,*(0*,# 1 -e Internet as (uic'ly become a !ery
popular source of employment ad!ertisin%* -is source is (uic'ly %ro#in% in
popularity* Currently employers can post teir openin%s to any of se!eral
ne#s%roups for free* Most employment ad!ertisement firms can also post te
&obs on te Internet9 o#e!er$ tey car%e a fee* A lar%e and fast %ro#in%
proportion of employers use te internet as a recruitment tool* More and more
or%ani0ations are placin% information about open positions on te 7orld 7ide
#eb* -ere are many #eb sites trou% #ic recruitment ta'es place* Some
of te e:amples are ###*nau'ri*com$ ###*monster*com$ etc*
4! @/4 F'-(+# 1 /ob fairs are !ery effecti!e* A &ob fair is an e!ent sponsored by a
H&ob fairH company #o car%es a fee to participatin% employers* -e H&ob
fairH company #ill typically ad!ertise in local media to attract (ualified
applicants* 5irin% mana%ers can meet multiple candidates and conduct on)te)
spot inter!ie#s* 4ecause te applicants may be inter!ie#in% #it multiple
employers$ it is imperati!e to respond (uic'ly #it in!itations for in)plant
inter!ie#s of (ualified candidates* If a &ob fair results in &ust one ire it is
usually cost effecti!e*
5! E&23/)&*0, A<*0.-*+# 1 -e firm contacts an or%ani0ation #ose main
purpose is locate &ob see'ers* -e company pro!ides te a%ency #it
information about te &ob$ #ic te a%ency ten passes alon% to its clients*
Clients may be eiter employed or unemployed* A%encies can eiter be public
or pri!ate* Fees may be car%ed to eiter or bot te client see'in% a &ob and
te company see'in% applicants*
6! :'3C1-0+ :(-,*1-0+ '05 T'3C -0+#1 -e most economical approac for
recruitment of candidates is direct applications* -e &ob see'ers submit
applications or resumes directly to te employer* -e ad!ertisement mentions
date$ day and timin% durin% #ic te applicant can G#al' in" for an inter!ie#*
7rite)ins are tose #o send #ritten in(uiries* -ese applicants a ra'ed to
complete application forms for furter processin%* -al')ins is no# becomin%
popular and te applicants are re(uired to meet te employer for detailed tal's*
-e applicant is not re(uired to submit any applications*
23 Internal recruitment is economical*
83 -e present employees already 'no# te company #ell and are li'ely to
de!elop a loyalty for te same*
;3 It tends to encoura%e e:istin% employees to put in %reater efforts and to
ac(uire additional (ualification* -is means tere is moti!ation to employee
to de!elop and reac to i%er positions*
<3 It pro!ides security and continuity of employment*
>3 Internal recruitment elps to raise te morale of employees and de!elop
cordial relations at te mana%erial le!els*
C3 It reduces labour turno!er as capable employees %et promotion #itin te
I3 Internal recruitment is a (uic' and more reliable metod*
K3 People recruited from #itin te or%ani0ation do not need induction or
23 Internal promotions create a feelin% of discontent amon% tose #o are not
83 It pre!ents te entry of youn% blood in te or%ani0ation*
;3 Promotion to certain 'ey post may not be possible due to non)a!ailability of
competent persons*
<3 -e or%ani0ation #ill not be able to attract capable persons from outside if
internal sources are used e:tensi!ely*
>3 It may encoura%e fa!oritism and nepotism*
C3 Promotions by seniority may not be al#ays beneficial to te or%ani0ation*
In brief$ internal metods of recruitment sould be used to e:tent possible but too
muc dependence on internal metods is undesirable and may pro!e costly to te
or%ani0ation in te lon% run*
23 Entry of youn% blood in te or%ani0ation is possible*
83 7ide scope is a!ailable for selection* -is facilitates selection of people #it
ric and !aried e:perience*
;3 Selection can be made in an impartial manner as lar%e number of (ualified and
interested candidates are a!ailable*
<3 Scope for eartburn and &ealousy can be a!oided by recruitin% from outside*
>3 -e mana%ement can fulfill reser!ation re(uirements in fa!our of te
disad!anta%ed section of e society*
23 E:ternal recruitment leads to labour turno!er particularly of s'illed$
e:perienced and ambitious employees*
83 -e relations bet#een employer and employee deteriorate leadin% to
industrial disputes and stri'es*
;3 -e present employees may lose teir sense of security* -eir loyalty to te
or%ani0ation may be ad!ersely affected*
<3 Employees feel frustrated due to e:ternal recruitment and teir morale is
ad!ersely affected*
Selection is one of te most important of all functions in te mana%ement of
personnel* Selection is more closely related to recruitment because bot are
concerned #it processin% indi!iduals to place tem in a &ob* Selection is ne:t to
recruitment* After identifyin% te sources of uman resources$ searcin% for
prospecti!e employees and stimulatin% tem to apply for &obs in an or%ani0ation$
te mana%ement as to perform te function of selectin% te ri%t employees at
te ri%t time* +Ri%t man at te ri%t &ob, is te basic principle in selection*
Selection is te process of collectin% and e!aluatin% information about an
indi!idual in order to e:tend an offer of employment* It is te process of lo%ically
coosin% indi!iduals #o posses te necessary s'ills$ abilities and personality to
successfully fill specific &obs in te or%ani0ation*
Selection means a process by #ic te (ualified personnel can be coosen from
te applicants #o a!e offered teir ser!ices to te or%ani0ation for employment*
-us selection process is ne%ati!e function because it attempt to eliminate
applicants$ lea!in% te best to be selected* In te #ords of 6ale Aode!$ +Selection
is te process in #ic candidates for employment are di!ided into t#o classes N
tose #o are to be offered employment and tose #o are not,* In sort$
selection is te process of coosin% a person suitable for te &ob out of se!eral
-e ob&ecti!e of te selection decision is to cose te indi!idual #o can most
successfully perform te &ob from te pool of (ualified candidates* -e selection
procedures are te system of functions and de!ices adopted in a %i!en company to
ascertain #eter te candidate"s specification is matced #it te &ob
specification and re(uirements or not* -e selection procedures cannot be
effecti!e until and unless1
23 Re(uirements of te &ob to be filled$ a!e been clearly specified ?&ob analysis$
83 Employee specifications ?pysical$ mental$ social$ and bea!ioral$ etc3 a!e
been clearly specified*
;3 Candidates for screenin% a!e been attracted*
-us$ te de!elopment of &ob analyses$ uman resource plannin% and recruitment
are necessary prere(uisites to te selection process* -e brea'do#n in any of
tese processes can ma'e e!en te best selection system ineffecti!e*
-e importance of selection may be &ud%ed from te follo#in% facts1)
1! P(/.%(*&*0, /6 E%'3-6-*5 '05 SC-33*5 :/(C*(+# 1 Scientific selection
facilitates te procurement of #ell (ualified and s'illed #or'ers in te
or%ani0ation* It is in te interest of te or%ani0ation in order to maintain te
supremacy o!er te oter competiti!e firms* Selection of s'illed personnel
reduces te labour cost and increases te production* Selection of s'illed
personnel also facilitates te e:pansion in te si0e of te business*
2! R*5%.* C/+, /6 T('-0-0< '05 D*8*3/2&*0,# ) Proper selection of candidates
reduces te cost of trainin% because (ualified personnel a!e better %raspin%
po#er* -ey can understand te tecni(ue of #or' better and in less time*
Furter$ te or%ani0ation can de!elop different trainin% pro%rammes for
different persons on te basis of teir indi!idual differences$ tus reducin% te
time and cost of trainin% considerably*
3! A4+*0.* /6 P*(+/00*3 P(/43*&+# ) Proper selection of personnel reduces
personnel problems in te or%ani0ation* Many problems li'e labour turno!er$
absenteeism and monotony sall not be e:perienced in teir se!erity in te
or%ani0ation* Labour relation #ill be better because #or'ers #ill be fully
satisfied by te #or'* S'illed #or'ers elp te mana%ement to e:pand te
business and to earn more profits and in turn mana%ement compensates$ te
#or'ers #it i% #a%es$ benefits etc*

Selection procedure employs se!eral metods of collectin% information about te
candidate"s (ualification$ e:perience$ pysical and mental ability$ nature and
bea!iour$ 'no#led%e$ aptitude and te li'e for &ud%in% #eter a %i!en applicant is
or is not suitable for te &ob* -erefore$ te selection procedure is not a sin%le act but
is essentially a series of metods or sta%es by #ic different types of information can
be secured trou% !arious selection tecni(ues* At eac step$ facts may come to li%t
#ic are useful for comparison #it te &ob re(uirement and employee
Selection procedure is len%ty and time consumin% particularly in te case of
super!isory post*
Follo#in% are te stepsB procedures of selection1
1! @/4 A0'3)+-+# 1 /ob analysis is te basis for selectin% te ri%t candidate*
E!ery or%ani0ation sould finali0e te &ob analysis$ &ob description$ &ob
specification and employee specification before proceedin% to te ne:t step of
2! A223-.',-/0 F/(&# 1 Application Form is also 'no#n as application blan'*
-e tecni(ue of application blan' is traditional and #idely accepted for
securin% information from te prospecti!e candidates* 7ere application
forms are use$ te data become a part of te employee"s record* -e
information is %enerally re(uired on te follo#in% items in te application
forms1 Personal bac'%round information$ Educational information$ 7or'
e:periences$ salary$ personal details$ e:pected salary and allo#ances etc*
3! P(*3-&-0'() I0,*(8-*=# ) Preliminary or initial inter!ie# is often eld in case
of +at te %ate, candidate* -is inter!ie# usually of sort duration and is
aimed at obtainin% certain basic information #it a !ie# to identifyin% te
ob!ious misfits or un(ualified* -us preliminary inter!ie# is useful as a
process of eliminatin% te undesirable and unsuitable candidate* If te
candidate seems to possess te basic minimum re(uirements for efficient &ob
performance$ e is %i!en an application form for bein% filled out by im*
4! S.(**0-0< A223-.',-/0 F/(&# 1 Information %i!en in te application form is
used for selection purposes* -e applicant #o seems to be not fit for te &ob
on te basis of information %i!en in te application blan' is re&ected out
ri%tly at tis sta%e* -e applicants #o a!e not furnised te re(uired
information may also be re&ected* Applications #ill not be accepted after te
close date* After te close date of te recruitment$ te /ob E:pert for te
irin% department and 5uman Resources #ill screen te application forms for
minimum education and (ualification re(uirements* A recruitment date may
be e:tended if tere are no (ualified candidates* Recruitments can also be
open until te position is filled9 in tis situation$ applicants are re!ie#ed and
inter!ie#ed on a re%ular basis until an eli%ible candidate can be selected and
appointed to te a!ailable position*
5! :(-,,*0 ,*+,#1 -e or%ani0ation a!e to conduct #ritten e:amination for te
(ualified candidates after tey are screened on te basis of te application
blan's so as to measure te candidate"s ability in aritmetical calculations$ to
'no# te candidate"s attitude to#ards &ob$ to measure te candidates aptitude$
reasonin%$ 'no#led%e in !arious disciplines$ %eneral 'no#led%e and En%lis
lan%ua%e* Intelli%ence test measures te indi!iduals capacity or reasonin%$
!erbal compreension$ numbers$ !ocabulary$ #ord fluency etc* aptitude test
measures indi!iduals capacity or talent ability to learn a &ob if e is %i!en
ade(uate trainin%*
6! F-0'3 -0,*(8-*=-0<# 1 F-0'3 inter!ie# is usually follo#ed by testin%* -is is
te most essential step in te process of selection* In tis step te inter!ie#er
matces te information obtained about te candidate trou% !arious means
to te &ob re(uirements and to te information obtained trou% is o#n
obser!ation durin% te inter!ie#* -e basic ob&ecti!e of te inter!ie# is to
measure te applicant a%ainst te specific re(uirements of te &ob* Inter!ie#
must be conducted in a friendly atmospere and te candidate must be made to
feel at ease* -e inter!ie#er sould not as' un#arranted (uestions #ic
ma'e te candidate ner!ous* It bein% te t#o #ay communication$ te
inter!ie#ee sould also be %i!en a cance to as' (uestions if e so li'es$ about
te &ob and te or%ani0ation*
7! R*6*(*0.* C7*.C+# 1 After completion of te final inter!ie#$ te personnel
department #ill en%a%e in cec'in% references* Candidates are re(uired to
%i!e te name of reference in teir application forms* -ese references may be
from te indi!iduals #o are familiar #it te candidate"s academic
acie!ement or from te applicant"s pre!ious employer$ #o is #ell !ersed
#it te applicant"s &ob performance$ and sometime from co)#or'ers* If
reference is cec'ed in te correct manner$ a %reat deal can be learned about a
person tat an inter!ie# or tests cannot elicit* A %ood reference cec' used
sincerely fetces useful and reliable information to te or%ani0ation*
8! P7)+-.'3 E9'&-0',-/0# 1 -e candidates #o a!e crossed te abo!e urdles
are re(uired to %o for te medical e:amination* -is is !ery important because
of a person of poor ealt cannot #or' competently and te in!estment in im
may %o #aste* -us$ a torou% medical e:amination is essential*
9! S*3*.,-/0# 1 If a candidate successfully o!ercomes all te obstacles or tests
%i!en e #ould be declared selected* A appointment letter #ill be %i!en to im
mentionin% te terms of employment$ pay scales$ post on #ic selected etc*
Placement means offerin% of te &ob to te finally selected candidate* One te
employee is selected e sould be placed on a suitable &ob* Accordin% to Pi%ors
and Myres$ placement may be defined as +te determination of te &ob to #ic an
accepted candidate is to be assi%ned$ and is assi%nment to tat &ob* It is matcin%
of #at te super!isor as reason to tin' e can dos #it te &ob demands?&ob
re(uirements39 it is matcin% of #at e imposes?in strain$ #or'in% condition3 and
#at offers is te form of pay roll$ companionsip #it oter promotional
possibilities etc*, A proper placement reduced te employee turno!er$
absenteeism and accident rate and impro!es te morale* Placement is not an easy
process* It is !ery difficult for a ne# employee #o is (uite un'no#n to te &ob
and en!ironment* For tis reason$ te employee is %enerally put on a probation
period ran%in% from one year to t#o years* At te end of te probation period$ if
te employee so# a %ood performance$ e is confirmed as a re%ular employee of
te or%ani0ation* -us$ te probation period or trial period is a transition period at
te end of #ic mana%ement as to ta'e decision #eter te employee sould
be made re%ular or discar%ed from te &ob*
Follo#in% principles are follo#ed at te time of placement of an employee1
23 -e man sould be placed on te &ob accordin% to re(uirements of te &ob* -e
&ob sould not be ad&usted accordin% to te (ualifications or re(uirements of
te man* +/ob first$ man ne:t, sould be te principle of placement*
83 -e &ob sould be offered to te man accordin% to is (ualifications* Neiter
i%er$ nor lo#er &ob sould be offered to te ne# employee*
;3 -e employee sould be made con!ersant #it te conditions pre!ailin% in te
industry and all tin%s relatin% to te &ob* 5e sould also be made a#are of te
penalties if e commits a #ron%*
<3 7ile introducin% te &ob to te ne# employee$ an effort sould be mad to
de!elop a sense of loyalty and cooperation in im so tat e may reali0e is
responsibilities better to#ards te &ob and te or%ani0ation*
-e term career plannin% is fre(uently used in relation youn% boys and %irls
studyin% at te colle%e le!el* Colle%e students are e:pected to consider teir (ualities
?pysical and mental3$ psycolo%ical ma'e)up$ li'es and disli'es$ inclinations$ etc*
and decide #at tey #ant to be in teir life* In oter #ords$ tey sould decide #at
tey #ant to acie!e in teir life and ad&ust teir education and oter acti!ities
accordin%ly* -is means tey a!e to plan teir career* In suc career plannin%$
parents$ family members and colle%e teacers offer elpin% and and %uide youn%
boys and %irls in selectin% te most suitable career* Lot of literature$ psycolo%ical
tests etc* are also a!ailable on career plannin%* E!en lectures$ #or'sops and -M
pro%rammes are arran%ed for %uidin% students on career selection ?particularly after
te declaration of 5SC results3* Career plannin% enables tem to use teir
abilitiesB(ualities fully and ma'e teir life appy$ prosperous and ric in (uality* At
present$ e!en e:perts are a!ailable to elp yout in teir career plannin%* IF and oter
tests are also conducted for tis purpose*
-e term career plannin% and de!elopment is used e:tensi!ely in relation to
business or%ani0ations* It is ar%ued tat if te or%ani0ations #ant to %et te best out of
teir employees$ tey must plan te career de!elopment pro%rammes in teir
or%ani0ation effecti!ely* Suc pro%rammes offer benefits to employees and also to te
or%ani0ations* -e employees #ill de!elop ne# s'ills #ill be a!ailable to te
or%ani0ation* -is type of career plannin% can be described as or%ani0ational career
A career is a se(uence of positionsB&obs eld by a person durin% te course of is
#or'in% life* Accordin% to E5=-0 B. F3-22/ +a career is a se(uence of separate but
related #or' acti!ities tat pro!ide continuity$ order and meanin% to a person"s life,*
Career of an employee represents !arious &obs performed by im durin% te course of
is #or'in% life* -is is described as career pat* In te case of an ordinary #or'er$
te career pat includes te follo#in% &ob positions#
.ns'illed #or'er N Semi)s'illed #or'er N S'illed #or'er N 5i%ly s'illed
#or'er N Assistant foreman N Foreman*
Employees ?of all cate%ories3 #ant to %ro# in teir careers as tis pro!ides more
salary$ i%er status and opportunity to use 'no#led%e$ education and s'ills
effecti!ely* An indi!idual #it potentials &oins a firm not for &ob but for career
de!elopment* An or%ani0ation as to pro!ide better opportunities to its employees in
teir career de!elopment and also use teir efficient ser!ices for te benefit of te
Career plannin% is one important aspect of uman resource plannin% and
de!elopment* E!ery indi!idual #o &oins an or%ani0ation desires to ma'e a %ood
career for imself #itin te or%ani0ation* 5e &oins te or%ani0ation #it a desire to
a!e a bri%t career in terms of status$ compensation payment and future promotions*
From te point of !ie# of an or%ani0ation$ career plannin% and de!elopment a!e
become crucial in mana%ement process* An or%ani0ation as to pro!ide
facilitiesBopportunities for te career de!elopment of indi!idual employees*
If te or%ani0ations #ant to %et te best out of teir employees$ tey must plan
re%ularly te career de!elopment pro%rammes in teir or%ani0ations* In brief$ career
plannin% refers to te formal pro%rammes tat or%ani0ations implement to increase
te effecti!eness and efficiency of te uman resources a!ailable* Career plannin%
and de!elopment is te responsibility of te 5R department of te or%ani0ation* As
already noted$ e!ery person &oinin% an or%ani0ation as a desire to ma'e career as per
is potentiality$ ability$ s'ills and so on*
1! -o map out careers of employees as per teir ability and #illin%ness and to
train and de!elop tem for i%er positions*
2! -o attract and retain te ri%t type of persons in te or%ani0ation*
3! -o utili0e a!ailable mana%erial talent #itin te or%ani0ation fully*
4! -o acie!e i%er producti!ity and or%ani0ational de!elopment*
5! -o pro!ide %uidance and assistance to employees to de!elop teir potentials to
te i%est le!el*
6! -o impro!e employee morale and moti!ation by pro!idin% trainin% and
opportunities for promotion*
-e follo#in% acti!itiesBareas are co!ered #itin te scope of or%ani0ational career
5ere$ efforts #ill be made to identify te number of employees re(uired in
future* In addition$ te selection procedure #ill be ad&usted #it te o!erall
strate%ic %oals of te or%ani0ation*
5ere$ information relatin% to career opportunities ?promotions$ trainin% for self
de!elopment$ etc3 #ill be supplied to employees* Supplyin% career
informationBopportunities as special si%nificance as tis moti!ates employees
to %ro# and reac to i%er position*
Suc counsellin% is ne:t to supplyin% career information* Career counsellin% is
possible by senior e:ecuti!es trou% periodic discussions #it teir
subordinates* Suc career %uidance encoura%es subordinate employees to ta'e
interest in certain areas #ere suitable opportunities of career de!elopment are
a!ailable* It is a type of internal %uidance and moti!ation of employees for te
selection of possible career pats* Suc counsellin% is needed #en employees
a!e to plan teir o#n careers and de!elop temsel!es for career pro%ress*
Mana%ement no# plans &ob se(uences for transfers and promotions of teir
employees* -is ma'es transfers and promotions systematically #it ad!ance
information to employees* Career patin% creates suitable mental ma'e up of
employees for self de!elopment*
-rainin% is essential for career plannin% and also for manpo#er de!elopment*
Alon% #it &ob analysis$ or%ani0ational and &ob manpo#er re(uirement
analysis sould be underta'en by te mana%ement* -is prepares proper
bac'%round for te introduction of career plannin% pro%rammes for
A properly desi%ned system of career plannin% can pro!ide te follo#in% benefits#
i* Career plannin% elps an employee to 'no# te career opportunities a!ailable
in an or%ani0ation*
ii* Career plannin% encoura%es im to a!ail of te trainin% and de!elopment
facilities in te or%ani0ation so as to impro!e is ability to andle ne# and
i%er assi%nments*
iii* Career plannin% in!ol!es a sur!ey of employee abilities and attitudes* It
becomes possible$ terefore to %roup to%eter people tal'in% on a similar
#a!elen%t and place tem under super!isors #o are responsi!e to tat
i!* Career plannin% anticipates te future !acancies tat may arise due to
retirement$ resi%nation$ deat$ etc* at mana%erial le!el* -erefore$ it pro!ides a
fairly reliable %uide for manpo#er forecastin%*
!* Career plannin% facilitates e:pansion and %ro#t of te enterprise* -e
employees re(uired to fill &ob !acancies in future can be identified and
de!eloped in time*
-e main problems in career plannin% are as follo#s#
-. Career plannin% can become a reality #en opportunities for !ertical ability
are a!ailable* -erefore$ it is not suitable for a !ery small or%ani0ation*
--. In a de!elopin% country li'e India$ en!ironmental factors suc as %o!ernment
policy$ public sector de!elopment$ %ro#t of bac'#ard areas$ etc* influence
business and industry* -erefore$ career plans for a period e:ceedin% a decade
may not be effecti!e*
---. Career plannin% is not an effecti!e tecni(ue for a lar%e number of employees
#o #or' on te sop floor$ particularly for illiterate and uns'illed #or'ers*
-8. In family business ouses in India$ members of te family e:pect to pro%ress
faster in teir career tan teir professional collea%ues* -is upset te career
plannin% process*
8. Systematically career plannin% becomes difficult due to fa!ouritism and
nepotism in promotions$ political inter!ention in appointments and
reser!ations of seats for sceduled castesBtribes and bac'#ard classes*
It is not easy to introduce career de!elopment pro%ramme at te le!el of an
or%ani0ation* Moreo!er$ suc career de!elopment plannin% is a continuous acti!ity*
7at is appenin% in most of te or%ani0ations is tat tis concepts is %i!en only lip
ser!ice and teoretical importance* If te or%ani0ation #ants to %et te best out of
teir employees$ it must plan te career de!elopments pro%rammes continuously and
effecti!ely in its or%ani0ation*
-is is te first step #ic needs to be completed before te introduction of
career plannin% pro%ramme* -is relates to a time from #ic career plannin%
is to be introduced* 5ere$ te base line #ill be prepared to elp te planners to
ma'e pro&ections for te plannin% period and to elp in te e!aluation of
plans* In order to analy0e te present career situation$ te follo#in%
information #ill be re(uired#
-. -otal number of employees N teir a%e distribution$ (ualifications$
positions$ speciali0ations$ etc*
--. Structure N broad as #ell as detailed and te (ualifications re(uired for
eac %rade*
---. Personnel need of te or%ani0ation* ?Cate%ory #ise3
-8. Span of control a!ailable #itin te or%ani0ation*
8. Field staff at ead office #it necessary details$ and
8-. Facilitates a!ailable for trainin% and de!elopment #itin and outside
te or%ani0ation*
-e information collected on tese aspects ser!es as te base for te preparation of
career de!elopment plan for te future period*
In tis second step$ an attempt is bein% made to find out te situation li'ely to
de!elop after te completion of career de!elopment plan* -is can be done on
te basis of assumption #ic can predict #at is li'ely to appen at te close
of te career de!elopment plan*
In tis tird step of career de!elopment plan$ efforts are made to find out
precisely te career de!elopment needs of te future period* It is possible to
identify te scope and limitations of career de!elopment needs on te basis of
te data collected ?trou% personnel in!entory of te or%ani0ation$ employee
potentials$ and appraisal of employees3*
It is rater difficult to meet all te needs of te employees and te or%ani0ation
for career de!elopment immediately i*e* trou% one career de!elopment plan*
Naturally$ tere is a need to select te pressin% and ur%ent problems of
employees and or%ani0ation* In addition$ oter factors suc as tecnical$
financial and administrati!e must be ta'en into consideration #ile finali0in%
te priorities*
-is is te most important step in te #ole process of career de!elopin% plan*
Suc plan must describe te follo#in% in concrete formBforms#
'. 7at is to be attainedBacie!ed@
4. -e e:tent to #ic it is to be attained$
.. -e employees in!ol!ed$
5. -e department in #ic te proposed plan #ill operate H
*. -e len%t of time re(uired te acie!in% te %oals*
In order to e:ecute te career de!elopment plan$ te or%ani0ation sould#
'! Introduce systematic policies and pro%rammes of staff trainin% and
career de!elopment for all cate%ories of employees so as to enable
tem to#
I. Impro!e teir le!el of s'ill and 'no#led%e H
II. Gain #ider e:periences H and
III. Assume i%er responsibilities*
4! Establis and effecti!ely implement a system of study lea!e H
.! 6e!elop te e:perience of te employees by encoura%in% teir rotation
from one re%ion to anoterH
5! -a'e positi!e steps to encoura%e career de!elopment$ suc as #
I. Pro!idin% #itin te or%ani0ation H
II. Gi!in% priorities in te fillin% of !acancies in te follo#in% order for #
1. promotion #itin te or%ani0ation H
2. -ransfer #itin te or%ani0ation H
3. Outside recruitment*
III. Remo!in% artificial barriers to promotion H
IV. Establisin% a re%ister of employees for promotion on merit)cum)
seniority basisH
After decidin% te priorities of career de!elopment plan$ te ne:t ma&or step is
to prepare a #rite up ?brief report3 of te career plan* -is #rit)up sould
contain all necessary details suc as scedule ?time se(uence of plan3$
procedures and oter details so tat te e!aluation of te plan #ill be easy and
Monitorin% of te plan is essential for its effecti!e e:ecution* E:pected
resultsBbenefits #ill be a!ailable only #en te plan is implemented properly*
Planned ?e:pected3 tar%ets and tar%ets actually acie!ed can be compared
trou% suitable monitorin% of te plan* -e %ap bet#een te t#o ?i*e* sort
falls3 can be located (uic'ly* In addition$ suitable remedial measures can be
ta'en to rectify te sortfalls*
ImplementationBe:ecution of te plan is an inte%ral aspect of plannin% process
itself* For effecti!e implementation$ co)operation and co)ordination at all
le!els is necessary* -e implementation needs proper monitorin% so as to
a!oid possible sortfalls*
A plan needs periodical re!ie#* Suc e!aluation a!oids mista'es$ deficiencies$
etc durin% te implementation sta%e* It is built)in de!ice to measure te
effecti!eness of te plan* Actual benefits a!ailable #ill be 'no#n only trou%
suc re!ie# and e!aluation* Suc e!aluation sould be done by e:perts* It
sould be conducted systematically and also impartially*
-is is te last stepBsta%e of te current career de!elopment plan and te first
stepBsta%e of te ne:t plan* 5ere$ on te basis of te acie!ements of te
current plan$ te career needs of te future period ?of employees and also of
te or%ani0ation3 are estimated* -e ne# priorities are decided and te details
of te ne# career de!elopment plan are prepared* Plannin% is a continuous
processBacti!ity* -is rule is applicable to career de!elopment plans of an
Education is tou%t of in terms of employment* People %o for scool and colle%e
education and prepare for teir occupation* Mery fe# people stic' to te same &ob
trou%out teir life* Most of tem s#itc &ob eiter #itin te or%ani0ation or in
some oter or%ani0ation* Cances are tey can%e &obs$ dependin% on a!ailable
opportunity$ se!eral times before retirement* 7ere opportunity is restricted tey
continue #it te same &ob* -ey %o trou% te follo#in% sta%es#
Almost all candidates #o start #or'in% after colle%e education start around
mid)t#enties* Many a time tey are not sure about future prospects but ta'e up
a &ob in anticipation of risin% i%er up in te career %rap later* From te
point of !ie# of or%ani0ation$ tis sta%e is of no rele!ance because it appens
prior to te employment* Some candidates #o come from better economic
bac'%round can #ait and select a career of teir coice under e:pert %uidance
from parents and #ell)#isers*
-is career sta%e be%ins #it te candidate %ettin% te first &ob %ettin% old of
te ri%t &ob is not an easy tas'* Candidates are li'ely to commit mista'es and
learn from teir mista'es* Slo#ly and %radually tey become responsible
to#ards te &ob* Ambitious candidates #ill 'eep loo'in% for more lucrati!e
and callen%in% &obs else#ere* -is may eiter result in mi%ration to anoter
&ob or e #ill remain #it te Same &ob because of lac' of opportunity*
-is career sta%e represents fastest and %ainful leap for competent employees
#o are commonly called +climbers,* -ere is continuous impro!ement in
performance* On te oter and$ employees #o are unappy and frustrated
#it te &ob$ tere is mar'ed deterioration in teir performance* In oter to
so# teir utility to te or%ani0ation$ employees must remain producti!e at
tis sta%e* +climbers, must %o on impro!in% teir o#n performance*
Autority$ responsibility$ re#ards and incenti!es are i%est at tis sta%e*
Employees tend to settle do#n inn teir &obs and +&ob oppin%, is not
-is career sta%e is pleasant for te senior employees #o li'e to sur!i!e on
te past %lory* -ere is no desire to impro!e performance and impro!e past
records* Suc employees en&oy playin% te role of elder statesperson* -ey are
e:pected to train youn%er employees and earn respect from tem*
-is career sta%e represents te completion of one"s career usually
culminatin% into retirement* After decades of ard #or'$ suc employees a!e
to retire* Employees #o #ere climbers and acie!ers #ill find it ard to
compromise #it te reality* Oters may tin' of +life after retirement,*
LO7 8> ;> <> >> CD
Career de!elopment consists of te personal actions one underta'es to acie!e a
career plan* -e terms Gcareer de!elopment" and Gemployee de!elopment" need to be
differentiated at tis sta%e* Career de!elopment loo's at te lon%)term career
effecti!eness of employees #ere as employee de!elopment focuses of effecti!eness
of an employee in te immediate future* -e actions for career de!elopment may be
initiated by te indi!idual imself or by te or%ani0ation*
Career pro%ress and de!elopment is lar%ely te outcome of actions on te part of
an indi!idual* Some of te important steps tat could elp an indi!idual cross te
urdles on te #ay Gup" may include#
Career pro%ress rests lar%ely on performance* If te performance is sub)
standard$ e!en modest career %oals can"t be acie!ed*
Career de!elopment comes trou% e:posure$ #ic implies becomin% 'no#n
by tose #o decide promotions$ transfers and oter career opportunities* Aou
must underta'e actions tat #ould attract te attention of tose #o matter
most in an or%ani0ation*
Net#or'in% implies professional and personal contacts tat #ould elp inn
stri'in% %ood deals outside ?e*%*$ lucrati!e &ob offers$ business deals$ etc*3* for
years men a!e used pri!ate clubs$ professional associations$ old)boy
net#or's to %ain e:posure and acie!e teir career ambitions*
Resi%nin% to furter one"s career #it anoter employer is 'no#n as
le!era%in%* 7en te opportunity is irresistible$ te only option left is to
resi%n from te current position and ta'e up te ne# &ob ?opportunity in terms
of better pay$ ne# title$ a ne# learnin% e:perience$ etc*3* o#e!er$ &umpin% te
&obs fre(uently ?&ob)oppin%3 may not be a %ood career strate%y in te lon%)
Professionals and recent colle%e %raduates %enerally &ump &obs fre(uently
#en tey start teir career* -ey do not tin' tat career)lon% dedication to
te same or%ani0ation may not elp tem furter teir career ambitions* -o
o!ercome tis problem$ companies suc as Infosys$ NII-$ 7IPRO ?all
information tecnolo%y companies #ere te turno!er ratios are %enerally
i%3 a!e come out #it lucrati!e$ inno!ati!e compensation pac'a%es in
addition to employee stoc' option plans for tose #o remain #it te
company for a specified period*
A mentor is$ %enerally spea'in%$ an older person in a mana%erial role offerin%
informal career ad!ice to a &unior employee* Mentors ta'e &unior employees
under teir protP%P and offer ad!ice and %uidance on o# to sur!i!e and %et
aead in te or%ani0ation* -ey act as role models* A sponsor$ on te oter
and$ is someone in te or%ani0ation #o can create career de!elopment
-e assistance from mana%ers and 5R department is e(ually important in
acie!in% indi!idual career %oals and meetin% or%ani0ational needs* A !ariety of tools
and acti!ities are employees for tis purpose*
5ere te employees %o trou% a process in #ic tey tin' trou% teir
life roles$ interests$ s'ills and #or' attitudes and preferences* -ey identify
career %oals$ de!elop suitable action plans and point out obstacle tat come in
te #ay* -#o self)assessment tools are (uite commonly used in te
or%ani0ations* -e first one is called te career)plannin% #or'sop* After
indi!iduals complete teir self)assessment$ tey sare teir findin%s #it
oters in career #or'sops* -ese #or'sops tro# li%t on o# to prepare
and follo# trou% indi!idual career strate%ies* -e second tool$ called as a
career #or'boo'$ consists of a form of career %uide in te (uestion)ans#er
format outlinin% steps for reali0in% career %oals* Indi!iduals use tis company
specific$ tailor)made %uide to learn about teir career cances* -is %uide$
%enerally tro#s li%t on or%ani0ation"s structure$ career pats$ (ualifications
for &obs and career ladders*
Employee counsellin% is a process #ereby employees are %uided in
o!ercomin% performance problems* It is usually done trou% face)to)face
meetin%s bet#een te employee and te counselor or coac* 5ere discussions
of employees" interests %oals$ current &ob acti!ities and performance and
career ob&ecti!es ta'e place* Counsellin% is %enerally offered by te 5R
department* Sometimes outside e:perts are also be called in* if super!isors act
as coaces tey sould be %i!en clearly defined roles and trainin%* -is is$
o#e!er$ a costly and time)consumin% process*
-ese consist of s'ill assessment and trainin% efforts tat or%ani0ations use to
%room teir employees for future !acancies* Seminars$ #or'sops$ &ob
rotations and mentorin% pro%rammes are used to de!elop a broad base of
s'ills as a part of suc de!elopmental acti!ities*
In recent years$ tere is %ro#in% e!idence re%ardin% dual career families
de!elopin% tensions and frictions o#in% to teir inability to reconcile te
differences bet#een te family roles and #or' demands* 7en #e tal' of
dual career couples ?a situation #ere bot usband and #ife a!e distinct
careers outside te ome3 certain pu00lin% (uestions arise naturally# #ose
career is importantH #o ta'es care of cildrenH #at if te #ife %ets a
temptin% promotion in anoter locationH #o buys %roceries and cleans te
ouse if bot are busy$ etc* reali0in% tese problems$ or%ani0ations are
pro!idin% a place and a procedure for discussin% suc role conflicts and
copin% strate%ies* -ey are comin% out #it scemes suc as part)time #or'$
lon% parental lea!e$ cild care centers$ fle:ible #or'in% ours and promotions
and transfers in tune #it te demands of dual career conflicts*
Employee must pro!e tat is performance on te &ob is to te le!el of
standards establised$ if e #ants career pro%ress*
Employee"s desire for career pro%ress sould e:pose teir s'ills$ 'no#led%e$
(ualifications$ acie!ements$ performance etc*$ to tose #o ta'e te decision
about career pro%ress*
Employees may resi%n te present &ob in te or%ani0ation$ if tey find tat
career opportunities else#ere are better tan tose of te present
5! C$ANGE T$E @OB # )
Employees #o put or%ani0ational loyalty abo!e career loyalty may can%e
te &ob in te same or%ani0ation are better tan tose in te present &ob*
And counsellin% pro!ides information$ ad!ice and encoura%ements to s#itc
o!er to oter career or or%ani0ation$ #ere career opportunities are better*
-rainin% plays an important role in uman resource de!elopment* It comes ne:t to
recruitment and selection* In fact$ te main purpose of trainin% is to de!elop te
uman resources present #itin te employees* In brief$ trainin% is te #atc#ord of
present dynamic business #orld* -rainin% is necessary due to tecnolo%ical can%es
rapidly ta'in% place in te industrial field* Ne# macines$ ne# metods and ne#
tecni(ues are introduced in te production$ mar'etin% and oter aspect of business*
-rainin% is for de!elopin% o!erall personality of an employee* It also creates
positi!e attitude to#ards fello# employees$ &ob and te or%ani0ation #ere e is
#or'in%* -rainin% is te responsibility of te mana%ement as it is basically for raisin%
te efficiency and producti!ity of employees*
-e purpose of trainin% is to acie!e a can%e in te bea!iour of tose trained and
to enable tem to do teir &obs in a better #ay* -e trainees #ill ac(uire ne#
manipulati!e s'ills$ tecnical 'no#led%e$ problem sol!in% ability or attitudes etc*
trainin% is not a one step process but is a continuous or ne!er)endin% process*
-rainin% ma'es ne#ly recruited #or'ers fully producti!e in te minimum of time*
E!en for old #or'ers$ trainin% is necessary to refres tem and enable tem to 'eep
up #it ne# metods and tecni(ues* In sort trainin% is te act of impro!in% or
updatin% te 'no#led%e and s'ill of an employee for performin% a particular &ob*
Accordin% to E5=-0 F3-22/$ trainin% is +te act of increasin% te 'no#led%e and
s'ill of an employee for doin% a particular &ob,*
A sound trainin% pro%ramme must possess te follo#in% caracteristics#
1. -rainin% pro%ramme sould be less e:pensi!e*
2. -rainin% pro%ramme sould be de!eloped for all in te or%ani0ation and not
for a particular %roup*
3. -e pro%ramme sould be conducted by a senior and e:perienced super!isor
or e:ecuti!e of te concern or by te trainin% director #o is incar%e of te
trainin% section under personnel department*
4. -rainin% pro%ramme sould be desi%ned ta'in% in !ie# te interests of bot
employer and employees*
5. It is not essential to follo# te sin%le metod of trainin% for all te employees*
-e purpose of trainin% is to de!elop te men and terefore more tan one
metod may be follo#ed for different %roups*
6. -rainin% sould be follo#ed by a re#ard* A re#ard sould be pro!ided at te
conclusion of te trainin% suc as promotion or a better &ob so tat employees
may be moti!ated*
7. Sufficient time sould be pro!ided to practice #at as been learned by te

After an employee is selected$ placed and introduced e or se must be pro!ided
#it trainin% facilities* -rainin% is te act of increasin% te 'no#led%e an s'ill of an
employee for doin% a particular &ob* -rainin% is a sort)term educational process and
utili0in% a systematic and or%ani0ed procedure by #ic employees learn tecnical
'no#led%e and s'ills for a definite purpose* In oter #ords trainin% impro!es$
can%es$ moulds te employee"s 'no#led%e$ s'ill$ bea!iour$ aptitude$ and attitude
to#ards te re(uirements of te &ob and or%ani0ation* -rainin% refers to te teacin%
and learnin% acti!ities carried on for te primary purpose of elpin% members of an
or%ani0ation$ to ac(uire and apply te 'no#led%e$ s'ills$ abilities and attitudes needed
by a particular &ob and or%ani0ation*
-rainin% is te most important tecni(ue of uman resource de!elopment* As
stated earlier$ no or%ani0ation can %et a candidate #o e:actly matces #it te &ob
and te or%ani0ational re(uirements* 5ence$ trainin% is important to de!elop te
employee and ma'e im suitable to te &ob* -rained employees #ould be a !aluable
asset to an or%anisation* Or%ani0ational efficiency$ producti!ity$ pro%ress and
de!elopment to a %reater e:tent depend on trainin%* Or%ani0ational ob&ecti!es li'e
!iability$ stability and %ro#t can also be acie!ed trou% trainin%*
-e need for trainin% of employee is uni!ersally accepted and practical trainin% in
te form of information$ instructions and %uidance is %i!en to all cate%ories of
employees* It is a must for raisin% efficiency of employees* -rainin% is necessary in
te present competiti!e and e!er can%in% industrial #orld* Specifically$ te need for
trainin% arises due to te follo#in% reasons#
I* T/ &',.7 ,7* *&23/)** +2*.-6-.',-/0+ =-,7 ,7* I/4 (*A%-(*&*0,+ '05
/(<'0-J',-/0'3 0**5+# Mana%ement finds de!iations bet#een employee"s
present specifications and te &ob re(uirements and or%ani0ational needs*
-rainin% is needed to fill tese %aps by de!elopin% and mouldin% te
employee"s s'ill$ 'no#led%e$ attitude$ bea!iour etc* to te tune of te &ob
re(uirements and or%ani0ational needs*
II* O(<'0-J',-/0'3 8-'4-3-,) '05 ,7* ,('0+6/(&',-/0 2(/.*++# -e primary %oal
of most of te or%ani0ations is tat teir !iability is continuously influenced by
en!ironmental pressure* If te or%anisation does not adapt itself to te
can%in% factors in te en!ironment$ it #ill lose its mar'et sare* If te
or%anisation desires to adapt tese can%es$ first it as to train te employees
to impart specific s'ills and 'no#led%e in order to enable tem to contribute to
te or%ani0ational efficiency and to cope #it te can%in% en!ironment*
III* T*.70/3/<-.'3 '58'0.*+# E!ery or%ani0ation in order to sur!i!e and to be
effecti!e sould adopt te latest tecnolo%y$ i*e*$ mecani0ation$
computeri0ation and automation* Adoption of latest tecnolo%ical means and
metods$ #ill not be complete until tey are manned by employees possessin%
s'ill to operate tem* So$ or%ani0ation sould train te employees to enric
tem in te areas of can%in% tecnical s'ills and 'no#led%e from time to
IM* O(<'0-J',-/0'3 ./&23*9-,)# 7it te emer%ence of increased mecani0ation
and automation$ manufacturin% of multiple products and by)products or
dealin% in ser!ices of di!ersified lines$ e:tension of operations to !arious
re%ions of te country or in o!erseas countries$ or%anisation of most of te
companies as become comple:* -is creates te comple: problems of co)
ordination and inte%ration of acti!ities adaptable for and adaptable to te
e:pandin% and di!ersifyin% situations* -is situation calls for trainin% in te
s'ills of co)ordination$ inte%ration and adaptability to te re(uirements of
%ro#t$ di!ersification and e:pansion*
M* $%&'0 (*3',-/0+# -rends in approac to#ards personnel mana%ement as
can%ed form te commodity approac to partnersip approac$ crossin% te
uman relations approac* So today$ mana%ements of most of te
or%ani0ations as to maintain uman relations besides maintainin% sound
industrial relations altou% iterto te mana%ers are not accustomed to deal
#it te #or'ers accordin%ly* So trainin% in uman relations is necessary to
deal #it uman problems ?includin% alienation$ inter)personal and inter)
%roup conflicts etc*3 and to maintain uman relations*
MI* C7'0<* -0 ,7* I/4 '++-<0&*0,# -rainin% is also necessary #en te e:istin%
employee is promoted to te i%er le!el in te or%anisation and #en tere is
some ne# &ob or occupation due to transfer* -rainin% is also necessary to
e(uip te old employees #it te ad!anced disciplines$ tecni(ues or
1) -o raise efficiency and producti!ity of employees and te or%ani0ation as a
#ole* -is means to maintain and impro!e te #or' performance of
2) -o create a pool of #ell trained$ capable and loyal employees at all le!els and
tereby to ma'e pro!ision to meet te future needs of an or%ani0ation*
3) -o pro!ide opportunities of %ro#t and self)de!elopment ?career plannin%3 to
employees and tereby to moti!ate tem for promotion and oter monetary
benefits* In addition$ to %i!e safety and security to te life and ealt of
4) -o a!oid accidents and #asta%es of all 'inds* In addition$ to de!elop balanced$
ealty and safety attitudes amon% te employees*
5) -o meet te callen%es posed by ne# de!elopments in te field of science and
6) -o impro!e te (uality of production and tereby to create mar'et demand and
reputation in te business #orld*
7) -o de!elop positi!e attitude and bea!iour pattern re(uired by an employee in
order to perform a %i!en &ob efficiently* In oter #ords$ te purpose of trainin%
is to impro!e te culture of te or%anisation*
8) -o de!elop certain personal (ualities amon% employees #ic can ser!e as
personal assets on lon% term basis*
Induction trainin% is basically for introducin% te or%anisation to ne#ly
appointed employees* It is a !ery sort informati!e type of trainin% %i!en
immediately after &oinin% te or%ani0ation* It creates a feelin% of in!ol!ement
in te minds of ne#ly appointed employees* For induction trainin%$
information boo'lets are issued and sort informati!e films are so#n* In
addition$ lecture by personnel man%erB5R6 man%er is also arran%ed*
Induction trainin% creates fa!ourable impression on te ne#ly appointed
employees and tis impression remains in teir mind o!er a lon% period*
/ob trainin% relates to specific &ob #ic te #or'er as to andle* It %i!es
information about macines$ process of production$ instructions to be
follo#ed$ metods to be used and precautions to be ta'en #ile performin%
te &ob* -is trainin% de!elops s'ills and confidence amon% te #or'ers and
enables tem to perform te &ob efficiently*
Promotion means %i!in% i%er position* -rainin% must be %i!en for
performin% duties at a i%er le!el efficiently* -is facilitates easy and (uic'
ad&ustment #it te ne# &ob and also de!elops ne# insi%t into te duties and
responsibilities assi%ned* For tis$ trainin% is %i!en after promotion and before
actually &oinin% te ne# assi%nment* -is trainin% is specific$ precise and of
sort duration*
-e purpose of refreser trainin% is to refres te professional s'ills$
information and e:perience of persons occupyin% important e:ecuti!e
positions* It %i!es information about ne# de!elopments and tecni(ues to
trainees and enables tem to use ne# metods$ tecni(ues and procedures for
raisin% efficiency*
Correcti!e trainin% is necessary #en employees !iolate company rules and
procedures* For e:ample$ absence #itout prior sanction or smo'in% in a +No
smo'in%, area or not usin% safety de!ices #ile operatin% dan%erous
macines* 5ere$ te bea!iour of employee cannot be can%es simply by
disciplinary action* -e mana%er sould andle te problem #it treatment
tat corrects te outloo' rater tan %i!in% punisment* -e mana%er sould
critici0e te act and not te indi!idual* 5e sould moti!ate concerned
indi!idual to correct is bea!iour*
Once you a!e decided #at trainin% is necessary and #ere it is needed$ te ne:t
decision is #o sould be trained@ For a small business$ tis (uestion is crucial*
-rainin% an employee is e:pensi!e$ especially #en e or se lea!es your firm for a
better &ob* -erefore$ it is important to carefully select #o #ill be trained*
-rainin% pro%rams sould be desi%ned to consider te ability of te employee to
learn te material and to use it effecti!ely$ and to ma'e te most efficient use of
resources possible* It is also important tat employees be moti!ated by te trainin%
e:perience* Employee failure in te pro%ram is not only dama%in% to te employee
but a #aste of money as #ell* Selectin% te ri%t trainees is important to te success
of te pro%ram*
-e %oals of te trainin% pro%ram sould relate directly to te needs outlined
abo!e* Course ob&ecti!es sould clearly state #at bea!ior or s'ill #ill be can%ed
as a result of te trainin% and sould relate to te mission and strate%ic plan of te
company* Goals sould include milestones to elp ta'e te employee from #ere e
or se is today to #ere te firm #ants im or er in te future* Settin% %oals elps to
e!aluate te trainin% pro%ram and also to moti!ate employees* Allo#in% employees to
participate in settin% %oals increases te probability of success*
As a result of researc in te field of trainin%$ a number of pro%rammes are
a!ailable* Some of tese are ne# metods$ #ile oters are impro!ements o!er te
traditional metods* -e trainin% pro%rammes commonly used to train operati!e and
super!isory personnel are discussed belo#* -ese pro%rammes are classified into on)
te)&ob and off)te)&ob trainin% pro%rammes*
-is type of trainin%$ also 'no#n as &ob instruction trainin%$ is te most commonly
used metod* .nder tis metod$ te indi!idual is placed on a re%ular &ob and tau%t
te s'ills necessary to perform tat &ob* -e trainee learns under te super!ision and
%uidance of a (ualified #or'er or instructor* On)te)&ob trainin% as te ad!anta%e of
%i!in% first and 'no#led%e and e:perience under te actual #or'in% conditions* -e
problem of transfer of trainee is also minimi0ed as te persons learns on)te)&ob* On)
te)&ob trainin% metods include &ob rotation$ coacin%$ &ob instruction or trainin%
trou% step)by)step and committee assi%nments*
-is type of trainin% in!ol!es te mo!ement of te trainee from one &ob to
anoter* -e trainee recei!es &ob 'no#led%e and %ains e:perience from is
super!isor or trainer in eac of te different &ob assi%nments* -ou% tis
metod of trainin% is common in trainin% mana%ers for %eneral mana%ement
positions$ trainees can also be rotated from &ob to &ob in #or'sop &ob* -is
metod %i!es an opportunity to te trainee to understand te problems of
employees on oter &obs and respect tem*
4! COAC$ING # )
-e trainee is placed under a particular super!isor #o functions as a coac in
trainin% te indi!idual* -e super!isor pro!ides feedbac' to te trainee on is
performance and offer im for su%%estions for impro!ement* Often te trainee
sare some of te duties an responsibilities of te coac and relie!es im of
is burden* A limitation of tis metod of trainin% is tat te trainee may not
a!e te freedom or opportunity to e:press is o#n ideas*
-is metod is also 'no#n as trainin% trou% step by step* .nder tis
metod$ te trainer e:plains to te trainee te #ay of doin% te &ob$ &ob
'no#led%e and s'ills and allo# im to do te &ob* -e trainer appraises te
performance of te trainee$ pro!ides feedbac' information and corrects te
.nder te committee assi%nments$ a %roup of trainees are %i!en and as'ed to
sol!e an actual or%ani0ational problem* -e trainees sol!e te problem &ointly*
It de!elops team #or'*
.nder tis metod of trainin%$ te trainee is separated form te &ob situation and
is attention is focused upon learnin% te material related to is future &ob
performance* Since te trainee is not distracted by &ob re(uirements$ e can place is
entire concentration on learnin% te &ob rater tan spendin% is time in performin% it*
-ere is an opportunity for freedom of e:pression for te trainees* Off)te)&ob
trainin% metods are as follo#s#
In tis metod$ actual #or' conditions are simulated in a class room* Material$
files and e(uipments tose are used in actual &ob performance are also used in
trainin%* -is type of trainin% is commonly used for trainin% personnel for
clerical and semi)s'illed &obs* -e duration of tis trainin% ran%es from days
to a fe# #ee's* -eory can be related to practice in tis metod*
It is defined as a metod of uman interaction tat in!ol!es realistic bea!iour
in ima%inary situations* -is metod of trainin% in!ol!es action$ doin% and
practice* -e participants play te role of certain caracters$ suc as te
production mana%er$ mecanical en%ineer$ superintendents$ maintenance
en%ineers$ (uality control inspectors$ foreman$ #or'ers and te li'e* -is
metod is mostly used for de!elopin% interpersonal interactions and relations*
-e lecture is a traditional and direct metod of instruction* -e instructor
or%ani0es te material and %i!es it to a %roup of trainees in te form of a tal'*
-o be effecti!e$ te lecture must moti!ate and create interest amon% te
trainees* An ad!anta%e of lecture metod is tat it is direct and can be used for
a lar%e %roup of trainees* -us$ costs and time in!ol!ed are reduced*
It is a metod in trainin% te clerical$ professional and super!isory personnel*
-is metod in!ol!es a %roup of people #o pose ideas$ e:amine and sare
facts$ ideas and data$ test assumptions$ and dra# conclusions$ all of #ic
contribute to te impro!ement of te &ob performance* 6iscussion as te
distinct ad!anta%e o!er te lecture metod$ in tat te discussion in!ol!es t#o)
#ay communication and ence feedbac' is pro!ided* -e participants feel free
to spea' in small %roups* -e success of tis metod depends on te
leadersip (ualities of te person #o leads te %roup*
-rainin% is ad!anta%eous not only to te or%ani0ation but also to te employees*
-rainin% elps te employees in ac(uirin% ne# 'no#led%e and &ob s'ills* In
tis #ay$ trainin% increases teir mar'et !alue and #a%e earnin% po#er* -is
increases teir pay and status*
Continued trainin% can elp an employee to de!elop is ability to learn)
adaptin% imself to ne# #or' metods$ learnin% to use ne# 'inds of
e(uipment and ad&ustin% to ma&or can%es in &ob contents and #or'
-rainin% also (ualifies te employees for promotion to more responsible &obs*
-rainin% is a follo# up of selection procedure* It elps in coosin% te most
appropriate indi!iduals for different &obs* -rainin% can be used in spottin% out
promisin% men and in remo!in% defects in selection process*
-rainin% brin%s about an impro!ement of te (uality and (uantity of output by
increasin% te s'ill of te employees* -rainin% ma'es te fres and old
employees more s'illed and accurate in performance of teir #or'*
If te employees are %i!en proper trainin% te need for super!ision is lessened*
-rainin% does not eliminate te need for super!ision but it reduces te need for
detailed and constant super!ision* A #ell trained employee is self)reliant in is
#or' because e 'no#s #at to do and o# to do it*
-e process of trainin% e!aluation as been defined as +any attempt to obtain
information on te effects of trainin% performance$ and to assess te !alue of trainin%
in te li%t of tat information*, E!aluation leads to controllin% and correctin% te
trainin% pro%ramme* 5amblin su%%ested fi!e le!els at #ic e!aluation of trainin%
can ta'e place$ !i0*$ reactions$ learnin%$ &ob bea!iour$ or%ani0ation and ultimate
-rainin% pro%ramme is e!aluated on te basis of trainee"s reactions to te
usefulness of co!era%e of te matter$ dept of te course content$ metod of
presentation$ teacin% metods etc*
ii. LEARNING # )
-rainin% pro%ramme$ trainer"s ability and trainee ability are e!aluated on te
basis of (uantity of content learned and time in #ic it is learned and te
learner"s ability to use or apply$ te content e learned*
iii. @OB BE$AVIOUR # )
-is e!aluation includes te manner and e:tent to #ic te trainee as applied
is learnin% to is &ob*
-is e!aluation measures te use of trainin%$ learnin% and can%e in te &ob
bea!iour of te departmentBor%ani0ation in te form of increased producti!ity$
(uality$ morale$ sales turno!er and te li'e*
It is te measurement of ultimate result of te contributions of te trainin%
pro%ramme to te company %oals li'e sur!i!al$ %ro#t$ profitability etc*$ and to
te indi!idual %oals li'e de!elopment of personality and social %oals li'e
ma:imi0in% social benefit*
It is not possible to su%%est a trainin% pro%ramme e(ually %ood for eac and e!ery
or%anisation* -rainin% pro%rammes differ on te basis of many indi!idual
caracteristics of te or%anisations and te employees usually in te or%anisation of
trainin% pro%rammes* -e follo#in% steps are ta'en to or%anise te trainin%
-rainin% pro%ramme sould be set up only after a!in% decided te decided te
clear)cut ob&ecti!e in mind* A trainin% pro%ramme sould be establised only
#en it is felt tat it #ould assist in te solution of specific operational problems*
-e most important step is to ma'e a torou% analysis of te entire or%anisation$
its operations and manpo#er resources a!ailable in order to find out +te trouble
spots, #ere trainin% may be needed*
If te men are less capable to perform te particular &obs tey can be
%i!en trainin% to increase teir s'ills* /obs and #ort of te men sould
be analysed trou% &ob analysis and performance appraisal*
Production problems li'e lo# producti!ity$ poor (uality$ i% cost$
i% rate of absenteeism$ labour turno!er etc* sould be identified to
indicate te need for trainin%*
Opinions sould be obtained from te mana%ement and te #or'in%
people trou% inter!ie#s or trou% (uestionnaire re%ardin%
necessary and desirable trainin% pro%rammes*
Follo#in% are te steps ta'en in tis re%ard#
.nder tis step it is to be decided #o is to be trained* #o is to be
trained N te ne# comer or te older employee or te super!isory staff
or all of tem selected from different departments* -e proper
selection of trainees is !ery important to obtain permanent and %ainful
results of trainin%* A trainee sould be trained for te 'ind of &ob e
li'es and is suitable to perform* Careful screenin% of candidates for
trainin% raises te effecti!eness of te trainin% #or'* -rainee sould be
%i!en te proper bac'%round information before e starts learnin% ne#
&ob s'ills and 'no#led%e* -rainer sould e:plain te trainee te
importance of te &ob$ its relationsip #it te #or' flo# and te
importance of trainin%*
No# it is ad!isable to lay do#n #ic metod is to be adopted fro te
trainin%* 6ifferent metods of trainin% may be su%%ested for te
different le!els of personnel* .ns'illed #or'ers may be trained on te
&ob* On)te)&ob and apprenticesip trainin% may be a#arded$ to s'illed
and semi)s'illed #or'ers* For super!isory and e:ecuti!e personnel On)
te)&ob and Off)te)&ob metods suc as role)playin%$ lectures and
seminars etc* may be recommended*
-e success of te trainin% pro%ramme muc depends upon te
instructor* Instructor must be #ell)(ualified and may be obtained from
#itin or outside te or%ani0ation* It sould be decided beforeand
#at is to be tau%t and o#* 5e sould be able to di!ide te &ob into
lo%ical parts so tat e may teac one part at a time #itout losin% is
perspecti!e of te #ole*
As because trainin% must be based upon te needs of te or%ani0ation
terefore$ te trainer must a!e a clear)cut picture of te ob&ecti!es of
trainin% in mind* It sould not be in a !acuum* -rainer needs
professional e:pertise in order to fulfill is responsibility* 5e sould
also encoura%e te (uestion from te trainees*
-ere sould al#ays be te trainin% material #it te instructor*
-rainin% materials may include some te:t or #ritten materials as a
basis for instruction$ re!ie# and reference* -is may be prepared in te
trainin% section #it te elp of super!isors* -e #ritten material
sould be distributed amon% te trainees so tat tey may come
prepared in te lecture class and may be able to understand te
operation (uic'ly and remo!e teir doubts$ if any*
-e len%t of trainin% period depends upon te s'ill of te trainees$
purpose of te trainin%$ trainee"s learnin% capacity and te trainin%
media used* Generally no sin%le session sould last lon%er tan t#o
ours* -e time of trainin% #eter before or after or durin% #or'in%
ours sould be decided by te personnel mana%er ta'in% in !ie# te
loss of production and benefits to be acie!ed by trainin%*
-is step consists#
-. -e puttin% te learner at case so tat e does not feel ner!ous because
of te fact tat e is on a ne# &ob$
--. In statin% te importance of in%redients of te &ob and its relationsip
to#ards flo#$
---. In e:plainin% e is bein% tau%t$
-8. In creatin% interest and encoura%in% (uestions$ findin% out #at te
learner already 'no#s about is &ob or oter &obs$
8. In e:plainin% #y of te #ole &ob and relatin% it to some &ob te
#or'er already 'no#s$
8-. In plannin% te learner as close to is normal #or'in% position as
possible$ and
8--. In familiari0in% im #it te e(uipment$ materials tools and trade
-is is te most important step in a trainin% pro%ramme* -e trainer sould
clearly tell$ so#$ illustrate and (uestion I order to put o!er te ne#
'no#led%e and operations* -e learner sould be told of te se(uence of te
entire &ob and #y eac step in its performance is necessary instructions
sould be %i!en clearly$ completely and patiently* -rainer sould demonstrate
or ma'e use of audio)!isual aids and sould as' te trainee to repeat te
.nder tis$ te trainee is as'ed to %o trou% te &ob se!eral times slo#ly$
e:plainin% im eac step* Mista'es are corrected and if necessary some
complicated steps are ta'en for te trainee for te first time* -en te trainee is
as'ed to do te &ob$ %radually buildin% up s'ill and speed* -e trainee is ten
tested and te effecti!eness of a trainin% pro%ramme e!aluated*
5! FOLLO:1UP # )
On te completion of trainin% pro%ramme trainees sould be placed to te &ob*
-e super!isor sould a!e a constant !i%il on te person still facin% any
difficulty on te &ob$ e must be %i!en full %uidance by te immediate
super!isor and sould be initiated to as' (uestions to remo!e te doubts*
-e prase GCollecti!e bar%ainin%" is coined by Sydney Q 4eatrice 7ebb*
Accordin% to tem collecti!e bar%ainin% is a metod by #ic trade unions
protect Q impro!e te conditions of teir members" #or'in% li!es*
4efore te Industrial Re!olution$ te employer$ more or less$ en&oyed
un(uestioned po#ers on matters relatin% to #a%e$ #or'in% conditions Q oter
matters affectin% employees* -e #ee' bar%ainin% stren%t of employees
tempted tem$ on occasions$ to e:ploit te !ulnerable situation to teir
ad!anta%e* 7or'ers as a result became restless Q #idespread protests
follo#ed* Go!ernmental inter!ention #as of little elp* 7or'ers reali0ed te
importance of fi%tin% &ointly on all #or')related matters* -is collecti!e
fi%tin% spirit is beind te bac' of collecti!e bar%ainin%* 7it te %ro#t of
union mo!ement all o!er te %lobe Q te emer%ence of employers"
associations$ te collecti!e bar%ainin% process as under%one si%nificant
can%es* 4ot parties a!e$ more or less$ reali0ed te importance of peaceful
co)e:istence for teir mutual benefit Q continued pro%ress*
-e main ob&ecti!es of Collecti!e bar%ainin% are %i!en belo#1
-o settle disputes B conflicts relatin% to #a%es Q #or'in% conditions*
-o protect te interests of #or'ers trou% collecti!e plan*
-o resol!e te differences bet#een #or'ers Q mana%ement tou%
!oluntary ne%otiations Q arri!e at a customer*
-o a!oid tird party inter!ention in matters relatin% to employment*
F%0.,-/0+ /6 C/33*.,-8* B'(<'-0-0<
Collecti!e bar%ainin% plays an important role in pre!entin% industrial disputes$
settin% tese disputes Q maintainin% industrial peace by performin% te
follo#in% functions1
Increase te economic stren%t of employees Q mana%ement*
Establis uniform conditions of employment*
Secure a prompt Q fair redressal of %rie!ances*
Lay do#n fair rates of #a%es Q oter norms of #or'in% conditions*
Acie!e an efficient functionin% of te or%ani0ation*
Promote te stability Q prosperity of te company*
It pro!ides a metod of te re%ulation of te conditions of employment of
tose #o are directly concerned about tem*
It pro!ides a solution to te problem of sic'ness in te industry Q ensures
old a%e pension benefits Q oter frin%e benefits*
It builds up a system of industrial &urisprudence by introducin% ci!il ri%ts I
te industry* In oter #ords$ it ensures tat te mana%ement is conducted by
rules rater tan by arbitrary decisions*
-ere are t#o sta%es in collecti!e bar%ainin%$ !i0*$ ?i3 te ne%otiation sta%e Q
?ii3 te sta%e of contract administration*
1. N*</,-',-/0
F'! I5*0,-6-.',-/0 /6 P(/43*&+
-e nature of te problem influences te #ole process)#eter te problem is
!ery important tat is to be discussed immediately or it can be postponed for
some oter con!enient time$ #eter te problem is minor tat it can be sol!ed
#it te oter party"s acceptance on its presentation Q does not need to in!ol!e
te lon% process of collecti!e bar%ainin% process etc*
F4! P(*2'(-0< 6/( N*</,-',-/0+
7en it becomes necessary to sol!e te problem trou% collecti!e bar%ainin%
process$ bot te parties prepare temsel!es for ne%otiations*
F.! N*</,-',-/0+ /6 A<(**&*0,
.sually tere #ill be a cief ne%otiator #o is form te mana%ement side* 5e
directs Q presides o!er te process* -e cief ne%otiator presents te problem$
its intensity Q nature Q te !ie#s of bot parties* 7en a solution is reaced
at$ it is put on te paper$ ta'in% concerned le%islations into consideration* 4ot
parties concerned si%n te a%reement #ic$ in tern$ become a bindin% contract
for bot te parties*
2. C/0,('., A5&-0-+,(',-/0
Implementation of te contract is as important as ma'in% a contract*
Mana%ement usually distributes te printed contract$ its terms Q conditions
trou%out te or%ani0ation* -e union ta'es steps to see tat all te #or'ers
understand te contract Q implement it* From time to time dependin% upon
can%in% circumstances$ bot te parties can ma'e mutually acceptable
.nions sould be made stron% by creatin% a#areness amon% #or'ers*
Interference of political leaders sould be a!oided* -e unions sould
separate temsel!es from politics*
Go!t* sould ma'e efforts for te %ro#t of collecti!e bar%ainin%*
Ad&udication sould be used only as a last resort* Go!t* can ma'e
le%islation for compulsory collecti!e bar%ainin% before resortin% to
Mana%ement sould de!elop a positi!e attitude to#ard unions* Muc
ead#ay as already been made in tis direction* Presently$ mana%ers are
mostly a#are of te ri%ts of #or'ers* -ey are also reali0in% o#
important cooperation bet#een mana%ement Q #or'ers for te effecti!e
functionin% of an or%ani0ation* As suc$ tey are no# encoura%in%
ne%otiations Q amicable solutions*
All te issues refer to collecti!e bar%ainin% may not be settled to te
satisfactions of bot te parties* Suc issues result in Industrial Conflicts*
Accordin% to te Industrial 6isputes Act$ 2J<I$ Section 8?'3$ +Industrial
dispute means any dispute or difference bet#een employers Q employers$ or
bet#een employers Q #or'men or bet#een #or'men Q #or'men$ #ic is
connected #it te employment or non employment or term of employment or
#it te conditions of labour of any person*,
It is not easy to identify a sin%le factor as a cause of industrial conflicts as
multifarious causes blended to%eter result in industrial disputes* 6eep seated
Q more basic causes of disputes can be identified trou% in dept probe$
tou% surface manifestations appear to be responsible for conflicts* -e
relati!e importance of tese causes$ #en more tan presents$ is often !ery
difficult to %au%e*
Accordin% to Mu'er&ee$ +-e de!elopment of capitalistic enterprise$ #ic
means te control of te tools of production by te small entrepreneur class as
brou%t to te fore te acute problem of friction bet#een mana%ement Q labour
trou%out te #orld*,
Causes of industrial conflicts may be %rouped into four cate%ories$
Industrial factors$
Mana%ement"s attitude to#ards #or'ers$
Go!ernment macinery Q
Oter causes*
A stri'e is a spontaneous and concerted #itdra#al of te labour from
production temporarily* It is a collecti!e stoppa%e of #or' by %roup of #or'ers
for pressurin% teir employer to accept certain demands* -e industrial disputes
act 2J<I as define a stri'e as +an assertion of #or' by a body of persons*,
employed in an industry actin% in combination$ or a concerted refusal or a
refusal under a common understandin% of any no of persons #o are or a!e
been so employed to continue to #or' or to accept employment* Stri'es are of
se!eral types$
Sympatetic stri'e
7en a stri'e is underta'en to so# sympaty #it #or'ers in oter industries$
it is called as sympatetic stri'e*
General stri'e
It is a stri'e by all or most of te unions in a industry or a re%ion
.nofficial stri'e
It is a stri'e underta'en #itout te consent of te unions*
Sectional stri'e
It is refusal of a section of a %i!en class of #or'ers to perform teir normal
4umper stri'e
It is a stri'e #en te unions plan to paralyse te industry$ firm by firm$ te
order bein% cosen by te union* Suc stri'es are supported by te
contributions of tose #o are still in #or'*
Sit do#n stri'e ?also called stay)in$ tool do#n$ pen do#n stri'e3
It is a stri'e in #ic #or'ers cease to perform tis duties but do not lea!e te
place of #or'*
Slo#)do#n stri'e
Rno#n as a G%o)slo#" tactic te #or'ers do not stop #or'in% but put bra'es to
te normal #ay of doin% tin%s*
Li%tnin% stri'e
Out of pro!ocation$ #or'ers may %o on stri'e #itout notice or at !ery sort
notice* -ere is an element of surprise in suc cat)call stri'es*
5un%er stri'e
-o %ain sympaty from te public Q %et noticed by te employer$ #or'ers may
decide to fore%o food for a specified period* Small batces of #or'ers may also
%o on a relay un%er stri'e in a se(uential order* Suc non)!iolence protests
%enerally brin% moral pressure on employers to iron out te differences #it
Loc')out is te counterpart of stri'e* It is a #eapon a!ailable to te employer to
close do#n te factory till te #or'ers a%ree to resume #or' on te conditions
lead do#n by te employer* -e industrial 6ispute Act of 2J<I defined it as
+te closin% of a place of an employment$ or te suspension of #or' or te
refusal of an employer to continue to employ any number of persons employed
by im,* If it is impossible to meet te demand of #or'ers$ employers may
decide to %o for loc')out* 5e may also dra# te sutter do#n so as to brin%
psycolo%ical pressure on te #or'ers to a%ree to is condition or face closure
of te unit*
Gerao means to surround* In tis metod a %roup of #or'ers initiate collecti!e
action aimed at pre!entin% members of te mana%ement from lea!in% te
office* -is can appen outside te factory premises too* -e persons #o are
gheraoed are not allo#ed to mo!e for a lon% time$ sometimes #itout food or
#ater* -e National Commission on Labour$ #ile refusin% to accept it as a
form of industrial protest$ opined tat %eraos tend to inflict pysical duress ?as
a%ainst economic pressure3 on te persons affected Q endan%er not only
industrial armony but also create problems of la# Q order*
P-.C*,-0< > B/)./,,
In pic'etin% #or'ers carry B display si%ns$ banners Q play card ?in connection
#it te dispute3 Q pre!ent oters from enterin% te place of #or' Q persuade
oters to &oin te stri'e*
4oycott aims at disruptin% te normal functionin% of an enterprise* -rou%
forceful appeals Q ne%ati!e bea!ioral acts$ stri'in% #or'ers pre!ent oters
from enterin% te place of #or' Q persuade tem not to cooperate #it te
Pre!ention of industrial disputes may a!e different metods* -ese metods
+co!er te entire field of relations bet#een industry Q labour Q include
enactment Q enforcement of pro%ressi!e le%islation$ #or's committees Q
councils$ #a%e boards$ Q trade boards$ profit sarin% Q co)partnersip$
education$ ousin%$ #elfare #or' Q all suc measures #ic can brid%e te
%ap bet#een te employers Q te employed*, -e si%nificant pre!enti!e
measures may be broadly outlined as belo#1

P(*8*0,-/0 M*'+%(*+ /6 I05%+,(-'3 C/063-.,+
Labour Standin% Grie!ances /oint
7elfare Orders Procedure Consultation

Stron% /oint Collecti!e Labour Co)partnersip
-rade Consultations 4ar%ainin% Q Profit Sarin%
L'4/%( =*36'(* O66-.*(
Sec* <J ?23 Q ?83 of te factories act$ 2J<K$ specifies tat e!ery factory #erein
>DD or more #or'ers are ordinarily employed$ at least 2 officer must be
appointed$ #ere te number of #or'ers are in e:cess of 8$>DD$ te assistance
Q or additional #elfare officers are re(uired to be appointed to assist te
#elfare officer*
S,'05-0< /(5*(+
Ma&ority of te industrial disputes are related to conditions of employment* -o
pre!ent te industrial conflict relatin% to employment conditions$ standin%
orders are formulated* It #as made obli%atory tat standin% orders sould
%o!ern te conditions of employment under te industrial employment
?standin% orders3 act of 2J<C* -e standin% orders re%ulate te conditions of
employment from te sta%e of entry to te sta%e of e:it or retirement* Standin%
orders act as a code of conduct for te employees durin% te #or'in% life of
employees as tey pro!ide do"s Q do nots*
G(-*8'0.* 2(/.*5%(*
Grie!ances %enerally arise from day N to N day #or'in% relations* Grie!ances
of te employees are redressed by te mana%ement* Mana%ement can pre!ent
te occurrence of industrial disputes by sol!in% te indi!idual problems*
C/33*.,-8* 4'(<'-0-0<
As discussed earlier$ collecti!e bar%ainin% elps for settlement of issues Q
pre!ention of industrial disputes* Go!ernment also elps trade unions Q %o!t*
to come closer to eac oter Q come to an a%reement*
S,(/0< ,('5* %0-/0+
Stron% trade unions a!e te stability of membersip$ sound financial position
Q ealty polices* Suc unions tin' Q act constructi!ely for te mutual
benefit of te employees Q te mana%ement* -ese practices naturally pre!ent
te industrial conflicts*
L'4/%( ./ K 2'(,0*(+7-2 > 2(/6-, +7'(-0<
Labour co N partnersip Q profit sarin% create a sense of belon%ness amon%
te employees Q tey fill tat tey are te partners in te company* As suc$
tey tin' Q act for te benefit of te company*
@/-0, ./0+%3,',-/0+
A /oint consultation bet#een te employees Q employer are te differences
bet#een tem Q pre!ents industrial conflicts*
-e metods of te settlement of conflicts %enerally include tose mentions in
te belo#
1. I08*+,-<',-/0
-is is conducted by a board or court appointed by te %o!ernment* It may be
!oluntary or compulsory* If te in!esti%ation is conducted on an application by
eiter or bot te parties to te dispute$ it is !oluntary* If te Go!ernment
appoints a Court of In(uiry to in!esti%ate into a dispute #itout te consent of
te parties$ it is compulsory* In!esti%ations do not aim at brin%in% about te
settlement of disputes directly$ but by analy0in% te facts$ tey aim at brin%in%
about an amicable solution* 7en te in!esti%ation is compulsory$ te stri'es
Q loc')outs are re(uired to be stopped Q employers sould not ma'e any
can%e in te conditions of employment* -e result of in!esti%ation as no
serious effect on te dispute because te %eneral public is least botered to
ma'e note of te dispute*
2. M*5-,',-/0
Anoter attempt to settle disputes is Meditation* In tis metod$ an outsider
assists te parties in teir ne%otiation* It ta'es place #it te consent of bot
te parties* -e mediator performs te messen%er"s &ob for bot te parties Q
e neiter imposes is #ill nor is &ud%ment upon tem* -e main aim of
meditation is te settlement of disputes by brinin% about a !oluntary a%reement*
-ere may be tree 'inds of meditation1
a* -e Eminent Outsider9
b* Non)Go!ernment 4oard9 Q
c* Semi)Go!ernment 4oard*
If meditation is conducted s'illful Q sympatetically alon% proper lines$ it can
brin% about te ad&ustment of differences tat mi%t oter#ise contribute to
stoppa%e of #or'*
3. C/0.-3-',-/0
-e main ob&ecti!e of a condition Q arbitration is to reunite te t#o conflictin%
%roups in te industry in order to a!oid interruption of production$ distrust etc*
Conciliation is a process by #ic representati!es of bot #or'ers Q
employers are brou%t to%eter before a tird party #it a !ie# to persuadin%
tem to arri!e at some sort of settlement* It is an e:tension of collecti!e
bar%ainin% #it tird party assistance* It is te practice by #ic te ser!ices of
te neutral tird party as used in a dispute as a means of elpin% te disputin%
parties to reduce te e:tent of teir differences Q to arri!e at an amicable
settlement or a%reed solution* It is a process of rational Q orderly discussions
of differences bet#een te parties to a dispute under te %uidance of a
Conciliation macinery consists of a conciliation officer Q board of
conciliations* -e conciliator induces te parties to a course of action* 5e plays
te role of an inno!ator$ protector$ discussion leader$ stimulator$ ad!isor$ face
sa!er* 5e acts as a safety !alue Q a communication lin'*
-e tas' of conciliation is to offer ad!ice Q ma'e su%%estions to te dispute on
contro!ersial issues*
4. V/3%0,'() A(4-,(',-/0
If te t#o parties to te dispute fail to come to an a%reement$ eiter by
temsel!es or #it te elp of a mediator or conciliator$ #o a%rees to submit
te dispute to an impartial autority$ #ose decision$ tey are ready to accept*
-e essential elements in !oluntary arbitration are1
-e !oluntary submission of dispute to an arbitration9
-e subse(uent attendance of #itness Q in!esti%ations Q
-e enforcement of an a#ard may not be necessary*
5. C/&2%3+/() A(4-,(',-/0 " A5I%5-.',-/0
7ere trade unions are #ee'$ te metod of Compulsory Arbitration is used*
Compulsory Arbitration is utili0ed %enerally #en te parties fail to arri!e at a
settlement tou% te !oluntary metods*
In India$ Compulsory Arbitration is enforced because collecti!e bar%ainin% #as
not used for re%ulatin% #a%es Q oter conditions of employment*
It may be said tat Compulsory Arbitration may be at times Q under certain
circumstances$ necessary Q desirable* -e nature$ scale Q timin% of state
inter!ention sould be suited to te needs of different occasions* -e ob&ecti!e
of state inter!ention in te field of industrial relations sould be to do social
&ustice Q ma'e te #ea'er party e(ually stron% to enable it ultimately to stand
Q sur!i!e on its o#n Q settle its differences trou% ne%ations Q collecti!e
Compulsory Arbitration is one #ere te parties are re(uired to arbitrate
#itout any #illin%ness on teir part* Any one of te parties may apply to te
appropriate %o!ernments to refer te dispute to ad&udication macinery*
7en tere are !acancies in an or%ani0ation$ tey can be filled up by te internal or
e:ternal candidates* -ou% te or%ani0ation prefers to fill up te !acancies by te
e:ternal candidates trou% te selection procedure$ te internal candidates may also
apply for post and may be tested and selected for i%er le!el &ob in te or%ani0ational
ierarcy at par #it e:ternal candidates* Is suc up#ard mo!ement of an employee a
promotion@ Or it is purely selection@ It is purely a selection* If te or%ani0ation
prefers to fill a !acancy only by te internal candidates$ it assi%ns tat i%er le!el &ob
to te selected employee from #itin trou% promotion tests* Suc up#ard
mo!ement can be said as promotion*
L D*6-0-,-/0#1
+Promotion is ad!ancement of an employee to a better &ob) better in terms of
%rater responsibility$ more presti%e or status$ %reater s'ills and especially increased
rate of pay or salary*,
) Paul Pi%ors and Carles A* Myers*
+-e up#ard reassi%nment of an indi!idual in an or%ani0ational ierarcy$
accompanied by increased responsibilities$ enanced status and usually #it increased
income tou% not al#ays so*,
) Arun Monappa and Mir0a S* Saiyadain*
Promotion is te reassi%nment of a i%er le!el &ob to an internal employee #it
dele%ation of responsibilities and autority re(uired to perform tat i%er &ob and
normally #it i%er pay* -us$ te main conditions of promotion are1)
23 Reassi%nment of i%er le!el &ob to an employee tan #at e is presently
83 -e employee #ill naturally be dele%ated #it %reater responsibility and autority
tan #at e as ad earlier*
;3 Promotion normally accompanies i%er pay*
Promotion may be temporary or permanent dependin% upon te or%ani0ational needs
and employee performance*
S P%(2/+* /6 2(/&/,-/0#1
Or%ani0ations promote te employee #it a !ie# to acie!e te follo#in% purposes1)
23 -o utili0e te employee"s s'ills$ 'no#led%e at te appropriate le!el in te
or%ani0ational ierarcy resultin% in or%ani0ational effecti!eness and employee
83 -o de!elop competent spirit and inculcate te 0eal in te employees to ac(uired
te s'ills$ 'no#led%e etc* re(uired by i%er le!el &obs*
;3 -o de!elop competent internal source of employees ready to ta'e up &obs at i%er
le!el in te can%in% en!ironment*
<3 -o promote employee"s self de!elopment and ma'e tem a#ait teir turn of
promotions* It reduces labour turno!er*
>3 -o promote a feelin% of content #it te e:istin% conditions of te company and a
sense of belon%in%ness*
C3 -o promote interest in trainin%$ de!elopment pro%rammers and in team
de!elopment areas*
I3 -o build loyalty and to boost morale*
K3 -o re#ard committed and loyal employees*
J3 -o %et rid of te problems created by te leader of #or'ers" unions by promotin%
tem to te officer" le!els #ere tey are less effecti!e in creatin% problems*
M*(-, '+ ' 4'+-+ /6 2(/&/,-/0#1
Merit is ta'en to denote an indi!idual employee"s s'ills$ 'no#led%e$ ability$
efficiency and aptitude as measured from educational$ trainin% and past employment
record* -e merits of merit system of promotion are1
23 -e resources of i%er order of an employee can be better utili0ed at a i%er
le!el* It result in ma:imum utili0ation of uman resources in an or%ani0ation
83 Competent employees are moti!ated to e:ert all teir resources and contribute
tem to te or%ani0ational efficiency and effecti!eness
;3 It #or's as %olden and)cuffs re%ardin% employee turno!er$
<3 Furter it continuously encoura%es te employees to ac(uire ne# s'ill$ 'no#led%e
etc* for all)round de!elopment*
6espite tese ad!anta%es te merit systems suffer from some 5*&*(-,* -ey are1
23 Measurement or &ud%in% of merit is i%ly difficult*
83 Many people$ particularly trade union leaders$ distrust te mana%ement"s inte%rity
in &ud%in% merit*
;3 -e tecni(ues of merit measurement are sub&ecti!e*
<3 Merit denotes mostly te past acie!ement$ efficiency but not te future success*
5ence$ te purpose of promotion may not be ser!ed if merit is ta'en as sole
criteria for promotion*
S*0-/( '+ ' 4'+-+ /6 2(/&/,-/0
Seniority refers to relati!e len%t of ser!ice in te same &ob and in te same
or%ani0ation* -e lo%ic beind considerin% te seniority as a basis of promotion is tat
tere is a positi!e correlation bet#een te len%t of ser!ice in te same &ob and te
amount of 'no#led%e and te le!el of s'ill ac(uired by an employee in an
or%ani0ation* -is system is also based on te custom tat te first in sould be %i!en
first cance in all benefit and pri!ile%es*
S Advantages of seniority as a asis of !ro"otion are:
23 It is relati!ely easy to measure te len%t of ser!ice and &ud%e te seniority*
83 -ere #ould be full support of te trade unions to tis system*
;3 E!ery party trust te mana%ement"s action as tere is no scope for fa!oritism and
discrimination and &ud%ment*
<3 It %i!es a sense of certainty of %ettin% promotion to e!ery employee and of teir
turn of promotion*
>3 Senior employees #ill a!e a sense of satisfaction to tis system as te older
employees are respected and teir inefficiency cannot be pointed out*
C3 It minimi0es te scope for %rie!ances and conflicts re%ardin% promotion*
I3 -is system seems to reser!e te purpose in te sense tat employees may learn
more #it increase in te len%t of ser!ice*
In s!ite of t#ese "erits$ t#is syste" a%so s&ffers fro" 'ertain %i"itations( -ey
23 -e assumption tat te employees learn more relati!ely #it len%t of ser!ice is
not !alid as tis assumption as re!erse effect* In oter #ords employees learn up
to a certain a%e and beyond tat sta%e te learnin% ability of te co%niti!e process
83 It denominates te youn% and more competent employees and results in employee
turno!er particularly amon% te dynamic force*
;3 It 'ills te 0eal and interest to de!elop as e!erybody #ill be promoted #it or
#itout impro!ement*
<3 Or%ani0ational effecti!eness may be diminises trou% te deceleration of te
uman resource effecti!eness as te uman resource consists of mostly
undynamic and old blood*
>3 /ud%in% te seniority tou% it seems to be in te teoretical sense* it is i%ly
difficult in practice as te problems li'e &ob seniority$ company seniority$
0onalBre%ional seniority$ ser!ice in different or%ani0ations$ e:perience as
apprentice trainee$ trainee$ researcer$ len%t of ser!ice not only by days but ours
and minutes #ill crop up*
-us te t#o main basic of promotion en&oy certain ad!anta%es and at te same time
suffer from certain limitations* 5ence$ a combination of bot of tem may be
re%arded as an effecti!e basis of promotion*
Mana%ement mostly prefers merit as te basis of promotion as tey are interested in
enricin% its uman resources* 4ut trade union fa!our seniority as te sole basis for
promotion #it a !ie# to satisfy te interests of ma&ority of teir members*
5ence a combination of bot seniority and merit can be considered as te basis for
promotion satisfyin% te mana%ement for or%ani0ational effecti!eness and employees
and trade union for respectin% te len%t of ser!ice* A balance bet#een seniority and
merit sould be struc' and a ne# basis is to be de!eloped* -ere are se!eral #ays in
stri'in% te balance bet#een tese t#o basis*!i01)
23 Minimum length of service and merit:-
.nder tis metod all tose employees #o complete te minimum ser!ice$ say fi!e
years$ are made eli%ible for promotion and ten merit is ta'en as te sole criteria for
selectin% te employee for promotion from te eli%ible candidates* Most of te
commercial ban' in India as been follo#in% tis metod for promotin% te
employees from cler'"s position to officer"s position*
83 Measurements of seniority and merit through a common factor.
;3 Minimum merit and seniority:-
In contrast to te earlier metods$ minimum score of merit #ic is necessary for te
acceptable performance on te future &ob is determined and all te candidates #o
secure minimum score are declared as eli%ible candidates* Candidates are selected for
promotion based on teir seniority only from te eli%ible candidates*
S B*0*6-, /6 2(/&/,-/0#1
23 Promotion places te employees in a position #ere an employee"s s'ills and
'no#led%e can be better utili0ed*
83 It creates and increases te interest of te oter employees in te company as tey
belie!e tat tey #ill also %et teir turn*
;3 It creates amon% employees a feelin% of content #it te e:istin% conditions of
#or' and employment*
<3 It increases interest in ac(uirin% i%er (ualifications$ in trainin% and in self
de!elopment #it a !ie# to meet te re(uirement of promotion
>3 Promotion impro!es employee morale and &ob satisfaction*
C3 .ltimately it impro!es or%ani0ational ealt*
S P(/43*&+ =-,7 2(/&/,-/0#1
-ou% promotions benefit te employee and te or%ani0ation$ it creates certain
problems* -ey are disappointment of te candidates$ refusal of promotions etc*
Promotion disappointment some employees:-
Some employees #o are not promoted #ill be disappointed #en teir collea%ues
#it similar (ualifications and e:perience are promoted eiter due to fa!oritisms or
due to lac' of systematic promotion policy* Employee may de!elop ne%ati!e attitude
and reduce teir contributions to te or%ani0ation and pre!ent or%ani0ational and
indi!idual ad!ancement*
Some employee refuse promotion:-
-ere is a %eneral tendency tat employee accept promotion* 4ut teir are se!eral
incidents #ere employees refuse promotions* -ese include promotion to%eter #it
transfer to an up#ard place$ promotion tat le!el #ere te employee feels tat e
#ill be (uite incompetent to carry out te &ob$ dele%ation of un#anted responsibilities$
and #en trade union leader feel tat promotion causes dama%e to teir position in
trade union*
-e oter problems associated #it te promotion are1 some superiors #ill not
relie!e teir subordinates #o are promoted because of teir indispensability in te
present &ob and ine(uality in promotional in different departments$ re%ions and
cate%ories of &obs*
Promotion problems can be minimi0ed tou% a career counselin% by te
superiors and by formulatin% a systematic promotion policy*
S P(/&/,-/0 2/3-.)
E!ery or%ani0ational as to specify clearly its policy re%ardin% promotion based on its
corporate policy* -e caracteristics of a systematic promotion policy are1
23 It sould be considered te sense tat policy sould be applied uniformly to all
employees irrespecti!e of te bac'%round of te persons$
83 It sould be fair and impartial* In oter #ords it sould not %i!e room for
nepotism$ fa!oritism etc*$
;3 Systematic line of promotion cannel sould be incorporated
<3 It sould pro!ide e(ual opportunities fro promotion in all cate%ories of &obs$
departments$ and re%ions of an or%ani0ation
>3 It sould insure open policy in te sense tat e!ery eli%ible employee sould be
considered for promotion rater tan a closed system #ic consider only a class
of employees
C3 It sould contain clear cut norms and criteria for &ud%in% merit$ len%t or ser!ice$
potentiality etc*
I3 Appropriate autority sould be entrusted #it te tas' of ma'in% final decision
K3 Fa!oritism sould not be ta'en as a basis for promotion
J3 It sould contain promotional counselin%$ encoura%ement$ %uidance and follo#)up
re%ardin% promotional opportunity$ &ob re(uirement and ac(uirin% te re(uired
s'ills$ 'no#led%e etc* it sould also contain reinforcin% te future cances in te
mind of re&ected candidates and a pro!ision for callen%in% te mana%ements
decision and action by employee or union #itin te limits of promotion policy*
S T)2*+ /6 P(/&/,-/0
As already noted$ a promotion in!ol!es an increase in status$ responsibilities and pay* 4ut$ in
certain cases$ only te pay increases$ and te oter elements remain sta%nant* In oter cases$
te status only increases #itout a correspondin% increase in pay or responsibilities* 6ependin%
on #ic elements increase and #ic remain sta%nant$ promotions may be classified into te
follo#in% types1
! "ori#ontal Promotion:-
-is type of promotion in!ol!es an increase in responsibilities and pay$ and a can%e in
desi%nation* 4ut te employee concerned does not trans%ress te &ob classification* For e:ample$
a lo#er di!ision cler' is promoted as an upper di!ision cler'* -is type of promotion is referred to
as up%radin%= te position of an employee*
$! %ertical Promotion:-
-is type of promotion results in %reater responsibility$ presti%e and pay$ to%eter #it a
can%e in te nature of te &ob* A promotion is !ertical #en a canteen employee is promoted
to an uns'illed &ob* -e concerned employee naturally trans%resses te &ob classification*
;3 Dry Promotions:-
6ry promotions are sometimes %i!en in lieu of increases in remuneration* 6esi%nations are
different but no can%e in responsibilities* -e promotee may be %i!en one or t#o annual
S M*'0-0<#1
-ransfer is defined as + a lateral sift causin% mo!ement of indi!iduals from one
position to anoter usually #itout in!ol!in% any mar'ed can%e in duties$
responsibility$ s'ills needed or compensation,
-ransfer is also defines as +te mo!in% of an employee from one &ob to anoter* It
may in!ol!e a promotion$ demotion or no can%e in &ob status oter tan mo!in%
from one &ob to anoter*,
5o#e!er transfer is !ie#ed as can%e in assi%nment in #ic te employee mo!es
from one &ob to anoter in te same le!el of ierarcy re(uirin% similar s'ill in!ol!in%
appro:imately same le!el of responsibility$ same status and same le!el of pay* -us
promotion is up#ard reassi%nment of &ob9 demotion is a do#n#ard &ob reassi%nment
#ereas transfer is a latter or ori0ontal &ob reassi%nment*
S P%(2/+*+ /6 ,('0+6*(#1
-e transfer in an or%ani0ation may be due to any one of te follo#in% reasons1
?23 %ariation in the volume of &or': -ransfers are necessary due to !ariation in te
!olume of #or' in *different departmentsBsections* Sorta%e of employees or increase
in te #or' in one department due to different reasons leads to transfer of employees
from oter departments to tat department* 7or'ers are transferred from surplus
department to anoter department #ere tere is sorta%e of staff*
?83 Providing training to employees: -ransfers are made for pro!idin% opportunities to
employees for trainin% and de!elopment*
?;3 (ectification of poor placement: -ransfers are necessary for te rectification of poor
placement made in te initial period* Similarly$ transfers are necessary in order to utili0e
te ser!ices of an employee in te best possible manner*
?<3 Satisfying personal needs of employees: -ransfers are necessary in order to satisfy te
personal needs ?personal difficulties3 of te employees* -ey include family
problems$ sic'ness$ and education of cildren and so on* Suc transfers ta'e place
especially amon% female employees* Female employees #ant transfer to &oin teir
usbands* -is leads to transfers* 7or'ers demand transfers #en te climate of te
place of #or' is not suitable to tem* 5ere$ transfers are basically for te con!enience
of employees*
?>3 Meeting mutual needs of employees: -ransfers are$ sometimes$ made in order to
meet te mutual needs of t#o employees* It is a type of mutual e:can%e and is usually
accepted by te mana%ement*
?C3 Meeting organi#ational needs: -ransfers are necessary in order to meet te
or%ani0ational needs de!eloped out of e:pansion pro%rammers or fluctuations in #or'
re(uirements or can%es in te or%ani0ational structure or droppin% of
e:istin% product lines* For e:ample$ senior and e:perienced #or'ers and
super!isors are transferred to ne# plantsBfactories in order to mana%e te #or'
?I3 Solution to poor performance: -ransfers are$ sometimes$ made #en te #or'er
fails to perform is &ob efficiently* 5e is transferred to a ne# place or post and is %i!en
an opportunity to impro!e is performance at a ne# place* 5ere$ transfer is treated as a
better alternati!e to outri%t dismissal*
?K3 )voiding fatigue and monotony: -ransfers are made for a!oidin% fati%ue and
monotony of #or' in te case of employees* -e producti!ity of an employee may decline
due to monotony of is or er &ob* -o brea' tis monotony$ te employee is transferred*
?J3 Giving punishment for negligence: -ransfers are sometimes made as a punisment for
ne%li%ence and indiscipline on te part of an employee*
?2D3 (ectification of poor personal relations: -e relations bet#een te #or'er and is
superior may not be smoot and cordial* -is may affect te #or' of te department*
One metod to sol!e tis problem is to transfer te #or'er from tat department to
some oter suitable department* -is transfer may be necessary for remo!al of te
incompatibilities bet#een te #or'er and isBer boss or bet#een one #or'er and te
?223 Providing convenience to employees: -ransfers are made to elp employees to
#or' accordin% to teir con!enience* Suc transfers are also called sift transfers*
?283 *o provide relief and to punish employees: -ransfers may be made in order to
%i!e relief to te employees #o are o!erburdened or are #or'in% under ea!y ris's
or tension o!er a lon% period* Similarly$ on certain occasions transfers are made for
indul%in% in undesirable acti!ities* -ey may be made as a disciplinary action for
serious mista'es on te part of employees* -is practice is #idespread mainly in
%o!ernment offices and police department* Problem employees are transferred to some
oter &obs or to remote places*
Ty!es of Transfers
4roadly spea'in%$ transfers may be classified into tree types1
2* -ose desi%ned to enance trainin% and de!elopment*
8* -ose ma'in% possible ad&ustment to !aryin% !olumes of #or' #itin te firm*
;* -ose desi%ned to remedy te problem of poor placement*
Specifically$ transfers may be production$ replacement$ !ersatility$ sift and remedial*
)* +rod&'tion Transfers:,
As mentioned earlier$ a sorta%e or surplus of te labour force is common in different
departments in a plant or se!eral plants in an or%ani0ation* Surplus employees in a department
a!e to be laid off$ unless tey are transferred to anoter department* -ransfers affected to
a!oid suc imminent lay)offs are called production transfers*
-* Re!%a'e"ent Transfers:,
Replacement transfers$ too$ are intended to a!oid imminent lay)offs$ particularly$ of senior
employees* A &unior employee may be replaced by a senior employee to a!oid layin% off te
latter* A replacement transfer pro%rammed is used #en all te operations are declinin%$ and
is desi%ned to retain lon%)ser!ice employees as lon% as possible*
.* Versati%ity Transfers:,
Mersatility transfers are effected to ma'e employees !ersatile and competent i more tan
one s'ill* Clerical employees in ban's$ for e:ample$ are transferred from one section to
anoter o!er a period of time so tat tey may ac(uire te necessary s'ills to attend to te
!arious acti!ities$ at te ban'* Mersatile operations are !aluable assets durin% rus periods
and periods #en #or' is dull* Mersatile transfers may be used as a preparation for
production or replacement transfers
/* S#ift Transfers:,
Generally spea'in%$ industrial establisments operate more tan one sift* -ransfers
bet#een sifts are common$ suc transfers bein% made mostly on a rotation basis* -ransfers
may also be affected on special re(uests from employees* Some re(uest a transfer to te
second sift or te ni%t sift in order to a!ail te free time durin% te day to ta'e up part time
&obs$ altou% tis is not permitted by la#*
0* Re"edia% Transfers:,
Remedial transfers are affected at te re(uest of employees and are$ terefore$ called
personal transfers* Remedial transfers ta'e place because te initial placement of an
employee may a!e been faulty or te #or'er may not %et alon% #it is or er super!isor
or #it oter #or'ers in te department* 5e or se may be %ettin% too old to continue in is or
er re%ular &ob$ or te type of &ob or #or'in% conditions may not be #ell)adapted to is or er
present ealt or accident record* If te &ob is repetiti!e$ te #or'er may sta%nate and #ould
benefit by transfer to a different 'ind of #or'*
S R*'+/0+ 6/( ,('0+6*(#
-ransfers are of basically of tree cate%ories$ !i0$ employee initiated transfer$ and
company initiated transfer and public initiated transfers*
)* E"!%oyee initiated transfer:,
-ese transfers are also 'no#n as personal transfers* -ese transfers are primarily in
te interest of te employee and accordin% to is con!enience and desire* Furter$ tis
transfer can be classified into temporary and permanent transfers*
a! *emporary transfers: )
-e reasons for employee initiated temporary transfers are1
23 6ue to ill ealt or in!ol!ement of employee in accidents$
83 6ue to family problem li'e ta'in% care of old parents$
;3 6ue to oter adoc problem li'e pursuin% i%er education$
+! Permanent transfers:-
-ere are se!eral reasons for employee initiated permanent transfers* Employee
prefers transfers1
23 6ue to cronic ill ealt or permanent disablement caused by accident$
83 6ue to family problems li'e ta'in% care of domestic affairs in is nati!e place$
;3 7it a !ie# to correct is #ron% placement* Employee may not be interested #it
te #or' or #or'in% condition or en!ironment of is present &ob and ence may
re(uire a transfer$
<3 In order to reli!e im from te monotony or boredom caused due to doin% te same
&ob for year to%eter$
>3 -o a!oid conflict #it is superior* If most of te employees #or'in% under te
same superior re(uest for a transfer$ te situation sould be corrected by oter means
li'e de!elopin% tat superior in interpersonal s'ills etc* rater tan transferrin% te
C3 7it a !ie# to searc for callen%in% and creati!e &ob$
I3 7it a !ie# to searc for &ob #it opportunities for ad!ancement to a i%er le!el
&ob$ opportunities for ad!ancement to a i%er le!el &ob$ opportunities for financial
%ains etc*
-* Co"!any initiated transfer:,
-ransfer is also at te initiati!e of te company* -ey can be classified into temporary
and permanent*
a3 *emporary transfers: reasons for te company initiated temporary transfers are1
23 6ue to temporary absenteeism of employees$
83 6ue to fluctuation in (uality of production and tereby in #or' load$
;3 6ue to sort !acations*
b3 Permanent transfer: - reasons for te company initiated permanent transfer are1
23 Can%es in te (uality of production$ lines of acti!ity$ tecnolo%y$ or%ani0ational
structure as discussed earlier$
83 -o impro!e te !ersatity of employees$
;3 -o impro!e te employee &ob satisfaction$
<3 -o minimi0e bribe order)processin% corruption*
.* +&%i' initiated transfers:,
Public also initiate te transfers %enerally trou% te politiciansB %o!ernment for te
follo#in% reasons1
23 If an employee"s bea!ior in te society is a%ainst te social norms order)
processin% if e indul%es in any social e!ils*
83 If te function of an employee is a%ainst te public interest*
-e ma&our dra#bac' of public initiated transfer is te politicalisation of te issue*
Some employees may be transferred fre(uently because of political !ictimi0ation and
company initiated transfer of some employees may be stopped due to political
fa!oritism* -is dra#bac' is more se!ere in %o!ernment departments and public
sector unit*
Benefit of transfer:
-ransfers benefit bot te employees and te or%ani0ation* -ransfer reduce
employee"s monotony$ boredom etc* and increase employees &ob satisfaction* Furter
tey impro!es employee"s s'ills$ 'no#led%e etc* tey correct erroneous placement
and interpersonal conflicts* -us$ tey impro!e employee"s morale* Furter tey
prepare te employee to meet te or%ani0ational e:i%encies and meet te fluctuation
in business and or%ani0ational re(uirements* -us$ tey enance uman resource
contribution to or%ani0ational effecti!eness*
+ro%e"s of transfer:
6espite tese benefit some problems are associated #it transfers* -ey are1
23 Ad&ustment problem to te employee to te ne# &ob$ place$ en!ironment$ superior
and collea%eoues$
83 -ransfer from one place to anoter cause #ic incon!enience and cost to te
employees and is family members relatin% to ousin%$ education to cildren etc*
;3 transfer from one place to anoter result in loss of Mondays$
<3 Company initiated transfer result in reduction in employee contribution
>3 6iscriminatory transfer affects employees" morale$ &ob satisfaction$ commitment
and contribution*
5o#e!er$ tese problems can be minimi0ed trou% formulatin% a systematic transfer
-ransfer policy1 or%ani0ation sould specify teir policy re%ardin% transfers*
Oter#ise superiors may transfer teir subordinates arbitrarily if tey do not li'e
tem* It causes frustration amon% employees* Similarly$ subordinates may also
re(uest fro transfer e!en for te petty issues* Most of te people may as' for transfer
to ris' less and easy &ob and places* As suc or%ani0ation may find it difficult to
mana%e te transfer policy* Systematic transfer policy sould contain te follo#in%
23 Specification of circumstances under #ic an employee #ill be transferred in te
case of company initiated transfer*
83 Specification of superior #o is autori0ed and responsible to initiate a transfer
;3 /obs from and to #ic transfers #ill be made based on te &ob specification$
description and classification etc*
<3 -e re%ion order)processin% unit of te or%ani0ation #itin #ic transfer #ill be
>3 Reasons #ic #ill be considered for personal transfers teir order of priority etc*
C3 Reasons for mutual transfer of employees*
I3 Norms to decide priority #en t#o order)processin% more employees re(uest for
transfer li'e priority of reasons$ seniority*
K3 Specification of basis for transfer li'e &ob analysis* Merit$ len%t of ser!ice*
J3 Specification of pay$ Allo#ances$ benefit etc* tat are to be allo#ed to te
employee in te ne# &ob*
2D3 Oter facility to be e:tended to te transferee li'e special lea!e durin% te period
of transfer* Special allo#ance for pac'a%in% lu%%a%e$ transportation etc*
Generally$ line mana%ers administer te transfers and personnel mana%ers assist te
line mana%ers in tis respect*
-e remainin% type of internal mobility is demotion* It is te opposite of promotion*
6emotion is te reassi%nment of a lo#er le!el &ob to an employee #it dele%ation of
responsibility and autority re(uired to perform tat lo#er le!el &ob and normally
#it lo#er le!el pay* Or%ani0ations use demotion less fre(uently as it affects
employee career prospects and morale*
S N**5 6/( 5*&/,-/0+#
6emotions are necessary for follo#in% reasons1
)* Uns&itai%ity of t#e e"!%oyee to #ig#er %eve% 1os:
Employees are promoted based on te seniority and past performance* 4ut$ some of
te employees promoted on tose bases may not meet te &ob re(uirements of te
i%er le!el &ob* In most cases employees are promoted to te le!el of te
incompetence* Some employees selected for i%er le!el &obs may pro!e to be
incompetent I doin% tat &ob* Suc employees may be demoted to te lo#er le!el &obs
#ere teir s'ill$ 'no#led%e and aptitude suit to te &ob re(uirements*
-* Adverse &siness 'onditions:
Generally ad!erse business conditions force te or%ani0ation to reduce (uality of
production$ #itdra#al of some lines of products$ closure of certain department order)
processin% plants* In addition$ or%ani0ations resort to economy dri!es* Conse(uently
or%ani0ations minimi0e te number of employees* /unior employees #ill be
retrenced and senior employees #ill be demoted under suc conditions*
.* Ne2 te'#no%ogy and ne# metods of operation demand ne2 and #ig#er %eve%
s3i%%s( If te e:istin% employees do not de!elop temsel!es to meet tose ne#
re(uirements$ or%ani0ations demote tem to te lo#er le!el &obs #ere tey are
suitable* For e:ample$ teacer andlin% 2D
class #ere demoted to te le!el of K

class teacers #en te syllabus #ere re!ised and te teacers #ere found misfit e!en
after trainin% in one scool in Andra Prades*
/* E"!%oyees are de"oted on dis'i!%inary gro&nds( -is is one of te e:treme steps
and as suc or%ani0ations rarely use tis measure*
-ou% te demotion seems to be simple it ad!ersely affects te employee morale*
/ob satisfaction etc* as it reduces employee status not only in te or%ani0ation but also
in te society in addition to reduction in responsibility autority and pay* 5ence$ tere
sould be a systematic demotion policy*
S D*&/,-/0 2/3-.)#
Or%ani0ation sould clearly specify te demotion policy* Oter#ise te superiors
demote te employees accordin% to teir #ims and fancies* Systematic demotion
policy sould contain follo#in% items1
23 Specification of circumstances under #ic an employee #ill be demoted$ li'e
reduction in operations$ indisciplinary cases*
83 Specification of a superior #o is autori0ed and responsible to initiated a
;3 /obs from and to #ic$ demotions #ill be made and specification of lines order)
processin% ladders of demotion*
<3 Specification of basis for demotion li'e len%t of ser!ice$ merit order)processin%
>3 It sould pro!ide for open policy rater tan a closed policy*
C3 It sould contain clear cut norms for &ud%in% merit and len%t of ser!ice*
I3 Specification of nature of demotion i*e*$ #eter it is permanent order)processin%
temporary if it as a disciplinary action it sould also specify te %uidelines for
determinin% te seniority of suc demoted employee*
M*'0-0< /6 P'(,-.-2',-8* M'0'<*&*0,
-e concept of participati!e mana%ement is closely related #it te concept of
industrial democracy* Employee"s participation in mana%ement means associatin%
#or'ers #it te decision)ma'in% process* It is a type of mental Q emotional
in!ol!ement of #or'ers in industrial mana%ement* In industrial democracy$ te
opinion Q su%%estions of #or'ers are ta'en into account #ile framin% policies
particularly tose$ #ic are directly connected #it tem or affect tem directly*
-e concept of participati!e mana%ement de!eloped in 7estern countries Q as
pro!ed to be successful* As a result$ it ac(uired #orld)#ide reco%nition Q popularity*
Participation in an emotional in!ol!ement of employees in te #or'in% of teir
company* It is a process of %i!in% Q sarin% !ie#s$ ideas Q information in bet#een
te employer Q employees trou% certain cannels B mecanism*
F*',%(*+ /6 P'(,-.-2',-8* M'0'<*&*0,
2* $-<7*( +,',%+ ,/ *&23/)**+# In participati!e mana%ement$ employees are
%i!en i%er status #it po#er of participate in te decision)ma'in% Q
runnin% of teir business enterprise*
8* P(/8-5*+ 2+).7/3/<-.'3 +',-+6'.,-/0 ,/ *&23/)**+# Participation is an
emotional in!ol!ement of employees in te #or'in% of teir company* As a
result$ some mana%ement decisions are as per te e:pectations of employees*
-is %i!es psycolo%ical satisfaction to employees* -ey feel tat tey are
%i!en better status Q treatment Q not treated merely as #a%e earners*
;* S2*.-'3 ',,*0,-/0 ,/ 8-*= /6 *&23/)**+# -e !ie#s of employees are %i!en
special attention in re%ard to follo#in% matters1
Social Matters1 5ours of #or'$ #or' rules$ #elfare facilities$ safety$
sanitation$ ealt$ etc*
Personnel1 Recruitment$ promotions Q transfers$ settlement of
%rie!ances$ #or' distribution$ olidays$ etc*
Economic1 Automation$ lay)offs$ production scedule$ production
metods$ etc*
<* U0-8*(+'33) (*./<0-J*5 ./0.*2,# It is introduced in different countries in
different forms*
>* P'(,-.-2',-/0 -+ -05-(*.,# Employees participation in te mana%ement is
indirect i*e* trou% te representati!es of employees* E*%*
7or's comities$ etc*
C* B(-0<+ *&23/)**+ > &'0'<*&*0, .3/+%(*# It facilitates meanin%ful
communication bet#een mana%ement Q employees$ #ic ensures cordial
industrial relations*
I* B*0*6-.-'3 ,/ 4/,7 2'(,-*+# -e participati!e mana%ement #ill be beneficial
to bot parties only #en company"s mana%ement is professional or
K* R*8/3%,-/0'() ./0.*2,# It is a po#erful tool$ #ic can ma'e industrial
democracy a reality*
J* C/0.*2, 7'+ 3-&-,',-/0+# Employees #ill not be allo#ed to participate in
financial Q oter decisions of te mana%ement* It is restricted to tose aspects
of mana%ement #ere employees are directly in!ol!ed*
O4I*.,-8*+ /( P%(2/+*+ /6 P'(,-.-2',-8* M'0'<*&*0,#
-o create uniform approac of employer Q #or'ers*
-o establis cordial industrial relation*
-o raise industrial producti!ity*
-o #or'ers in confidence*
-o introduce industrial democracy*
N**5+ /6 P'(,-.-2',-8* M'0'<*&*0,#
23 G-8-0< 7-<7*( +,',%+ > 2+).7/3/<-.'3 +',-+6'.,-/0 ,/ =/(C*(+# Employees
are important Q tat teir !ie#s are bein% ta'en into account #ile ta'in%
decisions on te matters relatin% to tem* Suc participation satisfies te ur%e
of self)e:pressions* E!en for maturity Q personality de!elopment of #or'ers*
83 C/(5-'3 3'4/%(1&'0'<*&*0, (*3',-/0+# -e participation of te #or'ers in
mana%ement can act as an effecti!e means for pre!entin% industrial disputes*
So tere needs to establis cordial labour)mana%ement relations trou%
mutual understandin%*
;3 C(*',-0< %0-6/(& '22(/'.7 /6 *&23/)*( > =/(C*(+# -is a!oids possible
<3 R'-+-0< -05%+,(-'3 2(/5%.,-/0# As #or'ers %enerally ta'e interest in teir
#or' #en tey are %i!en due importance$ respect Q opportunity of self)
>3 C(*',-0< 23',6/(& 6/( 5-(*., 0*</,-',-/0+# It is needed in order to create a
platform for direct ne%otiations Q collecti!e decisions*
C3 C(*',-0< (*+2/0+-43* '22(/'.7 '&/0< =/(C*(+# -o ma'e #or'ers more
responsible$ disciplined Q constructi!e in teir approac in relation to te
acti!ities of te company*
I3 E0./%('<-0< ./&&%0-.',-/0 4*,=**0 *&23/)*( > =/(C*(+# It enables
mana%ement to understand te #or'ers point of !ie# at te time of decision)
ma'in%* It remo!es suspicion amon% #or'ers*
K3 R'-+-0< *&23/)**M+ &/('3*# For raisin% te morale of employees Q in order
to use teir 'no#led%e$ s'ills Q talents for te benefit of te company*
J3 I0,(/5%.-0< -05%+,(-'3 5*&/.('.)# 7or'ers participation acts as a means for
acie!in% te dream of industrial democracy* -ey are consulted as e(ual
partners in te production process* -is leads to industrial democracy$ #ic
is one useful supplement of political democracy*
M*,7/5+ /6 2'(,-.-2',-8* &'0'<*&*0,
Participati!e mana%ement is possible by creatin% suitable a%encies$ forums or
platforms trou% #ic effecti!e communication bet#een #or'ers and mana%ement
#ill be possible and &oint decision #ill be arri!ed at te metods of Participati!e
mana%ement are different alternati!e* Employees and #or'ers can select any one of
te metod popular and also purposeful* -is is te nature as te metod selected is
not important but te result oriented Participati!e is important* -e metod used is
means #ile effecti!e participation is te end*
1. :/(C+ ./&&-,,**+#
-e industrial disputes act 2J<I pro!ided for te settin% up of a #or' committees
consistin% of representati!e of mana%ement and employees in e!ery underta'in%
employee 2DD or more employees* -e committees are for te remo!in% te causes of
friction bet#een employers and te #or'ers in te day to day #or'in% in factory
le!el* -is &oint consultati!e committee meets fre(uently for discussion on common
problem before #or'ers and te company* After discussion$ &oint decisions are ta'en
and suc decisions are bindin% on bot te parties* Matters li'e #a%e payment$ bonus$
trainin%$ discipline$ #elfare facility$ #or'in% conditions etc* are discussed in suc
7or'ers committees are e:tremely popular and effecti!e in France and En%land* In
India$ tere is statutory pro!ision for te establisment of #or'er committees under
te industrial disputes act$ 2J<I* Suc committees are constituted in lar%e number of
industrial unit* Meetin% of suc committees are also arran%ed* 5o#e!er$ tey are
neiter effecti!e nor popular in India* As a result$ participati!e mana%ement trou%
tis mecanism is not effecti!e or purposeful in India* Many mana%ers feel tat suc
committees a!e only a nuisance !alue* In addition to #or's committee$ many oter
committees are formed* 5o#e!er$ tey are not effecti!e as a%encies of participati!e
2. @/-0, &'0'<*&*0, ./%0.-3+ F@MC+!#
-ese council are similar to #or's committees #it e(ual representation to employer
and employees* 7or'ers e:press teir !ie#s$ problems suc as #elfare facility9
discipline$ trainin%$ remo!al of #or'ers$ common %rie!ances$ olidays$
rationali0ation$ e:pansion pro%rammes$ etc* are discussed in te meetin%s of /MCs*
Suc &oint consultati!e committees e:ist in .R and S#eden* In India$ participati!e
mana%ement is mainly trou% &oint mana%ement councils*
/MCs are in addition to #or's committees #ic are statutory in nature*
.nfortunately$ te /MCs are not operation effecti!ely in India due to limited interest
and initiati!e in teir functionin% by mana%ements and #or'ers* -ey are not used for
e:can%e of information$ !ie#s$ su%%estions$ etc* but for (uarrels and eated
e:can%es bet#een te representati!es of mana%ement and #or'ers* Absence of
cordial industrial relations in spite of /MCs indicates teir o!erall failure* /MCs are
mostly consultati!e bodies and tis type of #or'ers participation is of loose type* -e
su%%estions put for#ard by representati!es are not bindin% on te mana%ement* Suc
councils ser!e no useful purpose* -ey only pro!ide platform for discussions*
3. C/12'(,0*(+7-2 F P'(,-.-2',-/0 ,7(/%<7 /=0*(+7-2! #
In co)partnersip$ #or'ers are con!erted into sareolders of te company ?by
offerin% e(uity sares to tem3 and are allo#ed to participate in te mana%ement li'e
oter sareolders* -e company may %i!e financial assistance to #or'ers to purcase
e(uity sares* -ey can elect teir representati!es on te 4oard of 6irectors* 7or'ers
are also allo#ed to attend meetin%s of te company and participate in te discussions*
Motin% ri%ts are also %i!en to employees*
In tis metod$ employees participate in te mana%ement as co)o#ners i*e*
sareolders* -is %i!es tem an opportunity to participate in te decision ma'in% and
policy framin% of teir company at te i%est le!el* Co)partnersip is also a metod
for introducin% industrial democracy* 5ere$ #or'ers are %i!en i%er status* -ey
#or' in t#o different capacities as #or'ers and as co)o#ners*
In India$ te e:periment of co)partnersip is not popular* 7or'ers so# limited
interest in purcasin% sares of teir company as and #en offered* Mery fe# #or'ers
purcase te sares and &oin te company as members* Naturally$ te participation of
#or'ers in te mana%ement is #ea' and ineffecti!e*
Many companies in India offer teir sares to employees but te response of te
employees is not encoura%in%* -is su%%ests tat co)partnersip as a metod of
participati!e mana%ement is not effecti!e B popular in India*
4. E&23/)** D-(*.,/(+#
5ere$ t#o or tree representati!es of #or'ers are ta'en on te 4oard of 6irectors of
te company* -e employee directors B #or'ers directors are elected by #or'ers and
tey e:press te !ie#s of #or'ers in te meetin%s of te 4oard* 5ere$ employee
directors act as connectin% lin' bet#een #or'ers and top le!el mana%ement* Suc
participation ensures cordial industrial relations* -e representati!e of #or'ers can
put te !ie#s of #or'ers before te directors and can also safe%uard te interests of
#or'ers* As a result$ te personnel policies #ill be fair and fa!ourable to #or'ers*
.nfa!ourable decisions to #or'ers #ill be a!oided and better treatment #ill be
ensured to tem*
-is mecanism of #or'ers participation is no# used e:tensi!ely in te public sector
underta'in% in India as per te initiati!e ta'en by te %o!ernment* 7or'ers directors
are no# appointed in companies li'e 5industan Antibiotics Ltd*$ and 5M- Ltd* -is
sceme also e:ists in te case of nationali0ed ban's$ co)operati!e ban's* 6CM$ -atas
and some more companies from te pri!ate sector*
-is metod of participati!e mana%ement as many limitations* Representation on te
4oard does not substantially enance te participation of #or'ers in te mana%ement
of te company* In addition$ te #or'er director may not be able to play a
constructi!e role due to limited 'no#led%e and e:perience* -e #or'er director may
en&oy te status on par #it oter directors but #ill feel inferior to oters due to is
sortcomin%s* 5is contribution may not be satisfactory for te #or'ers and also for
te mana%ement* Finally$ 7or'ers representati!es on te 4oard are minority* -ey
may not be able to protect te interests of #or'ers as decisions are ta'en on te basis
of ma&ority !ote*
5. S%<<*+,-/0 P(/<('&&* " S.7*&*#
.nder su%%estion pro%ramme$ #or'ers are as'ed to %i!e teir su%%estion to te
mana%ement on !arious administrati!e and oter matters suc as macine utili0ation$
#aste mana%ement$ ener%y conser!ation and safety measures* -eir su%%estions are
considered by a &oint committee representin% #or'ers$ eads of departments and
tecnical e:perts* -e su%%estions #ic are suitable are accepted* Suc su%%estions
are for impro!ement in te e:istin% or%ani0ational setup* Suitable su%%estions relatin%
to production acti!ities$ cost control$ (uality impro!ement$ #or'in% conditions$ etc*
are promptly accepted and e:ecuted* In addition$ re#ards are also %i!en to tose #o
ma'e constructi!e su%%estions* For collectin% su%%estions$ su%%estion bo:es are 'ept
in all departments*
Su%%estion sceme of participati!e mana%ement encoura%es #or'ers to tin'
?indi!idually or collecti!ely3 and participate in raisin% te efficiency of te
or%ani0ation* In India$ -atas$ 6CM and oter industrial %roups a!e introduced
su%%estion sceme* On May occasions$ #or'ers directly connected #it #or' %i!e
creati!e and practical su%%estions #ic are useful to te mana%ement in different
#ays* -ey may raise producti!ity or reduce te cost of production* Su%%estion
sceme #ill %i!e %ood results if #or'ers are encoura%ed to tin' and ma'e concrete
su%%estions* -is idea of participati!e mana%ement is no# put into operation trou%
(uality circles #ic are popular in /apan and no# function in may Indian
6. :/(C*(+ ./12'(,0*(+7-2 " A%,/ M'0'<*&*0,#
In tis e:treme form of labour participation$ #or'ers ta'e o!er te industrial unit and
mana%e it completely on co operati!e basis* Naturally$ te entire mana%ement is by
te #or'ers temsel!es* -is metod is called +Auto)mana%ement,* One e:ample in
India under tis cate%ory is tat of Ramani -ubes Limited* -is leadin% unit #as
closed do#n in 2JK> due to sic'ness* 7or'ers suffered ea!y loss* No#$ #or'ers
a!e contributed to its capital and a!e become its o#ners* -e Ramani Employees"
.nion too' initiati!e in startin% tis unit #it te co)operation of financial institution
form C
April$ 2JKJ* -e Supreme Court also allo#ed te #or'ers to run te unit*
-is is te first e:ample of participati!e mana%ement in te manufacturin% sector in
India* It is one si%nificant constructi!e de!elopment in te field of trade unionism in
India* -e Go!ernment of Maarastra as ta'en a decision to and o!er sic'
industrial units to #or'ers for re%ular functionin% on co)operati!e basis*
7. E%'3-,) C-(.3*#
Fuality circle consist of a small number of employees #o comes to%eter on
!oluntary basis #it one item on te a%enda i*e* to impro!e (uality or to raise
producti!ity or to a!oid #asta%es$ etc* tis form of participation is !oluntary* As a
practice$ meetin%s are eld once in te #ee' lastin% for about as our* Member of
(uality circle is %i!en free and to sol!e problem related to te (uality$ if tey fail
tey can re(uest to mana%ement to depute an e:pert to sort out te problem* -is
circle i%ly pro!ed to be i%ly successful because te problem is sol!ed by member
temsel!es trou% t#o #ay communication and brainstormin% seriously and studies
tem effecti!ely and promptly* -e su%%estion sould be implemented$ if found
8. C/33*.,-8* B'(<'-0-0<#
Collecti!e bar%ainin% is te process in #ic te representati!e of te employer and
employer and employees meet to%eter to ne%otiate a contract %o!ernment bot te
parties* It results into si%nin% an a%reement tereby restrictin% eac party tat it
cannot ta'e unilateral decision armin% te interest of te oter party* -is sort of
&oint meetin% can brin% fruits pro!ed barra%in% is done in te ri%t spirit #it positi!e
attitude* Participation brin%s bot te parties to%eter and impro!es te understandin%
tus ma'in% te #ay for te t#o #ay dialo%ue to sort out te problems*
Collecti!e bar%ainin% is a better alternati!e to stri'e and industrial disputes* It is
peaceful and democratic metod for sol!in% te problem and demands for #or'ers
trou% direct ne%otiation bet#een te representati!e of #or'ers and mana%ement* A
stron% trade union can protect te interest of #or'er can more effecti!ely trou%
direct ne%otiation and consultation rater tan trou% disputes and stri'e #ic are
normally armful to #or'ers$ employer and society at lar%e*
9. E&2/=*(*5 T*'&#
7en te autority is dele%ated to te employees its called empo#erin%* In tis sense$
employment ta'es place #en employees en&oy po#er and tey e:perience a sense of
o#nersip and control o!er te &obs* Employees #en empo#ered$ understandin% tat
te &ob belon% to tem* As tey are competent to spea' on te &ob$ tey feel
responsible* -is appens to moti!ate tem and tey %o out of te #ay to #or'*
Employees become (uality conscious and contribute to (uality impro!ement in
product and ser!ices* Information is sared at e!ery le!el leadin% to impro!ed
10. @/4 *03'(<*&*0, '05 I/4 *8'3%',-/0#
/ob enlar%ement is te process of increasin% te scope of te &ob by addin% more tas's
to it* As tas's are related$ employees to %et te opportunity to ma'e %rater use of teir
mental and pysical s'ills*
/ob enricment is desi%nin% a &ob in suc a #ay tat it pro!ide te employee %rater
autonomy for plannin% and control is o#n performance* /ob enricment ma'es te
&obs more interestin% and callen%in%*
-e main ob&ecti!e of &ob enricment and &ob enlar%ement is to force te #or'er from
boredom #ic occurs because of e:cessi!e speciali0ation* 4ot te &ob enricment
and &ob enlar%ement are considerin% metod of participati!e mana%ement as tey
pro!ide freedom to eac employee to use is &ud%ment* -is freedom is course
limited and restricted*
-e basis purpose of abo!e noted sceme of participati!e mana%ement is to associate
te #or'er #it te decision)ma'in% process* 6ifference metods are use in te
different countries as per te situation a!ailable* -e metod used for #or'ers
participation is not impotent* 7or'ers participation in mana%ement may be !oluntary
or statutory* Moluntary participation is al#ays better and more effecti!e* Statutory
labour participation is not effecti!e as it is mecanical and also imposed on bot te
parties by force*
2* S,(/0< ,('5* %0-/0+#
E:istin% of stron% trade #it creati!e and enli%tened leadersip is necessary for
participati!e mana%ement* 7or'ers and teir union must a!e %enuine desire and
interest in suc participation* -ey also need information$ proper trainin% and ability
to participate in te discussions in an effecti!e manner* 7or'ers participation #ill be
ineffecti!e if tese pre)re(uest are absent* Politicisation and multiplicity of trade
union defeat te !ery purpose of participati!e mana%ement

8* F'8/%('43* ',,-,%5* /6 &'0'<*&*0,#
-e attitude of te mana%ement sould be pro%ressi!e and democratic* 5e must be
mentally #illin% to associate #it is #or'ers on e(ual le!el and discus te problem
freely and fran'ly #it tem* -e conser!ati!e and autocratic outloo' of mana%ement
#ill defeat participati!e mana%ement in practice* Mana%ement a!e to accept due
importance of employees and teir status as teir partners and not merely as #a%e
earners* Mana%ement sould not feel tat its position it"s treatened by suc
;* M%,%'3 ,(%+, '05 ./06-5*0.*#
E:istence of atmospere of mutual trust and confidence is te sine (uo non of
participati!e mana%ement* Fair participation is not possible #en te mutual
confidence is absent* 4ot parties are a%ree to stay to%eter in an atmospere of
understandin%* -is facilitates participati!e mana%ement in practice*

<* G*0%-0* %(<* 6/( ./1/2*(',-/0#
Genuine desire on te part of employer and #or'er to discuss$ understand te !ie#s
and come to certain acceptable decision is necessary for success of participati!e
mana%ement* -is must be supplemented by desire to %enuine desire to sare
autority and responsibility in mutually a%reed to spere* -e outloo' of employer
and #or'er must can%e and become fa!ourable for mutual trust and understandin%*

>* P*'.*6%3 ',&/+27*(*#
Labour mana%ement relation sould be a cardinal or at least tere sould be a no
tension in te relation* Acti!e participation of #or'ers in mana%ement is possible
under suc peaceful atmospere* It is &ust not possible #en tere are disputes and
stri'e in te industrial unit*

C* C3*'( %05*(+,'05-0< /6 /4I*.,-8*#
Employers and #or'ers must understand clear te ob&ecti!e of suc participation* -e
ob&ecti!e must be clearly define and complementary in caracters* Employer sould
not ta'e suc participation as an imposed liability and #or'er sould not use it merely
for e:pressin% tere %rie!ances and demands* Participation sould be for acie!e te
ob&ecti!e #ic are accepted by bot te parties and also beneficial for bot te
I* M*'0-0<6%3 +7'(-0< /6 -06/(&',-/0#
7or'er representati!e sould a!e ade(uate tecnical$ financial and mana%erial
'no#led%e and information* -is #ill ma'e labour participation effecti!ely* For tis$
a suitable trainin% needs to be %i!en to te #or'ers representati!es* Mana%ement
sould also pro!ide all rele!ant information to employees for teir consideration*
-ere must be a free flo# of information and communication bet#een mana%ement
and #or'er* -is a!oids suspicion and distrust and ensures purposeful participati!e
K* P'(,-.-2',-/0 /6 +%2*(8-+/() +,'66#
Super!isory staff sould be %i!en a place on te &oin mana%ement council* Similarly$
sub&ect earmar'ed for collecti!e bar%ainin% must be 'ept outside for te &oint
consultation* Participati!e mana%ement #ill be effecti!e if te entire labour force
co!ered by suc participation* In addition$ te representati!e of te #or'er must be
dra#n from temsel!es* -e participation of trade union leaders sould be discoura%e
as te approac of suc leaders may not be positi!e or fair* Real representati!e of
#or'ers can put for#ard te !ie#s of all #or'ers #it confidence*
J* E5%.',-/0 '05 ,('-0-0< /6 =/(C*(+#
7or'ers education and trainin% sould be ma'e si%nificant contribution to meanin%ful
participati!e mana%ement* -rade union and %o!ernment sould pro!ide suc
education and trainin% to te #or'ers* -is #ill ma'e te concept of participati!e
mana%ement amon% popular amon% te #or'ers and #ill ensure its success*
2D* V/3%0,'() .7'('.,*( 5*+-('43*#
Participati!e mana%ement sould not be made compulsory but sould be 'ept
!oluntary in caracter* It sould not be %o!ernment sponsored* It #ill not #or'
fruitfully if it is imposed on te bot te parties* -us !oluntary condition caracter is
one pre)condition for te success of participati!e mana%ement* -e need of suc
participation must be felt by bot te parties and tey sould introduce te sceme of
participation on !oluntary basis*

I&2/(,'0.* /6 2'(,-.-2',-8* &'0'<*&*0,#
-e importance of participati!e mana%ement is uni!ersally accepted and efforts are
bein% made for introducin% suc participation trou% suitable a%encies and
metods* Participati!e mana%ement as #ider socio)economic importance as it %i!en
!arious ad!anta%es to #or'ers$ employers and society at lar%e* Suc participation
%i!es i%er status to #or'ers and enable tem to tin' and e:press teir !ie# on te
#or'in% of teir company* Industrial peace and cordial industrial relation are also
establised trou% participati!e mana%ement* In addition$ #or'ers" participation
brin%s industrial democracy in reality* Participati!e mana%ement is important it
satisfies te psycolo%ical needs of self e:pression of #or'ers* E!en te process of
decision ma'in% is made democratic trou% te #or'ers participation* It brin%
uman element in industrial mana%ement*
Participati!e mana%ement introduces a ne# set of !olume for te #or'ers and
employers in #ic po#er is to be replaced by persuasion and compulsion by co)
operation* Employee participation is useful for raisin% industrial production and
producti!ity* It elps consumer in an indirect manner* -e national economy also %ets
certain benefits #en industrial peace and armony e:its o!er a lon% period* In brief$
te concept of participati!e mana%ement is important because of economics$ social
and uman !alues connected #it it*
-e ILO as %i!en morale support to employee"s participation and as ad!ocated its
adoption in all countries* Efforts are bein% made in all countries in tis re%ards* In te
countries of #est$ tis e:periment is reasonable successful #ile in de!elopin%
countries includin% India$ te pro%ress is not satisfactory e!en #en consultati!e
macinery e:ists in many countries*

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