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Form No. 7
Release of a claim for Maintenance
DEED OF RELEASE is made at ... this ... day of ... between Smt...
residing at ... hereinafter referred to as The Releasor of the One Part and
Mr. B residing at ... and C residing at ... hereinafter jointly referred to as,
the Releasees, of the Other Part;
1 The Releasor is the widow of a deceased son of the late father of
the Releasees.
2 By his last Will and testament dated ... the father of the Releasees,
the late Mr... has provided for a monthly payment out of his property of a
sum of Rs... by way of maintenance of the Releasor and the said claim is
a charge on the said property bequeathed to the Releasees.
3 The Releasees have made a separate provision for an annuity under
which the Releasor will be entitled to receive the monthly sum during her
lifetime and in lieu thereof the Releasor has agreed to release the said
property which is more particularly described in the Schedule hereunder
written, of the said charge
NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH that in the premises the Releasor
hereby releases and quits claim to the said property more particularly
described in the Schedule hereunder written, freed and absolutely dis-
charged of and from all her right to claim and recover maintenance from
the said property and all her right, title and interest by way of charge or
otherwise in or to the said property whatsoever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Releasor has put her hand the day and
year first hereinabove written.
x x x x
Signed and delivered by the )
withinnamed Releasor ... )
in the presence of ... )
Note : This Deed will be required to be registered. For Stamp Duty see Preliminary
Stamp Duty, eStamping & Registration : See the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (2 of
1899), Rates of Stamp Duty in various States, eStamping and Compulsorily & Option-
ally Registrable Documents under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 1908), with offcial
websites, in respective later Part/Chapters on Stamp Duty, eStamping & Registration of
Deeds & Documents.

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