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On-line applications are invited from Indian nationals for direct
recruitment to the post of Security Assistant (Executive), General Central
Service, Group-C (on-Ga!etted"on-#inisterial) in the follo$in% Su&sidiary
Intelli%ence 'ureaux, #inistry of (ome Affairs, Government of India)
Candidates $ho fulfill the conditions of eli%i&ility for the post are advised to %o
throu%h all parameters under different paras and su&-paras mentioned &elo$
and satisfy themselves a&out their suita&ility"eli%i&ility in a%e limit, essential
*ualifications for the post &efore applyin%) Candidates fulfillin% eli%i&ility
criteria of the post may apply on-line throu%h $e&site $$$)mha)nic)in+-
C+)*'+ /
L-&l L&),!&,+. D$&l+-* O/ *2+
N3 O/
13 A%artala 'en%ali, ,o-&oro- ./ . . . ./
23 Ahmeda&ad Gu0arati /1 .2 .1 ./ .3
33 Ai!a$l #i!o .4 .5 . . .5
73 Amritsar 6un0a&i .3 .3 . . .
7) 'hopal (indi .5 ./ . .3 .
4) 'hu&anes$ar Odiya /3 .8 .3 ./ ./
83 Chandi%arh 6un0a&i, (indi .4 .5 .3 ./ .
93 9ehradun Garh$ali, ,umaoni, :aunsari,
.; .4 .3 ./ .
:3 9elhi"I' (*rs (indi, 6un0a&i, <rdu /1/ ;/ 33 /5 /7
103 9i&ru%arh =anchoo, Ollo, octe, >utsa,
>an%sa, Sin%pho, ?isu, ,hamti,
Idu #ishmi, 9i%aru #ishmi,
#eyor, #i0u #ishmi, Adi 6adam,
#ishin%s, Idu #ishmis, Adis,
Galos, Adi #inyon%, Adi 6an%i,
Adi ,on%-ar, Adi Simon%, Adi
,ar-o, Adi #ilar, Adi 6asi,
#em&as, ,ham&a
53 /8 . . /1
113 Gan%to- epali, 'hutia, ?epcha .1 . .3 ./ ./
123 Gu$ahati Assamese, 'en%ali, 'odo, ,ar&i /3 .4 .5 .3 ./
133 (ydera&ad >elu%u, <rdu .; .1 .3 .3 ./
173 Imphal #anipuri, (mar, ?ian%land, #ao,
#aram, #arin%, 6aite, @on%mei,
>an%-hul, >hadou, Aaiphei
.5 .3 . . ./
: 2:
/7) Itana%ar #onpa, #i0i, A-a"(ruso, Sherdu-pen,
yishi, Apatani, >a%in, (ill #iri, Adi,
9i%aru #ishmi, Idu-#ishmi, ,hampti,
#i0u-#ishmi, octe, >an%sa,
=ancho, 'u%un, Galo, ,ham&a,
#em&a, #eyor, ah, Sin%ho,
52 3. . . /2
1;3 :aipur @a0asthani // .; .3 . .
183 :ammu 9o%ri, ,ashmiri, <rdu, 6ahari, Go0ri .5 .3 ./ . .
193 ,alimpon% 'en%ali, epali 3. /3 .7 .3 ./
1:3 ,ohima An%ami, Ao, Sema, ?otha,
Cha-hesan%, @en%ma, Chan%,
San%tam, Bimchun%er, 6hom,
,onya-, 6ochury, Celian%, ,u-i,
,achari, ,hiamnum%an, a%amese
5/ /2 . . /1
203 ,ol-ata 'en%ali, epali, Alchi-i (Santhali),
<rdu, (indi, Gurumu-hi, Oriya
/8 .; .7 .3 .3
213 ?eh ?ada-hi, 'alti"6ur%i, >i&etan, 'ro-pa,
Shina, <rdu, 9ardi
/1 .8 .5 ./ .3
223 ?uc-no$ (indi, <rdu, A$adhi, 'undel-handi,
'ho0puri, 'ri0
.; .7 .3 ./ ./
233 #um&ai "
#arathi, ,on-ani 51 3. .8 .5 .5
273 6atna (indi 3. /. .2 .5 .
2<3 @aipur Chhattis%arhi, Gondi, (al&i .4 .1 .3 . .
2;3 @anchi (indi, 'en%ali, Oriya, Santhali, (o,
#undary, Oranon",uru-h, ,haria,
,hortha, a%puri, ,urmali, 6anch
6ar%ania, 6ahariya"#alto
.2 .5 ./ ./ .3
283 Shillon% ,hasi, Garo, :aintia ./ . . . ./
293 Shimla 6ahari .3 .3 . . .
2:3 Sili%uri 'en%ali, epali .5 ./ . ./ ./
5.) Srina%ar ,ashmiri, 9o%ri, 'alti(6ali), 9ardi,
6un0a&i, 6ahari, ?ada-hi, Go0ri, <rdu
/4 .8 .5 .3 .5
313 >rivandrum #alayalam 15 57 . .8 .
323 Aaranasi (indi, 'ho0puri .5 .3 ./ . .
i) >he candidates can opt for only one SI'"centre of examination and
$ould, thus, &e considered for vacancies earmar-ed for the said
SI'"centre only) Applications received for more than one SI'"centre
from a candidate $ould &e re0ected)
ii) Centre of examination once opted $ill not &e chan%ed under any
+ 5 +
iii) Candidates optin% for 9elhi as centre of examination may not
necessarily %et 9elhi as examination centre) (o$ever, efforts $ill &e
made to accommodate them in near&y centres)
iv) Similarly, the candidates optin% for other examination centres could also
&e accommodated in near&y centres"areas, thou%h efforts $ould &e
made to accommodate them in the centre opted &y them)
v) >he $ritten examination of candidates optin% for the vacancies in SI'
Srina%ar $ill &e held at :ammu centre)
vi) >he reservation of vacancies for O'C, SC and S> is as per rules)
vii) >he num&er of SI'-$ise vacancies indicated a&ove are provisional
and may chan%e)
viii) >he posts are temporary &ut li-ely to continue indefinitely)
ix) T2+ &"4+ 1+)*$)+% 6#*# &'+ )* '+#+'4+% /' &)( -&*+,'( /
62(#$-&ll( 2&)%$-&66+% (HH> OH> VH) 6+'#)3 H+)-+> *2+( NEED
NOT &66l(3
23 ?&( S-&l++ 6ay 'and-/, @s)73..-3.3.."- $ith Grade 6ay of @s)3..."-
plus allo$ances at Central Govt) rates)
33 El$,$"$l$*( C)%$*$)#=
(&) E##+)*$&l+ (i)- #atriculation (/.
class pass) or e*uivalent from a
reco%ni!ed 'oard of Education
(ii)- ,no$led%e of local lan%ua%e"dialect as specified a&ove
a%ainst each SI'"centre of examination)
(") D+#$'&"l++ Dield Experience in intelli%ence $or-)

+ 1 +
73 A,++ ot exceedin% 32 years of a%e as on the closin% date i)e) De&ruary
/2, 3./1 for re%istration of applications) >he eli%i&ility of candidates in term of
a%e and educational *ualification $ill &e determined on closin% date)
(o$ever, upper a%e limit is relaxa&le &y five years for SC"S> and three
years for O'C candidates)
It is relaxa&le for such 9epartmental candidates up to 1. years of a%e
$ho have rendered three years of continuous service)
>he a%e limit is relaxa&le for ex-servicemen as $ell as for candidates
$ho $ere domiciled in :E, from /)/)/;8. to 5/)/3)/;8; and children E
dependents of victims of communal riots of 3..3 in Gu0arat as per
Government instructions in this re%ard issued from time to time)
<3 @)Al+%,+ / L-&l L&),!&,+.D$&l+-*=- Candidates applyin% for the
vacancies of a particular SI'"centre are re*uired to possess ade*uate
-no$led%e of the local lan%ua%e"dialect indicated a%ainst it) >hey should &e
a&le to read, $rite and spea- the mentioned lan%ua%e"dialect)

;3 L$&"$l$*( / S+'4$-++ >he post involves A?? I9IA SE@AICE
?IA'I?I>B) T2+'+/'+> *2+ -&)%$%&*+# A$ll$),.'+&%( * #+'4+ &)(A2+'+ $)
I)%$& )++% * &66l( )l(3
83 S-2+1+ / +0&1$)&*$)= >he $ritten examination for the post of
SA"Exe $ill &e of O&0ective >ype test on General ,no$led%e, Current
A$areness, Aptitude, @easonin%, General Arithmetic and En%lish of /..
mar-s) >he o&0ective type test $ould &e held on the same day for all the
centres of examination and hence the candidates should apply for the
vacancies of one SI'"centre only dependin% upon their -no$led%e of the local
lan%ua%e"dialect mentioned a%ainst it in ta&le FAG a&ove)
>hose candidates $ho meet specific standard in the o&0ective type test
$ill &e further called for a local lan%ua%e test (7. mar-s) and personality test
(7. mar-s)) >he date, place and time of local lan%ua%e and personality test
shall &e intimated to the candidates online)
+ 7 +
93 S+l+-*$) / C&)%$%&*+#+ 'ased on the performance in $ritten test,
local lan%ua%e test and personality test, candidates $ill &e selected su&0ect to
successful completion of their character and antecedent verification follo$ed
&y medical examination)
:3 HA * &66l(+- (i) Applications should &e su&mitted only throu%h O-
?IE re%istration &y lo%%in% on to the $e&site $$$)mha)nic)in)
(ii) On-line re%istration $ill &ecome operational from the date of
pu&lication of the advertisement, i)e) :anuary /8, 3./1 till 357;
hours of the closin% date, i)e) De&ruary /2, 3./1)
(iii) Applications $ill not &e accepted throu%h any other mode)
(iv) =ron% information in any column may lead to the application %ettin%
re0ected alto%ether)
(v) >he format of On-line application form is divided into t$o parts vi!) 6art
I relates to the personal, academic and other particulars of the candidate)
6art-II relates to the payment modes) >he candidate $ill have to fill up the
6art-I of online application, and then has to select option for payment of fees,
if any, in part II of the application form)
(vi) >he candidates are re*uired to upload their photo%raph (si!e should not
&e more than 3. ,&) and si%nature (si!e should not &e more than /. ,&) at
the time of online re%istration itself)
(vii) 'efore su&mittin% the online applications, the candidates must previe$
the application to ensure that they have provided correct information and
uploaded correct photo%raph and si%nature) It must also &e ensured that the
photo%raph and si%nature are visi&le and not ha!y"&lurred, other$ise the
+ 4 +
photo%raph and si%nature should &e uploaded a%ain and online application
should &e su&mitted only after ensurin% that the information" photo%raph"
si%nature are correct)
(viii) Candidates are advised to su&mit only one application) Su&mission of
multiple applications may result in cancellation of such applications
(ix) >he candidates are re*uired to ta-e the print out of the @e%istration Slip
and -eep it in safe custody) >hey should also note do$n their re%istration
num&er and @oll um&er (as and $hen allotted) separately for future
(x) Candidates are re*uired to possess an e-mail I9 valid for .4 (Six)
months $hich is to &e entered in the application form at the time of O-?IE
re%istration so that admit cards for the $ritten examination and intervie$ call
letters can &e sent to the candidate)
(xi) Candidates must furnish one mo&ile num&er in the column provided in
the application form to ena&le us to %ive S#S alert a&out the do$nloadin% of
the admit card for $ritten examination and intervie$)
(xii) Applicants are advised to ensure that email addresses endin% $ith
H%mail)com are directed to their in&ox and not to spam folder or any other
(xiii) >his office $ill not &e responsi&le for &ouncin% of any e-mail or
malfunctionin% of the mo&ile phone num&er %iven &y the candidate)
+ 2 +
(xiv) >he information re%ardin% $ritten examination, do$nloadin% of admit
cards and intervie$ call letters $ill also &e posted on the $e&site
$$$)mha)nic)in from time to time) >herefore, the candidates are advised to
visit the $e&site of #(A from time to time)
(xv) Applicants are advised to -eep chec-in% their email and the $e&site of
#(A from time to time and particularly 3-5 days &efore the date of $ritten
examination for updates)
(xvi) Applicants are NOT re*uired to su&mit hard copy of their application
(xvii) C&)%$%&*+# 1!#* -&''( &* l+&#* *A 6&##6'* #$B+ 62*,'&62# &)%
I%+)*$*( 6'/ $) '$,$)&l #!-2 &# V*+' C&'%> D'$4$), L$-+)-+> A&%2&'
C&'%> I)-1+ T&0 ?&) C&'%> I%+)*$*( C&'% $##!+% "( U)$4+'#$*(.-ll+,+
+*- * *2+ +0&1$)&*$) -+)*'+> /&$l$), A2$-2 *2+( #2&ll )* "+ &llA+% *
&66+&' /' *2+ +0&1$)&*$)3
103 E0&1$)&*$) F++= @s)7."- (@<6EES DID>B O?B) for General E
O'C candidates (male)) (o$ever, =oman candidates and candidates
&elon%in% to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled >ri&e are exempted from
payment of fee)
(A) MODE OF ?AYMENT+ Applicants ($ho are re*uired to pay the fee) can
pay the fee &y cash deposit (offline payment) at any &ranch of State 'an- of
India usin% the Challan form (availa&le in part-II of the online application) or
&y usin% internet &an-in% facility of State 'an- of India or State 'an- A>#-
cum-9e&it card) 6artIII of the on-line application pertains to payment of fee,
$herein the applicant can opt for mode of payment, vi!), offline payment or
online payment)
+ 8 +
(') OFFLINE ?AYMENT (Cash 9eposit)+ In this option, the applicant $ill
&e re*uired to ta-e a printout of Challan form ($herein name of the applicant
and his"her @e%istration num&er $ill &e printed) and deposit the fee in cash in
any &ranch of State 'an- of India after a %ap of one $or-in% day) A
counterfoil of this Challan $ould &e %iven &ac- to the candidate &y the &an-,
indicatin% the transaction I9, $hich may &e retained &y the candidates)
(C) ONLINE ?AYMENT (Internet 'an-in% and A>#-Cum-9e&it Card)+ >he
applicants havin% internet &an-in% facility of State 'an- of India or havin%
State 'an- A>#-cum-9e&it card can pay the fee online) Once the online
payment option is selected &y the applicant, he"she $ould &e automatically
%uided to the $e&site of State 'an- of India and after payin% the fee throu%h
a user friendly interface, he"she $ould &e %uided &ac- to the re%istration
form"$e&site and a confirmation is immediately flashed re%ardin% receipt of
(9) >hose candidates $ho apply on the closin% date and opt for Cash
6ayment can deposit the fees in any State 'an- of India &ranch after a %ap of
one $or-in% day i)e, on De&ruary /;, 3./1) (o$ever, for online payment
throu%h State 'an- of India Internet 'an-in% and State 'an- of India A>#-
cum-9e&it Card, the last date for depositin% the fees $ould &e the closin%
(E) Dee once paid shall not &e refunded under any circumstances)
NOTE 1= >hose candidates depositin% fees in cash mode should verify the
status of their payment after 3 $or-in% days) Dor example, if the challan is
printed on :anuary 3., 3./1, the fee can &e deposited in cash on :anuary 33,
3./1 and the payment status could &e chec-ed on :anuary 37, 3./1)
+ ; +
NOTE 2= Dee paid &y modes other than Cash deposit, Internet 'an-in% or
A>#-cum-9e&it card $ill NOT &e accepted under any circumstances and the
applications of such candidates $ill &e re0ected outri%ht and payment made
shall stands forfeited)
113 G+)+'&l I)#*'!-*$)#+
(i) >he crucial date for determinin% the a%e limit, educational
*ualifications, certificates"testimonials, etc) shall &e the closin% date
for receipt of applications from the candidates)
(ii) >he date of &irth as $ell as the name of the applicant $ill invaria&ly
&e ta-en from the matriculation certificate issued &y a reco%ni!ed
&oard) o other proof of date of &irth and name shall &e accepted)
(iii) Certificates in support of *ualifications must have &een o&tained on
or &efore the closin% date from reco%ni!ed Institution"<niversity)
(iv) Educational certificate o&tained throu%h Open <niversities"9istance
education mode $ill not &e accepted for the purpose of Educational
Jualification unless it is reco%ni!ed &y 9istance Education Council in
terms of #inistry of (uman @esource 9evelopment otification o)
11, dated ./).5)/;;7 pu&lished in the Ga!ette of India dated
.8).1)/;;7 for the relevant period $hen the candidate ac*uired the
relevant *ualification)
(v) >he candidates $ho are yet to %et their passin% certificate, if called
for intervie$, $ould &e re*uired to su&mit proof of their passin% the
#atriculation examination on or &efore the closin% date) Such proof,
if issued after the closin% date, $ould not &e entertained on %round
of late conduct of examination, delay in declaration of result or any
other %round $hatsoever)
+ /. +
(vi) Candidates must ensure &efore applyin% for the post that he"she is
eli%i&le for the post in terms of a%e, educational *ualification and
-no$led%e of local lan%ua%e etc) as laid do$n in the advertisement)
(vii) As no testimonials are called for at the su&mission sta%e, the
admission to the $ritten examination $ould &e provisional) If the
information furnished &y the candidate $hile su&mittin% application is
found to &e incorrect at a later date, the candidate himself"herself $ill
&e solely responsi&le and his"her service $ould &e lia&le to &e
terminated at any time durin% his"her service)
(viii) >he admission of a candidate at various sta%es of examination, vi!),
$ritten exam and intervie$ $ill &e purely provisional, su&0ect to
his"her satisfyin% the prescri&ed eli%i&ility conditions)
(ix) If on verification at any time &efore or after the $ritten exam or
intervie$, it is found that a candidate does not fulfill any of the
eli%i&ility conditions, his"her candidature for the said examination
$ould &e cancelled)
(x) Candidates are advised to furnish correct information re%ardin% their
a%e, educational *ualification and caste"cate%ory (i)e) SC"S>"O'C)
in the application form)
(xi) C6$+# / *2+ -+'*$/$-&*+# / &,+> +%!-&*$)&l C!&l$/$-&*$)# &)%
-&#*+.-&*+,'( +*-3 (&**+#*+% ' *2+'A$#+) &'+ )* '+C!$'+% * "+
&**&-2+% A$*2 *2+ &66l$-&*$) /'1 &* *2$# #*&,+) (o$ever, if the
candidate *ualifies in the $ritten examination, the same $ould &e
re*uired to &e produced &y him"her as and $hen it is as-ed for)
+ // +
(xii) Candidates claimin% relaxation under O'C Cate%ory must ensure
that they &elon% to O'C Cate%ory as per the notification of Central
Government meant for appointment to the posts under the
Government of
India ()* &# 6+' *2+ )*$/$-&*$) / S*&*+ G4+')1+)*) and DO
NOT &elon% to the creamy layer)
(xiii) If any candidate *ualifies in the $ritten test he"she $ill have to
produce the O'C certificate alon% $ith the underta-in% in the
proforma %iven at A66+)%$0-I as and $hen as-ed for)
(xiv) Certificate in any other proforma $ill not &e accepted in any case)
(xv) In case the candidate fails to su&mit the certificate in the proforma
(A66+)%$0 I) from the Competent Authority his"her candidature for
the post $ill &e summarily re0ected and no correspondence $ill &e
entertained in this re%ard)
(xvi) Any chan%e in cate%ory $ill NOT &e entertained in future and the
candidature of such candidate $ould &e cancelled)
(xvii) Candidates $ill &e re*uired to produce the ori%inal
certificates"testimonials $hen called for intervie$)
(xviii) Candidates already in Government service or $or-in% $ith
6S<s"Autonomous &odies must inform their Employer or o&tain
necessary permission, as the case may &e, &efore applyin% for the
said post)
(xix) o O&0ection Certificate (OC) from the Employer is re*uired to &e
furnished at the time of Intervie$, if called for)
+ /3 +
(xx) Candidates, $ho %et employed in Govt) service"6S<s"Autonomous
&odies after the closin% date, $ould &e re*uired to &rin% OC from
their employer at the time of intervie$, if called for)
(xxi) Candidates $ho have appeared in the #atric or other e*uivalent
examination and $hose results have not &een declared &y the
closin% date, are not eli%i&le and as such they NEED NOT apply)
>he candidatures of such candidates $ould not &e entertained)
(xxii) Correspondence $ith reference to the admission to the test $ill NOT
&e entertained)
(xxiii) o >A or other expenses $ill &e admissi&le to the candidates for
appearin% in the $ritten examination"intervie$ except to unemployed
SC"S> candidates, $ho $ill &e reim&ursed the fares as admissi&le
under the @ules) o cash payment $ill &e made at the time of test or
(xxiv) Only one on-line application is to &e su&mitted &y the candidates on
the $e&site $$$)mha)nic)in ) In case, a candidate su&mits more
than one application, all applications and his candidature $ill &e
summarily re0ected)
(xxv) #o&ile 6hone and other electronic %ad%ets are &anned $ithin the
premises of the examination centres)
(xxvi) Arran%ement for safe -eepin% of any valua&le"costly items at the
venues can not &e assured)
(xxvii) 6ossession of such e*uipments $hether in use or in s$itch off
mode, durin% the examination $ill &e considered as use of unfair
means) Candidature of such candidates $ill &e cancelled) >hey $ill
&e lia&le for further action as may &e decided &y this office)
+ /5 +
(xxviii) Candidate should verify the particulars filled in the application
form, on-line, very carefully &efore su&mittin% the same) After
su&mission, NO chan%e in any parameters $ould &e allo$ed)
(xxix) Candidates are advised to -eep ready the follo$in% documents in
ori%inal alon% $ith their attested copies soon after the declaration of
the result of $ritten examination+
a) #atric"(i%her Secondary School certificate or e*uivalent sho$in% name
and date of &irth,
b) 9e%ree"6rovisional de%ree certificate"mar- sheet sho$in% clearly
havin% passed de%ree examination and eli%i&le for a$ard of de%ree,
c) O'C certificate, if applica&le, from competent authority in prescri&ed
proforma, as explained in para // (xiii) a&ove,
d) SC"S> certificate, if applica&le, from competent authority)
e) OC from the present employer, if applica&le, and
f) Any other document"testimonial as deemed necessary &y the
+ /1 +
DO@# OD CE@>IDICA>E >O 'E 6@O9<CE9 'B O>(E@ 'AC,=A@9
C?ASSES A66?BIG DO@ A66OI>#E> >O 6OS>S <9E@ >(E
>his is to certify that KKKKKKKKK, son of KK))KKKK))K), of
villa%e KKKKKKK 9istrict"9ivision KKKKKKK) in the KKKKKK
State KKKKK &elon%s to the KKKKKKKKKKK community $hich is
reco%ni!ed as a 'ac-$ard Class underL
(i) Government of India, #inistry of =elfare, @esolution
o)/3.//"48";5- 'CC(C), dated the /.
Septem&er, /;;5,
pu&lished in the %a!ette of India, Extraordinary, 6art-I, Section I,
o)/84, dated the /5
Septem&er, /;;5)
(II) Government of India, #inistry of =elfare, @esolution o)/3.//";";1-
'CC, dated the /;
Octo&er, /;;1, pu&lished in the Ga!ette of India,
Extraordinary, 6art-I, Section I, o)/45, dated the 3.
(iii) Government of India, #inistry of =elfare, @esolution o)/3.//"2";7-
'CC, dated the 31
#ay, /;;7, pu&lished in the Ga!ette of India,
Extraordinary, 6art-I, Section I, o)88, dated the 37
#ay, /;;7)
(iv) @esolution o)/3.//";4";1-'CC dated ;
#arch, /;;4)
(v) Government of India, #inistry of =elfare, @esolution
o)/3.//"11";4-'CC, dated the 4
9ecem&er, /;;4, pu&lished in
the Ga!ette of India, Extraordinary, 6art-I, Section I, o)3/., dated
the //
9ecem&er, /;;4)
(vi) @esolution o)/3.//"/5";2-'CC dated 5
9ecem&er, /;;2)
(vii) @esolution o)/3.//";;";1-'CC dated //
9ecem&er, /;;2)
(viii) @esolution o) /3.//"48";8-'CC dated 32
Octo&er, /;;;)
(ix) @esolution o)/3.//"88";8-'CC dated 4
9ecem&er, /;;;)
(x) @esolution o)/3.//"54";;-'CC dated 1
April, 3...)
(xi) @esolution o)/3.//"11";;-'CC dated 3/
Septem&er, 3...)
Shri KKKKKKKKKK)) and"or his family ordinarily reside(s) in the
KKKKKKK) 9istrict"9ivision of the KKKKK) State) >his is also to
certify that he"she does not &elon% to the persons"sections (Creamy ?ayer)
mentioned in Column 5 of the Schedule to the Government of India,
9epartment of 6ersonnel and >rainin%, O)#) o)54./3"33";5-Estt)(SC>),
dated 8-;-/;;5, $hich is modified &y 9o6E> O# o)54.55"5"3..1 Estt)
(@es)) dated ;"5"3..1)
9istrict #a%istrate, 9eputy Commissioner etc)
+ /7 +
)')L (a) >he term FOrdinarilyG used here $ill have the same meanin% as in
Section 3. of the @epresentation of the 6eopleGs Act, /;7.)
(&) >he authorities competent to issue caste certificates are indicated
(i) 9istrict #a%istrate"Additional #a%istrate"Collector"9eputy
Commissioner" Additional 9eputy Commissioner"9eputy
Collector"Dirst Class Stipendiary #a%istrate"Su&-9ivisional
#a%istrate">alu-a #a%istrate"Executive #a%istrate"Extra
Assistant Commissioner (not &elo$ the ran- of Dirst Class
Stipendiary #a%istrate))
(ii) Chief 6residency #a%istrate"Additional Chief 6residency
#a%istrate" 6residency #a%istrate)
(iii) @evenue Officer not &elo$ the ran- of >ehsildarM and
(iv) Su&-9ivisional Officer of the area $here the candidate
and"or his family resides)
D+-l&'&*$).!)%+'*&5$), - /' OBC C&)%$%&*+# )l(
resident of villa%e"to$n"city OOOOOOOOOOOO district OOOOOOOOOOOO State
here&y declare that I &elon% to the OOOOOOOOOOO community $hich is
reco%ni!ed as a &ac-$ard class &y the Government of India for the purpose
of reservation in services as per orders contained in 9epartment of 6ersonnel
and >rainin% Office #emorandum o)54./3"33";5-Estt)(SC>), dated
8";"/;;5) It is also declared that I do not &elon% to persons"sections (Creamy
?ayer) mentioned in Column 5 of the Schedule to the a&ove referred Office
#emorandum, dated 8";"/;;5, $hich is modified vide 9epartment of
6ersonnel and >rainin% Office #emorandum o)54.55"5"3..1 Estt)(@es))
dated ;"5"3..1)
Si%nature of the Candidate
D+-l&'&*$).!)%+'*&5$), )* #$,)+% "( C&)%$%&*+ A$ll "+ '+F+-*+%

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