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Form No. 11
Declaration about a Person unheard
of for Seven Years
We, A B & C residing at ... do solemnly and severally affirm and say
as follows :
1. We three of us are full brothers and are members of a joint and
undivided Hindu family. Our family owns an immovable property at ... and
which is more particularly described in the Schedule hereunder written.
2. The said property is our ancestral property which belonged to our
father who died some years back leaving four sons namely we three, the
declarants and one more by name Mr. A. The said A was unmarried. About
ten years back our said brother A disappeared from our house and has not
returned back. We have made all possible inquiries at different places in
the country. One or other of us have visited several places in the country
to enquire of him. We have lodged complaints with the Police department
and the Police have also made inquiries. We have also published notices
in newspapers about the disappearance of the said A.
3. We declare that inspite of the best efforts, the whereabouts of the
said A have not been known and he has not been heard of for the last
more than ten years. It can, therefore, be presumed that he is not living.
As he was not married, so far as we are aware, his heirs would be only
ourselves as his brothers. Our parents are also not living.
4. We declare that the said A has ceased to have any share or interest
in the said property due to his presumed death and we are, therefore, the
only persons entitled to the same alongwith our individual family members
namely our respective wives and children.
5. We declare that what is stated above is true and stated conscien-
tiously and knowing full well that relying on the said representations and
statements the said Purchaser has agreed to purchase the said property.
x x x x
Solemnly declared at ... )
on this ... day of ... )
Note : For Stamp Duty and Registration of Declarations 1 to 10 see Preliminary Notes

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