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Form No. 9
Declaration of Legal Necessity
I, ... residing at ... do solemnly declare and say as follows :
1. I am the Karta or Manager of a Hindu Undivided family consisting
of myself, my wife and sons and daughters some of whom are minors.
2. The said Hindu Undivided family owns an immovable property con-
sisting of a plot of land with a residential house thereon which is fully
occupied by old tenants. The said property is described more particularly
in the Schedule hereunder written.
3. I, as the Karta of the said family, have agreed to sell the said property
for the price of Rs... for a joint family necessity. The Purchaser has asked
me to make a solemn declaration recording the Joint family necessity for
the sale of the said property.
4. I say that the building in the said property is very old and requires
constant repairs. The rents paid by the tenants are old and are not and
cannot be increased due to rent restriction laws. I am in service and my
salary is Rs... per month. I am maintaining the family with great financial
stringency. My elder daughter by name Miss ... has been recently married
and I have incurred expenses for the marriage for which I had to borrow a
loan of Rs... from Mr... My other daughter by name Miss ... is to be mar-
ried as early as possible, for which I will require a sum of atleast Rs... My
sons are learning and I have to incur lot of expenses on their education.
I have no alternative therefore but to sell the said property. Besides the
said property does not fetch any significant net income after meeting the
outgoings. In fact, to maintain the said property has become a liability.
The only alternative before me is to sell the said property. I am getting a
reasonable price and the price offered by the Purchaser is the best price
available. I say that it is in the interest of my family including my children
to sell the said property.
5. I declare that what is stated by me above is true to my knowledge
and stated conscientiously and knowing full well that relying on the repre-
sentations and statements as above the Purchaser has agreed to purchase
the said property.
x x x x
Solemnly declared at ... )
on this ... day of ... )

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