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Form No. 7
Declaration as to Alterations
I, ... residing at ... practising as Solicitor/Advocate do solemnly declare
and say as follows :
1. By a Deed of Mortgage dated the ... day of ... executed by Mr. A as
Mortgagor in favour of Mr. B as Mortgagee, the said Mortgagor mortgaged
his property at ... in favour of the said Mortgagee.
2. The said Mortgage transaction was completed in my office and the
Deed of Mortgage was also executed in my office. I have attested the sig-
nature of the Mortgagor on the said deed as a witness alongwith another
witness. The said Mortgagor has died recently.
3. There are certain alterations made in hand in the original docu-
ment of mortgage and certain blanks have been filled in by hand. Doubts
have been raised as to who made the said alterations and interlineations
and when.
4. I have gone through the original document and say that the altera-
tions in hand by ink and the words filling the blanks are in my handwriting
and they were made and written before the document was executed as
aforesaid at the instructions and in the presence of both Mr. A & Mr. B.
Solemnly declared at ... )
on this ... day of ... )

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