Stability Questionaire

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Part B Paper 1 General Ship Knowledge (3 hrs, 50% pass)

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Ship Stability
1. Woring nowledge and appli!ation o" stability, trim, stress tables, diagrams and
stress calculating equipment.
#. $nderstanding o" the "%nda&entals o" watertight integrity.
3. Stability criteria. '%ll "or& Coefficients, displacement, deadweight, lightweight.
Curves and tables o" displa!e&ent and (P). Load Line &arings. Density, Relative
Density, Archimedes principle, flotation. *""e!ts o" density o" water on draught and
freeboard. !A, D!A. (he &arine hydrometer and its %ses. "uoyancy, reserve
buoyancy, partial loss of intact buoyancy.
+. #ransverse stability, -e"initions o" .$., ."., and .%.. &quilibrium positions o" .G., .B.,
and ./.. Righting lever and righting moment.
5. Stability information, Sta0ilit1 in"or&ation s%pplied to ships. $ses o" hydrostatic data
"or sta0ilit1, dra%ght and tri&. Adding and removing weights. ree surface effect,
danger o" sla! tans.
1. -e"initions
i. Weight is a "or!e and is the prod%!t o" &ass and a!!eleration d%e to earth2s
gra3it1. *4pressed in 5ewtons (5).
W 6 / 4 7
ii. /ass e4pressed in Kilogra&s (Kg)
iii. 8or!e the prod%!t o" &ass and a!!eleration
i3. /o&ent the prod%!t o" "or!e and distan!e
/o&ent 6 weight 4 distan!e
3. 9 9ength
3i. B Breadth
3ii. - -epth
3iii. d -ra%ght
i4. -ispla!e&ent the weight o" 3essel 6 the &ass o" water displa!ed
-ispla!e&ent 6 :ol%&e 4 densit1
4. -eadweight
-eadweight 6 8%ll loaded displa!e&ent light displa!e&ent
4i. -ensit1 &ass per %nit 3ol%&e e4pressed as g per !%0i! &eter
4ii. Spe!i"i! gra3it1 (SG) ; <elati3e densit1 (in Kg per !%0i! &eter)
SG = densit1 o" s%0stan!e ; 1000
4iii. 7r!hi&edes2 Prin!iple. When a 0od1 is wholl1 or partiall1 i&&ersed in a "l%id. >t
appears to s%""er a loss o" &ass e?%al to the &ass o" the "l%id it displa!es.
4i3. <eser3e 0%o1an!1 (<B) the watertight 3ol%&e a0o3e the waterline.
<B (in /
) 6 (otal 3ol%&e 3ol%&e o" displa!e&ent
43. )enter o" B%o1an!1 (B) the geo&etri!al !enter o" the %nderwater 3ol%&e and
the point thro%gh whi!h the total "or!e d%e to 0%o1an!1 &a1 0e !onsidered to a!t
3erti!all1 %pwards. (he position o" B &a1 0e !al!%lated 01 Si&pson2s r%les
43i. :aria0le i&&ersion h1dro&eter. 7n instr%&ent 0ased on the law o" 7r!hi&edes to
deter&ine the densit1 o" li?%ids. >t is &ade o" non !orrosi3es &aterial and !onsists
o" a weighted 0%l0 with a narrow re!tang%lar ste& whi!h !arries a s!ale "or
&eas%ring densit1. 7s densit1 o" water in!reases, the h1dro&eter will "loat higher,
and a larger densit1 s!ale will 0e read.
43ii. )enter o" Gra3it1 (G) the point o" a 0od1 at whi!h all the &ass o" the 0od1 &a1
0e ass%&ed to 0e !on!entrated. >t is also the point thro%gh whi!h the "or!e o"
gra3it1 (e?%als the weight o" 0od1) a!t 3erti!all1 downward. >t is also the point
the 0od1 wo%ld 0alan!e. When a weight is s%spended, its G is !onsidered to 0e at
the point o" s%spension.
43iii. /eta!entre (/) = (he point where the 3erti!als thro%gh the !enter o" 0%o1an!1 at
# !onse!%ti3e angles o" heel interse!t
4i4. 9ongit%dinal )enter o" 8lotation (8) or (9)8) (he point at whi!h the ship tri&,
is the !enter o" gra3it1 o" the ware plane area. (ri&&ing &o&ents are taen a0o%t
8, where rotation taes pla!e.
44. 9ist =
tan @6 GG
; G/
44i. G/ >nitial (rans3erse /eta!entri! 'eight. When G is 0elow /, G/ is positi3e.
44ii. G/
9ongit%dinal /eta!entri! 'eight
; GG
6 9 ; !hange o" tri&
44iii. GA <ighting le3er. (he perpendi!%lar distan!e 0etween !enter o" gra3it1 (G)
and the 3erti!al thro%gh the !enter o" 0%o1an!1 (B). 'owe3er "or large angle o"
heel, "or!e o" 0%o1an!1 no longer a!t 3erti!all1 %pwards thro%gh /.
GA 6 G/ 4 sin @ B"or s&all angle o" heelC
GA 6 (G/ D 1;# B/ tan
@) sin @ B"or angle whi!h de! edge i&&ersed
5ew GA 6 Eld GA D GG
sin @ BSta0ilit1 !%r3e, D when 3sl KG F ass%&ed KGC
44i3. K/ = 'eight o" the trans3erse &eta!entre a0o3e the eel. >t depends %pon the
%nderwater "or& o" ship
443. KG 'eight o" !enter o" gra3it1 a0o3e eel.
8inal KG 6 8inal &o&ent a0o3e eel ; 8inal displa!e&ent
443i. Shi"t o" !enter o" gra3it1 (GG
) in &eter. (he G o" a ship will &o3e parallel to the
shi"t o" G o" an1 weight &o3ed within the ship.
6 8inal &o&ent a0o%t !enterline ; 8inal displa!e&ent
443ii. KB 'eight o" !enter o" 0%o1an!1 a0o3e eel
8or 0o4 shapeG KB 6 (1;#) dra"t
8or shipG B 0elow !enterline 6 (1;3) 4 (d;# D :;WP7)
443iii. /o&ent o" Stati!al Sta0ilit1 &o&ent taen a0o%t G to ret%rn the ship to the
initial position when in!lined 01 e4ternal "or!e
/o&ent o" Stati!al Sta0ilit1 6 W 4 GA
44i4. Waterplane )oe""i!ient ()w) ratio 0etween the waterplane area (7) and the area
o" the !ir!%&s!ri0ing triangle.
)w 6 7 ; (9 4 B)
444. Blo! )oe""i!ient ()0) ratio 0etween the %nderwater 3ol%&e (:) and the
3ol%&e o" !ir!%&s!ri0ing 0lo!.
)0 6 : ; (9 4 B 4 d)
444i. Pris&ati! )oe""i!ient ratio 0etween the %nderwater 3ol%&e (:) and the 3ol%&e
o0tained "ro& the prod%!t o" the 9BP and the %nderwater are o" the &idship
se!tion (7&). >t indi!ates a 3essel2s shape at the ends.
)p 6 : ; (9BP 4 7&) 6 )0 ; )&
444ii. /idship !oe""i!ient ratio o" the trans3erse area o" the &idship se!tion to a
re!tangle ha3ing the sa&e 0readth and depths
)& 6 7& ; B 4 d
444iii. (onnes per !enti&eter i&&ersion ((P)) the &ass (in tonne) to 0e loaded ;
dis!harged to !hange the &ean dra%ght in salt water 01 1 !&.
(P) 6 (Water Plane 7rea 4 densit1) ; 100
444i3. 8resh Water 7llowan!e !hange in &ean dra"t when ship sail "ro& SW to 8W
8W7 6 (Sea Water displa!e&ent) ; (+ 4 (P))
4443. -o! Water 7llowan!e !hange in &ean dra"t when ship sail "ro& SW to -W
-W7 6 8W7 4 (10#5 -ensit1 o" -W) ; #5
4443i. /o&ent to !hange (ri& 01 1 )enti&eter
/)() 6 (W 4 G/
) ; (100 4 9)
4443ii. Bodil1 sinage or rise
Weight ; (P)
#. *""e!t o" densit1 on dra"t. When densit1 o" water !hange, &ass o" water displa!ed will not
0e !hanged. So the dra"t &%st !hange to displa!e the sa&e &ass o" water.
i. Bo4 shaped 3essel
5ew dra"t 6 Eld dra"t 4 Eld densit1 ; 5ew densit1
ii. Ship shaped 8W7
3. 9oadline &aring all lines is #5 && thi!
i. -raw a !ir!le o%ter dia&eter 6 300 &&, !enter on s%&&er loadline
ii. )enter o" !ir!le 3erti!all1 D stat%tor1 "ree0oard 6 de! line
iii. -e! line 6 horiHontal 300 && long
i3. 'oriHontal line di3iding the dis! 6 +50 && long
3. )enter o" dis! horiHontall1 right 5+0&& draw a 3erti!al line
3i. >n line with the horiHontal line o" the dis!, draw horiHontal line (#30&&) at the
right hand side o" the 3erti!al line, na&ed ISJ, o" whi!h the %pper edge is the
s%&&er dra"t.
3ii. ISJ line 3erti!all1 D 8W7 6 I8J line on the le"t o" 3erti!al line
3iii. (he se?%en!e 6 (8, 8, (, S, W, W57
+. *?%ili0ri%&
i. Sta0le e?%ili0ri%& = 7 ship is said to 0e with positi3e sta0ilit1 i", when in!lined
"or s&all angle o" heel, she tends to ret%rn to the initial position. (he !entre o"
gra3it1 (G) &%st 0e 0elow the &eta!entre (/), i.e. a positi3e initial &eta!entri!
height (G/).
B%o1an!1 8or!e
Weight (W)
When ship is in!lined to a s&all angle, position o" G re&ains %na""e!ted 01 the
heel and "or!e o" gra3it1 a!t 3erti!all1 downwards thro%gh G. (he B &o3es o%t to
the low side to B
to tae %p the new !enter o" gra3it1 o" the %nderwater 3ol%&e.
(he "or!e o" 0%o1an!1 a!t 3erti!all1 %pwards thro%gh B
and /. (ae &o&ent
a0o%t G, a &o&ent !alled &o&ent o" stati!al sta0ilit1 (6 W 4 GA) is to ret%rn
the ship to the %pright. GA is the righting le3er and is the perpendi!%lar distan!e
0etween the G and the 3erti!al thro%gh the B. 7t a s&all angel o" heel (15 ), GA
6 G/ 4 sin @.
ii. $nsta0le e?%ili0ri%& When a ship is in!lined to a s&all angle tends to heel o3er
still "%rther, she is in %nsta0le e?%ili0ri%&. (he ship &%st ha3e a negati3e G/, i.e.
G is a0o3e /. &o&ent o" stati!al sta0ilit1 (W 4 GA) is a !apsiHing &o&ent.
iii. 5e%tral e?%ili0ri%& G !oin!ides with /. >" ship in!lined, she tends to re&ain at
that angle o" heel. GA 6 0. /o&ent o" stati!al sta0ilit1 6 0.
i3. )orre!ting %nsta0le e?%ili0ri%&
a) Weight loaded 0elow G o" ship ; dis!harged a0o3e G o" ship
0) <e&o3e 8ree S%r"a!e *""e!t
!) 9ower the weight in the ship
5. 7ngel o" loll
i. 5egati3e initial G/
ii. 7s angle o" heel in!reases, B &o3e o%t to the low side
iii. >" B &o3es o%t to position 3erti!all1 %nder G, !apsiHing &o&ent disappear
B%o1an!1 8or!e
Weight (W)
i3. (he angle o" heel at whi!h this o!!%r is angle o" loll
3. GA is Hero, G re&ains on !enter line
3i. >" ship is heel 0e1ond angle o" loll, B will &o3e "%rther and she will 0e ret%rn to
angle o" loll
K. 8ree S%r"a!e *""e!t
i. Within a sla! tan, G o" water shi"t when ship in!line
ii. *""e!ti3e G/ red%!ed 01 GG3 (G o" ship shi"t o"" !enter line 01 GG
iii. 5egati3e G/ &a1 0e res%lted and ship heel 01 the angle o" loll
i3. G o" ship sho%ld 0e lower
3. Sla! tans sho%ld 0e topped %p. 8ill %p s&all tan "irst. 8ill %p low side tan
L. )hange o" dra"t "orward and a"t
i. )al!%late the 0odil1 sinage ; rise ( 6 w ; (P))
ii. )al!%late the !hange o" tri& ( 6 tri& &o&ent ; /)())
iii. )hange o" dra"t a"t d%e tri& 6 B(length a"t to 8) ; (length o" ship)C M (!hange o"
i3. 8inal dra"t 6 Eld dra"t D 0odil1 sinage D !hange d%e tri&
Past N%estionsG
1. 7 3essel o" 1#000 tonnes displa!e&ent has a KG o" L.+&. She plans to wor the "ollowing
load #00 tonnes at Kg 5.L&
load 1#00 tonnes at Kg +.P&
load K50 tonnes at Kg 0.5&
load +010 tonnes at Kg P.#&
dis!harge #50 tonnes "ro& Kg L.#&
dis!harge 1#50 tonnes "ro& Kg 5.0&
dis!harge +00 tonnes "ro& Kg 10.#&
trans"er #000 tonnes "ro& Kg 1.#& to Kg 10.#&.
)al!%late her "inal G/. K/ is !onstant at P.#&.
Weight Kg /o&ent
1#,000 L.+ PP,P00
#00 5.L 1,1+0
1,#00 +.P 5,LK0
K50 0.5 3#5
+,010 P.# 3#,PP#
=#50 L.# =1,P00
=1,#50 5.0 =K,#50
=+00 10.# =+,0P0
=#,000 1.# =#,+00
#,000 10.# #0,+00
1K,1K0 13+,LLL
8inal Kg 6 (otal &o&ent; (otal weight 6 13+,LLL;1K,1K0 6 P.3+&
8inal G/ 6 K/ 8inal KG 6 P.#=P.3+ 6 0.1+&
#. 7 3essel o" P000 tonnes displa!e&ent is to dis!harge a K0 tonne weight "ro& the !entre
line o" her lower hold (Kg 1.5&) %sing her own derri!.
Gi3en that the height o" the derri! head is 30 &etres a0o3e the eel and that KG is L.5&
and K/ P.0&,
(i) the ships KG when the weight is in s%spension in the lower hold
(ii) the ships KG when the weight is at de! le3el
(iii) the list when the weight has 0een sw%ng o%t 1#.0& "ro& the !entre line.
Weight Kg /o&ent
P,000 L.5 K0,000
=K0 1.5 =O0
K0 30 1,P00
P,000 K1,L10
8inal KG 6 /o&ent; Weight 6 K1,L10; P,000 6 L.L1&
(ii) KG %n!hanged (i.e. L.L1&)
(iii) 8inal G/ 6 K/ 8inal KG 6 P.0 L.L1 6 0.#O&
GG1 6 9ist &o&ent ; (otal weight 6 K041#;P,000 6 0.0O&
(an (angle o" list) 6 GG1; 8inal G/ 6 0.0O;0.#O
7ngle o" list 6 1L.5 deg
3. 7 3essel is "loating in do! water o" relati3e densit1 1.0#& with the %pper edge o" her
s%&&er loadline s%0&erged 01 10&&.
Gi3en that her (P)615 and 8W76150&&, !al!%late how &%!h !argo to load to rea!h her
s%&&er displa!e&ent.
-W7;8W7 6 (1.0#5=1.0#0);(1.0#5=1.000)
-W76 0.005415;0.0#5 6 30&&
7t this &o&ent the s%&&er loadline is s%0&erged 01 10&&
(here"ore the ship &a1 "%rther s%0&erged 01 #0&& or #!&
7dditional !argo allowed to 0e loaded 6 #!& 4 (P) 4 BQ(-W); Q(SW)C
6 # 4 15 4 B1.0#; 1.0#5C 6 #O.P5t
1. /.:. Sin0ad is "loating %pright in do! water o" <- 6 1.0#. (he lower edge o" her
s%&&er load line is 10&& a0o3e the water.
)al!%late how &%!h &ore !argo she !an load to rea!h her s%&&er displa!e&ent.
Present dra"t 6 s%&&er dra"t = &ar width =10&&6 P.PLO = 0.0#5 = 0.01 6 P.P++&
8ro& ta0le, displa!e&ent at seawater at dra"t P.P++& 6 #0,000.+t
-ispla!e&ent at -W 1.0# at dra"t P.P++& 6 #0,000.+ 4 1.0#0 ; 1.0#5 6 1O,O0#.Pt
7t s%&&er dra"t P.PLO& -ispla!e&ent6#0,0O+t
/a4i&%& !argo to load6 #0,0O+ 1O,O0#.P 6 1O1.#t
1OO1, 1OO5
K. *4plain, with the aid o" set!hes what happens when a ship has %nsta0le e?%ili0ri%&.
N.K (see Ship Sta0ilit1 "or /asters and /ates, 8irth *dition, - < -errett, P.+K)
1OO#, 1OO+
L. *4plain, with the aid o" set!hes, wh1 a ship with positi3e sta0ilit1 ret%rns to the %pright
position a"ter 0eing in!lined 01 an e4ternal "or!e.
(see Ship Sta0ilit1 "or /asters and /ates, 8irth *dition, - < -errett, P.++=+5)
5oteG Positi3e Sta0ilit1 6 sta0le e?%ili0ri%&)
See notes a0o3e
L. 7 3essel o" 1K,000 tonnes displa!e&ent has a KG o" L.P&. She dis!harges 3,000 tonnes o"
!argo Kg +.L and #.0& "ro& the !entre line.
)al!%late the res%ltant list. K/ is !onstant at O.5&.
Weight KG /o&ent
1K,000 L.P 1#+,P00
=3000 +.L 1+,100
13,000 110,L00
8inal KG 6 110,L00; 13,000 6 P.515&
8inal G/ 6 K/ 8inal KG 6 O.5 P.515 6 0.OP5&
(rans3erse shi"t o" KG (GG1) 6 9ist &o&ent; -ispla!e&ent 6 3,000 4 # ; 13,000 60.+K15&
(an (angle o" list) 6 GG1 ; 8inal G/
7ngle o" list 6 #5.1deg
1. $sing the GA=!%r3e "or di""erent KG 3al%es at a displa!e&ent o" 1O0LP tonnes "or /.:.
Sin0ad, "ind "or a KG 6 L.15&,
(i) the initial G/
(ii) GA at an angle o" heel o" 30R
(iii) the &a4i&%& GA and the angle at whi!h it o!!%rs
(i3) the range o" positi3e sta0ilit1
State the pre!a%tions to 0e o0ser3ed when %sing a &arine h1dro&eter to as!ertain the
densit1 o" do! water.
(i) -ispla!e&ent 6 1O,0OLt K/6O.15
>nitial G/ 6 K/ KG 6 O.15=L.15 6 #.0&
(ii) GA at angle or list 30deg 6 1.#5&
(iii) /a4. GA 6 1.+& at angle o" list +#.5deg
(i3) <ange o" sta0ilit1 6 O0deg
K. 7 3essel o" 15,000 tonnes displa!e&ent and 1O0& length, dis!harges +00 tonnes o" !argo
"ro& 30& "orward o" a&idships.
$sing the "ollowing parti!%lars !al!%late her "inal dra%ghts "orward and a"t.
Eriginal dra%ghts P.0& "orward, L.P& a"t
9)8 is a&idships (P) 6 #5 /)() 6 #00 tonnes &.
Bodil1 rising 6 Weight dis!harged; (P) 6 +00;#56 0.1K&
)hange o" tri& 6 tri&&ing &o&ent; /)() 6 +00430; #00 6 K0!& 6 0.K&
)hange o" a"t dra"t 6 9)8 4 !hange o" tri&; 9E8 6 1 4 0.K ; # 6 0.3&
)hange o" "orward dra"t 6 !hange o" tri& !hange o" a"t tri& 6 0.K=0.3 6 0.3&
8orward 7"t
>nitial dra"t P.0 L.P
Bodil1 <ising =0.1K =0.1K
)hange o" dra"t =0.3 0.3
8inal dra"t L.5+ L.O+
1. (a) $sing the in"or&ation gi3en "or /.:. Sin0ad, !al!%late, at her s%&&er load
1)3ol%&e o" displa!e&ent
#)area o" the load waterplane
3)area o" &idship se!tion
+)light ship displa!e&ent
K)-W7 at <- G 1.010
(0) State the pre!a%tions to 0e o0ser3ed when %sing a &arine h1dro&eter to as!ertain the
densit1 o" do! water.
N. 71 (a)
i. 7t s%&&er load dra"t P.PLO& S P.PP&, -ispla!e&ent 6 #0,0O0t, :ol%&e 6 -ispla!e&ent ;
densit1 6 #0,0O0 ; 1.0#5 6 1O,K00t
ii. Waterplane area 6 9 4 B 4 water plane !o=e""i!ient 6 1+0 4 ##.5O 4 0.P51 6 #PL+.OK
iii. /idship area 6 B 4 s%&&er dra"t 4 /idship se!tion )o=e""i!ient 6 ##.5O 4 P.PLO 4 0.O3P
6 1PP.1+ !%0.&etre
i3. 9ight ship -ispla!e&ent 6 di""eren!e o" displa!e&ent and deadweight at an1 dra"t 6
1L,LL0 13,#3P.P 6 +531.#t
3. 8W7 6 -ispla!e&ent ; (P) at s%&&er dra"t ; + 6 #0,0OL ; #K.5P ; + 6 1PO&&
3i. -W7 ; 8W7 6 (Qsw Qdw) ; (Qsw Q"w)
-W7 6 (10#5=1010) 4 1PO ; (10#5=1000)
*4isting port list &o&ent 6 displa!e&ent 4 G/ 4 tan (angle o" list) 6 10,000 4 0.5 4 tan
3.0deg 6 #K#.0+t&
<e?%ired star0oard list &o&ent 6 #K#.0+ 6 weight 4 distan!e "ro& !enterline
-istan!e "ro& !enterline 6 #K#.0+ ; 500 6 0.5#+&
K. 7 3essel o" 10,000 tonnes displa!e&ent has a KG o" P.5& and a G/ o" 0.5&. She has a 3R
port list and still has 500 tonnes o" !argo to load in the tween de!, Kg 1#.0&. )al!%late
how "ar "ro& the !entre line this !argo sho%ld 0e loaded to 0ring the ship %pright.
<e?%ired righting &o&ent 6 present list &o&ent 6 -ispla!e&ent 4 G/ 4 tan(angle o" list) 6
10,000 4 0.5 4 tan (3.0deg) 6 #K#.0+&t
-istan!e o" the !argo to load "ro& !enterline 6 <ighting &o&ent; weight 6 #K#.0+;500 6
L. 7 3essel o" 1#000 tonnes displa!e&ent has a KG o" P.5&. She dis!harges #000 tonnes o"
sea water 0allast, Kg +.#& and loads the "ollowingG
+00 tonnes o" plasti!, Kg 5.0&
3000 tonnes o" "ertiliHer, Kg 3.5&
)al!%late her "inal KG.
Weight KG /o&ent
1#,000 P.5 10#,000
=#000 +.# P,+00
+00 5.0 #,000
3,000 3.5 10,500
13,+00 10K,100
8inal KG 6 10K,100; 13,+00 6 L.O1P&
71. /.:. Sin0ad is sails with an e3en eel dra%ght o" P.50& and a KG o" L.5&.
(he "ollowing tans are OK% "%ll,
T3 8.E.(. (!), Kg 1.1&
T+ 8.E.(. (!), Kg 1.1&
TL 8.E.(. (p U s), Kg 1.P&
7"ter arri3al at the dis!harging port the a0o3e tans are e&pt1 and 1050 tonnes o" !argo, Kg
K.#&, ha3e 0een dis!harged.
)al!%late the "inal G/. <.-. 10#5.
N. 71
-ra"t P.5& -ispla!e&ent 6 1O,0LPt , K/ 6 O.15&,
Weight KG /o&ent
1O,0LP L.5 1+3,0P5
=#O+.+O 1.1 =3#3.O3O
=#K0.L# 1.1 =#PK.LO#
=100.+1 1.P =1P0.L3P
=135.PO 1.P =#++.K0#
=1050 K.# =K510.00
1L#3K.+O 135,53P.O#O
8inal KG 6 135,53P.O#O ; 1L#3K.+O 6 L.PK3&
-ispla!e&ent 1L,#3K.+O, 5ew K/ is %no0taina0le in the ta0le VVV
G/ 6 5ew K/ 5ew KG 6 VVV L.PK3 6 VVV
B+. 7 3essel o" 1#000 tonnes displa!e&ent has a KG o" P.5&. She dis!harges #000 tonnes o"
sea water 0allast, Kg +.# and loads the "ollowing !argoG
+00 tonnes o" plasti!, Kg 5.0&
3000 tonnes o" "ertiliHer, Kg 3.5&.
)al!%late her "inal KG.
Weight KG /o&ent
1#,000 P.5 10#,000
=#,000 +.# =P,+00
+00 5.0 #,000
3000 3.5 10,500
13,+00 10K,100
8inal KG 6 10K,100 ; 13,+00 6 L.O#&
71. /.:. Sin0ad is "loating %pright and at an e3en eel dra%ght o" P.15& in seawater. KG 6
L.#0&. 7 pie!e o" &a!hiner1 weighing 3+0 tonnes, Kg 6 1#.5& and sit%ated K.0& o"" the
!enterline to port, is dis!harged 01 shore !rane.
)al!%late the res%ltant list.
N. 71
9ist &o&ent d%e to !argo dis!harged 6 3+0t 4 K& 6 #0+0t& (to star0oard)
7t dra"t P.15& displa!e&ent 6 1P,15Pt,
5ew displa!e&ent 6 1P,15Pt 3+0t 6 1L,P1Pt new K/ 6 O.0L&
GG1 6 9ist &o&ent; displa!e&ent 6 #0+0; 1LP1P 6 0.11+5&
Weight KG /o&ent
1P,15P L.# 130,L3L.K
=3+0 1#.5 =+,#50
1L,P1P 1#K,+PL.K
8inal KG 6 1#K,+PL.K; 1L,P1P 6 L.0OO&
8inal G/ 6 5ew K/ 8inal KG 6 O.0L L.0OO 6 1.OL&
(an (angle o" list) 6 GG1; G/ 6 0.11+5; 1.OL
7ngle o" list 6 3.3 deg to star0oard
BK. 7 3essel o" 1K#00 tonnes displa!e&ent has a KG o" P.L0&. 7 do%0le 0otto& tan, #0& 4
#5& 4 1&, is "%ll o" "resh water.
)al!%late the "inal G/ i" hal" o" this "resh water is !ons%&ed. 7ss%&e the e""e!t o" "ree
s%r"a!e is to red%!e the G/ 01 0.P3&. K/ is !onstant at 10.3&.
(otal "resh water weight 6 9 4 B 4 - 4 Q 6 #0 4 #5 4 1 4 1.000 6 500t
Eriginal KG o" the -B tan 6 1.0 ; # 6 0.5&
8inal KG o" the -B tan 6 0.5 ; # 6 0.#5&
Weight KG /o&ent
1K#00 P.L 1+0,O+0
=500 0.5 =#50
#50 0.#5 K#.5
1K,150 1+0,L5#.5
8inal KG 6 1+0,L5#.5; 1K,150 6 P.P#&
G/ (solid) 6 K/ KG 6 10.3 P.P# 6 1.+P&
G/ ("l%id) 6 G/ (solid) 8ree s%r"a!e e""e!t !orre!tion 6 1.+P 0.P3 6 0.K5&
7#. (a) /.:. I/*W57 >>>J is "loating in salt water and displa!es 1K, 0PK tonnes.
She has a positi3e G/ o" 0.5+ &etre.
Plot a !%r3e o" GA le3ers o" the ship (stati!al sta0ilit1 !%r3e).
(0) Brie"l1 e4plain the in"or&ation whi!h !an 0e o0tained "ro& the !%r3e.
N. 7#(0)
/a4. GA 6 0.P55& at angle 3P deg
G/ 6 0.5+&
7ngle o" 3anishing sta0ilit1 6 KO deg
<ange o" sta0ilit1 6 0 deg S KO deg
B3. (a) *4plain wh1 sla! tan in a ship red%!e the e""e!ti3e G/ o" that ship.
(0) >n /.:. I/*W57 >>>J, the !argo oil tans in n%&0er + hold !ontain 3egeta0le oil with
a spe!i"i! gra3it1 o" 0.P.
7ll "o%r tans are %na!!epta0l1 sla!.
>" her G/
was 0.5 &etre, what is her G/
N. B3 (a) 7s the ship roll, the &o3e&ent o" the water inside the tan 3irt%all1 in!rease the
!entre o" gra3it1 o" the li?%id and th%s the !entre o" gra3it1 o" the ship. G/6K/=KG. >" KG
in!reases, e""e!ti3e G/ de!rease.
(0) (otal 8S/ 6 (+05D+05D3#LD3#L) 4 0.P 6 1,1L1.#&t
:irt%al loss o" G/ 6 8S/; -ispla!e&ent
-ispla!e&ent 6 VVVVVVVVVVVV
(7nswer %nnownVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV)
B+. (a) *4plain wh1 a ship &a1 lie at an Iangle o" lollJ.
(0) Set!h and des!ri0e a t1pi!al !%r3e o" stati!al sta0ilit1 "or a 3essel with an angle o"
N. B+(a) 7n angle o" loll o!!%rs when G/ is negati3e. 5egati3e G/ &a1 0e !a%sed 01
i&proper wa1 o" loading ; dis!harging. 7t sea, d%e to the !ons%&ption o" "%el, it &a1 0e the
!ase that a 3essel whi!h le"t port with positi3e G/, has now de3eloped a negati3e G/.
(0) (see Ship Sta0ilit1 "or /asters and /ates, 8irth *dition, - < -errett, P.+P)
see notes a0o3e
71. 7 3essel o" P000 tonnes displa!e&ent is to dis!harge a K0 tonnes weight "ro& the
!enterline o" her lower hold, Kg 1.5&, %sing her own derri!.
Gi3en that the height o" the derri! head is 30 &etres a0o3e the eel and that KG is L.5&
and K/ P.0&,
(i) (he ship2s KG when the weight is in s%spension in the lower hold,
(ii) (he list when the weight has 0een sw%ng o%t 1#.0& "ro& the !enterline.
N. 71 (i)
Weight Kg /o&ent
P000 L.5 K0000
=K0 1.5 =O0
K0 30 1P00
P000 K1L10
8inal Kg 6 (otal /o&ent; (otal Weight
K1L10; P000
N.71 (ii)
G/ 6 K/ KG 6 P.0 L.L1+ 6 0.#PK&
GG1 6 9ist /o&ent ; (otal Weight 6 L#0 ; P000 6 0.0O&
tan (angle o" list) 6 GG1 ; G/ 6 0.0O;0.#PK&
angle o" list 6 1L.5 deg
B#. 7 3essel is tri&&ed 35!& 01 the stern. She loads #00 tons o" !argo 100& "orward o" the
a"ter perpendi!%lar and dis!harges #00 tonnes O0& "orward o" the a"ter perpendi!%lar.
Gi3en that her !entre o" "loatation is P0& "orward o" the a"ter perpendi!%lar and her
/)() is #50 tonnes &etres, !al!%late her "inal tri&.
Weight -istan!e (ri&&ing /o&ent
#00 #0 +000&t 01 head
#00 10 #000&t 01 stern
+00 #000&t 01 head
)hange o" tri& 6 tri&&ing &o&ent ; /)() 6 #000;#50 6 P!& 01 head
8inal tri& 6 present tri& D;= !hange o" tri& 6 35!& P!& 6 #L!& 01 stern
B+. 7 3essel o" 5000 tonnes displa!e&ent has a KG o" K.0&. She then wors the "ollowing
300 tonnes loaded at Kg L.0&,
#00 tonnes loaded at Kg #.0&,
500 tonnes dis!harged "ro& Kg 5.0&.
+00 tonnes o" de! !argo, Kg P.3L& is then trans"erred to a lower hold, Kg 1.3L&.
)al!%late her "inal KG.
Weight Kg /o&ent
5000 K.0 30000
300 L.0 #100
#00 #.0 +00
500 5.0 =#500
+00 P.3L =33+P
+00 1.3L 5+P
5000 #L#00
8inal Kg 6 (otal /o&ent; weight 6 #L#00&t; 5000t 6 5.++&

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