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AOL - Always Off Line

ISDN - It Still Does Nothing

APPLE - Arrogance Produces Profit-Losing Entity
SCSI - System Can't See It
DOS - Defectie O!erating System
"ASIC - "ill's Attem!t to Sei#e Industry Control
I"$ - I "lame $icrosoft
DEC - Do E%!ect Cuts
CD-&O$ - Consumer Deice' &endered O(solete $onthly )
OS*+ - O(solete Soon' ,oo-
... - .orld .ide .ait
$ACIN,OS/ - $ost A!!lications Crash0 If Not' ,he O!erating System /angs
PEN,I1$ - Produces Erroneous Num(ers through Incorrect 1nderstanding of $ath
CO"OL - Com!letely O(solete "usiness Oriented Language
A$I2A - A $erely Insignificant 2ame Addiction
LISP - Lots of Infuriating Silly Parenthesis
$IPS - $eaningless Indication of Processor S!eed
N, - Networ3 ,ragedy
DNS - Does Nothing S!ecial
.INDO.S - .ill Install Needless Data on .hole System
And finally ---
$IC&OSO4, - $ost Intelligent Customers &eali#e Our software only fools them

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