Phstat2 Users Guide

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Version 2.6
Users Guide
Copyright 2006 Prentice-Hall, a division of Pearson Education.
Table of Contents
Version 2.6..........................................................................................................................1
Users Guide........................................................................................................................1
Table of Contents...............................................................................................................2
What is PHStat2...........................................................................................................5
What PHStat2 is not......................................................................................................5
Ho! PHStat2 Presents Its "esults...............................................................................6
Pre#arin$ %ata for &nal'sis.........................................................................................6
PHStat2 Co((ands..........................................................................................................)
%ata Pre#aration *enu................................................................................................)
Stack ata....................................................................................................................!
"nStack ata...............................................................................................................!
%escri#ti+e Statistics *enu...........................................................................................,
#o$-and-%hisker Plot.................................................................................................&
ot Scale iagra'.......................................................................................................(
)re*uency istri+ution................................................................................................(
Histogra' , Polygons...............................................................................................-0
Ste'-and-.eaf isplay..............................................................................................--
/ne-%ay 0a+les , Charts.........................................................................................-2
01o-%ay 0a+les , Charts........................................................................................-2
%ecision-*$ *enu...............................................................................................1/
Covariance and Portfolio 3nalysis............................................................................-2
E$pected 4onetary 5alue..........................................................................................-6
E$pected /pportunity .oss........................................................................................-6
/pportunity .oss.......................................................................................................-7
Probabilit' 0 Prob. %istributions *enu...................................................................15
Si'ple , 8oint Pro+a+ilities......................................................................................-7
9or'al Pro+a+ility Plot.............................................................................................-6
#ino'ial Pro+a+ilities...............................................................................................-6
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 2
Sa(#lin$ *enu............................................................................................................1,
<ando' Sa'ple ;enerator........................................................................................-&
Sa'pling istri+utions Si'ulation............................................................................-(
Confidence Inter+als *enu.........................................................................................21
Esti'ate for the 4ean, sig'a =kno1n........................................................................20
Esti'ate for the 4ean, sig'a =unkno1n....................................................................20
Esti'ate for the Population 5ariance........................................................................2-
Esti'ate for the Proportion........................................................................................2-
Esti'ate for the Population 0otal..............................................................................22
Esti'ate for the 0otal ifference..............................................................................22
Sa(#le Si2e *enu........................................................................................................2/
eter'ination for the 4ean.......................................................................................22
eter'ination for the Proportion...............................................................................26
3ne-Sa(#le Tests *enu.............................................................................................24
> 0est for the 4ean, sig'a kno1n............................................................................26
t 0est for the 4ean, sig'a unkno1n.........................................................................27
Chi-S*uare 0est for the 5ariance..............................................................................26
> 0est for the Proportion............................................................................................2!
T!o-Sa(#le Tests *enu.............................................................................................2,
t 0est for ifferences in 01o 4eans.........................................................................2&
> 0est for ifferences in 01o 4eans........................................................................2&
) 0est for ifferences in 01o 5ariances...................................................................2(
%ilco$on <ank Su' 0est..........................................................................................20
Chi-S*uare 0est for the ifferences ?n 01o Proportions..........................................2-
> 0est for ifferences in 01o Proportions................................................................22
4c9e'ar 0est...........................................................................................................22
*ulti#le-Sa(#le Tests.................................................................................................//
Chi-S*uare 0est.........................................................................................................22
@ruskal-%allis <ank 0est..........................................................................................26
.evene 0est................................................................................................................26
0ukey-@ra'er Procedure...........................................................................................26
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 6
Control Charts *enu................................................................................................../5
p Chart........................................................................................................................27
< and A#ar Chart.......................................................................................................27
"e$ression *enu........................................................................................................../6
Si'ple .inear <egression..........................................................................................26
4ultiple <egression...................................................................................................2!
#est Su+sets...............................................................................................................2&
Step1ise <egression..................................................................................................2(
Utilities *enu...............................................................................................................41
)i$ "p Chart..............................................................................................................60
<e'ove %orksheet Cell 0ints...................................................................................60
0his guide descri+es all PHStat2 co''ands, in order of their appearance in the
PHStat 'enu in 4icrosoft E$cel. )or each co''and, this guide e$plains ho1 to select
the co''and, provides a su''ary of 1hat the co''and does, and presents a sa'ple
dialog +o$.
)or 'ore detailed infor'ation a+out a PHStat2 co''and, open the PHStat2 help file
BPHStatHel#.hl#C directly on the %indo1s desktop or +y clicking the Help +utton in the
dialog +o$ for the co''and. BDou can also choose Hel# for PHStat for the PHStat
'enu, as is e$plained in the +eginning of the PHStat2 Co''ands section.C
Dou should also revie1 the PHStat2 read'e file on the PHStat2 C for technical
re*uire'ents and security considerations of this soft1are and consider visiting the
PHStat2 version 2.6 1e+ page on PHStat %e+ site B!!! for any
late-+reaking infor'ation a+out the soft1are or for further technical assistance.
What is PHStat2?
PHStat2 is soft1are that 'akes operating 4icrosoft E$cel as distraction-free as possi+le.
3s a student studying statistics, you can focus solely on 'astering statistics no1 and not
1orry a+out having to +eco'e an e$pert user of E$cel at the sa'e ti'e. %hen co'+ined
1ith the ata 3nalysis 0oolPak add-in included 1ith 4icrosoft E$cel, Eust a+out all
statistical 'ethods taught in an introductory statistics course can +e illustrated in
4icrosoft E$cel.
What PHStat2 is not
PHStat2 is not designed as a co''ercial statistical package and should not +e used as a
replace'ent for packages such as S3S or SPSS. #ecause PHStat2 e'phasiFes learning,
PHStat2 tries to use the 'ethods of calculation that a learner could easily follo1 and
1ould find presented in a te$t+ook that discusses 'anual calculation. ?n other cases,
PHStat2 uses pre-e$isting 4icrosoft E$cel 'ethods to produce results that are too
co'ple$ to 'anually calculate or present to the learner. 0hese choices 1ill occasionally
produce results that are not as precise as those produced +y co''ercial packages that
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 6
rely on 'ethods of calculation 1hich are fine-tuned to the li'itations of co'puting
technology. %hile these differences are not significant for 'ost sets of data, real-1orld
data sets 1ith unusual nu'erical properties or 1ith e$tre'e values could produce
significant ano'alies 1hen used 1ith PHStat2 and 4icrosoft E$cel.
How PHStat2 Presents Its esults
PHStat2 produces ne1 1orksheets and chart sheets inserted into the currently active
1ork+ook. Cells containing i'portant values and results are highlighted +y a light yello1
tint and +oldface te$t. 0hese cells and the cells that hold inter'ediate calculations are
usually only 'ini'ally nu'erically for'atted. )or so'e procedures, the values in these
cells 1ill have an e$cessive nu'+er of see'ingly significant digits and you 'ay 1ant to
change the nu'eric for'atting for such cells for presentation purposes.
%orksheets that contain cells tinted in light tur*uoise are designed to +e interactive
and you can change the nu'eric values of those cells to produce different results 1ithout
reselecting the PHStat2 co''and
Pre!arin" #ata for $nal%sis
Place your data for analysis +y PHStat2 in colu'ns. ?f you are selecting only part of a
colu'n if a pre-e$isting 1orksheet, copy that partial colu'n range to a +lank colu'n or
1orksheet. ;enerally, you should place your data starting in ro1 -, using the ro1 - cell
for a heading la+el, if desired Bthis is reco''endedC. 9o cells inside a colu'n range
should +e left +lank.
ue to the li'itations of 4icrosoft E$cel, select the 1orksheet B'ake it the currently
active sheetC containing the data to +e analyFed +efore selecting the PHStat2 procedure
that 1ill use the data in order to proper operation. ?f you forget to do this, you 'ay
encounter an error 'essage that refers to an une$pected error or an error in handling a
cell range, although PHStat2 procedures that do not use the ata 3nalysis 0oolPak are
'ore forgiving of this than others.
)or procedures that re*uire t1o or 'ore cell ranges, such as all of the regression
procedures, 'ake sure that all your cell ranges are fro' the sa'e 1orksheet.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page !
PHStat2 Co&&ands
%hen properly installed, PHStat2 displays the PHStat
'enu sho1n at right as part of the 4icrosoft E$cel 'enu
+ar. "se the Hel# for PHStat choice at the +otto' of the
'enu to display the PHStat2 help syste' inside
4icrosoft E$cel. "se the &bout PHStat choice to
deter'ine the actual version of your soft1are Bthis 1ill +e
useful 1hen using the PHStat2 1e+ site or seeking
technical assistance.C
3ll other 'enu choices lead to a su+'enu that
contains co''ands associated 1ith the choice. 0he rest
of this section of the user:s guide presents those
Bsu+'enuC co''ands in order of appearance in the
#ata Pre!aration 'enu
Stac. %ata
0akes group data that has +een arranged in colu'ns and stacks it into t1o ne1 colu'ns,
the first one of 1hich contains the group la+els, on a ne1 1orksheet. 0he Unstac.ed
%ata Cell "an$e 'ust +e a consecutive 'ultiple-colu'n cell range arranged one colu'n
per group.
Use6 Select PHStat %ata Pre#aration Stac. %ata.
UnStac. %ata
0akes grouped data that has +een placed in t1o colu'ns, one of 1hich contains group
la+els, and unstacks it into a series of colu'ns, one for each group, on a ne1 1orksheet.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page &
0he Grou#in$ Variable Cell "an$e 'ust +e single colu'n cell range containing the
group la+els and the Stac.ed %ata Cell "an$e 'ust +e a single-colu'n cell range
containing the data.
Use6 Select PHStat %ata Pre#aration Unstac. %ata.
#escri!ti(e Statistics 'enu Plot
;enerates +o$-and-1hisker plots on a ne1 chart sheet fro' one or 'ore groups of
nu'erical data. /ptionally generates a five-nu'+er su''ary on a separate 1orksheet.
0his co''and invisi+ly uses the Chart %iFard to construct a plot fro' a hidden
1orksheet that PHStat2 creates.
Use6 Select PHStat %escri#ti+e Statistics Plot.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page (
%ot Scale %ia$ra(
;enerates a dot scale diagra' as a chart o+Eect on a ne1 1orksheet that also contains the
nu'erical data plotted and a su''ary ta+le of statistics.
Use6 Select PHStat %escri#ti+e Statistics %ot Scale %ia$ra(.
9re:uenc' %istribution
;enerates a ta+le that contains fre*uency counts and percentage fre*uency values on a
ne1 1orksheet. %hen used 1ith a 'ultiple group option, the fre*uency ta+le for each
group is placed on a separate 1orksheet.
Use6 Select PHStat %escri#ti+e Statistics 9re:uenc' %istribution.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page -0
Histo$ra( 0 Pol'$ons
;enerates a fre*uency ta+le and a histogra' on a ne1 1orksheet and optionally
generates polygons on separate chart sheets. %hen used 1ith a 'ultiple group option, the
fre*uency ta+le and histogra' for each group is placed on a separate 1orksheet and the
'ultiple group data are plotted together on the sa'e polygons.
#ecause the co''and invisi+ly uses the ata 3nalysis Histogra' procedure, the
co''and uses G+insH and not class groupings to create a fre*uency ta+le. 3 +in is a
nu'+er that specify the 'a$i'u' value for a class. #ins are entered as an ordered,
ascending list of values in a contiguous cell range Bthe 7ins Cell "an$eC. 3 +in range
containing values 0, -0, 20 1ould correspond to these three classesI all values less than or
e*ual to 0, values greater than 0 +ut less than or e*ual to -0, values greater than -0 +ut
less than or e*ual to 20.
#ecause the first class 1ill +e al1ays open-ended to1ards negative infinity, this class
1ill never have a true 'idpoint. 0herefore, this co''and e$pects that your *id#oints
Cell "an$e 1ill +e one cell s'aller than your 7ins Cell "an$e and 1ill assign the first
'idpoint to the second class.
Use6 Select PHStat %escri#ti+e Statistics Histo$ra( 0 Pol'$ons.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page --
Ste(-and-;eaf %is#la'
;enerates a ste'-and-leaf display using the rounding 'ethod on a ne1 1orksheet fro' a
set of nu'erical data and optionally generates a su''ary statistics ta+le on the sa'e
1orksheet. .etting PHStat2 autocalculate the ste' unit is reco''ended +ut if used, the
Set ste( unit as value 'ust +e a po1er of ten. ue to the li'itations of 4icrosoft E$cel,
this co''and 'ay produce a plot 1ith inaccurate leaves if the range of the data set is
very large or if 'any significant digits are needed to convey the largest and s'allest
Use6 Select PHStat %escri#ti+e Statistics Ste(-and-;eaf %is#la'.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page -2
3ne-Wa' Tables 0 Charts
;enerates a one-1ay su''ary ta+le Bin the for' of a 4icrosoft E$cel Pivot0a+leC on a
ne1 1orksheet for a set of categorical data and optionally generates a +ar chart, a pie
chart, and a Pareto diagra' on separate chart sheets. 0his co''and accepts either
unsu''ariFed data B"a! Cate$orical %ata optionC or a Table of 9re:uencies in 1hich
categories have already +een tallied.
Use6 Select PHStat %escri#ti+e Statistics 3ne-Wa' Tables 0 Chart.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page -2
T!o-Wa' Tables 0 Charts
;enerates a t1o-1ay su''ary ta+le Bin the for' of a 4icrosoft E$cel Pivot0a+leC on a
ne1 1orksheet for +ivariate categorical data and optionally generates a side-+y-side +ar
chart on a separate chart sheet.
Use6 Select PHStat %escri#ti+e Statistics T!o-Wa' Tables 0 Chart.
#ecision)'a*in" 'enu
Co+ariance and Portfolio &nal'sis
;enerates a ne1 1orksheet that calculates the covariance of t1o varia+les. 0he ne1
1orksheet contains an e'pty pro+a+ilities , outco'es ta+le into 1hich you enter
pro+a+ility and outco'e data for each varia+le to co'plete the analysis. Co''and
optionally generates a portfolio 'anage'ent analysis of t1o invest'ents using a 1eight-
assigned-to-A value that you can change interactively in the 1orksheet.
Use6 Select PHStat %ecision-*$ Co+ariance and Portfolio &nal'sis.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page -6
<8#ected *onetar' Value
;enerates a ne1 1orksheet that calculates e$pected 'onetary value fro' pro+a+ility and
payoff data for the events associated 1ith a set of alternative courses of action. 0he ne1
1orksheet contains an e'pty pro+a+ilities , payoffs ta+le into 1hich you enter
pro+a+ility and payoff data for each co'+ination of event and alternative course of action
to co'plete the analysis.
Use6 Select PHStat %ecision-*$ <8#ected *onetar' Value.
<8#ected 3##ortunit' ;oss
;enerates a ne1 1orksheet that calculates e$pected opportunity losses fro' pro+a+ility
and opportunity loss data for the events associated 1ith a set of alternative courses of
action. 0he ne1 1orksheet contains an e'pty pro+a+ilities , opportunity losses ta+le
into 1hich you enter pro+a+ility and opportunity loss data for each co'+ination of event
and alternative course of action to co'plete the analysis.
Use6 Select PHStat %ecision-*$ <8#ected 3##ortunit' ;oss.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page -7
3##ortunit' ;oss
;enerates a ne1 1orksheet that calculates opportunity losses fro' payoff data for the
events associated 1ith a set of alternative courses of action. 0he ne1 1orksheet contains
an e'pty payoff ta+le into 1hich you enter payoff data for each co'+ination of event and
alternative course of action to co'plete the analysis.
Use6 Select PHStat %ecision-*$ 3##ortunit' ;oss.
Probabilit% + Prob. #istributions 'enu
Si(#le 0 =oint Probabilities
;enerates a ne1 1orksheet that calculates pro+a+ilities fro' a 2 $ 2 cross-classification,
or contingency, ta+le of outco'es. 0he ne1 1orksheet contains an e'pty ta+le of
outco'es into 1hich you enter data for each event to co'plete the analysis.
Use6 Select PHStat Probabilit' 0 Prob. %istributions Si(#le 0 =oint
B0his co''and does not use a dialog +o$.C
;enerates a ne1 1orksheet that calculates nor'al pro+a+ilities. 0he ne1 1orksheet uses
the ST&>%&"%I?<, >3"*%IST, >3"*SI>V, and >3"*I>V )unctions to
calculate nor'al pro+a+ilities and related values.
Use6 Select PHStat Probabilit' 0 Prob. %istributions >or(al.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page -6
>or(al Probabilit' Plot
;enerates a nor'al pro+a+ility plot on a ne1 chart sheet. 0his co''and also generates a
1orksheet that calculates the > values for each value plotted.
Use6 Select PHStat Probabilit' 0 Prob. %istributions >or(al Probabilit' Plot.
7ino(ial Probabilities
;enerates a ta+le of +ino'ial pro+a+ilities on a ne1 1orksheet. ?f you select Cu(ulati+e
Probabilities, the +ino'ial ta+le 1ill include additional colu'ns for PBJKXC, PBJXC,
PBLXC, and PBLKXC. 0he ne1 1orksheet uses the 7I>3*%IST )unction to calculate
+ino'ial pro+a+ilities. ;iven the li'itations of this function, the values in the ta+le
should +e considered as fair appro$i'ations of the actual pro+a+ility values.
Use6 Select PHStat Probabilit' 0 Prob. %istributions 7ino(ial.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page -!
Calculates the e$ponential pro+a+ility for values less than or e*ual to a given X value on
a ne1 1orksheet. 0he ne1 1orksheet uses the <@P3>%IST )unction to calculate the
e$ponential pro+a+ility.
Use6 Select PHStat Probabilit' 0 Prob. %istributions <8#onential.
;enerates a ta+le of hypergeo'etric pro+a+ilities on a ne1 1orksheet.. ?f you select
Cu(ulati+e Probabilities, the hypergeo'etric ta+le 1ill include additional colu'ns for
PBJKXC, PBJXC, PBLXC, and PBLKXC. 0he ne1 1orksheet uses the HAPG<3*%IST
)unction to calculate hypergeo'etric pro+a+ilities.
Use6 Select PHStat Probabilit' 0 Prob. %istributions H'#er$eo(etric.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page -&
;enerates a ta+le of Poisson pro+a+ilities for 0 to 20 successes per unit BAC on a ne1
1orksheet. ?f you select Cu(ulati+e Probabilities, the +ino'ial ta+le 1ill include
additional colu'ns for PBJKXC, PBJXC, PBLXC, and PBLKXC. 0he ne1 1orksheet the
P3ISS3> )unction to calculate Poisson pro+a+ilities.
Use6 Select PHStat Probabilit' 0 Prob. %istributions Poisson.
Sa&!lin" 'enu
"ando( Sa(#le Generator
;enerates a rando' sa'ple 1ithout replace'ent on a ne1 1orksheet.
Use6 Select PHStat Sa(#lin$ "ando( Sa(#le Generator.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page -(
Sa(#lin$ %istributions Si(ulation
;enerates a si'ulated sa'pling distri+ution of the 'ean on a ne1 1orksheet.
Use6 Select PHStat Sa(#lin$ Sa(#lin$ %istributions Si(ulation.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 20
Confidence Inter(als 'enu
<sti(ate for the *eanB si$(a!n
Calculates the confidence interval esti'ate for the 'ean 1hen sigma is kno1n on a ne1
1orksheet. 0he ne1 1orksheet uses the >3"*SI>V and C3>9I%<>C< )unctions to
deter'ine the > value and calculate the interval half 1idth, respectively.
Use6 Select PHStat Confidence Inter+als <sti(ate for the *eanB si$(a .no!n.
<sti(ate for the *eanB si$(a!n
Calculates the confidence interval esti'ate for the 'ean 1hen sigma is unkno1n on a
ne1 1orksheet. 0he ne1 1orksheet created uses the TI>V )unction to deter'ine the
critical value of the t distri+ution.
Use6 Select PHStat Confidence Inter+als <sti(ate for the *eanB si$(a!n.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 2-
<sti(ate for the Po#ulation Variance
Calculates the confidence interval esti'ate for the population variance and standard
deviation on a ne1 1orksheet.
Use6 Select PHStat Confidence Inter+als <sti(ate for the Po#ulation
<sti(ate for the Pro#ortion
Calculates the confidence interval esti'ate for the population proportion on a ne1
1orksheet. 0he ne1 1orksheet uses the >3"*SI>V )unction to deter'ine the Z value.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 22
Use6 Select PHStat Confidence Inter+als <sti(ate for the Pro#ortion.
<sti(ate for the Po#ulation Total
Calculates the confidence interval esti'ate for the population total on a ne1 1orksheet.
0he ne1 1orksheet uses the TI>V )unction to deter'ine the critical value fro' the t
Use6 Select PHStat Confidence Inter+als <sti(ate for the Po#ulation Total.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 22
<sti(ate for the Total %ifference
Calculates the confidence esti'ate for the total difference on a ne1 1orksheet.
Use6 Select PHStat Confidence Inter+als <sti(ate for the Total %ifference.
Sa&!le Si,e 'enu
%eter(ination for the *ean
Calculates the sa'ple siFe needed for esti'ating the population 'ean on a ne1
1orksheet. 0he ne1 1orksheet uses the >3"*SI>V )unction to deter'ine the Z value
and uses the "3U>%UP function to round the result of the sa'ple siFe calculation up to
the ne$t integer.
Use6 Select PHStat Sa(#le Si2e %eter(ination for the *ean.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 26
%eter(ination for the Pro#ortion
Calculates the sa'ple siFe needed for esti'ating the population proportion on a ne1
1orksheet. 0he ne1 1orksheet uses the >3"*SI>V )unction to deter'ine the Z value
and uses the "3U>%UP function to round the result of the sa'ple siFe calculation up to
the ne$t integer.
Use6 Select PHStat Sa(#le Si2e %eter(ination for the Pro#ortion.
-ne)Sa&!le Tests 'enu
? Test for the *eanB si$(a .no!n
Perfor's the Z test of hypothesis for the 'ean 1hen sig'a is kno1n on a ne1
1orksheet.. 0he ne1 1orksheet uses the >3"*SI>V and >3"*S%IST )unctions to
deter'ine the critical values and p-values, respectively.
Use6 Select PHStat 3ne-Sa(#le Tests ? Test for the *eanB si$(a .no!n.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 27
t Test for the *eanB si$(a!n
Perfor's the t test of hypothesis for the 'ean 1hen sig'a is unkno1n on a ne1
1orksheet. 0he ne1 1orksheet uses the TI>V and T%IST )unctions to deter'ine the
critical values and p-values, respectively.
Use6 Select PHStat 3ne-Sa(#le Tests t Test for the *eanB si$(a!n.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 26
Chi-S:uare Test for the Variance
Perfor's the Chi-S*uare test for the variance on a ne1 1orksheet. 0he ne1 1orksheet
uses the CHII>V and CHI%IST functions to deter'ine the critical values and p-values,
Use6 Select PHStat 3ne-Sa(#le Tests Chi-S:uare Test for the Variance.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 2!
? Test for the Pro#ortion
Perfor's the Z test of hypothesis for the proportion on a ne1 1orksheet. 0he ne1
1orksheet uses the >3"*SI>V and >3"*S%IST functions to deter'ine the critical
values and p-values, respectively.
Use6 Select PHStat 3ne-Sa(#le Tests ? Test for the Pro#ortion.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 2&
Two)Sa&!le Tests 'enu
t Test for %ifferences in T!o *eans
Perfor's the t test of hypothesis for differences +et1een t1o 'eans on a ne1 1orksheet.
0he ne1 1orksheet uses the TI>V and T%IST functions to deter'ine the critical values
and p-values, respectively.
Use6 Select PHStat T!o-Sa(#le Tests t Test for %ifferences in T!o *eans.
? Test for %ifferences in T!o *eans
Perfor's the Z test of hypothesis for differences +et1een t1o 'eans on a ne1 1orksheet.
0he ne1 1orksheet uses the >3"*SI>V and >3"*S%IST functions to deter'ine the
critical values and p-values, respectively.
Use6 Select PHStat T!o-Sa(#le Tests ? Test for %ifferences in T!o *eans.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 2(
9 Test for %ifferences in T!o Variances
Perfor's the F test of hypothesis for differences +et1een t1o variances on a ne1
1orksheet. 0he ne1 1orksheet uses the 9I>V and 9%IST functions to deter'ine the
critical values and to calculate the p-value, respectively.
Use6 Select PHStat T!o-Sa(#le Tests 9 Test for the %ifferences in T!o
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 20
Wilco8on "an. Su( Test
Perfor's the %ilco$on rank su' test for differences +et1een t1o 'edians on a ne1
1orksheet. 0he ne1 1orksheet uses the C3U>TI9 and SU*I9 functions to deter'ine
the sa'ple siFe and su' of ranks for each population sa'ple and uses the >3"*SI>V
and >3"*S%IST functions to deter'ine the critical values and p-values, respectively.
Use6 Select PHStat T!o-Sa(#le Tests Wilco8on "an. Su( Test.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 2-
Chi-S:uare Test for the %ifferences In T!o Pro#ortions
;enerates a ne1 1orksheet that perfor's the Chi-s*uare test of hypothesis for
differences +et1een t1o proportions. 0he ne1 1orksheet contains an e'pty o+served
fre*uencies ta+le into 1hich you enter the o+served fre*uencies to co'plete the analysis
and uses the CHII>V and CHI%IST functions to deter'ine the critical values and p-
value, respectively.
Use6 Select PHStat T!o-Sa(#le Tests Chi-S:uare Test for %ifferences in T!o
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 22
? Test for %ifferences in T!o Pro#ortions
Perfor's the Z test of hypothesis for differences +et1een t1o proportions on a ne1
1orksheet. 0he ne1 1orksheet uses the >3"*SI>V and >3"*S%IST functions to
deter'ine the critical values and to calculate the p-value, respectively.
Use6 Select PHStat T!o-Sa(#le Tests ? Test for the %ifference in T!o
*c>e(ar Test
;enerates a ne1 1orksheet that perfor's the 4c9e'ar test of hypothesis for differences
+et1een t1o proportions Brelated sa'plesC. 0he 1orksheet generated contains an e'pty
o+served fre*uencies ta+le into 1hich you enter the o+served fre*uencies to co'plete the
Use6 Select PHStat T!o-Sa(#le Tests *c>e(ar Test.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 22
'ulti!le)Sa&!le Tests
Chi-S:uare Test
;enerates a ne1 1orksheet that perfor's the Chi-s*uare test of hypothesis for
differences in the proportions a'ong 'ultiple independent populations. 0he ne1
1orksheet contains an e'pty cross-classification, or contingency, ta+le into 1hich you
the o+served fre*uencies to co'plete the analysis. 0he 1orksheet created uses the
CHII>V and CHI%IST functions to deter'ine the critical values and p-value,
Use6 Select PHStat *ulti#le-Sa(#le Tests Chi-S:uare Test.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 26 "an. Test
Perfor's the @ruskal-%allis rank su' test of hypothesis for differences +et1een 'edians
fro' 'ultiple independent sa'ple groups on a ne1 1orksheet. 0he ne1 1orksheet uses
the CHII>V and CHI%IST functions to deter'ine the critical values and p-values,
Use6 Select PHStat *ulti#le-Sa(#le Tests "an. Test.
;e+ene Test
Perfor's the .evene 0est for ho'ogeneity of variance for 'ultiple independent sa'ple
groups on a ne1 1orksheet.
Use6 Select PHStat *ulti#le-Sa(#le Tests ;e+ene Test.
Tu.e'-Dra(er Procedure
;enerates a ne1 1orksheet that perfor's the 0ukey-@ra'er procedure to deter'ine
1hich 'eans fro' 'ultiple independent groups are significantly different. ?n the ne1
1orksheet, you enter a M statistic value to co'plete the analysis.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 27
Use6 Select PHStat *ulti#le-Sa(#le Tests Tu.e'-Dra(er Procedure.
Control Charts 'enu
# Chart
;enerates a p chart on a ne1 chart sheet. 0his co''ands also generates t1o 1orksheets
that contain calculations for the control li'its and data for the p chart.
Use6 Select PHStat Control Charts # Chart.
" and @7ar Chart
;enerates an R chart on a ne1 chart sheet and optionally generates an
chart on a
separate chart sheet. 0his co''and also generates t1o 1orksheets that calculations for
the control li'its and data for the chartBsC.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 26
Use6 Select PHStat Control Charts " and @7ar Chart.
e"ression 'enu
Si(#le ;inear "e$ression
;enerates a si'ple linear regression analysis on a ne1 1orksheet. 0his co''and
enhances and e$tends the results generated +y the ata 3nalysis <egression tool and 1ill
generate four additional sheets if all options are selected..
Use6 Select PHStat "e$ression Si(#le ;inear "e$ression.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 2!
*ulti#le "e$ression
;enerates a si'ple linear regression analysis on a ne1 1orksheet. 0his co''and
enhances and e$tends the results generated +y the ata 3nalysis <egression tool. 0his
co''and can generate 'any additional sheets, depending on the nu'+er of A varia+les
and the options selected.
Use6 Select PHStat "e$ression *ulti#le "e$ression.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 2&
7est Subsets
;enerates a +est su+sets 'ultiple regression analysis on a ne1 1orksheet. 0his co''and
also procedure generates additional 1orksheets, each one containing the results of one of
the regression analyses considered.
Use6 Select PHStat "e$ression 7est Subsets.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 2(
Ste#!ise "e$ression
;enerates a step1ise regression analysis on a ne1 1orksheet. 0his co''and also
generates a separate 1orksheet that contains the 'ultiple regression analysis that uses all
of the A varia+les..
Use6 Select PHStat "e$ression Ste#!ise "e$ression.
PHStat2 "ser:s ;uide. Page 60
Utilities 'enu
9i8 U# Chart
4odifies a chart, eli'inating co''on errors 'ade +y 4icrosoft E$cel in generating the
Use6 Select PHStat Utilities 9i8 U# Chart.
B0his co''and does not use a dialog +o$.C
"e(o+e Wor.sheet Cell Tints
<e'oves the light tur*uoise and light yello1 cell tints in 1orksheets generated +y
Use6 Select PHStat Utilities "e(o+e Wor.sheet Cell Tints.
B0his co''and does not use a dialog +o$.C

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