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Christ University

Hosur Road, Bangalore- 29

$&''ABU$ #"R
Pro(osed Course )
M.S. (Computer Science - Professional)
*+ %ntrodu,tion
MS programme is offered by the University for the professionals woring in the software
industry or related fields. !his program is intended to enhance their e"isting academic
foundations with comprehensive understanding of the use and application of information
technology. !he programme focuses on #dvanced $perating Systems% &ata Structures%
Software Pro'ect Management% (etwors% &ata )arehousing and &ata Mining.
2+ Course "-.e,tive
!he program is designed to help software professionals who are already employed to further
their nowledge in their respective domains.
!o enhance the pro'ect management sills.
!o facilitate software professionals to tae lead roles.
!o understand and assimilate nowledge and sills to apply in their industry.
!o introduce contemporary theoretical concepts about the processes% standards and practices
in software development life cycle.
!o assist in career advancement by ac*uiring additional degree.
/+ Duration
!wo years (+our semesters).
0+ Eligi-ility 1or Ad2ission
Students who have completed the undergraduate course in computer science or computer
applications from any university with a minimum of , year woring e"perience in Software
1achelor degree in Science . /ngineering with 2 years of e"perience in Software -ndustry.-!
$0 1/.1 !ech (CS.-!.-S./lectronics.!elecommunications)
!he applicant must have a cumulative undergraduate record of 334 in aggregate or
e*uivalent grade.
#dmission to the program is based on the performance of the candidate in the *ualifying
e"amination and interview.
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 5
3+ The Course $tru,ture
$e2ester $u-.e,ts4Pa(ers $u-.e,t Code
- ,. #dvanced $perating
5. #dvanced &atabase
System Concept
2. &ata Structures and
8. Computer #rchitecture
3. Pro'ect 9ab-,
MSP ,28
MSP ,3,
-- ,. Software Pro'ect
5. Computer (etwors
2. &ata )arehousing and
&ata Mining
8. $$#& using UM9
3. Pro'ect 9ab-5
MSP 52,
MSP 525
MSP 522
MSP 528
MSP 53,
---. ,. Computer :raphics
5. System Software
2. /lective-,
8. /lective-5
3. Mini Pro'ect
-< ,. /lective-2
5. /lective-8
2. -ndustry Pro'ect
Total 2777 89
Ele,tives 1or %%% $e2ester :Choose any t;o< Ele,tives 1or %= $e2ester :Choose any t;o<
,. MSP282# &ata Communication ,. MSP88,# )ireless Communication
5. MSP2821 Software >uality #ssurance and
5. MSP88,1 Mobile Computing
2. MSP282C Software Systems 2. MSP88,C Software #rchitecture
8. MSP282& &igital -mage Processing 8. MSP88,& (eural (etwors
,. MSP288# (etwors security ,. MSP885# &ata Storage !echnologies
5. MSP2881 !otal *uality management 5. MSP8851 Concurrent and &istributed
2. MSP288C Critical Systems /ngineering 2. MSP885C )eb /ngineering
8+ ethod o1 Evaluation
,. /valuation Pattern? =64 C-# @ 864 /S/
5. !utorials . #ssignments . !ests . >uiA . Seminar.
2. #ttendance is part of the C-# component.
8. Minimum percentage to pass in each paper is 364 (C-# @ /S/).
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 2
>+ Pro(osed %nta6e
B6 students ma"imum
86 students per batch
>uestion paper has to be set for the total mars of ,66
/"amination duration is 2 hours
!he syllabus is divided in to five ma'or units.
+rom first unit 5 *uestions and from other units 2 full *uestions has to be set.
/ach full *uestion carries ,6 mars
#nswer any ,6 *uestions out of ,8.
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 8
$P*/* Advan,ed "(erating $yste2
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit %+ :*2<
:eneral $verview of the System - System Structure C $perating System Services C introduction
to ernel-architecture of uni" operating system-introduction to system concepts-ernel data
!he 1uffer cache - 1uffer Deaders C Structure of the buffer pool C 0etrieval of a buffer C
scenarios for retrieval of a 1uffer-0eading and writing dis blocs - #dvantages and
disadvantages of the buffer cache.
-nternal 0epresentation of files - -nodes% structure of a regular file% directories% conversion of a
path to an inode% Super 1loc% inode assignment to a (ew file-#llocation of &is 1locs-other
file !ypes.
Unit %%+ :*2<
U(-E Process Management - !he Structure of Processes? Process States and !ransitions -
9ayout of system memory - Conte"t of a process C Sleep C -mplementation of System Calls.
Process Control - Process Creation C Signals C Process !ermination C -nvoing other programs C
P-& F PP-& C Changing the siAe of a process C !he shell C System 1oot and the init process -
-mplementation of System Calls.
Process Scheduling and !ime - Process Scheduling C System calls for !ime C Cloc -nterrupt
Dandler - -mplementation of System Calls.
Unit %%%+ :*2<
Memory Management? Swapping C Segmentation C &emand Paging C # Dybrid System with
Swapping and &emand Paging.
!he -.$ Subsystem? &river -nterfaces C &is &rivers C !erminal &rivers C Streams.
-nter Process Communication (-PC)? Process !racing C System < -PC C (etwor
Communications C Socets.
Multiprocessor Systems? Problem with Multiprocessor Systems C Master and Slave processors C
Unit %=+ :*2<
-ntroduction to &istributed system- hardware concepts-1us-1ased multiprocessors-switched
multiprocessors-1us based multi computers-switched multicomputers-software concepts-
networ $perating systems-!rue &istributed systems-Multiprocessor !imesharing systems-
design issues-!ransparency-fle"ibility-reliability-performance-scalability.
&istributed +ile system &esign-the file service interface-the directory server interface-semantics
of file sharing.
Unit =+ :*2<
&istributed file system implementation-file usage-system structure6-caching-replication-an
e"ample sunGs networ file system
Case study M#CD? -ntroduction to M#CD - Process management in M#CD-processes-threads-
scheduling-memory management in M#CD-<irtual memory-memory sharing
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 3
Te5t Boo6s)
,. Maurice H 1ach% The Design of Unix Operating System% Prentice Dall of -ndia Pvt. 9td.%
(ew &elhi% 0eprint 566I.
5. #ndrew S !anenbaum% Distributed Operating Systems% PD-% reprint 566=.
Re1eren,e Boo6s)
,. Stan-Jelly-1ootle% Understanding Unix% 1P1 Publications% (ew &elhi%reprint%566=
5. #rnold 0obbins% UNIX in a Nutshell% -n a (utshell series% 2
/dition% reprint 566I.
2. :eorge Coulouris% Hean &ollimore% !im -ndberg% &istributed Systems Concepts and
&esign% 2
/dition% Pearson /ducation% 5665
8. Pradeep J Sinha% Distributed Operating Systems Concepts and Design% PD-% 566=.
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science =
$P*/2 Advan,ed Data-ase syste2 ,on,e(ts
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit %+ :*2<
%ntrodu,tion) &atabase-System #pplications% Purpose% <iew of data% languages% 0elations
databases% design% $b'ect-based and semistructured% storage and *uerying% transaction
management% analysis% architecture% users and administrators.
0elational &atabases? 0elational Model% S>9% #dvanced S>9
Unit %%+ :*2<
Data-ase Design and the ER odel? $verview% /0 Model% Constraints% /0 &iagrams and
design issues. )ea entity sets% /"tended features% 0elational Schemas% UM9. &esign for
1aning /nterprise.
Unit %%%+ :*2<
"-.e,t-Based Data-ases? $verview% comple" datatypes% Structured !ypes and -nheritance in
S>9% !able inheritance% #rray and Multiset% 0eference !ypes% $-0 +eatures% Persistent
Programming languages% $b'ect-$riented versus $b'ect-0elational.
EM9? Motivation% structure% Schema% >uerying and !ransformation% -nterfaces to EM9% Storage
and EM9 #pplications.
Unit %=+ :*2<
Data ?uerying? >uery Processing overview% measures% Selection% Hoin and other operations%
sorting% /valuation of /"pression. >uery $ptimiAation overview% !ransformation of 0elational
/"pressions% Statistics of /"pression 0esults% /valuation plans.
Transa,tion anage2ent? !ransactions% Concurrecy control and 0ecovery System.
Unit =+ :*2<
$yste2 Ar,hite,ture? Parallel &atabases? -.$ parallelism% -nter*uery% -ntraoperation and &esign
of parallel systems. &istributed &atabases? !ypes% &ata storage% !ransactions% Protocols%
Concurrency control% #vailability% >uery Processing% Deterogeneous and &irectory systems.
Case Studies? PostgreS>9 . $racle . Microsoft S>9 server
Te5t Boo6s)
,. #braham SilberschatA% Denry Database System concepts Mc:0#)-Dill -nternational%
3th /dition% 566=
Re1eren,e Boo6s)
,. /lmasri F (avathe% undamentals of Database Systems% #ddison-)esley% 5
5. Mc+adden 0. +red% Doffer # Heffrey and Prescott 1 Mary% !odern Database
!anagement System" #ddison-)esley% 3
/dition% ,777
2. $Gneil Patric% $Gneil /liAabeth % Database #rinciples" #rogramming and #erformance%
#rgon Jaufmann Publishers% 5
/dition% 5665
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science I
$P*// Data $tru,tures and Algorith2s
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit %+ :*2<
#lgorithm% #n abstract data type% Model for #&!% Comple"ity of algorithms-?!ime F Space%
$perations on linear lists% #lgorithmic efficiency.
'in6ed 'ists
9ined list algorithms- Processing a lined list% 9ined list algorithms (Create% !raverse% -nsert%
&elete% Search% &estroy)% &oubly lined lists structures and itGs operations% #pplications of
lined lists. #lgorithmic efficiency in terms of space and time.
$ta,6s and ?ueues
1asic $perations% -mplementation% Stac applications% 0ecursion- # Case Study% >ueue
operations% implementation% #pplications of a *ueue.
Unit %%+ :*2<
1asic tree concepts% 1inary trees% 1inary tree traversals% /"pression trees% :eneral trees-
Changing general tree to binary tree% :eneral tree insertion% Search trees% 1inary search trees%
$perations% !raversals-1+S and &+S methods% Searching a 1S!% #lgorithms for and traversing
and searching. #<9 trees% #<9 1alance factor% 1alancing trees% #<9 -nsert% #<9 &elete%
Unit %%%+ :*2<
ulti;ay trees
M-)ay search trees, 1 !rees% 1--nsertion% 1-!ree &eletion% 1 C!ree !raversal-!ree Search%
Simplified 1-!rees - 5-2 !ree% 5-2-8 !ree% 1-!ree <ariationsC1 ; !rees% 1@ !rees.
Unit %=+ :*2<
!erminology% operations% :raph storage structures C #d'acency Matri"% #d'acency lists% :raph
algorithms- Create insert verte"% &elete verte"% 0etrieve verte"% &epth first traversal and 1readth
+irst !raversal% (etwors- Minimum spanning tree% Shortest Path algorithm.
Unit =+ :*2<
Advan,ed $orting @ $ear,hing ,on,e(ts
:eneral sort concepts% $ (otation% Sort #lgorithms->uic Sort% Deap sort% Sorting using a Deap%
Shell sort% Merge sort% radi" sort% merging two sorted lists. /fficiency considerations%
Comparative study.
$ear,hing ,on,e(ts
Se*uential searching% 1inary search% Dashed list searches% Dashing methods-&irect method%
Subtraction method% Modulo-division method% digit e"traction mid s*uare method% folding
method% 0otation method% pseudorandom method% Dashing algorithm% Collision resolution.
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science B
Te5t Boo6s)
,. 0ichard +. :ilberg% 1ehrouA #. +orouAan%KData Structure$ % #seudocode %pproach &ith
C K% 2
/dition% !homson Publications% reprint 566=.
5. # M !anenbaum% L 9angsam and M. H. #ugenstein% KData Structure using CK% 5
/dition% Prentice- Dall% -ndia% 566I.
Re1eren,e Boo6s)
,. 0obert Jruse% !ondo C 9% 1ruce 9eung% MData Structures ' program Design In CN%
Pearson /ducation% 5
/dition% 5668.
5. U.#.&eshpande and $. :. Jade % M&ata Structures and #lgorithms% M%-S!/- learning
Materials Centre% (ew &elhi
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 7
$P*/0 Co2(uter Ar,hite,ture
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit %+ :*/<
Design ethodology
System design- system representation% design process-:ate level% 0egister level-register level
components% Programmable logic devices% register level design% Processor level-Processor level
components-processor level design
Pro,essor -asi,
CPU organiAation-fundamentals% additional features% &ata representation-1asic formats% fi"ed
point numbers% floating point numbers% -nstruction sets--nstruction formats% -nstruction types%
programming considerations
Unit %%+ :**<
Data (ath design
+i"ed point arithmetic-addition% subtraction% #rithmetic 9ogic units-combinational #9Us%
se*uential #9Us% #dvanced topics- +loating point arithmetic% pipeline processing
Unit %%%+ :*2<
Control design
1asic concepts- basic concepts% Dardwired control% design e"amples% Microprogrammed control-
basic concepts% multiplier control unit% CPU control unit% Pipeline control- -nstruction pipeline%
pipeline performance% superscalar processing
Unit %=+ :**<
e2ory "rganiAation
Memory technology-memory device characteristics% random access memories% serial access
memories% Memory systems-multi level memories% address translation% memory allocation%
caches-main features% address mapping% structure versus performance
Unit =+ :*/<
$yste2 "rganiAation
Communication methods- 1asic concepts% bus control% -$ and system control-Programmed -$%
&M#% -nterrupts% -$ Processors% $perating systems% Parallel processing-processor level
parallelism% multiprocessors% fault tolerance
Te5t Boo6)
,. Hohn P.Dayes% Computer %rchitecture ' Organi(ation% Mc:raw Dill -nternational
/ditions% 2
/dition% 5662
5. Stalling )illiams$ Computer Organi(ation and %rchitecture)Designing for #erformance%
Prentice Dall% 8
/dition% 5668
Re1eren,e Boo6s)
,. Mano M Morris% Computer System %rchitecture% PD-% 2
/dition% 566=
5. (icholas Carter% Computer %rchitecture% !ata-Mc:raw Dill%566=
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science ,6
2. 1ehrooA Parhami% Computer %rchitecture) rom
!icroprocessors to Supercomputers" $"ford University Press%
$P2/* $o1t;are Pro.e,t anage2ent
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit -. :*2<
%ntrodu,tion to $o1t;are Pro.e,t anage2ent
Software Pro'ects% other pro'ects% !he Programme% !he Management Spectrum% Pro'ect
management% Pro'ect manager% Staeholders% business case% re*uirement specification% Setting
Unit --. :*2<
Pro.e,t (lanning @ evaluation
Step-wise method of pro'ect planning% Strategic% technical% cost-benefit F ris assessment.
$ele,tion o1 a((ro(riate Pro.e,t a((roa,h
Choosing !echnologies% Process models% technical plan.
Unit ---. :*2<
A,tivity (lanning
$b'ectives% networ planning models% (etwor #nalysis
$o1t;are E11ort Esti2ation @ Ris6 anage2ent
-ntroduction% Problems% basis for estimating% metrics% /stimation techni*ues. (ature% types of
ris% planning% monitoring% managing F controlling ris% evaluating schedule riss.
Unit -<. :*2<
Resour,e allo,ation
(ature of resources% identifying% scheduling% counting cost% publishing resource schedule.
onitoring @ ,ontrol, anaging (eo(le and organiAing tea2s+
Creating framewor% cost monitoring% earned value% prioritiAing monitoring% getting the pro'ect
bac to target% change control. $rganiAational behavior? selection% instruction% motivation of
staff% woring in groups% team% leadership% organiAational structures% stress% health and safety.
Unit <. :*2<
$o1t;are ?uality, ?uality assuran,e, Con1iguration anage2ent
>uality concepts% software *uality% product versus process *uality% management% e"ternal
standards% techni*ues to enhance software *uality% *uality plans% S># activities. 1aselines and
items% !he SCM process.
anaging Contra,ts
-ntroduction% !he -S$ ,556I approach% contract management.
Pro.e,t anage2ent Pro,ess grou(s) a ,ase study C H)& consultingGs intranet pro'ect.
$- Pro.e,t+
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science ,,
$verview% Pro'ect% Scope% !ime% Cost% Duman 0esource%
Communications management% E5er,ises ) #-,? )eb Siite
development F #-5 ? # software training program.(+rom !e"t 1oo 5).
Te5t Boo6s)
,. Dughes% 1ob and Cotterell% Mie% Soft&are pro*ect !anagement% 8
/dition% !MD% 566=.
5. Jathy Schwalbe% Information Technology #ro*ect !anagement +
edition"" !homson
Course !echnology% 8
/dition% -ndia edition. 0eprint 566I
Re1eren,e Boo6s)
,. Jieron Conway% Soft&are #ro*ect !anagement rom Concept to Deployment"
&reamtech Press% ,
0eprint /dition% 5665.
5. Jelar S. #% Information Technology #ro*ect !anagement" % concise study% PD-% 5663
2. 0oyce% )aler% Soft&are pro*ect !anagement % unified rame&or,% Pearson /ducation%
8. Pressman S 0oger% Soft&are -ngineering% Mc :raw Dill -nternational /ditions% 8
edition% ,77I
3. Sommerville% -an% Soft&are -ngineering% #ddison )esley% 3
/dition% 5666
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science ,5
$P2/2 Co2(uter !et;or6s
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit %+ :*/<
Comparison of -S$ $S- and !CP.-P reference models%
/"ample (etwors CConnection $riented (etwors-? E.866% E.53% +rame 0elay and #!MO
)ireless (etwor-)ireless 9#(? 1luetooth% )ireless )#(? S$(/!- #rchitecture C S$(/!
The Physi,al 'ayer
!ransmission media% )ireless transmission
Unit %%+ :*/<
The Data 'in6 'ayer
&ata 9in layer design issues% /rror &etection and Correction% /lementary &ata 9in protocols-
unrestricted protocol% simple" stop F wait protocol% simple" protocol for a noisy channel% Sliding
)indow protocols-one bit sliding window protocol% protocol using :o bac (% /"ample &ata
lin protocol- Digher 9evel &ata 9in Control% &ata lin layer in the internet% Point-to-point
The ediu2 A,,ess $u-layer
!he Channel #llocation problem% Carrier sense Multiple access protocols? CSM# with collision
detection% collision free protocols? # bit map protocol% 1inary countdown% 9imited contention
protocol% #daptive !ree wal protocol% :SM% C&M#% -/// standard B65." for 9#(s and
M#(s? /thernet cabling% &ifferential Manchester Coding% Digh-Speed 9#(Gs% Satellite
Unit %%%+ :*2<
The !et;or6 'ayer
(etwor layer design issues% 0outing algorithms-$ptimality principle% shortest path routing%
+looding% flow based routing% &istance vector routing% 9in state routing% Dierarchical routing%
1roadcast routing% Multicast routing% Congestion control algorithms? congestion prevention
policies% !raffic shaping% Congestion control in virtual circuit subnets% choe pacets% 9oad
shedding% Hitter control% congestion control for multicasting% -nternetworing% !he (etwor layer
in the -nternet.
Unit %=+ :**<
The Trans(ort 'ayer
!he !ransport service% /lements of !ransport protocols? addressing% /stablishing a connection%
0eleasing a connection% +low control and buffering% Multiple"ing% Crash recovery% # simple
!ransport protocol% !he -nternet !ransport protocols (!CP and U&P)% Performance -ssues.
Unit =+ :**<
The A((li,ation 'ayer
&(S-&omain (ame System% /lectronic Mail% )orld )ide )eb.
ulti2edia) &igitiAing #udio and <ideo% #udio and <ideo Compression% Streaming Stored Streaming 9ive #udio.<ideo% 0eal-!ime -nteractive #udio.<ideo% 0!P% 0!CP
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science ,2
Te5t Boo6)
,. !anenbaum% #ndrew S% Computer Net&or,s% Pearson /ducation% 8
/dition% 5662.
5. +orouAan% 1ehrouA% Data Communications and Net&or,ing% 8th /dition% 566=.
Re1eren,e Boo6s)
,. Stallings% )illiam% Data ' Computer Communications% Pearson /ducation #sia% =
/dition% 566,.
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science ,8
$P2// Data Barehousing and Data ining
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit %+ :*2<
&ata Mining C Process and architecture - Jinds of &ata to be mined - &ata Mining
+unctionalities% Classification of &ata Mining Systems% &ata Mining !as Primitives% -ntegration
of a &ata Mining System with a &atabase or &ata )arehouse System% Ma'or -ssues in &ata
Data Pre(ro,essing
Preprocessing - &escriptive &ata SummariAation C Measuring the central tendency- Measuring
the dispersion of data - &ata Cleaning - Missing <alues - (oisy &ata - &ata Cleaning as a
Process - &ata -ntegration and !ransformation - &ata 0eduction-&ata Cube #ggregation-
#ttribute Subset Selection-&imensionality 0eduction-(umerosity 0eduction.
Unit %%+ :*2<
Data Barehouse and "'AP Te,hnology
-ntroduction to &ata )arehouse # Multidimensional &ata Model% &ata )arehouse #rchitecture%
&ata )arehouse -mplementation% +rom &ata )arehousing to &ata Mining.
Data Cu-e Co2(utation and Data GeneraliAation
/fficient Methods for &ata Cube Computation C 0oad map - Multiway array aggregation C Star
cubing% +urther &evelopment of &ata Cube and $9#P !echnology.
Unit %%%+ :*2<
Data Barehouse Design and Ar,hite,ture
!he case for dimensional modeling C Putting &imensional modeling together? the data
warehouse bus architecture C 1asic dimensional modeling techni*ues. !he value of architecture
C #n architectural framewor and approach C !echnical architecture overview C 1ac room data
stores C 1ac room services.
Data $taging
&ata staging overview C Plan effectively C &imension !able staging C +act !able loads and
warehouse operations C &ata *uality and cleansing C issues.
Unit %=+
Asso,iation Rule ining
1asic Concepts% /fficient and Scalable +re*uent -temset Mining Methods C #priori algorithm%
:enerating 0ules C -mproving efficiency C Mining fre*uent itemset without candidate
Classi1i,ation and Predi,tion
-ssues 0egarding Classification and Prediction% Classification by &ecision !ree C &ecision tree
induction C #ttribute selection% 1ayesian Classification C 1ayesian !heorem - naPve 1ayesian%
Prediction% #ccuracy and /rror Measures.
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science ,3
Cluster Analysis
!ypes of &ata in Cluster #nalysis% # CategoriAation of Ma'or Clustering Methods% Partitioning
Methods C J-Means and J-Medoids% Dierarchical Methods C #gglomerative and &ivisive%
&ensity 1ased Methods - &1SC#(% $utlier #nalysis C Statistical based.
Unit =+
ining Ti2e-$eries and $(atial Data
Mining !ime-Series &ata C !rend analysis C Similarity search% Spatial &ata Mining-Spatial &ata
Cube Construction and Spatial $9#P-Mining Spatial #ssociation and Co-location Patterns-
Spatial Clustering% Classification Methods-Mining 0aster &atabases
A((li,ations and Trends in Data ining
&ata Mining #pplications% &ata Mining System Products and 0esearch Prototypes% Social
-mpacts of &ata Mining.
Te5t Boo6s)
,. Hiawei Dan and Micheline Jamber% Data !ining. Concepts and Techni/ues% Morgan
Jaufmann Publishers% San +rancisco% US#% 5
edition% 566=.
5. Jimball% 0alph F et al% The Data 0arehouse 1ifecycle Tool,it% Hohn )iley F Sons% 566=
Re1eren,e Boo6s)
,. Claudia -mhoff% (icholas F et al% !astering Data &arehouse Design% H )iley% 5662.
5. -nmon ) D% 2uilding the Data 0arehouse, Hohn )iley F Sons% 2
edition% 5663.
2. Margaret D. &unham% Data mining)Introductory and %d3anced topics Pearson /ducation%
8. )itten and /. +ran% Data !ining . #ractical !achine 1earning Tools and Techni/ues%
Morgan Jaufmann Publishers% 5663.
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science ,=
$P2/0 ""AD Using U'
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit %+ :*2<
Complexity? !he inherent comple"ity of software% !he Structure of comple" systems% 1ringing
order to chaos% $n designing comple" systems% Categories of analysis and design methods.
The Ob*ect !odel? !he evolution of ob'ect model% /lements of ob'ect model% #pplying the
ob'ect model% +oundations of the ob'ect model.
Unit %%+ :*/<
Classes and Ob*ects? !he nature of an ob'ect% 0elationship among ob'ects% !he nature of a class%
0elationship among classes% !he interplay of classes and ob'ects% $n building *uality classes and
ob'ects% -nvoing a method.
!he importance of proper classification% -dentifying classes and ob'ects% Jey abstraction and
mechanisms% # problem of classification.
Unit %%%+ :*2<
2asic 2eha3ioral !odeling. -nteractions% Use Cases% Use Case &iagrams% -nteraction &iagrams%
and #ctivity &iagrams.
Unit %=+ :*2<
%d3anced 2eha3ioral !odeling? /vents and Signals% State Machines% Processes and !hreads%
!ime and Space% State chart &iagrams.
Unit =+ :**<
#rchitectural Modeling? Components% &eployment% Collaborations% Pattern and +ramewors%
Component &iagram% &eployment &iagrams% Systems and Models.
Te5t Boo6
,. :rady 1ooch% $b'ect $riented analysis and &esign with #pplications% Pearson
/ducation% (inth -ndian 0eprint 566I.
5. :rady 1ooch% Hames 0umbaugh and -var Hacobson% !he Unified Modeling 9anguages
User :uide% #ddison )esley +ourth -ndian 0eprint 5666.
Re1eren,e Boo6s)
,. Mie $G&ocherty%N$b'ect C$riented #nalysis and &esign- Understanding system
development with UM95.6N% Hohn )iley and sons% ,
edition% 5663
5. Hames 0umbaugh% et al%N $b'ect C$riented Modeling and &esignN% PD-%reprint 566=.
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science ,I
$P//* Co2(uter Gra(hi,s
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit %+ :*2<
Con,e(tual overvie; o1 ,o2(uter gra(hi,s #lgorithmic generation of basic Primitives (lines%
circles% ellipses)% two dimensional transformation concepts-!ranslation% rotation% scaling with
matri" representation% homogeneous Co-ordinates% concept of window% window to view port
transformation% 9ine Clipping algorithms-Cohen-Sutherland% Mid-point division and 9iang-
1arsy #lgorithms% Polygon Clipping-Sutherland-Dodgeman #lgorithm.
Unit %%+ :*2<
/D vie;ing and 2odeling
<iewing pipeline% viewing co-ordinates% <iew plane transformations% parallel pro'ection%
perspective pro'ection% <iew volumes% matri" representation for 2& transformations% Pro'ection
!ransformation% <iew port transformation% Clipping planes.
Unit %%%+ :*2<
Color and 'ighting
Properties of light% achromatic light% chromatic colors% color models-L->% CML%
DS<%D9<%Conversion between DS< and 01:%
9ight sources% 1asic -llumination models ? #ambient light% &iffuse 0eflection% Specular
reflection Phong Model%)arn Model%Polygon 0endering Method? Constant -ntegrity
Shading%:ourand Shading%Phong Shading%+ast Phong Shading..
Unit %=+ :*2<
Curves and sur1a,es
Spline representations% interpolation and appro"imation splines% continuity conditions% Cubic
spline interpolation% 1eAier curves and surfaces% 1-spline curves and surfaces% 1eta
splines.0ational Spilines%$cttrees.
Unit =+ :*2<
"(enG' :li2ited to -uilt-in 1un,tions not ,o2(lete (rogra2s<
%ntrodu,tion to "(enG'
)hat is $pen:9% Sample Code% $pen:9 Command Synta"% $pen:9 as a State Machine%
$pen:9 0endering Pipeline.
"(enG' Built-in #un,tions
-mplementation of !ranslation% 0otation% Scaling and Composite !ransformation in $pen:9%
!roubleshooting transformations in $pen :9% Specifying color and Shading Model in $pen:9%
0eal )orld and $pen :9 lighting% Creating light sources in $pen :9% Selecting a lighting
model in $pen :9% !e"ture Mapping C $ne-&imensional !e"tures% !wo dimensional . :9-
/valuators% one dimensional and two dimensional evaluator in $pen:9.
Te5t -oo6s)
,. &onald Dearn% M. Pauline 1aer% Computer 4raphics$PD-% 5
/dition% (ew &elhi% 0eprint
5. Open41 5edboo, 6ersion 7$7 ($nline)
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science ,B
2. Qhigang Eiang% 0oy # Plastoc% #dapted by? P S #vadhani% Computer :raphics% !ata
Mc:raw Dill% 5
/dition% (ew &elhi% Special -ndian /dition 566=.
Re1eren,e Boo6s)
,. +oley% <andam F +einer% Dughes% Computer 4raphics #rinciples ' #ractice" Second edition
in C" Pearson /ducation (Singapore Pvt 9td% -ndian 1ranch% &elhi) =
-ndian 0eprint 566=.
5. 0ichard S )right% Hr. Michael Sweet%Open 41 Super 2ible% 5
2. )oo% Mason and (eider% Hacie% Open 41 #rogramming guide"+
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science ,7
$P//2 $yste2 $o1t;are
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04

Unit %+ :*7<
System software and machine architecture C !he Simplified -nstructional Computer (S-C) -
Machine architecture C &ata and instruction formats - addressing modes - instruction sets - -.$ %
S-C .E/ Machine #rchitecture C &ata and instruction formats - addressing modes - instruction
sets C-.$ % S-C Programming e"amples.
Unit %%+ :*/<
1asic assembler functions - # simple S-C assembler C #ssembler algorithm and data structures -
Machine dependent assembler features - -nstruction formats and addressing modes C Program
relocation - Machine independent assembler features - 9iterals C Symbol-defining statements C
/"pressions C #ssembler &esign options - $ne pass assemblers and Multi pass assemblers-
-mplementation /"ample C M#SM #ssembler.
Unit %%%+ :*2<
'oaders And 'in6ers
1asic loader functions - &esign of an #bsolute 9oader C # Simple 1ootstrap 9oader - Machine
dependent loader features - 0elocation C Program 9ining C #lgorithm and &ata Structures for
9ining 9oader - Machine-independent loader features - #utomatic 9ibrary Search C 9oader
$ptions - 9oader design options - 9inage /ditors C &ynamic 9ining C 1ootstrap 9oaders -
-mplementation e"ample - MS&$S liner.
Unit %=+ :*/<
a,ro Pro,essors
1asic macro processor functions - Macro &efinition and /"pansion C Macro Processor
#lgorithm and data structures - Machine-independent macro processor features - Concatenation
of Macro Parameters C :eneration of Uni*ue 9abels C Conditional Macro /"pansion C Jeyword
Macro Parameters% Macro processor design options C0ecursive macro /"pansion C :eneral
purpose Macro Processor C Macro processing within 9anguage translators % -mplementation
e"ample C M#SM macro processor.

Unit =+ :*2<
1asic compiler functions C :rammars% 9e"ical analysis% Syntactic #nalysis% Code generation%
Machine dependent Compiler features C -ntermediate form of the program C Machine
&ependent Code $ptimiAation % Machine independent Compiler features C Structured <ariables
C Machine -ndependent Code $ptimiAation - Storage #llocation- 1loc Structured 9anguages%
Compiler &esign options C &ivision of passes C -nterpreters C P-Code Compilers C Compilers C
Compilers% -mplementation /"amples C SU($S C Compiler
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 56
Te5t Boo6
,. 9eland 9. 1ec% MSystem Software C #n -ntroduction to Systems ProgrammingN% 2rd
/dition% Pearson /ducation #sia% 5663.
,. &. M. &hamdhere% MSystems Programming and $perating SystemsN% Second 0evised /dition%
!ata Mc:raw-Dill% 566=
5. Hohn H. &onovan MSystems ProgrammingN% !ata Mc:raw-Dill /dition% 5662
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 5,
$P/0/A Data Co22uni,ation
Total Teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit %+ :*2<
#pplications C <ehicles% /mergencies% 1usiness% 0eplacement of wired networs% -nfotainment
and more% 9ocation dependent services% Mobile and wireless devices% # short history of wireless
communication% # maret for mobile communications% Some open research topics% a simplified
reference model #!M C #synchronous !ransfer Mode - Protocol #rchitecture C #!M 9ogical
Connections C #!M Cells C !ransmission of #!M Cells C #!M Service Categories C #!M
#daptation 9ayer
Unit %%+ :*2<
Bireless trans2ission
+re*uencies for radio transmission C 0egulations% Signals% #ntennas% signal propogation C Path
loss of radio signals% additional signal propagation effects% Multi-path propagation% Multiple"ing
C Space division multiple"ing% +re*uency division multiple"ing% !ime division multiple"ing%
Code division multiple"ing% Modulation C #mplitude shift eying% fre*uency shift eying% Phase
shift eying% #dvanced fre*uency shift eying% #dvanced Phase shift eying% Multi carrier
modulation% Spread spectrum C &irect se*uence spread spectrum% +re*uency hopping spread
spectrum% Cellular systems
Unit %%%+ :*2<
ediu2 a,,ess Control
Motivation for a specialiAed M#C C Didden and e"posed terminates% (ear and far terminates%
S&M#% +&M#% !&M# C +i"ed !&M#% Classical #loha% slotted #loha% Carrier sense multiple
access% &emand assigned multiple access% P0M# pacet reservation multiple access%
0eservation !&M#% Multiple access with collision avoidance% Polling% -nhibit sense multiple
access% C&M# C Spread #loha multiple access% Comparison of S.!.+.C&M#
Unit %=+ :*2<
Tele,o22uni,ations syste2s
:SM C Mobile services% System architecture% 0adio interface% protocols% 9ocaliAation and calling
Dandover% Security% (ew data services% &/C! C System architecture% Protocol architecture%
!/!0#% UM!S and -M!C5666 C UM!S releases and standardiAation% UM!S system
architecture% UM!S radio interface% U!0#(% Core networ% Dandover
Unit =+ :*2<
$atellite syste2s
Distory% #pplications% 1asics C :/$% 9/$% M/$% 0outing% 9ocaliAation% Dandover% /"amples
Broad,ast syste2s
$verview% Cyclical repetition of data% &igital audio broadcasting C Multi-media ob'ect transfer
protocol% &igital video broadcasting C &<1 data broadcasting% &<1 for high-speed internet
access% Convergence of broadcasting and mobile communications
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 55
Te5t Boo6)
,. Stallings )illiam% Data and Computer Communications% PD-% B
/dition% 566I.
5. Schiller Hochen% MMobile CommunicationsN% Pearson /ducation 9imited% 5
Re1eren,e Boo6s+
,. L- 1ing Un%K0ireless and !obile Net&or, %rchitecturesN% Hohn )iley publications%
5. Mullett%N Introduction to 0ireless Telecommunications systems and Net&or,sN%
&/9M#0 C/(C#:/ leaning Publications +irst -ndian reprint 566B.
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 52
$P/0/B $o1t;are ?uality Assuran,e and Testing
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week:60
Unit %+ :*2<
%ntrodu,tion to so1t;are Cuality
>uality? popular view% >uality? professional view% software *uality% total *uality management%
!he defect prevention process% process maturity framewor% *uality standards.
Software *uality #ssurance
>uality management% !he role of S>#% launching the S># program% the S># plan S>#
consideration% S># people
Unit %%+ :*2<
#unda2entals in easure2ent Theory
9evels of measurement some basic measures% reliability and validity
Software *uality metrics
Product *uality metrics% in-process *uality process% e"ample of metrics program Cmotorola% DP
Unit %%%+ :*2<
$even Basi, ?uality Tools
-shiawasG seven basic tools% checlist% pareto diagram% histogram% runchart% scatter diagram
control chart cause and effect diagram.
&efect 0emoval /ffectiveness
9iterature review% a close loo at &0/% defect removal effectiveness and *uality planning
Unit %=+ :*2<
#unda2entals o1 $o1t;are Testing
Software !esting Principles% !ypes of Software !ests% !est Planning% test &evelopment% !est
/"ecution and reporting% !est tools and methods %0eal time testing% !he test organiAation
%ns(e,tion and Bal6throughs
-nspection and walthrough% code inspection% an error checlist for inspection% )althrough C
des checing% peer rating.
Unit =+ :*2<
De-ugging and e5tre2e Testing
/"treme programming basics% e"treme testing% e"treme testing applied
Case Study? !esting -nternet application
Te5t Boo6)
,. Stepen D Jan% !etrics and !odels in Soft&are ;uality -ngineering% 5
edition %reprint
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 58
Re1eren,e Boo6s)
,. :lenford H.Myers % The art of Soft&are testing< Hohn )iley and Sons publications% 5668
5. watts S.Dumphrey% Managing the soft&are process" #ddison C )esley Publications%
2. (ina S. :odbole% #rofessional Soft&are ;uality %ssurance? #rinciples and #ractice"
#lpha Science -nternational Publications% 5668
8. &aniel :alin% Soft&are ;uality %ssurance. rom Theory to Implementation
Pearson.#ddison )esley Publications% 5668
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 53
$P/0/C $o1t;are $yste2s
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week:60
Unit %+ :*2<
Communication problem in Software /ngineering - )hat are formal methodsR (eed for formal
specification-#dvantages-disadvantages-#pproaches to formal specifications-Mathematical
concepts-Sets - Prepositional and Predicate 9ogic.
:eneral Software !esting? $verview of the maintenance and testing activities within the
software life cycle. Synta" !esting. +ormal Methods. 1lac 1o" !esting Using +ormal Methods.
Software 0elated 0iss.
Unit %%+ :*2<
SSoftware Maintenance? Ma'or maintenance activities. /stimating maintenance costs and
productivity. Predicting maintainability with software *uality metrics. /conomics and
e"pectations of software reengineering. Principles of software reuse and reverse engineering
Unit %%%+ :*2<
SManagement and >uality #ssurance? Cost estimation. Pro'ect scheduling. Specification of wor
units. >uality.comple"ity metrics. Software availability. Measurement and prediction of software
reliability. Software verification% correctness proofs% symbolic e"ecution% walthroughs%
Unit %=+ :*2<
S!esting in Small? !esting strategies% including unit level% path and dataflow testing% domain
testing% decision tables% and state-based testing. Coverage metrics. -mpact of ob'ect-oriented
testing. /ffort% efficiency% and effectiveness concerns. HUnit and HCoverage !esting !ools.
Unit =+ :*2<
S!esting in 9arge? -ntegration (decomposition based% bottom-up% top-down% call graph based% and
atomic system functions). <alidation and system testing (data% action% port% event and thread
testing% structural and functional approaches% operational profiles). Performance and robustness
Te5t Boo6
,. M. 9ippert. S. 0ooc% and D. )olf. -xtreme #rogramming in %ction. Hohn )iley
FSons% 9!&% 5665.
,. 0oger S. Pressman% Soft&are -ngineering practitioner=s %pproach% =
/dition% 5668.
5. Jent 1ec %-xtreme #rogramming -xplained. -mbrace Change$ #ddison-)esley% reprint
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 5=
$P/0/D Digital %2age Pro,essing
Total Teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit %+ :*2<
Digital %2age #unda2entals
&igital image 0epresentation C +undamental steps in -mage Processing - /lements of digital
image processing systems C /lements of visual perception C # simple image model C Sampling
and >uantiAation C Some basic relationships between pi"els C -maging geometry.
Unit %%+ :*2<
%2age Trans1or2s
-ntroduction to the +ourier transform C !he &iscrete +ourier transform C Some properties of the
two dimensional +ourier transform C !he +ast +ourier transform C )alsh% Dadamard% &iscrete
Cosine% Daar% and Slant transforms C !he Dotelling transform.
Unit %%%+ :*2<
%2age Enhan,e2ent And Restoration
Spatial domain and fre*uency domain methods C /nhancement by point processing C Spatial
filtering C /nhancement in the fre*uency domain C Color -mage processing. &egradation model%
&iagonaliAation of circulant and 1loc circulant matrices% -nverse filtering% 9east Mean s*uare
+ilter% constrained 9east s*uare 0estoration -nteractive 0estoration.
Unit %=+ :*2<
%2age Co2(ression
+undamentals of image compression C -mage compression models C /lements of -nformation
theory C /rror free compression C 9ossy compression.
Unit =+ :*2<
%2age $eg2entation
&etection of discontinuities C /dge lining and boundary detection C !hresholding C 1asic
+ormulation of 0egion oriented segmentation - !he use of motion in segmentation.
Te5t Boo6)
,. :onAaleA% 0afael C. and )oods% 0ichard /. Digital Image #rocessing% #ddison )esley%
/dition% reprint 566=.
Re1eren,e Boo6s)
,. Hain% #nil J. undamentals of digital image processing% PD-% 5665.
5. Chanda and Ma'umder%&. &utta. Digital image processing and %nalysis% PD-% 5665.
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 5I
$P/00A !et;or6 $e,urity
Total Teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit %+ :*/<
-ntroduction to the concepts of security% the need for security% security approaches% principles of
security% types of attacs.
Convention En,ry(tion) Conventional /ncryption Model% Steganography% Classical /ncryption
!echni*ues% Simplified &/S% 1loc Cipher Principles% !he &ata /ncryption Standard% !he
Strength of &/S% &ifferential and 9inear Cryptanalysis% 1loc Cipher &esign Principles% 1loc
Cipher Modes of operation% Conventional /ncryption algorithms.
Unit %%+ :*2<
Pu-li, Dey En,ry(tion And Hash #un,tions) Public Jey Cryptography% Principles of Public
Jey Cryptosystems% !he 0S# #lgorithm% Jey Management% &iffie Dellman Jey /"change%
/lliptic Curve Cryptography Message #uthentication and Dash +unctions #uthentication
0e*uirements% #uthentication +unctions% Message #uthentication Codes% Dash +unctions%
Security of Dash +unctions.
Unit %%%+ :*2<
Hash and a, Algorith2s) -ntroduction% (ifty things to do with a Dash% M&3 Message &igest
#lgorithm% Secure Dash #lgorithm (SD#--)% 0-P/M&% DM#C% CM#C% &igital Signatures%
#uthentication Protocols -&igital Signature Standard.
Unit %=+ :**<
!et;or6 $e,urity A((li,ations) #uthentication #pplications% Jerberos% E.367 authentication
service% public ey -nfrastructure (PJ-)% /lectronic Mail Security% Pretty :ood Privacy%
S.M-M/% -P Security% -P Security $verview% -P Security #rchitecture% #uthentication Deader%
/ncapsulating payload% combining security association% Jey Management% )eb Security% )eb
Security Considerations% Secure Socet 9ayer F !ransport 9ayer Security% Secure /lectronic
!ransaction% -ntroduction to )ireless security.
Unit =+ :*2<
%ntruders, =iruses and Bor2s) -ntruders% -ntrusion detection% password management% <iruses
and 0elated !hreats% &istributed &enial of service attacs% +irewall &esign Principles% !rusted
Systems% #pplication layer firewalls% pacet filtering firewalls% hybrid% virtual private
Te5t Boo6s)
,. )illiam Stallings% MCryptography and (etwor SecurityN% +ourth edition% Prentice Dall%
5. #tul Jahate% MCryptography and (etwor Security%N !ata Mc:raw-Dills% 566=.
2. (eal JrawetA% M-ntroduction to (etwor SecurityN%!homson 1usiness Press% 566I.
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 5B
,. /ric Maiwald% M-nformation Security SeriesN% M+undamental of (etwor securityN%
&reamtech press% 5668.
5. Charlie Jaufman% 0adia Perlman% Mie Speciner% M(etwor Security? Private
communication in public worldN% Prentice Dall% -ndia% 5665.
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 57
$P/00B Total ?uality anage2ent
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week:04
Unit %+ :*2<
?uality - &efinition F &imensions of >uality% >uality Planning F costs - #nalysis !echni*ues
for >uality Costs
T? -1asic #pproach% Distorical 0eview% !>M +ramewor% #wareness% 1enefits of !>M%
1arriers to !>M -mplementation% 1asic concepts of !otal >uality Management% #wareness%
Principles of !>M
'eadershi( C Characteristics F 0ole of !>M 9eaders% /thics% 9eadership Concepts% >uality
Council% >uality Statements% Strategic Planning% &eming Philosophy%
Unit %%+ :*2<
Prin,i(les @ Pra,ti,es o1 T?
Custo2er satis1a,tion C -ntroduction% Customer Perception of >uality% Customer +eedbac%
Complaints% Service >uality% Customer 0etention.
E2(loyee %nvolve2ent C -ntroduction% Motivation% /mployee Surveys% /mpowerment% !eams%
Suggestion system% 0ecognition and 0eward% :ainsharing% Performance #ppraisal% Unions F
/mployee -nvolvement F 1enefits.
Continuous Pro,ess %2(rove2ent C -ntroduction% Process% Huran !rilogy% -mprovement
Strategies% !ypes $f Problems% P&S# Cycle% JaiAen% Si" Sigma.
$u((lier Partnershi( C Principles% Partnering% Sourcing% Supplier Selection% Certification%
Supplier 0ating% 0elationship &evelopment% Per1or2an,e easures C
1asic concept% Strategy% Performance Measure Presentation.
Unit %%%+ :*2<
Tools@ Te,hniCues o1 T?
Ben,h2ar6ing C 0easons to 1enchmar% 1enchmaring Process% &eciding what to
%n1or2ation Te,hnology C Computers F >uality +unction% !he internet F other
electronic communication% -nformation >uality -ssues.
?uality #un,tion De(loy2ent :?#D< C !he team% 1enefits% process of >+&%
Douse of >uality% ?uality By DesignC 0ational% !eam% 1enefits% Communication
Models% -mplementation F tools.
Unit %=+ :*2<
#ailure ode @ E11e,t Analysis :#EA< - -ntent% !eam% &ocumentation% Stages%
$ther !ypes of +M/#.
Total Produ,tive aintenan,e E !he Plan% 9earning% Promoting the new
Philosophy% !raining% -mprovement% (eeds% :oal% #utonomous )or :roups.
anage2ent Tools E -ntroduction% +orced +ield #nalysis% (ormal :roup
!echni*ue% #ffinity% !ree% Matri" diagrams% -nter-realationship &i-graph
PrioritAation Matrices% Process &ecision Program Chart F #ctivity (etwor
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 26
Unit =+ :*2<
?uality $yste2s
?uality anage2ent $yste2 E -S$ 7666?5666 Standards% 0e*uirements%
-mplementation% &ocumentation% >uality (-nternal F /"ternal) #udits% 1enfits.
/nvironmental Management System C -S$ ,8666 Series Standards% 0e*uirements% 1enefits%
0elationship to Dalth F Safety.
$tatisti,al Pro,ess Control E Statistical fundamentals% -ntroduction to various
diagrams used F the process.
Te5t Boo6s )
,. &ale D.1esterfield% et al.% Total ;uality !anagement% Pearson /ducation% -nc.2
Re1eren,e Boo6s )
,. +eigenbaum.#.<. MTotal ;uality !anagement%N Mc:raw-Dill% reprint 566I
5. Samuel J Do% M!>M C %n Integrated %pproachN% Jogan Page -ndia (P) 9td.% (for Crest
Publishing Douse C (ew &elhi% # Haico /nterpise).5668
2. 0.P. Mohanty% 0.0.9ahe% MDandboo of !otal >uality ManagementN% Haico Publishing
Douse% Mumbai.%566=
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 2,
$P/00C Criti,al $yste2s Engineering
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit %+ :*2<
Critical systems% 0eal time systems% Critical systems specifications
#oundations o1 syste2s Engineering
$yste2s engineering and the ;orld o1 2odern syste2s
)hat is systems engineering% $rigins of systems engineering% /"amples of systems re*uiring
systems engineering% systems engineering view point % Systems engineering as a profession% !he
power of systems engineering
Unit %%+ :*2<
$tru,ture o1 ,o2(le5 syste2 C Systems building blocs and interfaces% Dierarchy of comple"
systems% system building blocs% !he system environment% -nterfaces and interactions
The syste2 Develo(2ent Pro,ess E Systems engineering through the system life cycle% system
life cycle% /volutionary characteristics of the development process% the systems engineering
method% testing throughout the system development
$yste2s engineering 2anage2ent E Managing systems development and riss% wor
breadown structure ()1S)% Systems engineering management plan(S/MP)% 0is management%
$rganiAation of systems engineering% Systems engineering capability maturity assessment%
systems engineering standards
Unit %%%+ :*2<
Con,e(t Develo(2ent $tage
!eed Analysis C $riginating a new system% operation analysis% +unctional analysis%
feasibility definition% needs validation% system operational re*uirements
Con,e(t E5(loration C &eveloping the systems re*uirements% operational
re*uirements analysis% Performance re*uirements formulation% -mplementation
concept e"ploration% performance re*uirements validation
Con,e(t De1inition E Selecting the system concept% Performance re*uirement
analysis% functional analysis and formulation% concept selection% concept validation%
system development planning% system functional specifications
Unit %=+ :*2<
Engineering Develo(2ent $tage
Advan,ed Develo(2ent E 0educing program riss% 0e*uirement analysis%
functional analysis and design% prototype development% development testing% ris
Engineering Design E -mplementing the systems building blocs% re*uirement
analysis% functional analysis and design% component design% design validation%
configuration management%
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 25
Unit =+ :*2<
%ntegration and Evaluation E -ntegrating% testing and evaluating and evaluating
the total system% test planning and preparation% system integration% development
system testing% operation test and evaluation
Post Develo(2ent $tage
Produ,tion E Systems engineering in the factory% /ngineering for production%
transition from development to production% production operations% #c*uiring a
production nowledge base
"(eration and $u((ort E -nstalling% maintaining and upgrading the system%
-nstallation and test% -n C Service support% Ma'or systems upgrades? ModerniAation%
$perational factors in Systems development
Te5t Boo6s )
,. #le"ander Jossiaoff% Systems engineering #rinciples and practice% and )illiam ( sweet
publications% 566B.
5. -an Sommerville% Soft&are engineering% Mac:raw Dill internal edition 3
/dition% reprint
Re1eren,e Boo6s )
,. !om :ilb% 9indsey 1rodie T Competiti3e -ngineering. % >andboo, or Systems
-ngineering" 5e/uirements -ngineering" and Soft&are -ngineering Using #language?
1utterworth-Deinemann% 5663 -S1( 6I36==36I=% 7IB6I36==36I6
5. Peter M.Curtis T!aintaining !ission Critical Systems in a 8+@A -n3ironment BI--- #ress
Series on #o&er -ngineeringC? )iley--/// Press (March 7% 566I)U 9anguage? -S1(-,6?
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 22
$P00*A Bireless Co22uni,ation
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit %+ :*2<
)ireless 9#( - -nfra red vs radio transmission% infrastructure and ad-hoc networ% -/// B65.,,
C System architecture% Protocol architecture% Physical layer% Medium access control layer% M#C
management% B65.,,b% B65.,,a% (ewer developmentsO D-P/09#( C Distorical? D-P/09#( ,%
)#!M% 10#(% Diper9#(5O 1luetooth C User scenarios% #rchitecture% 0adio layer% 1aseband
layer% 9in Manager protocol% 95C#P% Security% S&P% Profiles% -///B65.,3
Unit %%+ :*2<
Mobile networ layer - Mobile -P C :oals% assumptions and re*uirements% /ntities and
terminology% -P pacet delivery% #gent discovery% 0egistration% !unneling and encapsulation%
$ptimiAations% 0everse tunneling% -P<=% -P micro-mobility supportO &ynamic host configuration
protocol% Mobile ad-hoc networs C 0outing% &estination se*uence distance vector% dynamic
source routing% alternative metrics% $verview ad-hoc routing protocols
Unit %%%+ :**<
Mobile transport layer - !raditional !CP C Congestion Control% slow start% +ast
recovery% -mplications of mobilityO Classical !CP improvements C -ndirect !CP% Snooping !CP%
Mobile !CP% +ast recovery% !ransmission.time-out freeAing% Selective
retransmission% !ransaction-oriented !CPO !CP over 5.3.2: wireless networs% Performance
enhancing pro"ies
Unit %=+ :*2<
-ntroduction )#P C )#P% # Distory of )#P% )#P #rchitecture% !he 1usiness Case for )#P%
!he +uture of )#P% !he UserGs point of <iew% Micro-1rowser -ssues% &esign a :ood )#P
#pplication% !he User interface-User interface 1asics% low bandwidth% Small Screen SiAe% !e"t
/ntry Using the cache% !ypes of )M9 cards% !he M1acN 1utton% :raphics% )#P
Unit =+ :*/<
&evelopment !ools and Software - /ditors and /mulators% Software &eveloper its (S&Js)
and -ntegrated &evelopment% Converting -mages% )oring with )M9 - )M9 1asics% !he
MDello )orldN /"ample% # Services Site /"ample%-nteractivity? +orms and User -nput - !he
$ptions Menu (select)% !emplates 0evisited% /vents% <ariables% !he -nput !ag #dditional
+unctionality with )M9 Script C -ntroducton to )M9Script% !he rules of )M9Script%
<ariables% $perators% Control constructs% 0eserved words% +unctions% !he standard libraries%
#rrays% Prgmas% :eneral Coding Principles%&atabase-&riven )#P - #ctive Server Pages%
#ctiveE &ata $b'ects(#&$)% # &ynamic )#P #pplication? )orldwide-dance-)eb for )#P

Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 28
Te5t Boo6)
,. Hochen Schiller% NMobile CommunicationsN% Pearson /ducation -ndia 9td.% 5
5. &ale 1ul1roo% M)#P C # 1eginnerGs :uideN% !ata Mc:raw Dill /dition% 566,
2. 0appaport% K)ireless Communications Principals and PracticesT %% Prentice Dall% 5nd
8. L- 1ing Un %K)ireless and Mobile (etwor #rchitecturesN% Hohn )iley
3. P. (icop*litidis% K)ireless (etworsN% Hohn )iley
=. M. 0ichharia% KMobile Satellite Communication? Principles and !rendsN% Pearson
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 23
$P00*B o-ile Co2(uting
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit %+ :*2<
%ntrodu,tion? #pplications? # short history of wireless communication )ireless !ransmission?
+re*uency for radio transmission% Signals% #ntennas% Signal propagation% Multiple"ing%
Modulation% Spread spectrum% Cellular systems. ediu2 A,,ess Control? Motivation for a
specialiAed M#C? Didden and /"posed terminals. (ear and +ar terminalsO S$M#% +$M#%
!$M#? +i"ed !$M% Classical #loha% Slotted #loha% Carrier sense multiple access% &emand
assigned multiple access% P0M# pacet reservation multiple access% P0M# pacet reservation
multiple access% reservation !$M#% Multiple access with collision avoidance% Polling% -nhibit
sense multiple accessO C&M#? Spread #loha multiple access
Unit %%+ :*2<
Tele,o22uni,ation $yste2s) :SM? Mobile Services% System #rchitecture% radio interface%
Protocols% 9ocaliAation and Calling% Dandover% Security% (ew &ata ServicesO &/C!O Systems
#rchitectureO Protocol #rchitecture? !/!0#% - UM!S and -M!-5666O UM!S 1asic
#rchitecture% U!0# +&& mode% U!0# !&& mode.
$atellite $yste2s) Distory% #pplications% 1asics? :/$% 9/$% M/$% 0outing% 9ocaliAation.
Dandover% e"amples.
Broad,ast $yste2s) $verview% Cyclic 0epetition% &igital #udioO broadcasting? Multimedia
ob'ect transfer ProtocolO &igital <ideo broadcasting..
Unit %%%+ :*2<
Bireless 'A!) -nfrared vs. 0adio !ransmission% -nfrastructure and #d Doc networs% -///
B65.,,? System #rchitecture% Protocol #rchitecture% Physical 9ayer% Medium #ccess Control
9ayer% M#C management% +uture developmentO D-P/09#(? Protocol architecture% Physical
9ayer Channel access control. Sublayer% Medium #ccess control sublayer% -nformation bases and
networingO 1luetooth? User Scenarios% Physical 9ayer% M#C layer% (etworing% Security% 9in
management. Bireless AT) Motivation for )#!M% )ireless #!M woring group% )#!M
services% 0eference model? /"ample configurations% :eneric reference modelO +unctions?
)ireless mobile terminal side% Mobility supporting networ sideO 0adio access layer?
0e*uirements% 10#(O Dandover? Dandover reference model% Dandover re*uirements% !ypes of
handover% Dandover scenarios% 1acward handover% +orward handoverO 9ocation management?
0e*uirements for location management% Procedures and /ntitiesO #ddressing% Mobile *uality of
service% #ccess point control protocol.
Unit %=+ :*2<
o-ile !et;or6 'ayer) Mobile -P? :oals% assumptions and re*uirements% /ntities and
!erminology% -P pacet delivery% #gent advertisement and discovery% 0egistration% !unneling
and /ncapsulation% $ptimiAations% 0everse tunneling% -pv=O &ynamic host configuration
protocol% #d hoc networs? 0outing% &estination se*uence distance vector% &ynamic source
routing% Dierarchical algorithms% #lternative metrics. o-ile Trans(ort 'ayer) !raditional
!CP? Congestion control% Slow start% +ast recovery% -mplications on mobilityO
-ndirect !CP% Snooping !CP% Mobile rcp% +ast recovery% !ransmission.time-out
freeAing% Selective retransmission% !ransaction oriented !CP.
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 2=
Unit =+
Unit =%+
$u((ort 1or o-ility) +ile systems? Consistency% /"amplesO )orld )ide )eb? Dyperte"t
transfer protocol% Dyperte"t marup language% Some approaches that might help wireless access%
System architecturesO )ireless application protocol? #rchitecture% )ireless datagraram protocol%
)ireless transport layer security% )ireless transaction protocol% )ireless session protocol%
)ireless application environment% )ireless marup languageO )M9 script% )ireless telephony
application% /"amples KStacs with )#P% Mobile databases% Mobile agents
Te5t Boo6s
,. Schiller Hochen% K!obile CommunicationsK% 5nd /dition% #ddison )esley% Pearson
/ducation% 5662
5. Stallings )illiam% K0ireless Communications and Net&or,sN% Prentice Dall-5663
Re1eren,e Boo6s
,. 0appaport% K0ireless Communications #rincipals and #racticesN% 5nd /dition% Prentice
Dall% 566=
5. L- 1ing Un %K0ireless and !obile Net&or, %rchitecturesN% Hohn )iley% 566B
2. P (icop*litidis% K0ireless Net&or,s?% Hohn )iley% 566=
8. M. 0ichharia% K!obile Satellite Communication. #rinciples and TrendsN% Pearson
/ducation% 566=
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 2I
$P00*C $o1t;are Ar,hite,ture
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit -. :**<
Ar,hite,ture Business Cy,le ) $rigin of an #rchitecture % Software Processes and #rchitectural
1usiness Cycle.
# good architecture% Software #rchitecture% )hat is F what it is not the software #rchitecture is
$ther points of view%
#rchitectural Pattern% 0eference Models and 0eference #rchitectures. !he -mportance of
Software #rchitecture% #rchitectural structures F views.
# Case study in utiliAing #rchitectural Structures.
Unit --. :*2<
Creating An Ar,hite,ture+
Understanding the Cuality Attri-utes - +unctionality and #rchitecture% #rchitecture and
>uality #ttributes% System >uality #ttributes% >uality #ttributes Scenarios in practice% $ther
System >uality #ttributes% 1usiness >ualities% #rchitecture >ualities.
A,hieving ?ualities - -ntroducing !actics - #vailability% Modifiability% Performance% Security%
!estability% Usability.
0elationships of !actics to #rchitectural Patterns% #rchitectural Patterns and Style.
Unit ---. :**<
Design and Do,u2entation
Designing the Ar,hite,ture- #rchitecture in the life cycle% &esigning the #rchitecture% +orming
the !eam Structure% Creating the Seletal System.
&ocumenting Software #rchitectures - Uses of #rchitectural &ocumentation% <iews% Choosing
the relevant views% &ocumenting a view% &ocumentation across views.
Unit -<. :*/<
AnalyAing Ar,hite,ture
ATA :Architecture Tradeoff Analysis ethod) E # comprehensive method for architecture
evaluation ? Participants% outputs% phases of the #!#M%% The !ightingale syste2 - A ,ase study
in a((lying the ATA+
CBA :Cost Benefit Analysis ethod) E # *uantitative approach to architecture design
decision maing? &ecision maing conte"t% basis for C1#M% -mplementing C1#M% A Case
$tudy E The !A$A EC$ (ro.e,t+
!he )orld )ide )eb C # case study in interoperability ? 0elationship to the #rchitecture
1usiness Cycle% 0e*uirements F >uality% #rchitectural Solution% !he evolution of web-based e-
commerce architectures% #chieving *uality goals% #rchitecture 1usiness Cycle today.
Unit <. :*/<
$o1t;are Produ,t 'ines E Reusing Ar,hite,tural Assets
$verview C Successful woring% Scope% #rchitectures and &ifficulties in software product lines.
Celsuis Te,h E A Case study in (rodu,t 'ine develo(2ent ) 0elationship to the #rchitecture
1usiness Cycle% 0e*uirements F >uality% #rchitectural Solution.
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 2B
Building syste2s 1ro2 o11-the-shel1 ,o2(onents ) -mpact of components on #rchitecture%
#rchitectural mismatch% Component-based design as search% #S/-9M e"ample.
Te5t Boo6s)
,. 9en 1ass% Paul Clements% 0ic JaAman% Soft&are %rchitecture In #ractice"5
Pearson /ducation #sia.566I
Re1eren,e Boo6s)
,. Heff :arland%0ichard #nthony% 1arge)Scale Soft&are %rchitecture % #ractical 4uide
Using U!1" )iley Cdreamtech -ndia Pvt.%9td.566=.
5. Pressman S 0oger% Soft&are -ngineering% Mc :raw Dill -nternational /ditions% 8
edition% reprint 566I
2. Sommerville% -an% Soft&are -ngineering% #ddison )esley% 3
/dition% reprint 566=.
8. 0umbaugh% Hames% Ob*ect Oriented !odeling and design% Pearson /ducation% (ew
&elhi% 5663
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 27
$P00*D !eural !et;or6s
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit %+ :**<
+undamental concepts and Model? 1iological (eurons and their #rtificial models% Models of
#rtificial (eural (etwors% (eural processing 9earning and #daptation% (eural networ
9earning rules
Unit %%+ :*2<
Single layer perceptron classifiers? Classification model% +eatures and decision regions%
&iscriminant functions% 9inear machine and Minimum distance classification% (on parametric
training concept% !raining and Classification using the &iscrete perceptron? algorithm and
e"ample% Single layer continuous Perceptron networs for linearly separable classifications%
Multi-category Single layer Perceptron (etwors
Unit %%%+ :*2<
Multilayer feedforward (etwors? 9inearly separable Pattern classification% &elta learning rule
for Multiperceptron model% :eneralised &elta learning rule% +eedforward recall and error bac-
propagation training% 9earning factors% classifying and /"pert layer networs% +unctional lin
Unit %=+ :*/<
Single layer +eedbac (etwors? 1asic concepts of dynamic systems% Mathematical foundations
of &iscrete-time Dopfield (etwors% Mathematical foundations of :radient type Dopfield
networs% !ransient response of continuous-time networs% 0ela"ation modeling in single layer
+eedbac networs
#ssociative memories? 1asic concepts% 9inear #ssociator% 1asic Concepts of recurrent auto-
associative memory
Unit =+ :*2<
1idirectional associative memory% associative memory for spatio-temporal patterns.
Matching and self organiAing networs? Damming (et and M#E(/!% unsupervised learning of
clusters% counter propagation networ% feature mapping Self-organiAing +eature maps% cluster
&iscovery networs (#0!,)
Te5t -oo6)
,. Qace M. Qurada %Introduction to %rtificial Neural net&or,s Haico Publishing -566=
Re1eren,e -oo6s)
,. Lagnanarayana% %rtificial Neural Net&or,s PD- 9earning- 566I
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 86
$P002A Data $torage Te,hnologies
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit %+ :*2<
%ntrodu,tion to $torage Te,hnology
&ata proliferation and the varying value of data with time F usage% sources of data and states of
data creation% &ata center re*uirements and evolution to accommodate storage needs% $verview
of basic storage management sills and activities% !he five pillars of technology% $verview of
storage infrastructure components% /volution of storage% -nformation 9ifecycle Management
concept% &ata categoriAation within an enterprise% Storage and 0egulations
Unit %%+ :*2<
$torage $yste2s Ar,hite,ture
-ntelligent dis subsystems overview% Contrast of integrated vs. modular arrays% Component
architecture of intelligent dis subsystems% &is physical structurecomponents% properties%
performance% and specifications% 9ogical partitioning of diss% 0#-& F parity algorithms% hot
sparing% Physical vs. logical dis organiAation% protection% and bac end management% #rray
caching properties and algorithms% +ront end connectivity and *ueuing properties% +ront end to
host storage provisioning% mapping% and operation% -nteraction of file systems withstorage%
Storage system connectivity protocols
Unit %%%+ :*2<
%ntrodu,tion to !et;or6ed $torage
H1$&% &#S% S#(% (#S% F C#S evolution% &irect #ttached Storage (&#S) environments?
elements% connectivity% F management% Storage #rea (etwors (S#()? elements F connectivity%
+ibre Channel principales% standards% F networ management principales% S#( management
principles% (etwor #ttached Storage ((#S)? elements% connectivity options% connectivity
protocols ((+S% C-+S% ftp)% F management principles% -P S#( elements% standards (iSCS-%
+C-P% i+CP)% connectivity principles% security% and management principles% Content #ddressable
Storage (C#S)? elements% connectivity options% standards% and management principles% Dybrid
Storage solutions overview including technologies lie virtualiAation F appliances.
Unit %=+ :*2<
%ntrodu,tions to %n1or2ation Availa-ility
1usiness Continuity and &isaster 0ecovery 1asics% 9ocal business continuity techni*ues%
0emote business continuity techni*ues% &isaster 0ecovery principles F techni*ues
Managing F Monitoring
Management philosophies (holistic vs. system F component)% -ndustry management standards
(S(MP% SM--S% C-M)% Standard framewor applications% Jey management metrics (thresholds%
availability% capacity% security% performance)% Metric analysis methodologies F trend analysis%
0eactive and proactive management best practices% Provisioning F configuration change
planning% Problem reporting% prioritiAation% and handling techni*ues% Management tools
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 8,
Unit =+ :*2<
$e,uring $torage and $torage =irtualiAation
&efine storage security. % 9ist the critical security attributes for information systems% describe the
elements of a shared storage model and security e"tensions% &efine storage security domains%
9ist and analyAe the common threats in each domain% -dentify different virtualiAation
technologies% describe bloc-level and file level virtualiAation technologies and processes.
Re1eren,e Boo6s)
,. Marc +arley $sborne% M2uilding Storage Net&or,sN% !ata Mcgraw Dill%566=
5. 0obert Spalding% MStorage Net&or,s. The Complete 5eferenceM% !ata Mcgraw Dill%5665
2. Meeta :upta% Storage %rea Net&or, undamentals % Pearson /ducation 9imited%566=
8. :erald H Jowalsi . Mar ! Maybury %Information Storage ' 5etrie3al Systems Theory
' Implementation" % 1S Publications%566=
3. !he'endra 1S %Disaster 5eco3ery ' 2usiness Continuity -% Shroff Publishers F
=. 1arb :oldworm . #nne Samaroc% 2lade Ser3ers ' 6irtuali(ation% )iley -ndia
I. /MC students guide
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 85
$P002B Con,urrent and Distri-uted $yste2s
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit %+ :*2<
Concurrent Programming ? -ntroduction% -nterleaving% #tomic -nstruction% Correctness.!he
Mutual /"clusion Problem -ntroduction% +irst% S/cond% !hird #ttempt% &eerTs #lgorithm%
Mutual /"clusion for (processes. Semaphores--ntroduction% -nvariants% &efinition% Producer
Consumer Problem% -nfinite 1uffers% -nfinite 1uffers% Producer-Consumer with 1inary
Unit %%+ :*2<
Monitors? -ntroduction%Producer-Consumer Problem%/umulation of Semaphores by moonitors%
/umulation of monitors by semaphores% !he Problem of the 0eaders and )riters% Correctness
Proof!he Problem of &ining Philosophers- -ntroduction% Solution using Semaphores
Unit %%%+ :*2<
&istributed Programming? -ntroduction%Synchronous or #synchronous Communication%Process
-dentification%&ata flow%Process Creation.#da ?-ntrodcution%!he Select Statement%&ynamic !as
Creation%Priorities and /ntry +amilies.9inda??-ntroduction%Matri" Multiplication in 9inda.
Unit %=+ :*2<
&istributed Programming? -ntroduction%Synchronous or #synchronous Communication% Process
-dentification% &ata flow% Process Creation.#da ?-ntrodcution%!he Select Statement% &ynamic
!as Creation% Priorities and /ntry +amilies.9inda??-ntroduction% Matri" Multiplication in 9inda.
Unit =+ :*2<
&istributed Mutual /"clusion?-ntroduction%$utline of #lgorithm%&etails of #lgorithm%
Correctness of #lgorithm. &istributed !ermination ?-ntroduction% !he &i'stra-Scholten
#lgorithm% Snapshots. !he 1yAantine :eneral Problem? &escription of problem% #lgorithm for
four :enreals. -mpossibility of three :enreals.
Unit =%+ :*2 <
Single Processor -mplementation? Memory #llocation% process Control 1locs% Priorities.
MultiPProcessor -mplementation? -mplementation of 9inda% #da on &istributed Sysrem% 0eal
!ime Programming? Synchronous and #synchronous Systems% -nterruptsand Polling% -nterrupt
handlers and Software Processes% (ested -nterrupts% Schedulling #lgorithm for 0eal !ime%
Priority -nversion.
Te5t Boo6s
,. ,.M.1en %ri #rinciples of Concurrent and Distributed #rogramming %PD-%reprint 566=
5. !anenbaum% Distributed Operating System% Pearson /ducation% 0eprint 5663.
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 82
Re1eren,e Boo6s
,. Muesh Singha% (iran'an Shivratri%%d3anced Operating Systems% !ata MC:rawDill%
reprint 5663
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 88
$P002C Be- Engineering
Total teaching Hours/Semester: 60 No of Lecture Hours/Week: 04
Unit %+ :*2<
)eb-1ased Systems-!he )ebV)eb #pps-# Philosophical <iew.
)eb /ngineering-introduction to )eb /ngineering--!he Components of )eb /ngineering- )eb
/ngineering 1est practices. .# )eb /ngineering Process-&efining the +ramewor--ncremental
Process +low-:eneric actions and tas for the )eb/ +ramewor.- Umbrella #ctivities.
Unit %%+ :*2<
!he Modeling #ctivity-Modeling as a Concept-!he Model creation-Modeling +ramewors--s -
Modeling 9anguages-/"isting modeling approaches.#nalysis Modeling for )eb#pps-
Understanding #nalysis in the Conte"t of )eb/- #nalysis Modeling for )eb#pps-
Understanding the Users- !he Content Model- !he -nteraction Model-!he +unctional model-the
configuration model-relationship-(avigation analysis.
Unit %%%+ :*2<
)eb#pp &esign-&esign for )eb#pps- &esign :oals-&esign and )eb#pp >uality-&esign
process- -nitial &esign of the Conceptual #rchitecture--nitial &esign of the !echnical
#rchitecture.-nteraction &esign--nterface &esign Principles and :uidelines- -nterface &esign
)orflow--nterface &esign Preliminaries---nterface &esign Steps-#esthetic &esign-usability-
design issues.
Unit %=+ :*2<
-nformation &esign--nformation #rchitecture- $rganiAing Content-Structuring the -nformation
Space-1lueprints? #dding details to a structure-#ccessing information-)ireframe Models-
(avigation &esign-summariAing the design process.+unctional &esign-)eb#pp +unctionality-
!he (ature of )eb#pps functionality- +unctional &esign in the &esign Process- +unctional
architecture- &etailed +unctional &esign- State Modeling.
Unit =+ :*2<
Construction and &eployment-construction and deployment within the )eb/ process-
Construction-construction principles and concepts-deployment-construction and the use of
components-components-level &esign :uide lines-Component &esign steps.&esign patterns-
Patterns? understanding the concept-)eb#pp patterns?&esingn focus and granularity-pattern
repositories-e"ample patterns.!echnologies and tools.-:eneral issues-implementationtools and
technologies-development tools and technologies.
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 83
Te5t Boo6s
,. 0oger S Pressman and &avid 9owe M0-2 -N4IN--5IN4< % #ractitioner=s
%pproach%!#!# Mc:0#) D-99%special -ndian edition 566B.
Re1eren,e Boo6s
,. /mila Mendes% (ile Mosley% 0eb -ngineering % Springer% 566=
5.:erti Jappel% 1irgit Proll% Siegfried 0eich% )erner 0etschiAegger% 0eb -ngineering. The
Descipline of Systematic De3elopment of 0eb %pplications% Hohn )ily F sons publications%
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 8=
$P03* %ndustry Pro.e,t
-t is a full time pro'ect to be taen up either in the industry or in an 0F& organiAation.
Syllabus 5667 MS in Computer Science 8I

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