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How to convert a batch of BVH files into BIP files

You would like to convert a set of BVH files into BIP files.
To batch convert the files:
1. Open ds !a".
#. $reate a biped %$reate & '(ste)s & Biped*
. 'elect root node on the biped %Bip+1*
,. -o to the !otion Panel and under the !otion $apture rollout. click on
Batch /ile $onversion
0. The !otion $apture Batch /ile $onversion dialo1 bo" will appear %as
shown below*
2. $lick on 'ource /ile 'election. select the 3.bvh files (ou would like to
convert. and click on Open.
4. /or the 5estination 5irector(. click on Browse... and choose the folder
where (ou would like to store the converted files.
6. B( default. 'pecif( $onversion Para)eters Once will be selected. 7ith this
option selected. (ou onl( need to set the para)eters once for all of the files in
the batch. %If (ou choose 'pecif( $onversion Para)eters for 8ach /ile
instead. then the para)eters dialo1 )entioned in step 2 will appear once for
each file.*
9. $lick on O:.
1+. The !otion $apture $onversion Para)eters dialo1 bo" will appear ne"t.
You can choose to leave the default para)eters or ad;ust the para)eters in
the interface. %You can also click on <oad Para)eters to load a .!O$ file with
predefined para)eters.*
11. Once (ou are done settin1 the para)eters. click on O: to convert the files.
ds !a" will then convert each of the .bvh files into .bip for)at. Once the
conversion process is co)plete. all of the .bip files will be stored in the path (ou
specified in the 5estination 5irector(.
=ote > You will want to reset ds !a" before proceedin1 to work on a new scene
to clear the ani)ation that was loaded for the conversion process.

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