Unit 29 - Pre Pro

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Unit 29: Music Video Production

Pre-Production Booklet for Music Video

Name: Guy Andrews

Order of contents (italics show areas you must add in yourself)


Meaning of the song



Mood board

Props list


Shooting schedule

Call sheet

Risk assessment


Rules for your production
Your potential track must conform to the following criteria:
1. It must provide opportunities for original and creative work
2. It must have a clearly definable target audience
3. It must be generically identifiable i.e as clearly belonging to a particular
4. it must be of digital quality and in an appropriate format for capturing to
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5
5. The track must have been missed and recorded to a high standard,
including if using an independent artist (e.g. local band)
6. You need to be able to prove you have checked ownership and have
sought permission to use the track.

Your choices will need to:
1. Be filtered out by your teacher if unsuitable (please anticipate the likely
'secondary' audience at Henley (parents, younger children, principle etc)
2. Inspire the group to make a creative, original music video that uses
and/or challenges conventions
3. Be suitable for broadcast on mainstream music television so
- No swearing
- No sexually aggressive language/imagery
- Avoid drug related lyrics/imagery


Song title

Amy Winehouse

Soul, R&B

What are the conventions of music videos from this genre?

Soul :





Fast paced

High contrast lighting

Modded Cars


How are you going to meet these conventions in your video?

Style (in-concert and as live footage; animation (stop motion, digital); interpretative; narrative;
impressionist; surrealist; pastiche; parody; referencing; homage)

The style of the music video is linear narrative and amplify.

These are going to meet my conventions by having the visuals relate to
the lyrics


I am going to be wearing a Amy Winehouse wig and normal clothes.
I am wearing the wig because I am playing Amy and her struggle with
life, this also ties in with the conventions , the normal clothes do not
have any meaningful purpose, I just happen to be wearing them.


There will be no special lighting, just normal lights.
Possibly some special effects in the video to make it look a little more


My home

Henley Alleyway

Henley College

Shot types

Wide Shot
Close up
Mid Shot
Two Shot

What music videos have you watched to research your genre?
I watched Amy Winehouses Rehab video first to inspire me to make this music video
though my version will be very different from hers.

I also looked at Mariah Careys Beautiful. It is a song, which is not about drugs, but
everyone is beautiful no matter what is wrong. This is a song which I think can relate
to Rehab, Amy is going on about how everything thinks she needs help and Mariah
sings about how everyone is beautiful on the inside and I think thats the point Amy
is also trying to say.

How have these videos influenced the decisions made? Include screen shots of the key
The song is very good and I though I should be able to get some
good things out of it and it would be much easier to do than my
previous ideas.

Though Beautiful did not inspire me I believe it helped with ideas
for the video.

Insert the song lyrics below
They tried to make me go to rehab but I said, 'No, no, no.'
Yes, I've been black but when I come back you'll know, know, know
I ain't got the time and if my daddy thinks I'm fine
He's tried to make me go to rehab but I won't go, go, go

I'd rather be at home with ray
I ain't got seventy days
'Cause there's nothing
There's nothing you can teach me
That I can't learn from Mr Hathaway

I didn't get a lot in class
But I know it don't come in a shot glass

They tried to make me go to rehab but I said, 'No, no, no.'
Yes, I've been black but when I come back you'll know, know, know
I ain't got the time and if my daddy thinks I'm fine
He's tried to make me go to rehab but I won't go, go, go

The man said, 'Why do you think you're here?'
I said, 'I got no idea
I'm gonna, I'm gonna lose my baby
So I always keep a bottle near.'
He said, 'I just think you're depressed,
Kiss me, yeah baby, and go rest.'

They tried to make me go to rehab but I said, 'No, no, no.'
Yes, I've been black but when I come back you'll know, know, know

I don't ever wanna drink again
I just, ooh, I just need a friend
I'm not gonna spend ten weeks
Have everyone think I'm on the mend

It's not just my pride
It's just 'til these tears have dried

They tried to make me go to rehab but I said, 'No, no, no.'
Yes, I've been black but when I come back you'll know, know, know
I aint got the time and if my daddy thinks I'm fine
He's tried to make me go to rehab but I won't go, go, go

Meaning of the song

Does the song have a meaning? If so, what is it?

The meaning of the song is about Amy Winehouse being told she needs to go to
rehab and she is refusing to go, because she doesnt want to lose her child and she
mentions her dad says she is fine and she takes his word. She based most of this
song on real life events. She is now deceased and it is because of her drug problems
so I think it makes the song so much more powerful.

To shorten it down, she is going through a crisis in her life involving drugs, her loved
ones want her to go get help but she doesnt want to because she thinks it will be a
waste of time and they will also take away her baby.

How will your visuals relate to the song? (Illustrate, Amplify or Disjuncture)
My visuals will relate to song in the sense with going with what the lyrics say, for example
I'm gonna lose my baby I will be looking for my baby.

I would say there are a lot of moments in the entire video where the visuals relate to the
song. Another example would be when the song says And my daddy thinks I'm fine it
shows a text from Amys father saying Youre fine!

Insert your storyboard here

See document below

Description of what will happen in your video Inc. camera
movements, angles etc.

Sitting on the bed, looks up and starts singing
Next shot of standing in corridor and singing
Man comes in asking for the time
Dad holding up sign saying YOUR FINE
Corridor singing
Close up of face side singing
Looking at calendar
In class looking bored
Bed singing
Close Up left
Buying drugs hand shot
Singing backup dancers
Hand gestures black and back
Havent got the time
Singing in corridor
Man asking why I'm here
I look confused
Looking for my baby
Close up singing
Holding bottle
Man telling me I'm depressed
Looking annoyed
Corridor singing
Bed singing
Hand gestures again
Drunk on the floor
Close up side
Crying at computer
Corridor singing
Holding drugs looking around
Backup dancers singing
Bed singing
Crying in shot
Backup dancers
More hand gestures
Havent got time
Dad looking bored holding sign
Close up fade out
Mood board
Create a mood board showing what look your music video will have. Add images
showing ideas of mise-en-scene, characters, costumes and colours that will be
in the

Props List
What props / models / furniture etc will you need to make your music video?

Production Name: Rehab
Producer: Guy Andrews

Item Script page Description Character/location Notes
ALL A Wig which
looks exactly like
Winehouses hair
Home, Henley
Worn in every

Plastic Baby

2 A plastic baby for

2 A small box of
tictacs with Legit
Drugs put over it
Home, Henley

10 note

2 A real 10 note
used for
purchasing drugs
Henley Alleyway

Location recce
Complete the location recce for the final venue.
Henley College
Small Alleyway

Shooting Schedule for production:

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Evening at
Filming Filming


Filming Filming



Call Sheet
Henley College

Production: Guy Andrews

Client Information:

Location: Henley College,

Cast and Crew:
Guy Andrews

Giles Andrews

Ben Tyrrell
Amy Winehouse


Rehabilitation Man
Phone Number:

Production Requirements:


Other Information:

Risk assessment of venue
Complete risk assessment for the shooting locations

KEY: Activity: Describe the component part of your pursuit. Hazard: List the
things you anticipate might cause harm or the things associated with your activity
that have the potential to cause harm. Consider the likely harm. Risk: Assess the
risk as either H (High), M (Medium) or L (Low). When concluding your assessment
consider all of the circumstances. Precautions: Consider what
you could do to minimise / negate the risk. In Place: Will the
precautionary measures be in place at the time of the activity?
Review Date: When would it be reasonable to review your assessment?
Remember it might be whilst you are undertaking the activity.
Reviewer: Name of the person responsible for completing the risk assessment.


Hair could
get in face,
unable to see

Make sure
you can see



Please leave this section blank:
Risk Assessment checked by: Name .. Signed
. Date
A copy of this form should be taken on the activity or visit by the Reviewer.
Insert copy of email sent to record label requesting permission for the use of
chosen song

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