Case Study

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Our visit to Senses
Senses Residential and Day Care Centre, a
completely nonprofit organization, is the
first and only residential care facility for
special needs in the UAE and the Middle
East. Through specialized programs that
combine speech and music therapy, art,
life skills, sports and physiotherapy,
children from the age of two to nineteen
with mild or severe physical disabilities
and Down syndrome receive the care
they need.

On our very first visit to Senses on January 8
2014, we
were escorted around the area and were introduced to
some of the students. We were given a task on our
second visit on January 22
2014, where we had to
write a case study about the child we were taking good
care of. This is Ibrahim. Ibrahim is a seven year old boy
from Uzbekistan. Ibrahim has Down syndrome. The
basic Down syndrome definition is a congenital
disorder in which a person is born with three copies of
chromosome 21. Clinical features include mild to
severe mental retardation, slanting eyes, a broad short
skull, broad hands and short fingers. He had this
sickness ever since birth. Ibrahim doesnt have any
siblings, he is an only child which means he gets bored
easily and tries to make himself busy and always on the go. He has attended Senses for almost
5 years, he is only there for day care and his mother picks him up after the sessions are done.
Ibrahim is able to understand English, Uzbek language and a little bit of Arabic. At the moment,
the program teaches him how to speak, read and write. Down syndrome affects peoples
speech, understanding, vision and the development of manual function. In Senses, due to the
symptoms, they are teaching him how to use the washroom independently, how to watch the
television to practice his concentrations/vision (which isnt going to be a problem because
Ibrahim loves to watch television on this spare time and is able to concentrate whatever is on
the screen). When they are watching television, they teach him how to show emotions,
because they are unaware, by watching television with them and showing them how they
should react to scenes. For example, if the
scene is sad, they will show him that they
are frowning or showing a sad face. They
will show expressions to him and they will
try to let him imitate those expressions so
that he can improve his communication
skills. Ibrahim doesnt like to get many
orders at the same time; his brain can
allow only 1 order for him to do. Day by
day, the people in Senses say that he is
improving and doing everything they can to
make him better and better. The people in
Senses arent aware for how long Ibrahim is needed to be there until he improves. They all just
wish for the best for him and we, students of GEMS Winchester, wish the same for all the
students in Senses.

Name: Ibrahim
Age: 7
Country: Uzbekistan
Gender: Male
Likes: Food, music and sports especially football.
Dislikes: Taking orders.

Lowelyn Ramos Year 9G2

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