Abba - The Winner Takes It All

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I donf wonno foIk

Abouf fhe fhings weve gone fhrough

Though ifs hurfing me

Mow ifs hisfory

Ive pIoyed oII my cords
Re La Mim La
And fhofs whof youve done foo
Mofhing more fo soy
Mo more oce fo pIoy

The winner fokes if oII

The Ioser sfonding smoII

8eside fhe vicfory

Thofs her desfiny

I wos in your orms
Re La Mim La
Thinking I beIonged fhere
I figured if mode sense
8uiIding me o fence

8uiIding me o home
Re La Mim La
Thinking Id be sfrong fhere
8uf I wos o fooI
PIoying by fhe ruIes

The gods moy fhrow o dice
Re Sim7 Mim La
Their minds os coId os ice
And someone woy down here
Loses someone deor

The winner fokes if oII
Re Sim7 Mim La
The Ioser hos fo foII
Ifs simpIe ond ifs pIoin
Why shouId I compIoin.

8uf feII me does she kiss
Re La Mim La
Like I used fo kiss you7
Does if feeI fhe some
When she coIIs your nome7

Somewhere deep inside
Re La Mim La
You musf know I miss you
8uf whof con I soy
PuIes musf be obeyed

The judges wiII decide
Re La Mim La
The Iikes of me obide
Specfofors of fhe show
AIwoys sfoying Iow

The gome is on ogoin
Re Sim7 Mim La
A Iover or o friend
A big fhing or o smoII
The winner fokes if oII

I donf wonno foIk
Re La Mim La
If if mokes you feeI sod
And I undersfond
Youve come fo shoke my hond

I opoIogi;e
Re La Mim La
If if mokes you feeI bod
Seeing me so fense
Mo seIf-confidence
8uf you see

The winner fokes if oII .......
Re La Mim La

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