Recommended Books For CAT Preparation: Online CAT-MBA Prep Courses

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Recommended Books for CAT preparation

Quantitative Aptitude Recommended books for CAT/MBA

1.) Start with Arun sharma (Simple and easy to understand...recommended for those who are starting
their CAT preparation ). Book Name!uant Aptitude "y Tata #agraw $ill % AuthorArun sharma
&.) 'f you feel your !uantitati(e Aptitude is pretty decent "ut you want to make it more stronger then
you can follow
A"hi)it *uha+s "ook!uantitati(e Aptitude ,or Competiti(e -.aminations Tips% Techni/ues% And
Short0cut #ethods "y *uha A"hi)it
1lease note that the A"o(e "ook "y *uha has lots of tips 2 tricks% so refer this "ook only if you ha(e
sufficient time left for your preparation.As it takes time to get along with the tips and tricks.
3.)-(en the 4!uantitati(e Aptitude for CAT from 1earson "y Nishit Sinha4 is a nice "ook.
Data Interpretation Recommended books for CAT/MBA
,or 5ata 'nterpretation any of the following "ooks can "e followed
1.) T#$ $ow To 1repare ,or The 5ata 'nterpretation And 6ogical 7easoning ,or The CAT 3rd
-dition "y Arun Sharma
&.) Nishit Sinha+s 5' 67 "ook "y 1earson
3.) !uantitati(e Aptitude for #BA -ntrance -.ams "y *uha A"hi)it
8. ) 7.S. Agarawal "ooks on (er"al reasoning.
Online CAT-MBA rep Courses
Comprehensi(e CAT0#BA &913 :nline Coaching.
; http<<www.wi=i/.com<course<>&?? @
,ull CAT0#BA &913 1rep Coaching "y Arun Sharma0#indwork==.
; http<<www.wi=i/.com<course<>A39 @

!OT" # To get $%& Discount on A"o(e #entioned Course+s
Bse CO'O! COD" - (($%
)erbal Abilit* Recommended books for CAT/MBA "ntrance
1.) Cren and #artin -nglish *rammer
&.) Cord 1ower #ade -asy "y N:7#AN 6-C'S
3.) D-7BA6 AB'6'TE BE A7BN S$A7#A
8.) -nglish 1roficiency '#S 'ndia
F.) A Communicati(e *rammar of -nglish By *eoffrey 6eech
G.) Business -nglish and Communication By Clark
?.) 39 5ays to a #ore 1owerful Doca"ulary "y Cilfred ,unk and Norman 6ewis.
Recommended Business Ma+a,ines for CAT/MBA Aspirants
1.) Business 6ine "y The $indu *roup
&.) Business Today "y 'ndia Today *roup
3.) BusinessCorld
8.) #anagement Compass Career 6auncher
F.) Business 2 #anagement Chronicle "y Chronicle 1u"lications
G.) Competition Success 7e(iew
Recommended !e-spapers for CAT/MBA Aspirants
The $indu
-conomics Time
The Statesman

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