Becoming: Job of The Child

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Job of the child

To become aware of the move to the new school/placement
To gain familiarity with future key carers and location
To experience being separate and connected at the same time
Take steps to prepare practical arrangements for starting a new placement
Attend to the tasks for Moving On stage, where appropriate
Affirmation for the child from staff
We are pleased that you are coming here
our needs and safety are important to us
We already have a connection with you
ou can decide how you want to be here
We like you !ust as you are
ou can be who you are
Helpful teacher/carer behaviours:
"taff reality check their preconceptions about the new arrival#s$
"taff avoid pre!udicing their view of the newcomer by previous negative
"taff gather helpful material, insights regarding the new arrival#s$
"taff begin to reach out to the new comer
HUNGER onnection
!iller message "enial# $ou cannot become
Giles Barrow, (2003)

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