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SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment

What is the current reality in our school?

ISTE Definition: Use of information and communication technology (ICT) to facilitate engaging approaches to learning.
Guiding Questions:
How is technology being used in our school? How frequently is it being used? By whom? For what purposes?
To what extent is student technology use targeted toward student achievement of the Georgia Learning Standards (GPSs, QCCs)?
To what extent is student technology use aligned to research-based, best practices that are most likely to support student engagement, deep
understanding of content, and transfer of knowledge? Is day-to-day instruction aligned to research-based best practices? (See Creighton Chapters 5, 7)
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Harrison has dedicated teachers
willing to incorporate
technology into daily lessons.

Teachers use various methods
to communicate with parents
including blog, edmodo, and

Current technology and
software is made available for
student use in all content areas.

Teachers use Pinnacle to post
student grades and run various
student performance reports.

Special Education teachers use
specialized software to manage
student performance levels and
to create Individual Education

Teachers utilize Outlook to
communicate both with parent,
students and school staff.
All staff members are not
proficient in using all of the
technology and software

The school offers limited
technology training throughout
the school year for technology
that is not mandated by the

Technology use in the
classroom is sporadic amongst

The technology in the
classroom is used in a passive
format rather than as an
engaging tool.

Students struggle to adequately
assess the validity of sources.

Software updates are limited
and infrequent on both teacher
laptops and student desktops.
Harrison High School received
Smart Boards for all math

A set of twenty iPads was
purchased for curriculum use.

All teachers have DVD and
VCR combination units, a
minimum of two desktops for
student use, an LCD projector,
teacher laptops in their
classrooms for educational use.

All teachers have access to
ClassPads and iRespond units
for checkout.

Students have access to check
out Flip cameras, Kindles, and
USB drives for use at home.

The school has purchased
fifteen document cameras for
use in the classroom.
Limited professional
development is available for
technology training.

Teachers feel overwhelmed
with the amount of technology
available and are reluctant to
use it.

Teachers are apprehensive to
use technology that he or she
feels will soon be outdated.

There is a lack of time to apply
appropriate technologies into
content lesson in a way that
enhances student learning.

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?

School staff uses Facility
Request Event Management
Software to schedule school
activities and events.

The math department creates
daily lesson plans using Smart

Harrison High School
maintains seven computer labs
and three laptop carts for
student use. These resources
are used by teachers on a
regular basis.

Bring Your Own Device is not
being incorporated to its fullest
Summary/Gap Analysis:
The majority of Harrison High School staff and students utilize technology on a regular basis to create a comprehensive learning
environment. The administration mandates that parents and students are kept abreast of upcoming assignments and events for equal
inclusion of all stakeholders by using the TypePad, Edmodo, Blackboard, emails, and the school website. Teachers are required to
keep an updated gradebook for parents and students through the use of Pinnacle software. Student data, including discipline,
attendance, and Individual Educational Plans, are maintained through the use of technology.

Teachers and students are presently not utilizing current technologies to their fullest potential. Therefore, technology is being
employed as a presentation tool rather than for comprehensive applications. Teachers may be more willing to embrace technology if
more professional development was provided in small increments. This would help to combat teacher abandonment of higher level

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?
ISTE Definition: Proactive leadership in developing a shared vision for educational technology among school personnel, students, parents, and the community.
Guiding Questions:
Is there an official vision for technology use in the district/school? Is it aligned to research-best practices? Is it aligned to state and national visions?
Are teachers, administrators, parents, students, and other community members aware of the vision?
To what extent do teachers, administrators, parents, students, and other community members have a vision for how technology can be used to enhance
student learning? What do they believe about technology and what types of technology uses we should encourage in the future? Are their visions similar
or different? To what extent are their beliefs about these ideal, preferred technology uses in the future aligned to research and best practice?
To what extent do educators see technology as critical for improving student achievement of the GPS/QCCs? To preparing tomorrows workforce? For
motivating digital-age learners?
What strategies have been deployed to date to create a research-based shared vision?
What needs to be done to achieve broad-scale adoption of a research-based vision for technology use that is likely to lead to improved student
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Cobb County provides a shared
vision that all schools can

The Georgia Department of
Education provides technology
standards and lessons that are
available to all teachers.

The Common Core Curriculum
contains technology standards
for use in content areas affected
by this change.
Harrison High School does not
have a technology plan for
teachers to employ.

Most teachers are unaware of
national and state standards for
technology implementation.

Harrisons mission and vision
statement fails to address the
need for technology

All stakeholders have not been
made aware of the county
vision for technology

Parents, students and
community stakeholders have
not been a part of conversations
concerning technology.
A technology vision exists for
Cobb County Schools that is
aligned to state and national

Harrison High School will soon
begin to implement a Career
Pathways curriculum that will
help to align technology
standards with classroom
content in a more cohesive
Schools lack necessary funding
to incorporate the latest
technologies into the
educational environment.

Some teachers do not buy into
the vision that technology can
enhance student learning.

Summary/Gap Analysis:
SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?
Even though there are technology plans at the county level, Harrison High School does not currently implement this plan into yearly
professional development or future school planning. The lack of stakeholder involvement in discussions referring to a technology
plan has contributed to a lack of concern for technology integration at the school level. Unfortunately, not all teachers agree that
technology can enhance student learning and some teachers are reluctant to incorporate these plans into their own classrooms.
Thankfully, Harrison High School will soon be implementing a Career Pathways curriculum that should help to make a connection
between technology and content standards.

ESSENTIAL CONDITION THREE: Planning for Technology
ISTE Definition: A systematic plan aligned with a shared vision for school effectiveness and student learning through the infusion of ICT and digital learning
Guiding Questions:
Is there an adequate plan to guide technology use in your school? (either at the district or school level? Integrated into SIP?)
What should be done to strengthen planning?

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
The school media specialists
currently discuss technology
issues and integration on a
school level.

The Cobb County School
district has established a
technology plan for classroom
Technology is currently not a
part of the school strategic plan
nor is a technology plan in
place for Harrison High School.

The school does not have an
established technology
committee that meets on a
regular basis.

The Cobb County School
district technology plan lacks
specificity for school and
classroom integration of the
current technology plan which
has led to inconsistent
implementation throughout the

Required professional
As part of yearly teacher
evaluations, teachers must
demonstrate an understanding
of technology integration in the

Media specialists provide
optional professional
development for technology
that teachers may attend.
There is no specific technology
plan in place at Harrison High

The majority of the staff is
unaware of national and district
technology standards.

Because technology training
has been optional in recent
years, many teachers are not
taking advantage of an
opportunity to learn new
technologies to assist their

The administrative team does
not require technology
integration in classrooms on a
regular basis.
SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?
development related to
technology has not been
offered in recent school years.

Summary/Gap Analysis:
Harrison High School does not currently have a technology plan nor does the school have a technology committee in place to design a
technology plan. Teachers are not required to implement technology on a regular basis and are not consistently trained on new or
current technologies to assist lesson planning and student learning. The media specialists are trying their best to help the staff include
technology, however are lacking in support from administration to make the technology training mandatory for all teachers.

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?
ISTE Definition: Robust and reliable access to current and emerging technologies and digital resources
Guiding Questions:
To what extent do students, teachers, administrators, and parents have access to computers and digital resources necessary to support engaging,
standards-based, student-centered learning?
To what extent is technology arrange/distributed to maximize access for engaging, standards-based, student-centered learning?
What tools are needed and why?
Do students/parents/community need/have beyond school access to support the vision for learning?
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
There are currently seven
computer labs, three laptop
carts, and twenty iPads
available for teacher and
student use.

The media center provides
Kindle readers for student and
teacher reading.

All classrooms have a
minimum two desktop
computers and a printer
specifically designated for
student use.

All classrooms are outfitted
with an LCD projector and
several teachers have access to
a document camera.

The math department currently
uses SmartBoards to aid in
student instruction.

Each teacher has access to a
county issued laptop.
In the event that technology is
malfunctioning, it takes an
inordinate amount of time for
repairs to occur.

Computers are slow to connect
to the school server which
wastes instructional time and
creates classroom management
issues which discourages
technology use.

Even with ample access to
computer labs teachers still find
it difficult to reserve one when

Students are often distracted by
the use of technology tools in
the classroom.
The PTSA provides mini-grants
to teachers who request certain
technology tools or upgrades in
the classroom.

The principal is willing to use
local school funds to purchase
more iPads for school use.

During the 2013-2014 school
year, a new ninth grade
academy facility will provide
teachers with interactive smart
boards, document cameras and
other enhanced technologies
not currently provided at the

Even with the Bring Your Own
Device initiative, some students
do not have internet ready
devices to bring in for
classroom use.

There are a limited number of
students lacking computer
and/or internet access at home.

Because Harrison High School
is not a Title 1 school, the
school is not considered for
technology upgrades that are
found elsewhere in the county.

Students will often use their
own devices in the classroom at
inappropriate times creating a
distracting environment.
SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?

The Harrison High School
broadcasting building supplies
students in those classes with
access to video broadcasting
equipment and training.

Harrison High School
participates in the county Bring
Your Own Device program
which allows students to bring
in devices to access the internet
for academic purposes.

The vast majority of students
have access to home computers
and internet.
Summary/Gap Analysis:
The majority of students have access to multiple technology devices and internet at home and are able to bring these devices into the
classroom for use on the Bring Your Own Device network. This allows teachers to assign a variety of technology based assignments
without concern that students will be unable to complete the assignment at home. Students are typically comfortable with the use of
technology in the classroom as related to the internet, however are often distracted by its use in the classroom due to immaturity and
sometimes a lack of classroom management.

ISTE Definition: Educators and support staff skilled in the use of ICT appropriate for their job responsibilities.
Guiding Questions:
To what extent are educators and support staff skilled in the use of technology appropriate for their job responsibilities?
What do they currently know and are able to do?
What are knowledge and skills do they need to acquire?

(Note: No need to discuss professional learning here. Discuss knowledge and skills. This is your needs assessment for professional learning. The essential conditions focus on
personnel, which includes administrators, staff, technology specialists, and teachers. However, in this limited project, you may be wise to focus primarily or even solely on
teachers; although you may choose to address the proficiency of other educators/staff IF the need is critical. You must include an assessment of teacher proficiencies.
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Technology and support staff
are well versed in technology
Many teachers who are not
technology savvy do not utilize
Media and technology
specialists often share new
A negative teacher opinion
toward technology training
SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?
use, implementation, and are
able to help others in their
designated field of expertise.

The teachers that use
technology on a regular basis
are leaders in technology
implementation and are often
called upon to assist their peers.

The majority of teachers are
proficient in the use of basic
productivity skills.
the available instructional

With high demands on
collaboration and the
implementation of the new
common core standards, most
teachers are not willing to
spend the extra time developing
new lessons that incorporate

Some teachers lack the
classroom management skills
necessary to limit technology
distractions in the classroom.
technology tools and ideas with
teachers and are willing to help
with the implementation in the

Since the Career Pathways
Program will be returning to
our school, teachers will be
able to see new technology
devices and lessons firsthand.
sometimes inhibits the
effectiveness of the training
and squelches the use of the
technology in the classroom.

Teachers are unwilling to give
up any more of their planning
time to implement a technology
that will be outdated soon.

Technology training lacks
differentiation for teacher
readiness and classroom needs.
Summary/Gap Analysis:
The technology, support staff, and knowledgeable teachers regularly help other staff members to incorporate and utilize appropriate
instructional technologies in the classroom. However, teachers are reluctant to participate in school-wide technology training because
of a lack of interest and demands on their time. In the future technology training should focus on differentiating for skill level and
teacher needs while also focusing on classroom management.

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?
ESSENTIAL CONDITION SIX: Ongoing Professional Learning
ISTE Definition: Technology-related professional learning plans and opportunities with dedicated time to practice and share ideas.
Guiding Questions:
What professional learning opportunities are available to educators? Are they well-attended? Why or why not?
Are the current professional learning opportunities matched to the knowledge and skills educators need to acquire? (see Skilled Personnel)
Do professional learning opportunities reflect the national standards for professional learning (NSDC)?
Do educators have both formal and informal opportunities to learn?
Is technology-related professional learning integrated into all professional learning opportunities or isolated as a separate topic?
How must professional learning improve/change in order to achieve the shared vision?

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Educators have multiple
opportunities to learn from
other teachers because
knowledgeable teachers are
willing to share ideas.

Technology related
professional learning is often
isolated from other professional
learning opportunities, which
leads to more time necessary
for training.

Formal technology professional
development is not required
and is therefore not well
attended by teachers.

No ongoing technology training
has been present in recent

Current technology training
does not reflect the national
standards for professional

The Cobb County School
district offers a plethora of
technology classes that result in
teachers earning PLUs.

Ongoing technology training
for the ninth grade academy
teachers is being planned for
the 2013 2014 school year.

After the initial technology
training sessions, follow-up
training is not provided to
check for teacher
understanding; therefore,
teachers will not employ the
training in their classroom.

When training is provided at
the school level, it covers only
the basic functions of the
technology and fails to
incorporate effective classroom
Summary/Gap Analysis:
Even though technology training is not always effective, knowledgeable teachers are willing to help their less informed peers learn
new technologies. This peer training is necessary due to a lack of technology related professional learning and ongoing training which
is not well attended or received by teachers at Harrison High School. Technology training is currently being planned for the ninth
SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?
grade academy teachers during the 2013 2014 school year, which will be ongoing and comprehensive.

ISTE Definition: Consistent and reliable assistance for maintaining, renewing, and using ICT and digital resources.
Guiding Questions:
To what extent is available equipment operable and reliable for instruction?
Is there tech assistance available for technical issues when they arise? How responsive is tech support? Are current down time averages acceptable?
Is tech support knowledgeable? What training might they need?
In addition to break/fix issues, are support staff available to help with instructional issues when teachers try to use technology in the classroom?
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
A knowledgeable technology
technician and media
specialists are readily available
to provide assistance in the
event of technology

Our media specialists are
willing to provide support and
trouble-shooting for classroom
technology use.

The technology technician must
be shared amongst other area
schools, which limits teacher
access to help on a daily basis.

Technology, including laptops
and student desktops, is
sporadically unavailable due to
equipment malfunction and
lack of funding for
The county Help Desk provides
timely feedback and support to
ensure resolution of technology

Due to lack of funding the
county is unable to hire
additional technology support.

There are limited technicians
available to repair or replace
broken equipment.
Summary/Gap Analysis:
Harrison High School has knowledgeable technology technicians and media specialists willing to help teachers with a variety of needs
including support and trouble-shooting. Due to a lack of funding in the county, there are limited technology technicians available to a
school which increases the amount of time necessary to repair equipment and often leads to equipment malfunction and outages.

SWOT Analysis Template for Technology Planning Needs Assessment
What is the current reality in our school?
ISTE Definition: Content standards and related digital curriculum resources
Guiding Questions:
To what extent are educators, students, and parents aware of student technology standards? (QCCs/NET-S)
Are technology standards aligned to content standards to help teachers integrate technology skills into day-to-day instruction and not teach technology
as a separate subject?
To what extent are there digital curriculum resources available to teachers so that they can integrate technology into the GPS/QCCs as appropriate?
How is student technology literacy assessed?

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Teachers that use technology in
the classroom will incorporate
the technology on a regular
basis as part of the day-to-day

Student technology literacy is
important to the majority of
teachers at Harrison High
Students, parents and a large
majority of educators are
unaware that student
technology standards exist.

Student technology literacy is
not currently assessed through
GPS standards.
The Common Core Curriculum
has standards that are more
readily adaptable to use
technology on a day-to-day
basis in the classroom.
Teachers must first be trained
on the use of technology in
order to be able to integrate
these standards into their own

Summary/Gap Analysis:
Even though teachers agree that student technology literacy is an important aspect of high school, the majority of stakeholders are
unaware of the national and local standards that are meant to increase student technology literacy. The Common Core Standards will
provide a clearer framework with which to assess student technology literacy as compared to the current GPS system. However, in
order for teachers to be able to assess student technology literacy, teachers must first feel comfortable using the technology themselves
so that they may help students build these necessary skills. Further technology training will be needed in order to assist teachers in
developing these skills.

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