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Original recipe makes 1 9- or 10-inch tube pan Change Servings

Makes servings US Metric Adjust ecipe !"elp#
$ cups all-purpose %lour
1&' teaspoon baking soda
1&( teaspoon salt
1 cup butter
$ cups )hite sugar
* eggs
1 teaspoon lemon e+tract
1 teaspoon vanilla e+tract
1 cup buttermilk
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A-./01S/ 210" US
4reheat oven to $(5 degrees 6 !1*5 degrees C#7 8rease one 9 or 10 inch tube pan7
Mi+ together the %lour9 baking soda9 and salt7 Set aside7
1n a large bo)l9 beat butter )ith sugar7 Mi+ in the eggs9 one at time9 beating )ell a%ter
each addition7 Stir in the lemon and the vanilla e+tracts7 8entl: mi+ in %lour
mi+ture alternatel: )ith the buttermilk7 4our batter into the prepared pan7
;ake in preheated oven %or 90 minutes7 -o not open oven door until a%ter one hour7
2hen cake begins to pull a)a: %rom the side o% the pan it is done7 ,et cool in pan
%or 10 minutes9 then turn out onto a )ire rack and cool completel:7
<itchen-6riendl: .ie)
4/4 15 mins
COO< 1 hr 30 mins
/A-= 13 1 hr '5 mins

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