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Cody Mercer
New Testament History 1302.2
Summer 2008
Instructor: Dr. Brent Sc!ittenart
Te "urisdiction o# "esus Crist
Mary te $ir%in wi!! %i$e &irt to a son and is name wi!! &e Immanue! wic
means '(od wit us.) Tis wi!! *erson wi!! &e +nown as ,in% o# te "ews and
&ecome te sa$ior #or a!! o# umanity.
-i%t days a#ter Mary %i$es &irt to "esus in Bet!eem in "udea. tey *resent im
to te Tem*!e #or circumcision and *uri#ication accordin% to te !aw. /s it is
written. '-$ery #irst&orn ma!e is to &e consecrated to te !aw.)
"ose* and Mary ta+e "esus to -%y*t in order to esca*e te e0ecution o# a!! &oys
in Bet!eem a%e two and under.
"esus is !e#t &eind wi!e returnin% #rom te 1east o# Ta&ernac!es and is !ater
#ound in te Tem*!e s*ea+in% and !istenin% to te teacers.
"on te Ba*tist &a*ti2es "esus in te "ordan 3i$er and (od s*ea+s down #rom
ea$en sayin%. 'Tis is my Son. wom I !o$e4 wit im I am *!eased.)
Te de$i! consistent!y tem*ts "esus Crist wi!e e is #astin% and *rayin% in te
desert #or 50 days and 50 ni%ts.
6*on earin% te im*risonment o# "on te Ba*tist. "esus returns to Na2aret and
is 7uic+!y re8ected and cast out amon% te crowds o# *eo*!e were tey attem*t to
trow im o$er a c!i##.
"esus dri$es out an e$i! s*irit tat *ossessed a man !i$in% in Ca*ernaum in te
town o# (a!i!ee.
Te #irst disci*!es are recruited near te Sea o# (a!i!ee in order to e!* "esus carry
out te wor+ a**ointed to im.
Te in#amous Sermon on te Mount is *resented to !ar%e crowds o# *eo*!e
assimi!ated #rom (a!i!ee. Deca*o!is. "erusa!em. "udea. and "ordan. Here te
9ord:s ;rayer is announced wic is undou&ted!y te most #amous *rayer o# a!!
/ man wit !e*rosy &e%s "esus to ea! im o# is sic+ness and "esus a%rees. "esus
te!!s im 'Be c!ean.) and e was c!ean o# a!! !e*rosy. owe$er te man s*ea+s o#
tis mirac!e to many wic causes "esus to o#ten see+ *!aces o# so!itude to &e
a!one wit (od.
Crist is so sou%t a#ter tat *eo*!e are wi!!in% to cut a o!e in te roo# o# an
esta&!isment in order to !ower down a *ara!ytic man to &e ea!ed &y te ands o#
Mattew te ta0 co!!ector and oter sinners dine wit "esus Crist wic raises
sus*icion amon% te *eo*!e.
/ woman wo ad consistent!y &!ed #or twe!$e years touced te c!oa+ o# Crist
and se was instant!y ea!ed #rom er sic+ness. "esus immediate!y #e!t *ower
!ea$e is &ody due to te ener%y used to ea! te sic+.
Te dau%ter o# a ru!er is &rou%t &ac+ to !i#e &y "esus sim*!y o!din% te and o#
te dead women.
"esus Crist %i$es is twe!$e disci*!es te autority to cast out e$i! s*irits and ea!
te disease ridden.
"on te Ba*tist 7uestions te credi&i!ity o# "esus and as+s im i# e is te true
messia or sou!d e continue searcin% #or anoter.
-$en tou% te 9aw states tat no wor+ sa!! &e done on te Sa&&at. "esus
c!aims tat notin% sou!d sto* one #rom sa$in% a !i#e. <it tis &ein% said. "esus
ea!s a cri**!ed and &e#ore te eyes o# many on te Sa&&at.
Te wind and water o&ey "esus as e ca!ms a $io!ent storm tat was a&out to
ca*si2e a &oat tat e and is disci*!es were residin% on.
/ man named 9e%ion is *ossessed &y a %reat dea! o# e$i! s*irits so muc tat te
man as to &e cained and and #oot a!! day !on%. Te ea!in% *ower o# "esus
causes te s*irits to de*art te uman and em&ody a erd o# *i%s wic causes
tem to #!ee into a !a+e and drown.
/ crowd o# a&out #i$e tousand %aters around te town o# Betsaida to ear te
teacin%s o# "esus. It is ere tat "esus is a&!e to #eed tousands o# *eo*!e wit
on!y #i$e !oa$es o# &read and two #is. yet a#ter e$eryone is #u!! tere is sti!! #ood
!e#t o$er.
"esus ta+es ;eter. "on. and "ames to a mountain to *ray. and te #ace o# "esus
trans#orms &e#ore tem and is c!otes #!as !i+e !i%tnin%.
/ con$u!sin% &oy wo #oams at te mout is restored wen "esus re&u+es te e$i!
s*irit tat resides in im.
"esus is 7uestioned as to wy te ;arisees #ast and yet e and is disci*!es do
not. "esus sim*!y re*!ies tat it is not te *ro*er time #or e and is crew to #ast.
tat tat time wi!! sure!y come.
Te ;arisees *ronounce "esus to &e. 'Te *rince o# demons) wen e is a&!e to
cast out te demonic *owers tat were dwe!!in% inside o# a mute.
/ &!ind man as+s "esus to cure im o# is &!indness i# it &e is wi!!. "esus s*its on
te %round and ru&s te dirt to #orm mud and ten co$ers te mans eyes. Te man
wases is eyes in te ri$er and is &!indness is *ermanent!y cured.
"esus a**ears to is disci*!es on te #ourt watc in te midd!e o# te ni%t
wa!+in% on water. ;eter cries out 'I# it is rea!!y you. te!! me to come to you on te
Marta is in an u*roar o$er tryin% to *re*are te u!timate mea! #or "esus. "esus
sim*!e testi#ies tat you sou!d not &e concerned a&out te mea!4 rater you
sou!d &e concerned a&out my teacin%s.
"esus c!aims tat e must $enture into "erusa!em and #ace *ersecution wic wi!!
e$entua!!y !ead to is cruci#i0ion. ;eter re&u+es im and dec!ares tat suc an
atrocity wi!! ne$er occur.
In a $io!ent ra%e o# an%er "esus enters te Tem*!e and o$erturns te $endor:s
ta&!es dec!arin% tat no one sa!!. 'Ma+e (od:s ouse a den o# ro&&ers.)
Te cie# *riest and e!ders cons*ire to ma!icious!y con$ict Crist on a &o%us
car%e wic in turn wi!! carry out *ro*esy written in scri*ture.
<i!e in te ome o# Simon te 9e*er. a women a**roaces "esus and douses is
ead wit an e0*ensi$e *er#ume wic cou!d a$e &een so!d #or ei%t monts
wort o# wa%es.
"udas Iscariot. one o# te twe!$e disci*!es. a%rees to &etray "esus #or tirty si!$er
coins si%na!ed &y a +iss.
Durin% te in#amous 9ast Su**er. wic occurred on te #irst day o# Te 1east o#
6n!ea$ened Bread. "esus &ro+e &read amon% is disci*!es and said. 'Ta+e and
eat4 tis is my &ody.) 1urtermore. e too+ wine and *oured amon%st is
#o!!owers c!aimin%. 'Drin+ #rom it. a!! o# you. Tis is my &!ood o# te co$enant.
wic is *oured out #or many #or te #or%i$eness o# sins. I te!! you. I wi!! not
drin+ o# tis #ruit o# te $ine #rom now on unti! te day wen I drin+ it anew wit
you in my 1ater:s +in%dom.)
"esus assures ;eter tat e wi!! disown im tree times &e#ore te rooster crows.
<i!e "esus is *rayin% in te ear!y mornin% &e#ore is arrest. Crist is sad!y
disa**ointed in te sim*!e #act tat certain disci*!es are una&!e to stay awa+e wit
im and *ray &e#ore e is to &e cruci#ied.
/s "esus is a&out to &e arrested &y a crowd armed wit c!u&s and swords. a
&ystander draws a sword and cuts te ear o# one o# te ser$ants o# te i% *riest.
-$en tou% accusations are *resented to condemn "esus. e remains si!ent &e#ore
;ontius ;i!ate #or notin% cou!d &e said tat wou!d *re$ent *ro*esy #rom
;i!ate a%rees to te mo& o# *eo*!e soutin% 'Cruci#y im.) wic in turn re!eases
Bara&&as and sentences "esus to &e #!o%%ed and cruci#ied.
'Hai! ,in% o# te "ews.) are te words wic are screamed at "esus as is
*ersecutors dra*e im in a *ur*!e ro&e and crown o# torns. wi!e continuous!y
&eat im wit c!u&s and s*it on im.
"udas trows is tirty si!$er coins tat e ad recei$ed #or &etrayin% "esus into
te tem*!e and ten %oes to an% imse!#.
"esus is cruci#ied on (!o%ota a!on%side two ro&&ers. >n te nint our u*on te
cross "esus cries out to (od sayin% 'My (od. my (od. wy a$e you #orsa+en
/s te s*irit o# "esus ascends into ea$en. te %round sa+es in a $io!ent
eart7ua+e. and te curtain in te tem*!e is torn #rom to* to &ottom.
/ man named "ose* #rom /rimatea wra**ed te carcass o# "esus in wite !inen
c!ot and *!aced im in a new tom& tat was s*ecia!!y cut out. / !ar%e stone was
*!aced in #ront o# te entrance in order to %uard te tom&.
Mary Ma%da!ene and Sa!ome return to te tom& o# "esus to anoint im wit
s*ices tey ad *re*ared and to teir ama2ement #ind tat "esus as risen.
"esus a**ears !i+e a &o!t o# !i%tnin% dressed in c!otes wite as snow. te %uards
watcin% o$er te tom& are so a#raid tey dro* to te %round.
"esus Crist returns to is remainin% e!e$en disci*!es and te!!s tem to %o into te
wor!d and s*read te messa%e o# Cristianity.
Mattew ma+es is intentions a&out writin% is (os*e! 7uite c!ear #rom te $ery start
o# tis #irst series o# syno*tic %os*e!s. Tracin% te !inea%e o# "esus Crist mar+s te #irst
ca*ter o# Mattew wic a!!ows te connection &etween te >!d Testament and te #irst
&oo+ o# te New Testament. Te &!ood!ine is crucia! to te writin%s o# Mattew. #or e
7uotes te >!d Testament more times ten any oter New Testament autor. Mattew:s
main intention is to *ro$e to is audience tat "esus. a "ew. was #rom te town o#
Na2eret and e was Christ wic was te (ree+ word #or Messiah. / tousand years o#
waitin% comes to a a!t #or te #ina! arri$a! o# "esus Crist te Sa$ior. Mattew is a !in+
&etween te o!d and te new and seein% tat Mattew was a ta0 co!!ector is sty!e o#
writin% is tat o# a systematic !ed%erAty*e writin% sty!e. /dditiona!!y. Mattew does not
te!! te !i#e o# "esus in a crono!o%ica! order. owe$er te mer%in% o# te teacin%s and
actions o# "esus as 8usti#ied te i% acce*tance o# tis *articu!ar (os*e!.
Mar+ reads a !itt!e &it di##erent!y com*arati$e!y s*ea+in% to te oter tree
Syno*tic (os*e!s. It seems tat Mar+ is in a rus and as a !ot o# in#ormation to *ut out
in a sort amount o# time. Mar+ a**ears to &e writin% to *eo*!e wit a sort attention
s*an and is (os*e! is tat o# a #ast *aced action mo$ie. / main noticea&!e di##erence in
Mar+ is tat te (os*e!s o# Mattew and 9u+e %i$e a detai!ed account o# #our ca*ters
wort o# &ui!d u* &e#ore a mirac!e o# "esus is i!!ustrated. a!tou% Mar+ co$ers tree
mirac!es and te ca!!in% o# is #irst disci*!es a!! in te #irst ca*ter. /n interestin% *oint
is tat Mar+ is te on!y (os*e! tat does not re#er to te >!d Testament !aw un!i+e te
oter (os*e!s4 additiona!!y e 7uotes te >!d Testament on!y one time. It is *ossi&!e tat
Mar+ was writin% tis &oo+ as a sense o# missionary wor+. were is writin%s wou!d
a**ease to a nonA"ewis crowd *era*s te 3omans. Mar+ co$ers many o# "esus: wor+s
in a wor!dAwind o# action. were Mar+ is a&!e to acie$e notoriety in creatin% one o# te
most drama #i!!ed &oo+s o# te entire &i&!e.
Te *ur*ose o# writin% 9u+e was to draw u* a care#u!!y researced descri*tion o#
"esus Crist. -$en tou% 9u+e did not +now "esus *ersona!!y. e accom*anied te
a*ost!e ;au! on missionary tri*s in wic e cou!d ear #irst accounts o# te !i#e o# "esus
Crist. 9u+e conducted inAde*t inter$iews wit indi$idua!s wo cou!d *ro$ide detai!ed
re*orts o# encounters and testimonies tat re$ea!ed wo and wat "esus re*resented.
9u+e:s (os*e! *ro$ides com*reensi$e!y meticu!ous accuracy wic su&stantiates te
$a!idity o# is wor+. 9u+e was an e0treme!y %i#ted writer and #or tis is written stories
a$e &een re%arded as some o# te most *redominate wor+s o# !iterature.
-$en tou% "on is te !ast o# te (os*e!s. it is certain!y not te !east. Te (os*e!
"on esta&!ises te #oundation wor+ #or a!! wo as*ire to &e a true Cristian. Te
writin%s o# "on e0em*!i#y wat "esus Crist re*resents as te Sa$ior o# a!! umanity.
"on se!ected se$en si%ns o# mirac!es. #i$e o# wic are not re*orted e!sewere. and
si%ni#ies is story around tem. Te Boo+ o# "on is un!i+e te oter (os*e!s. in te #act
tat "on e0*ects tat is readers a!ready +now te &asic ori%ination o# te settin% #or
wic te time #rame "esus resided in. Instead "on recounts #or te true meanin% o# te
e0istence o# "esus Crist. #ocusin% on is teacin%s and *enomenon. Te &asis o# te
(os*e! "on is to !ay te #ramewor+ #or te im*ortance o# #ait. as most Cristian:s turn
to tis &oo+ in searc o# recti#yin% o*e.

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