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Some responses to actions from CSG:

Dog Fouling :

Community Safety Glasgow will deploy plain clothes officers to target
those who fail to pick up after their dogs. CSG have already issued a
number of tickets within the area and we will continue to give extra
attention to the area.

We will also continue to work with New Gorbals Housing Association to
address the issues of dog fouling within communal areas.

Information from members of the public is paramount to the success of
this initiative. Please continue to encourage your constituents to report
irresponsible dog owners and instances of dog fouling to the Glasgow
City Council Customer Care Centre, tel. 0300 343 7027.

Litter :

CSG will deploy officers at lunchtimes initially to tackle litter being
allegedly dropped by college students. CSG will also write to the college
to ask them to remind their students about their responsibilities within
the community and environmental incivilities. Please continue to
encourage your constituents to report littering offences to the Glasgow
City Council Customer Care Centre, tel.

0300 343 7027.

Loitering at Library :

CSG have spoken to Gorbals Police regarding alleged drug dealing at
the Library. They are already aware and providing extra attention.

CSG will also patrol and pass any intelligence to them for action as
appropriate. Please continue to encourage your constituents to report
this issue to Police Scotland on 101.

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