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Samaya Tara Yogini (Tibetan: dam tsig drol ma nal jor ma): from the mandala of twenty-five deities

from the Sanskrit root text Samajaparamartha-sarvakaramodaya-nama-tarayoginitantraraja and the

samajaparamarthasarvakarmodaya-uttaratantraraja Toh !!"# !!$%&
'ark green in (olour# semi-pea(eful and semi-wrathful# she has one fa(e# three eyes and eight hands&
The four right hands hold an arrow tipped with a utpala flower# a double-sided damaru (hand drum) and
(urved knife& The lowest hand with the palm fa(ing outward performs the mudra of generosity& The left
hands hold a blue lotus blossom with the stem held to the heart# a bow (onstru(ted of utpala flowers# a
trident and blood filled skull(up supported on the thigh& )n ornate katvanga staff rests against the left
shoulder& )dorned with a tiara of five skulls# gold earrings# bra(elets and anklets of bone# she wears a
ne(kla(e of fifty freshly severed heads and a lower garment of tiger skin tied about the waist with a
sash& *n a sun dis( and lotus seat with the right leg pendant# the foot resting on a flower blossom# she
sits in a relaxed manner surrounded by the brightly burning flames of the fires of pristine awareness&
Lineage: +aya ,ajradhara# -hagavani )rya Tara# mahasiddha Tailo .rajnabhadra# mahasiddha
/ilavajra# 0ahulagupta# /ord 'ipamkara# -um Sengge# Tatva Shrimitra# Sanghashri# 0atnadvaja#
1ayakashri# 'harmashri# Shakya 0akshita# Sujata# -uddhashri 2itra# +nana 0atna# +nana ,ajra#
0atigupta# Shantigupta# -uddhagupta 1atha# Taranatha (b&3454)# et(&

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