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Questions: Do games incite violence? Do games oversexualize/demean women?

Do games
promote uncreative/unhealthy lifestyles?
Key search words: "video game violence" "top women in video games" "video games + health"
Types of research:
Library research - for professional journals and reports of violent incidents, game revunue, etc.
Internet research - for searching above items where library research failed and searching for
gamer-questioned polls of game characters and issues
Field research - for learning of what parents and gamers think of the current heated issues?
Time table: May 18th to June 19th
Every Monday-Thursday: Class from 12:00pm-1:45pm
Every Wednesday: tennis class from 8:00pm-9:00pm
You dont do anything else, youre free to work on everything
Wednesday May 21st: library visit in place of class
Thursday May 22nd: do weekend homework(especially digital paper trail) after class to free up
time for wedding
Friday May 23rd: cousin's wedding rehersal 6:30-? (8:30ish?)
Saturday May 24th: cousin's wedding 4:30-? (10:00ish?)
Wednesday May 28th: make sure workshop draft research dossier is finished
Thursday Math 29th: make sure final draft research dossier is finished
Wednesday June 4th: make sure workshop draft rhetorical analysis is finished
Thursday June 5th: make sure final draft rhetorical analysis is finished
Sunday June 8th: Make sure research pitch is finished
Tuesday June 10th: make sure workshop draft 1 is finished
***NOTE*** all assignements (including reading assessments) are now due at 11:59 after this
Sunday June 15th: make sure workshop draft 2 is finished
Tuesday June 17th: make sure RESERCH PAPER is finished and perfect
Thursday June 19th: make sure TED talks and eporflio are done

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