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Internship Report 2010

Internship Report
Khair Pur Plant, Chakwal
Prepared by :
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar
Reg No :
SP07-BEC-85 ,
Batch-4 , Section A
Department Of Chemical Engineering,
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Internship Report 2010
COMSATS n!tit"te Of nformation Technology,
:: Table Of Contents ::
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Area Page
Quarry and lime stone crusher
Storage yard (Operation of stacer! reclaimer " side
&a' mill feed area! &a' mill! (P " conditioning to'er
.oal yard! .oal mill feed area! coal mill! storage of
.0 Silo! lo' +in! preheaters cyclones and precalciner
1iln and cooler
.ement mill feed area! gypsum crusher
.ement mills
Pacing plant
Internship Report 2010
3y greatest thans to Allah Almighty. Allah 'ho +esto'ed me 'ith the
a+ility and potential to complete this 4nternship. 5efore 4 go into thic of the
things! 4 'ould lie to add a fe' deepest 'ords for the people 'ho 'ere part of this report in
numerous 'ays6 people 'ho ga7e unending support right from the stage the report 'as assigned.
Particularly 4 also 'ish to than the managerial staff at 89 .ement 'ho helped me to gain a lot of
information regarding the company and cement industry and also 'ho pro7ide me an opportunity
to learn and understand the 'oring of organi:ation as an internee. 4 am also thanful to 3r.
Aleem (;rainee (ngineer# and 3r.<mar &ehman (;rainee (ngineer# 'ho played a role of polar
star for me in the organi:ation and 'hose e=perience taught me a lot a+out the industry and the
And finally deepest and 'armest appreciation to the 'hole team of 89 1han .ement .ompany
E&ec"ti'e S"mmary
8era 9ha:i 1han .ement .ompany *imited is a strategic +usiness unit of Nishat 9roup! 'hich is
the largest industrial group in Paistan. 8.9. 1han .ement .o. is maret leader 'ith respect to
maret share 'ith a+out 11.4> maret share. Apart from its competitors? its product is high priced
yet it has highest maret share +ecause of good @uality. 4ts plant is situated in 8era 9ha:i 1han
and 1hair Pur and head office is situated at *ahore. 0actory site <nit 1and 2 that is situated in 7ery
remote area of PunAa+! yet it pro7ed a +lessing for the company. 5ecause it has all three +asic ra'
materials i.e. *ime stone! Shale! and 9ypsum at one place.
4t has three plants 'oring t'o in 8.9. han and one in 1hair Pur. 0irst plant is old one and it is
Bapanese plant. ;he other t'o plants are of 0.*.Smiths! 8enmar. Presently it has a total 4nstalled
capacity of 14/// tpd(tons per day#.Presently the company is also e=porting the cement to
Afghanistan! 4ra@! <A( and &ussia. ;he team of the 8.9. .ement is story of success of 8.9.
.ement. ;he 'hole team is selfCmoti7ated and had played a 7ital role in the success of the
D.. !han Cement Com"an# $t%
D.. !han Cement Com"an#'
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Internship Report 2010
8.9. 1han .ement .ompany *imited (891..#! a unit of Nishat group! is
the second largest cementCmanufacturing unit in Paistan 'ith a production capacity of
1%!4// tons cliner per day. 4t has a country'ide distri+ution net'or and its products are
preferred on proAects of national repute +oth locally and internationally due to the unparallel and
consistent @uality. 4t is list on all the Stoc (=changes of Paistan.
891.. 'as esta+lished under the management control of State .ement .orporation of Paistan
*imited (S..P# in 1,)2. 891.. started its commercial production in April 1,2$ 'ith 2/// tons
per day (;P8# cliner +ased on dry process technology. Plant " 3achinery 'as supplied +y <5(
4ndustries of Bapan.
E("ansion -!hair"ur Pro)ect
;he 9roup has also set up a ne' cement production line of $!)// ;P8 cliner near 1alar 1ahar!
8istt! .ha'al! the single largest production line in the country. 0irst of its ind in cement
industry of Paistan! the ne' plant ha7e t'o strings of preCheater to'ers! the ad7antage of t'in
strings lies in the operational fle=i+ility 'here+y production may +e adAusted according to maret
conditions. ;he proAect e@uipped 'ith t'o 7ertical cement grinding mills. ;he cement grinding
mills are first 7ertical 3ills in Paistan. ;he ne' plant is not only increasing the capacity +ut also
pro7iding pro=imity to the untapped maret of Northern PunAa+ and ND0P +esides maing it
more con7enient to e=port to Afghanistan from northern +orders.
Po*er eneration
0or continuous and smooth operations of the plant uninterrupted po'er supply is 7ery crucial. ;he
company has its o'n po'er generation plant along 'ith DAP8A supply. ;he installed generation
capacity is 2%.24 3D.
En+ironmenta, -ana.ement
89 1han .ement .o. *td.! production processes are en7ironment friendly and comply 'ith the
Dorld 5anEs en7ironmental standards. 4t has +een certified for F(n7ironment 3anagement
SystemG 4SO 14//1 +y Quality Assurance Ser7ices! Australia. ;he company 'as also certified for
4SOC,//2 (Quality 3anagement System# in 1,,2. 5y achie7ing this landmar! 89 1han .ement
+ecame the first and only cement factory in Paistan certified for +oth 4SO ,//2 " 4SO 14//1...
Quarry is the place from 'here ra' material in e=tracted. 8rilling and +lasting is done to e=tract
the material.A hole of a+out 1/C1- m is drilled and ammonium nitrate in filled as an e=plosi7e in
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Internship Report 2010
these holes. Dhen this e=plosi7e is ignited the rocs are +roen into pieces of
different si:es. ;hese pieces sre then loaded on the dumper trucs and con7eyod to the
crusher. 4t is located a+out %C4 1m from the plant.
/uarr# an% ra* materia,s'
;he follo'ing ra' material is re@uired in the production process:
0. $ime stone' ;his ra' material is company o'ned and is e=tracted from the
near+y @uarry <nit. *imestone has the highest composition in the cement
product. )$> of the cement constitutes of limestone.
1. C,a#' .lay is another natural resource. ;his ra' material is also company
o'ned. 24> of cement composition comprises of clay
2. &ron 3re, Bau(ites an% si,ica san%' 4ron Ore is the only resource that is +ought from
contractors. 4ron Ore! 5au=ites and silica sand are added in small @uantities less then one percent
and it helps to strengthen the cement.
4. #"sum' 9ypsum acts as a retarding agent. 4t slo's do'n the hardening
process 'hich in turn gi7es the constructor enough time to use it.
Pro"ortions of %ifferent 4a* -ateria,s'
;here are +asically three main ra' materials that are used for the production of cement.
4n addition to that! a small proportion of other additi7es such as silica and 5au=ites are also added.
1. *imestone )$>
2. .lay 24>
%. 4ron ore (less than 1>#
4. Silica sand (less than 1>#
-. 5au=ites (less than 1>#
*ime stone and clay are e=tracted from the same place. 4ron ore is +ought from a contractor.
$imestone Crusher' 5E6 10072008 '
.apacity : 1-// tonsHhr
Supplier : 0*Smidth
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Internship Report 2010
&a' material such as limestone! clay! marl and shale
are dumped into hoppers +y dump trucs and entered
into a hammer crusher through an apron feeder. 4nside
hammer crusher there are hammers each ha7ing a
'eight of 1//C1/2 g. ;hey rotate at a speed of 12//C
1%// rpm and is capa+le of crushing feed of 7ery large
Ba. 9i,ter '
;he dust produced +y crushing process
can cause damage to the e@uipment and
may produce dust! to o7ercome this
pro+lem a +ag filter is employed. A fan
+lo's air and all the dust goes to the +ag
filter. 4nside the +ag filter a special type of
can7as cloth is used. Dhen air passes
through this filter cloth! the dust particles
stic to the cloth and clean air passes
through. ;he dust particles are then
collected and sent to the con7eyor. After
sometime 'hen the filter is choed 'ith
particles! Purging system is used in 'hich high pressure air is used! this air remo7es
all particles from the filter cloth.
Com"osition ana,#:er ;
A composition analy:er is installed upon the feed con7eyor +elt. ;his analy:er
detects the composition of the feed +efore it goes to the storage pile. ;he
radioacti7e material used id F.liforniumG. 4ts half life is 2.- years and its price is
24!/////. ;his element emits rays 'hich pass
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Internship Report 2010
through the feed and are deflected +ac to the analy:er! 'hich then checs the
composition. ;he composition of eacs material is specific.
-a.netic se"arator '
A magnetic separator is installed on the feed +elt. 4t
attracts and remo7es metal o+Aects from the feed
'hich are collected in the +in.
Stora.e <ar%'
;he crushed material is stored in the form of piles in
the storage yard. ;here are $ piles in the storage yard. 3i=ed piles are used in
larger @uantity 'here as high grade and additi7e piles are used in small @uantity.
2 3i=ed piles (limestone " clay#
2 Iigh grade (pure limestone#
4ron ore (additi7e#
5au=ite (additi7e#
Stacker '
A stacer is a de7ice 'hich form conical piles of the
crushed material. 0eed is con7eyod to the stacer through
con7eyor +elts. ;his stacer then mo7es too an fro to mae
a pile. ;he stacer +elt is called FBi+G in engineering terms.
No'! for con7eying this material from piles to the
con7eyor foll'eing e@uipment sre used :
Side scrapper
Si%e scra""er '
Side scrapper is a de7ice 'hich pics the crushed feed from
the piles through its feed +elt called FIoistG. ;his +elt has a
num+er of small +ucets of lo' capacity. Dhen this +elt
mo7es! the +ucets pics feed from the pile and put it on
the +elt con7eyor. Side scrapper in used for those piles
'hich are re@uired in lo' @uantity lie +au=ite and iron
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Internship Report 2010
4ec,aimer '
&eclaimer is an e@uipment 'hich is used to thro' feed do'm from the pile. 4t has
t'o ams called FIarro'sG ;hese harro's are inserted into the pile! 'hen they
mo7e side'ard! the feed drops do'n the pile. ;his feed in then collected +y high
capacity +ucets installed in the +ottom of the reclaimer. ;hese +ucets pic the
feed and put it on the the +elt con7eyor. 4t is a large capacity e@uipment and for
those piles 'hich are re@uired in high @uantity lie 3i=ed Pile.
4a* mi,, 9ee% area '
;he ra' mill feed area consists of 4 feed hoppers:
3i=ed feed hopper
Pure limestone hopper
5au=ite hopper
4ron ore hopper
;he capacity of first t'o hoppers is 2// tons
'hile the other t'o hoppers ha7e a capacity of
$// tons. ;he feed from each pile is con7eyed to
the hoppers through con7eyor +elts in rele7ant hoppers. (ach hopper has 4 load
$oa% Ce,,s ' ;hese are sensing de7ices 'hich tells the load +eing put on the
hopper +y the feed.
0rom these hoppers! the feed in re@uired proportions is transferred +y the +elt
con7eyor to the &a' 3ill. A lot of dust is produced during the con7eying of
material! to a7oid this pro+lem 5ag 0ilters are installed. A 3agentic separator is
also intalled to reomo7e metal impurities.
4a* -i,,'
.apacity: -// tonsHhr
3otor po'er : 4%// '
Supplier : 0*Smidth
Sections 3f 4a* -i,,'
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Internship Report 2010
;here are % sections of a ra' mill.
;a+le 'ith % rollers
5ottom scrapper
;he ra' feed from the +elt con7eyor directly falls on
the rotating ta+le of the ra' mill. ;he ta+le contains %
crushing rollers. ;he ra' fed is crushed to fine po'der
'ith these rollers. ;he coarse particles are collected at
the +ottom of ra' mill and are sent to to the 7i+rator
from 'here they are sent to to the ra' feed +elt
con7eyor and again recycled to the ram mill for
recrushing. ;he 7i+rator is use to handle the @uantity of the material +eing put on
the +elt.
Se"erator '
At the top of the ra' mill! there is separator section. Iot
gases from the iln comes from the +ottom of the ra' mill
and lift 7ery fine particles 'ith it. A suction fan 'ith motor
po'er of 4-// ' produces suction and sends dusty air into
the cyclones at the top. Iere the dusty air rotates and
particles are separated from the air. ;hese particles are
collected at the +ottom of the cyclone and sent to the .0
silo 'ith the help of air slides. ;he air 'hich still contains
dust particles are separated in .onditioning to'er and
(lectrostatic precipitator.
Bottom se"arator'
Some fine particles from ra' feed fall on the ta+le! these particles are collected +y
means of a +ottom scrapper and sent to the .0 silo.
Con%itionin. to*er'
;he air from the cyclones still contains the dust particles 'hich must +e separated
+efore the air is e=hausted to the atmosphere. Air from the separator is passed
through conditioning to'er. 4n conditioning to'er! 'ater is sprinled through 7ery
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Internship Report 2010
fine no::les. ;he particles in the air get 'et and settle do'n. ;hese particles
are then con7eyed to the .0 silo 7ia scre' con7eyor.
E,ectrostatic "reci"itator '
;he clean air from the conditioning to'er still contains some particles 'hich ha7e
to +e remo7ed. ;hese particles are separated from air +y passing it through the
(lectrostatic precipitator.
4n (lectrostatic precipitator there are 2 corona 'ires 'hich are mesh lie. ;hese
'ires are negati7ely charged. ;here is a positi7ely charged electrode in the centre
'hich is e@uidistant from
+oth corona 'ires. 8usty air passes through these corona 'ires and the particles get
negati7ely charged. ;he negati7ely charged particles in air are then attracted +y the
positi7ely charged electrode and the particles stic 'ith it and clean air is e=hausted
from the chimney.
C,eanin. of the e,ectrostatic "reci"itator'
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Internship Report 2010
4n order to remo7e particles from the electrode . A FDrappingG de7ice is used.
;his de7ice hits the electrode as a hammer and particles fall do'n from it. ;hese
particles are collected and con7eyod to the .0 silo 7ia scre' con7eyor.
$a=ortories '
;here are different la+oratories for the determination of @uality and strength of the
cement. 8ifferent types of tests are conducted to determine different properties of
the product. Also different types of fuels are tested for their inherent properties: for
0ineness of coal
Iumidity le7el of coal
.alorific 7alue of coal
.omposition of feed material and product
Settling time of cement
&esidual material
0ollo'ing are the different la+s a7ali+le.
Sam",e "re"ration ,a='
4n sample prepration la+! different samples of cement are prepared and tested. &a'
material in put in an e@uipment called FS'ing millG. A s'ing mill is a grinding
mill. ;his grinding mill has a special type of 7essel in 'hich material is ground to
7ery fine po'der.
Press mi,, '
;he ground material is put into a circular dye and placed into a press mill. ;he mill
e=erts pressure on it and a rigid dye is produced 'hich a metallic circular outer
layer. ;he press mill e=erts a pressure of 1-/ 1N on the dye to produce a sample.
>-ra# ana,#sis '
No'! the sample dye is put into an =Cray analysis machine to determine its
composition. ;hesample is place for 2 mins in the machine. ;he =Cray machine is
controlled +y a computer soft'are. ;his soft'are restricts the machine to determine
upto a limit of $ to 2 elements. After 2 mins ! the percentage of each element in a
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Internship Report 2010
particular sample is sho'n on the computer screen. ;he =Cray machine is 7ery
fast in producing accurate results.
Chemica, testin. ,a= '
.hemical testing of a cement sample is done to determined its composition. 4t 'as
a slo' and time consuming process! +ut no'days =Cray analysis is used due to its
speed and accuracy.
4n chemical testing la+ inspite of =Cray analysis! samples are also tested +y manual
0or this purpose a distillation unit 'ith a capacity of 2- litrers is used to get
distilled 'ater for e=perimentation. 4f normal tap 'ater is used! it may +e hard!it
can alter the sample composition and may produce errorful results. ;'o muffle
furnaces at 12// J. and 1$// .J are used to determine the residual matter! 7olatile
matter and moisture content.
Ph#sica, testin. ,a= '
4n physical testing la+! physical tests of different cement samples are done to chec
its properties.
0ollo'ing are the e@uipment a7aila+le is physical testing la+:
Deigh +alance
;ur+ula mi=er
;ensile strength machine
Dater +ath and curing tan
.ompression testing machine
3otor mi=er
Coa, #ar% '
.oal yard is the area 'here coal is stored 'hich is used for +urning purposes. ;here
are different piles for the storage of local and imported coal. ;he coal is impoted
from South Arica! and 4ndonesia. ;he coal is handled +y a loader! the loader pics
up the coal and thro's on a sie7ed net 'hich separates +igger pieces of coal and
stones form it! +efore it goes to the tunnel.
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Internship Report 2010
0rom the tunnels the coal is placed on the +elt con7eyor 'hich taes it to the
coal mill feed area. Pet coe 'hich is hard is also used in the coal feed.
Coa, mi,, fee% area '
After the impurities are remo7ed from the coal! it is chuted on the +elt con7eyor .A
+ag filter is employed 'hich sucs the coal dust and thus pre7ents the coal from
+eing 'asted. ;he coal is then shifted to the coal storage hopprs.
Coa, stora.e ho""ers '
;here are % hoppers for the storage of coal. ;'o hoppers are for the storage of
local coal and the other is for the imported coal. All the three hoppers ha7e a
capacity of 2-/ tons. ;he coal re@uired in different proportions are chuted on the
+elt con7eyor from the hoppers. A +ag fiter is employed to remo7e coal dust. A
magnetic separator is employed to remo7e metal impurities. ;his +elt con7eys the
ra' coal to the ra' coal mill.
Coa, mi,,' AT3> 15
S"ecifications of coa, mi,, '
.apacity : -2 tonHhr (coal mi=#
2$ tonHhr (pet coe#
Supplier : 0*Smidth
3otor : $// 1D
Sections of a coa, mi,, '
;here are % sections of a coal mill similar to the ra'
(1# ;a+le (2# &ollers (%# 5ottom scrappers
;he coal on the +elt con7eyor falls on the ta+le of the
mill 'here rollers grind it to a fine po'der. A +lo'er of
7ery high po'er pushes 7ery fine particles
to'ards the t'o fine storage +ins. 0rom the 1
storage +in the coal is sent to the iln for its
use in the +urner and from 2
storage +in it is
sent to to the precalciner for calcinations.
C9 Si,o 5continuous f,o*8 '
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Internship Report 2010
;he fine particles from the conditioning to'er and electrostatic precipitator
and the po'dered feed from the ra' mill are con7eyed to the +ucet ele7ator. ;he
+ucet ele7ator pics this feed and tae it to the top of the .0 silo and then thro's
it in.
S"ecifications of a C9 si,o '
*ength K -4 m 8ia K 22.4 m .apacity K 2-!-// tons
Air circu,ations '
After the feed is stored in the silo +in. No' for the mo7ement of feed in the +in! air
is +lo'n from the +ottom through different points in .0 silo. ;hese points are
located at the +ase of the .0 silo.
8ue to air circulations! fine particles are sent to air slides from 'here they are
transferred to *o' +in (*oss of 'eight +in#. ;he capacity of lo' +in is 112 tons.
;he feed from the lo' +in is sent to a +ucet ele7ator 'hich lifts it to the preheator.
;he +ucet ele7ator puts the material on the top of of 2
cyclone. ;he hot gases from the iln flo' 'ith 7ery high
7elocity in countercurrent direction. ;he hot gasses lift
the particles from the particles from the top of 2
and put it on the top of the 1sr cyclone. 0rom there the
material falls on the top of the %
cyclone and sends it
into the 2
cyclone. ;hen the material falls on the top of
cyclone and hot gases tae it into the %
cyclone.. then
the material falls on the top of the -
cyclone and hot
gases tae it into the 4
cyclone and finally into the -
cyclone preheater.
8uring this complete cycle! the hot gases foe in the
countercurrent direction. ;hses cyclones ser7e the purpose of
preheating the feed material 'ith hot gases of iln.
;here are total 1/ cyclone preheaters . - are on the right side
of the precalciner and - on the left of the precalciner. ;he
temperature of feed increases as the feed flo's do'n'ards
the preheaters.
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Internship Report 2010
;he feed from the -
cyclone preheater falls into the precalciner 'hich has
+urner 'ith a supply of coal and furnace oil. Iere the calcinations of feed
material taes place due to +urning. (=change of heat also taes place in the preC
calciner. .O2 is e7ol7ed and e=hausted in the atmosphere and the feed is entered
into the iln riser at high temperature. Some of the feed directly goes to the iln
'ithout going to the preCcalciner through separate pipes.
!i,n '
;he preheated feed from the in and the preheaters enter into the iln riser. 0rom
the iln riser the feed enters into the iln.
S"ecifications of the rotar# ki,n '
;he rotary iln has a length of $$ m and dia of -.- m.its inclination is 4 >.
4ts rotating spped 7aries according to the @uantity of feed entered. Around the inner
dia of the iln there is refractory lining to pre7ent the shell from damage and to
control the en7ironment temperature. Outside the iln there are induced draft fans
'hich turn on automatically 'hen the shell temperature increase more then a
certain limit.
!i,n -otors'
;here are t'o iln +ases on 'hich motors
are installed 'hich impart rotary motion to
the iln.
!i,n =urner '
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Internship Report 2010
On the other end of the iln ! there is huge +urner ha7ing a supply of coal!
furnace oil and air. ;he +urner emits a flame 'hich is prolonged 'ith high
pressure air. ;he flame +urn the material and the product is formed.
?ones of a rotar# ki,n '
;here are different :ones in the rotary iln namely :
(1# Ale= (2# Lictor (%# 3agor.
A,e( ' 4n this :one! feed from the precalciner and preheaters enter into the
6ictor ' 4t is the main reaction :one 'here the con7ersion taes place +y
-a.kor : 4n this section cliner formation taes place of the +urned
Secti%ns %f a r%tar& kin
;he ash due to the +urning of coal also goes 'ith the product 'hich causes *S0
(limestone factor# to reduce from the re@uired limit. ;hatEs 'hy the material 'hich
enters the iln has a higher >age of limestone +ecause it is +alanced 'ith the ash
of coal. ;he hot gases from the iln are not 'asted +ut used in different e@uipment
in the plant.
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Ale= Lictor 3agor
Internship Report 2010
!i,n hoo%'
;he hot material form the iln falls into the iln hood at the end 'hich has an
angular sie7e. Dhen material passes through it it attains the shape of cliner. No'
this cliner is sent to the cooler.
C,inker coo,er '
;he cliner cooler is used to lo'er the cliner temperature. ;here are 48 fans
'hich tae fresh air from the atmosphere and send it to the cooler. At the +ottom of
the cooler there are reciprocating rails 'hich mo7e 'ith the help of hydraulic
motors. ;hese rails con7ey the cliner for'ard to the cliner crusher.
Dust co,,ection '
A suction fan is installed 'hich sucs the product dust from the cooler and send it
to the electrostatic precipitator. 4n (P dust is remo7ed and clean air is e=hausted to
the atmosphere through a chimney. ;he dust particles are to the deep pan con7eyor
+y a scre' con7eyor.
C,inker crusher '
Dhen the cliner cools and hardens then it is sent to the cliner crusher installed
after the cooler. 5ig stones of cliner are crushed to small pieces. ;he crushed
cliner is dropped on the deep pan con7eyor at the +ottom of the con7eyor 'hich
con7eys it to the cliner storage.
C,inker stora.e '
;he cliner from the deep pan con7eyor is stored in the
cliner storage. 4ts capacity is 11/!/// tons. 4ts length is
$/ m and its 'idth is 4$ m. ;here are % gates at the
+ottom of the cliner storage from 'here the cliner is
sent to cement mill through +elt con7eyor. 5esides the
main cliner storage +in! there is a temporary cliner
storage hopper 'ith a capacity of 14// tons. 4f the
temporay hopper is also full then the cliner is remo7ed
from the hopper and dumped into cliner storage yard.
Cement mi,, fee% area '
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Internship Report 2010
;here are 2 cement mills and $ hoppers (% for each mill# in the cement mill
feed area.
;he 1
hopper contains the cliner 'hich is maAor constituent of the cement. ;he
cement contains ,- > cliner 'hich is con7eyed through 'eigh feeder to the main
+elt con7eyor 'hich taes it to the cement mill.
#"sum a%%ition '
;he crushed gypsum from a separate crusher is con7eyed +y +elt con7eyor to the
cement mill. 4t is mi=ed in the cliner 'hile crushing. 9ypsum is added to a+out 4
M - >. 4ts purpose is to increase the settling time of the cement.
-i(in. of a%%iti+e '
;he additi7e 'hich is pure limestone is also added in the cement mill. 4ts added to
a+out 2 >. 4ts function is to increase strength of cement.
A +ag filter collects dust from the main +elt and a magnetic separator remo7e
metallic impurities from entering into the cement mill.
-eta, %etector ;
;o protect the cement mills from damage! a metal detector is installed 'hich
analy:es the feed and if a metal o+Aect is found it opens the di7idend gate
automatically and sends the feed containing metal o+Aects to the reAected +in! 'hich
is again recycled to the main +elt and magnetic seperatoe remo7es it.
Cement -i,,s '
Cement mi,,s s"ecifications 3! 2@-4 '
.apacity : 1)- tonHhr
3otor po'er : %4// '
Supplier : 0*Smidth
;he feed 'hich is free from impurities falls on the
ta+le of cement mill 'hich contains three rollers.
(ach roller has 'eight of %- tons and the clearance
+et'een ta+le and rollers is /.- mm. ;hese rollers
mo7e hydraulically using nitrogen gas as hydraulic
fluid. ;he rollers crush the feed to a 7ery fine po'der.
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Internship Report 2010
;he air slides con7eys the ground product to the +ucet ele7ator 'hich lifts it
to enter into the 1
storage silo.
Stora.e si,os '
S"ecifications of stora.e si,os '
.apacity : 21!/// tons
*ength : 4- m
8ia : 22.4 m
;here are % cement storage silos in 'hich crushed
cement is stored uptill pacing.. ;o con7ey the cement
to the other 2 silos air slides are used. 0rom these silos
the cement enters air slides +y air circulations through
+lo'ers. No' these air slides tae the cement to the
pacing plant.
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Internship Report 2010
Schematic +ie* of si,o. ;he old cement 'as +locing the air slides as 'ell as
+ridging pre7enting the flo' of cement from the silo. Socets installed a+o7e
discharge gates and lo'er air slides pro7ed the ideal solution to +locing of silo and
can +e used 'hene7er there is +uildCups.
Packin. P,ant '
;he pacing plant comprises of $ pacers and 12
terminals. (ach pacer has a capacity of 1// tonsHhr.
;he cement +ags are attached manually to the rotating
pacer 'hich fills the cement +ag. Dhen the +ag is
filled upto the re@uired 'eight ! it automatically falls
on the con7eyor +alt 'hich taes the +ags to the roller
con7eyor. 0rom these rollers the +ags slide to
different channels and finally cement +ags are loadsed
on the trucs fro dispatch.
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr
Internship Report 2010
4efrences '
Prepared (y :
;utmash Shafi Ahtar
.hemical (ngineering!.44; *ahore
Tutmash Shafi Akhtar (SP07-BEC-85)
Department Of Chemica En!ineerin!" C##T $hr

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