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Dunning- Mail Subject and Content

Author : Prasanthi Sridhar

Firm : Fourth Signal (I) Pvt Ltd
Focused SAP Financials Business Solutions
Contact us :
+91 22 265 11872
In order to send Dunning Mail with introductory text and subject, use BTE process
The following document lays down steps for sending dunning letters to Business Partner
e-Mail ID
Table of Contents
Create Product 3
Initial Screen 3
Create Customer Product 4
Add Process 5
Initial Screen 5
Assign Customer Product 6
Fill Parameters in Customer Function Module 7
Subroutine to Find Email ID 8
Code of Subroutine GET_EMAIL_ID 8
Create Mail Introductory Text 10
Create Standard Text 10
Mail Introductory Text 11
Dunning 12
Fill Dunning Parameters 13
Dunning Complete 14
Check SOST 15
The Mail 16
Find Application Area 17
Debug Application Area 18
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Create Product
Initial Screen
T-Code: FIBF
Create a product "of a customer" under "Product"
BTE implementation will be done under this product.
Path: Settings -> Products -> ...of a customer
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Create Customer Product
1. Give a Product Name (e.g. ZFTR_DUN) and corresponding text
2. Click on Save
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Add Process
Initial Screen
T-Code: FIBF
Create a process module "of a customer" under "Process Module"
BTE Implementation 00001040 is added here
Path: Settings -> Process Modules -> ...of a customer
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Assign Customer Product
1. Enter the process Name
2. Application area being used (e.g. TR-LO)
3. Function module (e.g. ZFTR_PROCESS_00001040)
4. Product dened in earlier steps
Note: In order to nd the application area being used, follow steps for "Finding Application
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Fill Parameters in Customer Function Module
T-Code: SE37
Copy function module SAMPLE_PROCESS_00001040 onto your function module (e.g.
1. Use perform "get_email_id" to get email IDs for business partners
2. Fill in details has shown
1. C_naa-nacha = 'I' determines the correspondence type. In this case email
2. C_naa-intad stores email ID of business partner
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Subroutine to Find Email ID
Code of Subroutine GET_EMAIL_ID
Form GET_EMAIL_ID using p_i_kna1_kunnr
changing p_bp_mailid.
DATA: lt_smtp TYPE TABLE OF bapiadsmtp,
ls_smtp TYPE bapiadsmtp.
businesspartner = p_i_kna1_kunnr
valid_date = sy-datum
bapiadsmtp = lt_smtp.
IF lt_smtp[] IS INITIAL.
RAISE no_recipient .
SORT lt_smtp BY std_no.
READ TABLE lt_smtp INTO ls_smtp
WITH KEY std_no = 'X'
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
MOVE ls_smtp-e_mail TO p_bp_mailid.
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endform. " GET_EMAIL_ID
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Create Mail Introductory Text
Create Standard Text
T-code: SO10
1. Enter Text Name
2. Choose Text ID has FIKO
3. Choose Language (e.g. EN in case of English)
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Mail Introductory Text
Add in the text which has to be displayed as mail content
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T-Code: F150
In order to send mails for dunning, follow the process of setting up dunning procedure for
all customer. Here for the purpose of explanation, we will use Individual Dunning Notice
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Fill Dunning Parameters
Fill in the details
Click on Printout
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Dunning Complete
Click on Continue upon successfully nishing dunning
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Check SOST
T-Code: SOST
Check the dunning letter which has been generated in SOST
Mail triggered to business partner will be shown in the list.
In order to view the mail being sent,
1. Select the mail line item
2. Click on Display icon
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The Mail
Introductory text and Mail attachment can be seen in the mail.
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Find Application Area
T-Code: SE37
In order to nd application area being used,
1. Enter function module "OPEN_FI_PERFORM_00001040_P"
2. Set a break point and run the dunning notice.
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Debug Application Area
In debugger,
the value of I_MHNK-APPLK has the application area. (e.g. TR-LO)
Set the application area accordingly in transaction FIBF
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