Engineering and Technology Management Course Schedule 2-21-13

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Sprlng 2013
Core: lnLn 302 CperaLlons 8esearch MeLhods - DONE CORE
lnLn 309 Lconomlcs and ueclslon Maklng - DONE CORE
LlecLlve: 8uSn 301 Clobal erspecLlves ln ManagemenL
8uSn 330 Supply Chaln ManagemenL
ClS 321 lnLroducLlon Lo lnformaLlon SysLem Assurance
LCCn 310 Managerlal Lconomlcs
Ln18 310 LnLrepreneurshlp / new venLure 8esearch
MCM1 470 ersonnel ManagemenL
MCM1 310 ConLemporary ManagemenL
Mk1C 330 MarkeLlng ManagemenL
MSL 303 nanoLechnology rlnclples

Summer 2013
Core: lnLn 307 Lnglneerlng AdmlnlsLraLlon - DONE CORE
LlecLlve: Ln18 301 lnLroducLlon Lo 1echnology 1ransfer
lnLn 312 8ellablllLy Lnglneerlng
lnLn 330C CrganlzaLlon lannlng and AssessmenL - DONE ELECTIVE
Mk1C 330 MarkeLlng ManagemenL

lall 2013
Core: lnLn 314 SLaLlsLlcal Analysls for Slx Slgma - PLAN CORE
lnLn 318 ro[ecL ManagemenL
LlecLlve: ACC1 303 AccounLlng Analysls for ueclslon Maklng
ClS 344 neLwork ueslgn and lmplemenLaLlon
Ln18 310 LnLrepreneurshlp / new venLure 8esearch
llnC 313 llnanclal ManagemenL
lnLn 304 SlmulaLlon
lnLn 311 laclllLles lannlng
MCM1 470 ersonnel ManagemenL
MSL 301 lundamenLals of MlcrofabrlcaLlon rocesses
MSn1 321 rlnclples of Cell and Molecular 8lology
S?C 313 CrganlzaLlonal sychology

WlnLer 2014
Core: llnC 377 AccounLlng and llnance for non-llnanclal Managers - PLAN CORE
lnLn 303 ManufacLurlng and CperaLlons Analysls - PLAN CORE
LlecLlve: ClS 310 lnformaLlon 8esource ManagemenL
LnC8 366 Slx Slgma and CuallLy ConLrol - DONE ELECTIVE
Ln18 360 lnnovaLlve venLure 8esearch
MCM1 470 ersonnel ManagemenL
MCM1 310 ConLemporary ManagemenL

Mk1C 330 MarkeLlng ManagemenL
S?C 313 CrganlzaLlonal sychology
S?C 316 ersonnel sychology
S?C 323 Leadershlp ueclslon Maklng

Sprlng 2014
Core: lnLn 302 CperaLlons 8esearch MeLhods - DONE
lnLn 309 Lconomlcs and ueclslon Maklng - DONE
LlecLlve: 8uSn 301 Clobal erspecLlves ln ManagemenL
ClS 321 lnLroducLlon Lo lnformaLlon SysLem Assurance
LCCn 310 Managerlal Lconomlcs
Ln18 310 LnLrepreneurshlp / new venLure 8esearch
lnLn 303 ManagemenL of Lnglneerlng luncLlons - PLAN ELECTIVE
MCM1 470 ersonnel ManagemenL
MCM1 310 ConLemporary ManagemenL
Mk1C 330 MarkeLlng ManagemenL
MSL 303 nanoLechnology rlnclples

Summer 2014
Core: lnLn 307 Lnglneerlng AdmlnlsLraLlon - DONE
LlecLlve: Ln18 301 lnLroducLlon Lo 1echnology 1ransfer
lnLn 330C CrganlzaLlon lannlng and AssessmenL - DONE
Mk1C 330 MarkeLlng ManagemenL - PLAN ELECTIVE

lall 2014
Core: lnLn 314 SLaLlsLlcal Analysls for Slx Slgma
lnLn 318 ro[ecL ManagemenL - PLAN CORE
LlecLlve: ACC1 303 AccounLlng Analysls for ueclslon Maklng
ClS 344 neLwork ueslgn and lmplemenLaLlon
Ln18 310 LnLrepreneurshlp / new venLure 8esearch
llnC 313 llnanclal ManagemenL
lnLn 304 SlmulaLlon
lnLn 311 laclllLles lannlng
MCM1 470 ersonnel ManagemenL
MSL 301 lundamenLals of MlcrofabrlcaLlon rocesses
MSn1 321 rlnclples of Cell and Molecular 8lology
S?C 313 CrganlzaLlonal sychology

WlnLer 2013
Core: llnC 377 AccounLlng and llnance for non-llnanclal Managers
lnLn 303 ManufacLurlng and CperaLlons Analysls
LlecLlve: ClS 310 lnformaLlon 8esource ManagemenL
LnC8 366 Slx Slgma and CuallLy ConLrol - DONE
Ln18 360 lnnovaLlve venLure 8esearch
MCM1 470 ersonnel ManagemenL
MCM1 310 ConLemporary ManagemenL

Mk1C 330 MarkeLlng ManagemenL
S?C 313 CrganlzaLlonal sychology
S?C 316 ersonnel sychology
S?C 323 Leadershlp ueclslon Maklng

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