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Introduction to ABAP
ABAP stands for - Advanced Business Application Programming.It is a programming language for developing
applications for the SAP R/3 system.
The latest version of ABAP is called ABAP Objects and supports object-oriented programming. SAP will run
applications written using ABAP/4, the earlier ABAP version, as well as applications using ABAP Objects.
Without further adieu , lets dive into ABAP.
Note, this tutorial will not go into extensive details on ABAP language constructs (which become very boring to
read ) but quickly introduce key concepts to get you started so you can focus your attention on more important
Data Types
Syntax to declare a variable in ABAP -
DATA Variable_Name Type Variable_Type
DATA employee_number Type I.
The following is a list of Data Types supported by ABAP
Data Type Initial field length Valid field length Initial value Meaning
Numeric types
I 4 4 0 Integer (whole number)
F 8 8 0 Floating point number
P 8 1 - 16 0 Packed number
Character types
C 1 1 - 65535 ' ... ' Text field(alphanumeric characters)
D 8 8 '00000000' Date field(Format: YYYYMMDD)
N 1 1 - 65535 '0 ... 0' Numeric text field(numeric characters)
T 6 6 '000000' Time field(format: HHMMSS)
Hexadecimal type
X 1 1 - 65535 X'0 ... 0' Hexadecimal field
Processing Data - Assigning Values
move 16 to a.
write a to b.
- Arithmetic Operations
compute a = a*100.
Control Statements
Following control statements can be used - - If ... EndIf Loop
if [not] exp [ and / or [not] exp ].
[elseif exp.
- Case statement
Case variable.
when value1.
when value2.
[ when others.
-While loop
While <logical expression>.
- Do loop
Do <n> times.
Logical Operator
A list of logical operators
GE or >=
GT or >
LE or <=
LT or <
EQ or =
NE or <>
ABAP/4 Editor
Finally , here is where you will spent most of your time as a developer creating / modifying programs.
Transaction SE38
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