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(1S points total - 5 points each - please show your work to get credit) Quiz 1 Name: _SOLUTI EE 2163 Convert 3919 to binary. Using repeated division by base 2: 39/2 = quotient 19; remainder 1 19/2=951 9F v2 Last remainder is most significant bit (MSB), so binary number is 1001112 2, Convert 110010101101; to hexadecimal. Recall: 4 bits = 1 hex digit. 1100 1010 1101, = CAD ys 3. What decimal number does the 6-bit two's complement number 111001; represent? ‘MSB is 1, so this represents a negative number. 1's - complement = 0001102 2's - complement = 0001112 = 710 This is a negative number, so answer is -710 (When finished, please place your quiz FACE DOWN on your desk until the instructor collects all quizzes) (20 points total - $ points each - please show your work to get credit) a Y — [Fall 2007 1. Show a truth table for the function F = XY + Y'Z'+XY KY y'2/LX FE ° | © : Jo | g@ |o }o 1 O ° 1 iO © \ p © ° ° (= 9 o |o ° C } \ { © \ | \ 2. Show a block diagram (logic circuit) of the funetion f= ab’ + e(a + b) using AND, OR, and NOT gates. Do not manipulate the algebra. Q Ons Loon a axb Ato anys oe clase) a Gee c 9 3 AMD ors L (When finished, please place your quiz FACE DOWN on your desk until the instructor collects all quizzes) (20 points total - 5 points each - please show your work to get credit) Quiz? Name: _SOLUTION EE 2163 Fall 2007 1. Showa truth table for the function F=X'Y + Y'Z' + XY XY ¥Z"_XY 1 Jn aa sco o|x Ja oo ss5ole acer anosoln lsocos200 ls sc 00000 2. Show a block diagram (logic circuit) of the function f- and NOT gates. Do not manipulate the algebra. + e{a +b) using AND, OR, (When finished, please place your quiz FACE DOWN on your desk until the instructor collects all quizzes) (10 points total - 5 points each - please show your work to get credit) a oss (0 iz } Name: i _ 4 FE26 | 7 ~ Lan 2007} 1, Show an algebraic expression inom )f minterms form for the function fia.y.2) = Sm(O,L5) - pee cc xigle + sept x'y/2 4 092 ya 1 j { -- ies . 2 o{t{tlo 4 ttl 6 | . (When finished, please place your quiz FACE DOWN on your desk until the instructor collects all quizzes) (10 points total - 5 points each - please show your work to get credit) Quiz3 EE 2163 Fall 2007 Zm(0,1,5) Name: Show an algebraic expression in sum of minterms form for the function f(x,y.2) = From truth table rows 0, 1, and 5, the minterms are: row] x_y 2 | frinterms o}o 0 ofo 1]oo 1/4] xyz 2]0 1 ojo BO 7 ald 4}1 0 ojo s|1 0 1/0] wz 6}1 1 of4 rales] (0 So sum of minterms form is f= x'y'z' + x'y'2+ xy'z 2, Implement the expression f= xz' + y'z using only NAND gates. y c>e e faa uy i | yt (When finished, please place your quiz FACE DOWN on your desk until the instructor collects all quizzes) (10 points total - 5 points each - please show your work to get credi Quiz 4 Name: _ a ( 0, 163 Fall 2007 1. Using a K-map, find a minimal sum for f(a,b,¢) = Zm(0,2,4,5,6) 2. Using a K-map, find a minimal sum for Ala,b,e,d) = Xm(4,6,9,11,12,13,14,18) ab OO jor tty 10 cole : CP ot i 4 \o : jo 6: bd’ tad fF (When finished, please place your quiz FACE DOWN on your desk until the instructor collects all quizzes) (20 points total - § points each - please show your work to get credit) Name: _SOLUTIOI 1. Using a K-map, find a minimal sum for f(a,b,c) = m(0,2,4,5,6) e 1 T f=c+abt 2. Using a K-map, find a minimal sum for fla,b,c.d) = Em(4,6,9,11,12,13,14,15) ab bd? +ad (When finished, please place your quiz FACE DOWN on your desk until the instructor collects all quizzes) (10 points total - 5 points each - please show your work to get credit) Quiz 8 Name: _SOLUTION EE 2163, Fall 2007 1. Given the following transition table, determine the corresponding transition equations: 100 0 ol n 0 We can use the transition table to develop k-maps for Q1* anid QO*. qr Q1Q0 oo eee ortaite seo a a » ieee sts Qo Q1.Q0 oes peetiatt eee 0 0 fale a x ifoo [3 ‘Thus, our transition equations are Qo" = QHx’ +QP-QO x Reduce the following system to the minimum number of states using the tabular method. 2 “Tz 8 | xe0 [xer ‘Aca [Bo B c Db pp | Ao Al |B By [BI Chat is B c D fe) >|] x x 2B. B ‘Circular reference between CD and AB, so these are equivalent states (10 points total - please show your work to get credit) {Quiz Name: ___ ( y EE 2163 Fall 2007 1. Assume that the Quine-McCluskey algorithm was appued to a funetion f(a,b,e,d,e) to produce the following prime implicant table. Using this table, determine the ‘minimal sum for the function. abede comb, [415] 9 [11113 [20[21 [28[29]30]31 0-01 _(0.5.9,13) x[x{x[ [x 101 (65.13,21,29)_ “| x x{ xt [x 1-10-__[(20,21,28,29) ml x [x [x Til |(28.29,3031) x[x[&)R 010-1 _\(@,11) x |i = [i sey 0-01 —> eave fw) O10-1 9 above ; acd’ (2,21/282") (10 —? (050,30/3) Wh-= (10 points total - please show your work to get credit) Name: _SOLUTION {rant 2007__| 1, Assume that the Quine-MeCluskey algorithin was applied to a function fa,b.c.d,e) to produce the following prime implicant table, Using this table, determine the minimal sum for the function, abede comb. [1 [5] 9]11 [13] 20[21 [2829 ]30]31 0-01 (59.13) x [x}x (5.13.21,29) x] ozo) ee en (20.21.2829) x[x[xlx 7 { (28,29,30.31) x [x] x i ony a xlx a Essential PI's are: (1,5.9,13) ade o,11) atbee (20,21,28,29) acd’ (28,29,30,31) abe Minimal sum is {=e + a'bc’e + acd! + abe (10 points total) Quiz 10 Name: EE 2163 Fall 2007 Asa reward for your attendance today, you get 10 points if you fill in your name above. Today was the last lecture - use the remaining time in the semester to finish your EE 2161 labs. The last assignment for this course will be the Final Exam on Friday, Dec. 7, 2007, 1:00 - 3:25 pm. The exam is comprehensive and will cover all material from the quizzes, homework assignments, and previous exams. I will post more details on the course web site. Thank you for a good semester! FT. Massa (10 points total - please show your work to get credit) Name: ( S 1, Develop a truth table for F(A,B,C,D) given the following MUX cireuit: —— AB CDIE i 3 oye 20 Sac | - a ae ae Ce) (10 points total - please show your work to get credit) SOLUTION 5 2 1. Develop a truth table for F(A,B,C,D) given the following MUX circuit: Dm ABC DIF (0 points total - 5 points each - please show your work to get credit) (D Quiz8 Name: a EE 2163 Fall 2007 1. Given the following transition table, determine the corresponding transition equations: Q1F Qor Qi go x=0 x=1 00. of © o1 or W u 00 10 10 00 00 2. Reduce the following system to the minimum number of states using the tabular method.

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